Bound For Glory
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Bound For Glory: Pooh Sticks

E - Words: 6,180 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
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Author's Notes: Author's Chapter Notes: “Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.” ~ A. A. Milne, from Winnie-the-Pooh

The helicopter was louder than Kurt remembered, so he held his hands over his ears as they descended onto the helipad at the Warner camp. As soon as they landed, Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and looked into his eyes, seeing the joy in them. As much as Blaine was over the moon at being home, Kurt was just as happy to be back in the place where he fell in love – with the country and with Blaine.

Kurt's leg, still in a brace and somewhat delicate, meant he couldn't climb down from the helicopter, so Blaine passed Kurt into Cooper's arms, who then passed him into Brayden Warner's waiting arms. The doctors gave him a green light for returning to the logging camp for the summer, but due to the severity of the break he sustained in the accident on Newport beach, he had to wear the heavy brace and walk with a cane. Not that it would have mattered to Kurt, he was going to spend the summer with Blaine come what may.

A small group had gathered to greet Blaine and Kurt. They spoke to all the friends that had come, telling them about the trial and all the things of interest that had happened over the past few months, but glossed over the accident. It was hard for both boys to talk about and Kurt's leg in the brace kind of spoke for itself. The conversation went on for a while until another person came to greet the boys: Shannon was there, arms open and ready to pull the boys into a hug. She hefted them into her arms one at a time, gushing about how happy she was to have her boys home again.

Cookie wants to see you, too. He has been hard to live with the last week, cooking all of your favorite dishes and getting the cabin ready. Only Coop has been in the cabin and not often – and a family of raccoons moved in. It took us two days to evict them!” Shannon laughed, overjoyed to see them.

Kurt and Blaine were greeted by all their friends, before they slipped away to have some time alone in the cabin.


Kurt limped up the path to the front of the cabin, leaning heavily on his cane, a smile etched on his face. He had loved the time he had spent in this wonderful place, in spite of the original reason he had ended up here. Cookie and Shannon had spent a lot of time getting the cabin back in shape, dusting, sweeping, washing everything in the cabin. They had stocked the cupboards and refilled the supply of water bottles. The linen was fresh on the bed, the curtains washed and ironed, the tablecloth new and on the table were a vase of wildflowers, a plate of cinnamon rolls, a pitcher of goat milk, and a bowl of blackberries. It was a toss-up which boy had a bigger grin.

Oh, my god, it's good to be home,” Blaine sighed, flinging himself into the oak settee, pulling Kurt into his lap. “The very best part? Well, besides the having all of this and you, too. Are you glad to be back, Kurt?”

More than you can even imagine. This is just a tiny slice of heaven, Blaine. And you are my own personal angel,” Kurt said, smiling as he nuzzled his nose into Blaine's neck to give him sweet kisses.

In spite of all the food left for their lunch and all the things they could do this first few hours of returning to their home, they just kissed. Holding each other tightly, moving their fingers to comfort and explore, saying little romantic declarations and more and more kissing. It might have lasted all evening and into the night, but instead they broke apart, struggling to get out of the settee and sit at the table to eat the rolls, pouring cups of milk and smiling at the memories. With the first sip of milk, Blaine's face lit up and he stood up, holding his hand out to Kurt. Kurt's mind was in the same place and he took Blaine's hand and they walked without further discussion to the goat pen to find Hugo gone – Shannon had told them he was visiting a few does in another camp – but Betsy and Bossy each stood there with a tiny baby goat at their side.

Kurt giggled, never having been so close to a baby goat, and tried to pet them. Both mother goats were a bit protective, but allowed Kurt to scratch their necks and ears before patting the babies.

What shall we name them?” Blaine asked.

I know we will think of perfect names, like Scarlett and Rhett, Nick and Nora? Or Napoleon and Josephine?” Kurt laughed.

Romeo and Juliet?” Blaine added, “Pete and Repeat?”


They strolled back into the cabin, laughing, not in any hurry, to sit and just relax and plan what they wanted to do. With Kurt's weak leg, he wasn't going to do anything strenuous. It was already sore from coming home and that was why the boys had asked to be left alone to rest the first few days. Besides, the lumber camp was a busy place, and their friends had other things to do than entertain them.

Blaine sat down, helping Kurt onto the bed and running his hands down Kurt's body. Kurt purred into Blaine's ear, indicating how happy he was. They took off their shoes and cuddled together. Kurt had brought the bowl of blackberries with him to the bed, and fed one to Blaine. Blaine opened his mouth, taking the berry with his lips and touching Kurt's fingers with his tongue. He ate it and picked another plump, ripe berry from the bowl and put it to his lips. He leaned over to Kurt and offered him the berry, Kurt taking it, but keeping his mouth over Blaine's and moving his lips over Blaine's soft, warm lips. A few more berries and they were sharing more than food – Blaine licked his way into Kurt's mouth and tasted the sweet juice from the ripe berries he found there.

Kurt,” Blaine whined. “Kurt...”

What, baby?” Kurt was barely able to answer before Blaine was once again kissing him, his soft tongue moving in Kurt's mouth, as Kurt tried to breathe through his nose and ending up pulling back to get a lungful of oxygen. “Blaine? Are you okay?”

Never better, I just want you so much – it was absolute hell trying to keep my hands to myself in the helicopter. You were leaning into me, and you smelled so good, and I could feel your heart beating so hard. I know it was just the helicopter ride, but I kept imagining it was for me. Then I brushed against you...your jeans...and felt you..” Blaine cupped Kurt between his legs very gently and felt the hard muscle there respond to him.

Ah..that is exactly what I mean...” Blaine grinned, outlining what he found with his fingertips and suddenly Kurt was in his lap, his tongue aggressively finding its way back into Blaine's mouth and his hands pushing Blaine back on the bed.

Blaine sighed as he laid back, so relaxed and joyous because he had Kurt here, where he had dreamed of being for the past seven long months. As soon as he was settled, he started to pull Kurt on top of him, eager to feel that hardness in his jeans – only to be met with a yelp and Kurt abruptly sliding away from him.

Kurt?” he said, scrambling to see what the problem was.

Kurt was rolled away from him on the bed, grasping his leg in the brace and tugging at the leather straps that held it on his leg.

Kurt, what happened?” Blaine asked.

Oh, just the twisted and it hurt really badly, I was trying to loosen it so I could lie down on the bed properly. I'm sorry, what a mood-breaker. I can fix it, just give me a second...” Kurt said, fiddling with the metal buckles that held the straps in place.

No, no, sweetheart, just lie down and I'll fix it for you. That's, and then let's just get rid of all these encumbering clothes...” Blaine grinned, gently unbuckling the brace and taking the metal bars and hinges off of Kurt's leg. He went on to remove Kurt's jeans and shirt, leaving him in his t-shirt and briefs. It was warm enough that they didn't need the thermals they had worn last winter. Blaine took off his clothes down to the same layer and pulled back the covers, helping Kurt to slide under and with a glance to be sure the bar was across the cabin door. Blaine got in next to him.

How is your leg now? Did you hurt it when you twisted it?” Blaine asked with concern. It was a very long way to a hospital if Kurt hurt his leg again.

No, it just gives me a twinge if I put pressure on the knee itself, and I kind of did that. It's okay now, but I have this other problem, I might need help with,” Kurt jiggled in the bed.

Okay, baby...what can I do?” Blaine said, serious and a little worried.

It needs, give me your hand...” Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes and took his hand, bringing it under the blankets.

Blaine's eyes got wide as Kurt brought his hand between his legs, placing it directly on his cock and adding pressure to Blaine's hands until he got the idea and was doing it on his own, a smile on his face.

Oh, I'm pretty sure I can help you with that,” Blaine said, enthusiastically.

Oh! Hmmmmmm....” Kurt hummed in satisfaction as Blaine slid Kurt's briefs down his legs, very gently over his knee, and removed them.

I better check to see if there's any damage...” Blaine said and dove under the covers, searching out his target in the dark folds of the bed linens, and finding it as though he were using sonar. He was half joking - until he was there, Kurt's cock in front of him almost quivering in excitement.

Over the past seven months, the boys kissed a lot, and rubbed, touched, and hugged, but it was still rare for them to be this intimate. It wasn't that they were too shy, or indeed that they had anything against doing such intimate things. In spite of sharing a bed, having time when they were utterly alone was rare in the Hummel house. Kurt knew that his dad was well aware that he had some type of relationship with Blaine in which they shared intimate moments, and that Burt knew they had sexual encounters, but Burt didn't know to what level the boys had gone. It really wasn't anyone's business but their own and the speculation on the part of their friends and family varied widely.

Santana probably knew the truth – she just seemed to have a sixth sense about things like that, but thankfully had kept her opinions to herself. Puck probably thought they had gone all the way a long time ago, but he thought that about everyone. All of their other friends and family were somewhere in between. The truth of the matter was that Blaine had planned to give Kurt his virginity when they were on vacation to Newport Beach, but then the accident happened and he put it off. It would have been difficult to do with Kurt on those pain meds and with the cast on his leg. It just did not seem like the best timing.

So, as graduation neared, and a lot of their friends were experiencing sex for the first time, both Kurt and Blaine brought it up and talked about it. Both were eager to get past that milestone, but it was such an emotional thing, it said so much about their commitment to each other because neither boy was the kind to jump into that in a casual manner. It just meant too much, something that would change them both forever. Blaine knew he loved Kurt, and was just as sure of Kurt's love for him. Kurt was as sure about Blaine and giving their relationship more time to deepen their feelings seemed right.

The night they had finally had the talk – not just a mention of some vague time in the future that they might have sex – they knew that the act would be their final commitment in their hearts and would bind them together for life. They both agreed it had to be in the cabin where it all began. It was here in this place they would give themselves to each other, commit themselves and their lives to each other. While it had been a forgone conclusion for quite a while, actually saying it to each other made it real.

Ever since that night, Blaine felt a little more comfortable with touching Kurt. He had hesitated for so long in the beginning, shy and unsure of himself. Each time Kurt kissed him back or initiated something, Blaine's heart would pound practically through his chest. It was a source of almost constant amazement to him that Kurt wanted him as much as he wanted Kurt. Even now, lying in his bed with Kurt beside him, sharing intimate touches and kisses, it seemed more like a dream than reality.


Tickling his fingers up the tender skin of Kurt's inner thighs, Blaine left a trail of kisses. He could see just a small amount due to the blankets over his head, but it was enough. He went back to Kurt's knee, feeling the scar from his surgery under his tongue as he licked a place on the underside of the knee. Kurt giggled. Blaine continued, kissing and trailing his fingertips to feel his way to where he wanted to be.

Blaine's tongue was warm and very wet as he nipped a few little bites along the way, then got to the top of Kurt's leg; there was a change in the texture of skin and Blaine felt the shift in his belly, as Kurt let out a sexy sound -something like a squeal – as Blaine's warm breath ghosted over Kurt's testicles. Kurt didn't want to wait, he wanted Blaine's tongue and his mouth to devour him. He didn't make a sound to begin with, but it turned into a high-pitched whine as the thoughts of what Blaine might be planning swept through Kurt's mind. In a move so totally unlike Kurt, Blaine heard his voice muffled through the blankets:

Lick me, Blaine....oh, don't tease me, baby, lick me with that warm tongue, please...” Kurt whined to Blaine's amazement. Kurt never begged, almost never asked for anything and it was as exciting as it was unexpected. Blaine put out his tongue and touched it to Kurt's testicles, a wide and slow lick from one end to the other, stopping to gently take the left one into his mouth, followed even more gently by the right one. This was the first time Blaine had done this, it was spur of the moment instead of being thought out and Blaine silently cheered spontaneity when he received a gut-deep moan from Kurt. He followed it with a lightly sucking motion as he gathered the skin of his scrotum into his mouth, very gently as he licked it and stroked Kurt's inner thigh to calm himself.

Oh...ah....Blaine...owwwww, that feels so, lick up the shaft, please, I need to be in your mouth, please...please....owwww....” Kurt moaned, Blaine moving so slowly so he could savor all the sounds Kurt was making, cataloging each in his head to know what felt the best for Kurt.

Is this what you want, baby?” Blaine asked, before placing the crown of Kurt's cock in his lips, licking the slit then pushing his lips down over the taut skin to encompass as much as he could. Blaine's mouth was watering in anticipation, sliding up and down in delicious friction just to hear Kurt moan. Blaine was in his element, having studied what made Kurt get the hardest or whine the loudest, and applying his memories to try to make it perfect.

Yes, Blaine, you know what I know.....” Kurt babbled, wishing he could be more articulate for a moment, then losing himself in the feelings. He closed his eyes to concentrate, he didn't want to let go yet because he wanted this to last a long time. Blaine did know what he liked, and was doing his best to accommodate Kurt. He slipped Kurt's cock back out of his mouth, replacing his warm tongue with his fingers as he stroked the hard muscle, then moving his mouth back down to lick over Kurt's balls and back further to lick the secret piece of skin that he knew drove Kurt to gasp and cry. His hand was wrapped around Kurt's shaft, stroking slowly, and his tongue was moving, steady and firm until it encountered that elusive pink asterisk that Blaine knew would make Kurt lift off the bed and give a silent scream. He made his tongue soft and flexible, just licking over the skin for a while, massaging and stroking as Kurt's heart beat just that much faster, his eyes snapped open in surprise, and Blaine could feel that this is what Kurt was thinking about.

Is this good, Kurt?” he had to ask, because Kurt trying to answer when he was in this state of arousal was so hot, the little sounds and grunts and moans...all went straight to Blaine's cock and served to make him strengthen his resolve to give Kurt everything he deserved.

Blaine knew it was getting close, but he didn't want to finish yet. He pointed his tongue and entered Kurt, pushing past the tight barrier of the sphincter ring and into the velvet-soft interior. Kurt sighed as Blaine continued, massaging with his tongue, adding a finger to deepen the experience, saliva working as a lubricant as Blaine stretched the muscle ever so gently.

Oh.....Blaine, I need to stop....I have to stop now and we can do this together, okay?” Kurt begged, thinking of Blaine's feelings.

No, baby, this is all for you. Everything we are doing now is for you and only you, okay? Let me give this to you, it means so much to me, Kurt. Let me give this to you...” Blaine said, wanting Kurt to let loose and just enjoy for once. He heard a soft sigh and Kurt was squeezing his hand. Blaine just wanted to make Kurt feel everything he could right now.

Blaine went back to caressing Kurt with his tongue and fingers. He took Kurt into his mouth once again, pushing down to devour him whole and pull back, only to plunge forward again. He was brushing against the fine hair on Kurt's belly with is nose now, able to get Kurt's cock down his throat for a ways before swallowing – dragging a moan from Kurt's throat that he had never heard before. He almost came on the bed hearing it.

Moving his hands back, he took the lube he had ready and coated his first two fingers and began to massage once again, moving two fingers inside and calculating where he needed to move. He gently massaged his way into the soft tunnel, blindly finding his way as Kurt's breath caught. He must be close.

Here, baby, is this okay?” Blaine asked when his fingers got closer. He knew he was in the right place when Kurt squealed and pushed back, impaling himself on Blaine's fingers.

More, Blaine, push harder, I need it so badly, Blaine, please, don't stop, find it, push hard....” and Blaine rubbed his finger firmly over the right place, back to sucking hard on Kurt's cock and then Kurt was absolutely still -frozen in the nanoseconds before the world came apart and the heat swirled into his blood, so much stimuli in so many places suddenly forged into one powerful element, and lava was streaming up Kurt's shaft, exploding with the most concentrated burst of absolute orgasm he had ever felt.

It was so silent, so profound, that Blaine couldn't hear a thing, except for his name being called over and over, calling in such demand that he had to follow – and his orgasm took over his whole conscious thought for a short time. It lasted for so long, the hot, flowing, amazing feeling he shared with the boy he loved so much.....and they collapsed, holding on to each other before they floated away into the atmosphere.

Blaine...Blaine....oh my god I love you.....” Kurt said, hoping to hear the same in return. He wasn't disappointed as Blaine shouted his name and he closed his eyes and just held on.


Kurt was the first to blink himself awake, Blaine's body stretched next to his in the aftermath of their morning together.

Welcome home, my love,” Blaine said, slipping his hand across Kurt's abdomen and running his fingertips along the hipbone he found there. He leaned over and kissed the concave belly, smoothing his other hand on the top of Kurt's thigh. He took a deep breath to wake up and caught the whiff of Kurt's arousal, spent in the morning of loving each other.

Kurt's hands went to Blaine's underarms and he grasped him tightly and pulled him up on the bed, nose to nose, to kiss his boyfriend, sliding his hands around so they rested lightly on Blaine's back.

Thank you, baby, it is good to be home. I could not have dreamed a better homecoming,” Kurt said, working his lips around Blaine's neck to kiss and nip at the nape of his neck where he knew he could make goosebumps appear.

Ohhh...quit!” Blaine squeaked, “That tickles!”

But, I'm hungry!” Kurt said, giggling. “And this meat is tender....”

Hey, no, no...I'll get up and fix you something to eat. Stop!” Blaine rolled away from Kurt's relentless pursuit of the tender flesh he was nibbling. Kurt stopped nibbling and giggled.

Hey, daylight's burning – let's go outside and enjoy this fine weather while we can,” Kurt suggested. It was painful to walk far distances, but he could use a short walk in the afternoon sun to reacquaint himself with the forest here.



The boys walked down the deer track they used to set the rabbit snares on, hand in hand, Kurt limping a bit on his bad leg. He held his cane in his other hand and they walked slowly.

We should set some snares this week, Blaine, I have this craving for rabbit pie. Oh, and maybe we can go fishing? Trout sounds so good right now. What do you think?”

It sounds wonderful to me, Kurt. I missed this so much....” Blaine said, dreamy eyed as he took in the beautiful vistas. The thick but fresh smell of pine made him almost light-headed and he turned to look at Kurt.

Kurt? C'mere, please,” Blaine asked in a soft voice, then took Kurt tenderly in his arms when he came. “I just wanted to tell you something, and I want you to understand, okay?”

Of course, Blaine...what is it?” Kurt asked, wiping a single tear from Blaine's cheek.

I was worried about something, and I know you won't bring it up...I want you to know that although I am glad to be back in my home, I never once regretted being with you in Ohio. Not once. You know that, don't you?” Blaine asked, looking deep into Kurt's eyes, trying to make sure he understood.

Oh, Blaine, I know that. I loved that you were with me, I loved everything about you being with me – and I do understand, maybe more than you know. I loved being with my family, with my friends, back in the place where I grew up. I was comfortable there – until you opened my eyes to this,” Kurt waved his hand to encompass everything around him, “and I am as glad to be back here as you are. I can't really explain how I feel, but it is like I was living this great life: I had the best dad in the world, my step-mom and brother and some of the greatest friends anyone could hope for. Then one day my whole world crumbles and I get left for dead. How many people can say that? Left for dead.

You'd think that was the worst life possible, wouldn't you? But then I get tossed under a bush to die, and an angel with the cutest curly hair comes along and my life is never the same. You not only saved my life, Blaine, you became my life.

I was happy to finish high school in my hometown, with you at my side, and we had some really good being locked in Tana's linen closet with Sam...”

Blaine blushed, refusing to look at Kurt for a second, then giggling.

It was hard...the trial, the fight and Karofsky, all the noise and then just when we were having a great vacation, the accident.” Kurt reached over and traced the thin, almost invisible line from the book that hit Blaine's face. He looked down for an instant, but took a breath and looked back into Blaine's eyes.

In spite of the bad times, even in spite of the good times....the fishing, the swing, the kite, the Valentine cards....I am truly, forever, grateful to be back here with you, Blaine. I love you, you know, and this is where my life really began.”

Blaine couldn't say a word. To know that Kurt felt the same way he did was not a new thing in their relationship, but to have it spelled out all at once...he hadn't known he could feel this much joy. He leaned forward and kissed Kurt's soft pink lips.

I love you, too, baby.”


They walked on, down the path until they got to the bridge over the small branch of the river. They usually fished in the main part of the river, but this stream fed into that river and was wide and a little shallow here. The bridge was made of logs and could accommodate large logging equipment.

Hey, Kurt...let's play Pooh Sticks!” Blaine blurted out, grinning at his own suggestion.

Play what?” Kurt asked.

Don't tell me you never played Pooh Sticks? You know...Winnie-the-Pooh? Piglet? Christopher Robin and the Hundred Acre Woods?? “ Blaine asked, incredulous.

Well, of course I know who Winnie-the-Pooh is, my mom used to read that to me. She always said my dad was Eeyore,” Kurt grinned.

It's from those books. You take a stick and drop it in the water, then rush to the downstream side of the bridge and who ever's stick comes out from under the bridge first wins!” Blaine explained, as though he were talking to a five year old child.

Okay...sounds like fun...” Kurt said, looking over the sticks he saw on the ground under the trees. He decided on an aspen stick and picked it up, turning to see Blaine with one from an ash tree. They walked to the center of the bridge, and leaned over the upstream side, looking at each other and grinning.

Ready?” Blaine asked and Kurt nodded. “Three, two, one, launch!”

They dropped their sticks and rushed to the other side of the bridge, eager to see which stick made it under first.

Okay, the edge of the shadow is the finish line?” Kurt suggested and Blaine agreed. A few other sticks came under the bridge, and some dragonflies before the two sticks were seen. Both boys cheered theirs on, but Kurt's got caught in a little eddy and Blaine's was the first one over the finish line. He cheered and Kurt kissed his cheek. “Let's go again!”

They spent the next hour playing Pooh sticks and giggling, walking down the path to investigate a sound from a hollow tree – which turned out to be an owl. That made them laugh and laugh, Kurt asking where Tigger's house was or if they could go visit Roo's sandpit.

They found some chokecherries and picked enough to make some jelly, putting it in the basket they had brought their sandwiches in. They came back to the cabin tired but happy, throwing themselves down in the settee.

What are you cooking me for dinner?” Blaine asked, grinning up at Kurt.

What? Hey, I thought you were cooking me dinner!” Kurt objected, smiling.

How about I cook you dinner?” a voice came from the open door. The boys looked up to see Cooper standing there, a large covered platter in his hands, a smile on his beautiful face.

That sounds wonderful!” Kurt crowed, happy he didn't have to do anything because his knee had begun to ache.


Sitting at the table with Cooper was just what the boys needed to make it a great day. On the platter under the cover were six trout, dipped in cornmeal and fried to perfection. There were baked potatoes, green beans with bacon, and for dessert an apple pie.

Now, I know you didn't cook this yourself....was it Cookie?” Blaine asked.

Yeah, but I caught the fish, and that's the most important part, after all,” Cooper said.

It was the best meal I've had since I left Oregon,” Kurt proclaimed. He loved trout, and this was just the pinnacle of trout – each one fried crisp on the outside with tender, sweet flesh that practically melted in his mouth. “Thank you, Cooper, and we'll go thank Cookie and Shannon in the morning. I am so glad to be home.” Kurt laid his tired head on Blaine's shoulder.

It's been lonely with you gone, Squirt. I plan to use this summer to the best of my abilities since you're leaving for college come September. So, tell me more about that...I know you and Kurt have a house in Philomath with Finn, and you're going to Oregon State to study forestry. What else?”

They sat and talked about the courses both boys planned on taking, and Blaine's desire to make a difference in the forest that was close to his heart. Cooper told Kurt he could pick up some extra money fixing equipment the same as he did when he was there before.

I don't know if I can climb up there with this damn brace on, but I'll do my best.”

Cooper nodded his head, “I think August can arrange something.”

Blaine looked at his brother, knowing what the next order of business was going to be.

Are you ready to fight? Because I know you've been practicing, right?” Cooper kidded, knowing that Blaine had no time to get ready for a bout with graduation and all the things he was doing in Ohio...not to mention, his coach was here in Oregon.

Ah, no. Actually, I hadn't given it much thought at all. I haven't been near a punching bag for five months. I'm not sure its even something I want to do anymore, Cooper. It was nice to get a few dollars put away, but I mostly did it because I was bored, and I'm never bored anymore,” Blaine said seriously.

Then don't do it. If you don't love the sport, you don't belong in it. Okay?” Cooper said.

I don't want to let anyone down, Coop. I did used to enjoy the feeling of being able to move my muscles, of the feeling of being at my best. Do you miss it?” Blaine asked, not sure if it was appropriate to ask such a question.

You know, Squirt, I did at first. I felt like I was a failure. You know I quit because I got hit in the head, but my life isn't worth the risk, so – to answer your question, yes I do miss some parts of boxing. The feeling you get when you know you've worked so hard, you've given it your all to get to the top. What I don't miss is the worry all the time that I won't duck or move out of the way in time and it will end my life, bleeding out on the last few minutes of my life on the canvas. So, yes...I am content with my decision to stop boxing. I can put that energy towards something else and be just as happy. And I know you will, too,” Cooper said, patting his brother on his knee.

I'm glad you told me that, Cooper. I don't think I'll go back to boxing. I have every intention of keeping fit, but not for the ring. Thank you for being so honest with me,” Blaine said.

And with that, I need to get going. I'm due at the far project in the morning and I need to get some sleep. Kurt, it is good to see you again. Take care of my little brother, okay?” Coop asked, pulling Kurt into a squeeze and a pat on the back before he turned to Blaine, “You, take care of Kurt. I love you, Squirt.”

Bye, Coop. I love you, too,” Blaine said.

Goodbye, Cooper, and thank you for dinner,” Kurt said.



Their first day back at the cabin had been a strenuous one and both Kurt and Blaine were glad to see the sun go down. They washed up the dishes and got everything ready for bed, walking to the outhouse together, then looking up at the stars on the way back.

Back in the cozy cabin, they stripped off their clothes along with their cares and washed in the basin. Blaine slipped on a t-shirt and tossed one to Kurt when he was done, then they crawled into bed together.

Blaine was so tired, he just lay down next to Kurt and closed his eyes, ready for sleep. He turned to pull Kurt's back close to his chest and tucked the blankets around them. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

It was a few hours later when Blaine woke up, a bit chilly despite the layers of blankets. It tended to be chilly at this altitude no matter how close the calendar was to July. Kurt had moved across the bed, and Blaine was feeling across to bring him back closer.

His hand found Kurt and he tugged to bring him closer when he felt Kurt sniffing and a little stiff in his arms.

What's wrong, baby?” Blaine asked, kissing Kurt's temple.

It was something Cooper said,” Kurt revealed, but stopped talking immediately.

What? What did he say to you?” Blaine asked, starting to get upset with his brother.

It wasn't anything he said to me, Blaine. He said it to you, but I heard it. It was what he said about boxing – that you could get hit once and bleed out in the ring. Is that true?” Kurt looked at him with those ice blue eyes, so liquid and filled with pain.

Yes. Not likely, but yes, it is true. It is part of the reason I quit boxing. Kurt, before I didn't feel like I had anyone to really live for. My parents were dead, I had no boyfriend, there was really no one except Cooper, and he was gone most of the time. So when I started boxing, it didn't matter. I was good at it, I got paid well, and it was easy for me. I found out why Cooper quit one day after a fight. I'd won and was in the showers when I heard one of the contenders was talking about Cooper and why he quit,” Blaine said, holding Kurt closer and rubbing his nose on Kurt's shoulder.

When I started boxing, I swore I'd never let my fear force me out of the ring. I was foolish... and Kurt? it wasn't fear for myself that forced me out – it was fear for my love, for you. What could I leave you if I died in the ring? That is what made me quit,” Blaine said, a few tears making their way down his face.

Kurt took in a lungful of air, he wasn't expecting that. He knew how much Blaine loved boxing, he'd seen his face when he was training and even through the hardest sessions, the love of the sport was there, shining through the concentrated mask on his face, the sheer exuberance of physically reaching the end of his endurance and then trying for more. He'd seen Blaine in the ring and he ran towards the other fighter, not because he wanted to beat him up, but because the challenge of it made Blaine's blood sing. Blaine had given that love up...for Kurt, for the boy he loved with all his heart, with every fiber of his being. And Kurt felt a stab of guilt, but he didn't say anything because in his heart of hearts, he was selfish. He did not want to lose Blaine on a cold canvas with a thousand people watching. He didn't want every bout to end in Blaine losing brain cells, getting less able to be his true self. So he didn't do what his first instinct had been: to tell Blaine to go back to the sport he loved. No, he leaned forward and kissed the tears from Blaine's cheeks and said, “Thank you.”




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