Bound For Glory
Philomath and Kent Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bound For Glory: Philomath and Kent

E - Words: 5,803 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
255 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Author's Chapter Notes: "When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?" "What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?" "I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet. Pooh nodded thoughtfully. "It's the same thing," he said.~A, A, Milne, from Winnie-the-Pooh

“Hey, Kiddo!” Burt smiled as Kurt walked into his hospital room the next morning. Burt was dressed in his blue jeans, a new pair with no grease stains anywhere on them. He also had on the green and blue plaid shirt that Kurt and Blaine had given him for Father's day. It wasn't flannel, but the weather was warm and Burt knew the boys would be there to see him. Burt hugged his son, closing his eyes as he took in a breath: Kurt smelled like jasmine and just a hint of vanilla. To Burt it seemed like he missed that scent more than anything else when Kurt was gone.

“Dad, how are you feeling?” Kurt asked, stepping back from the embrace and straightening his vest.

“Fine. Well, a little antsy. I want to get out of here. But physically fine, and the doctor agrees. So, are you here alone to chauffeur me back to the hotel?” he asked, a grin spreading across his face. Kurt glanced at the door expectantly as they heard a noise.

“Nope, you get two escorts today, Burt,” said Blaine as he came around the corner.

“Hey, Sport, glad to see you again!” Burt smiled, happy to see the boy he had become so fond of over the past year. “What brings you here? I thought Kurt came alone on Mr. Warner's helicopter.”

“Well, I can't let him have all the fun, now can I?” Blaine said, looking at Kurt with those love-struck eyes of his. Burt smiled to himself.

“Do we need to do anything else or are we free to take you away?” Kurt asked, taking Blaine's hands in his when the younger boy slid his arms around Kurt's waist.

“Everything is signed and the insurance paperwork has been sent. I bet the bills make it back to Ohio before I do,” Burt grumped. One look at his happy son and his smile came back.

Driving Burt's rental car, they were on their way to the garage and tire shop in Kent, a suburb just south of Seattle. Carole had waited in the car while Kurt and Blaine went in to get him but they were all due to meet the owner at the garage in half an hour. Carole was driving with Burt sitting next to her, their hands laced together over the console. At each stop sign she would look over at her husband and smile, then grip his hand tighter for a moment before returning her attention to driving.

Blaine and Kurt were in the back seat, Kurt leaning against Blaine's chest as he dozed. They had a late night and Kurt was still tired. His leg was aching and he was nursing a slight headache from all the wine. Blaine's arms were around Kurt's waist as he leaned back, his head on Blaine's shoulder, asleep. Blaine had fidgeted in the seat a few times. It was a bit uncomfortable to sit for a long time, but he was fine. Kurt had been so worried after last night's escapades he had made Blaine lie across his lap while he made sure he had done no damage. Blaine was a bit embarrassed, but thought it was very cute the way Kurt was playing mother hen to him this time. He smiled to himself at the memory, stroking Kurt's cheek and carding his fingers through his silky chestnut hair.

Kurt must be soundly asleep, he almost never allowed Blaine to touch his hair, so Blaine took full advantage and continued to run his fingers through it. The sun, while not directly in Kurt's face, was highlighting his long eyelashes as they were splayed across his cheeks. Blaine smiled when he thought how fitting Kurt's name was, because with those rosy cheeks and elfin face he did look like one of those German Hummel figurines.

Kurt's arms were crossed over his chest. His long, elegant fingers were resting against his upper arms. Blaine loved to look at Kurt's fingers. He could do so many things - play the piano, paint, draw, and write like an illuminating monk. He was so artistic in ways Blaine would never be. Blaine had his talents, they were just different than Kurt's. Burt looked in the back seat and saw Blaine, then smirked to himself when he thought about what Kurt was going to do when he woke up with his hair mussed up.

The car took a sharp turn and Kurt was suddenly forced back against Blaine. Kurt jerked awake, blinking and looking up at Blaine. He smiled as Blaine took his left hand in his own. Blaine was shorter than Kurt, more compact, but their hands were actually the same size. The boys placed their hands flat against each other, as if measuring them, and Kurt grinned up at Blaine. He laced their fingers together and rested them on his chest once again. After placing a small kiss on Kurt's temple, Blaine reached with his right hand and stroked across Kurt's eyebrow, which never failed to make him drowsy. He was back asleep in minutes.

Burt smiled at the scene in the back seat. “I used to do that when he was a baby, you know. Whenever he got fussy, I'd just brush his eyebrow, smooth it like that and he'd fall asleep. Did he tell you about that?” Burt asked.

“Yes. It's funny, he did it to me one day when I had been feeling bad, and it felt so soothing. Then I remembered my dad doing that when I was little. It must be a dad and son thing, you think?” Blaine asked Burt, returning his smile.

“I think so,” Burt said, thinking about the days when Kurt was small. Some days he just missed his sweet little boy.

“I hope we can do it for our own son one day,” Blaine said without thinking. Burt turned in his seat to look at Blaine, wondering if he had heard correctly. Blaine looked up at Burt's startled expression and blushed, his whole face turning red, and he looked out the window to study the cloud formations.

“Blaine? Is there something you want to tell me?” he asked.

“Ah, no. Not without Kurt anyway. How close are we to Kent?” Blaine changed the subject abruptly and Burt let it go. If the boys had something to tell him, he'd hear about it soon enough. Blaine continued to look at the clouds and Burt turned to face front once again. Carole squeezed his hand and he smiled at her, happy for his son.


The inspection of the garage didn't take more than an hour. Blaine was standing next to the rental car with Carole, waiting for Burt and Kurt.

“Wow, are they going over it with a fine toothed comb?” Blaine asked, rolling his eyes in his best imitation of his boyfriend.

“Well, Burt's spent more time on this shop than he has on any other one we've looked at,” Carole said, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

“What do you think about the move, Carole?” Blaine asked her.

“You know, I don't mind at all. Being a nurse, I can get work anywhere. I understand there are two hospitals near here: Valley Medical Center in Renton and Auburn General are both close enough to commute. And being close to my three sons? That is the best thing I can think of. I don't want to be in your hip pocket, but I just don't want half a continent between us,” she said, looking for Blaine's reaction. She wasn't disappointed as he gave her a beautiful smile.

“Three sons?”

“Oh, Blaine. You know I think of you as one of my sons, don't you? I love you every bit as much as I love Kurt and Finn, honey,” she said, and was surprised to find tears in Blaine's eyes. He brushed them away before they trailed down his cheeks, but the loud sniff gave him away. Carole smiled at the young man standing with her. He was a kind and responsible person and she could not think of a better match for Kurt. Blaine just seemed to be able to bring out the best in a boy that had been sad as long as she had know him. It was funny, she hadn't noticed that Kurt was such a melancholy boy until she saw the difference that came about as soon as Blaine entered his life. They had a lot to be thankful for, and Kurt finding Blaine was at the top of the list.

“I know you want to wait to talk about this with Kurt here, but can you tell me if the two of you have spoken about marriage yet?” she asked.

Blaine smiled. “Please don't say anything to Burt, Kurt wants to tell him – but we're engaged. I asked him last night. Oh, Carole, I just can't keep it in much longer – he said 'yes'!” Blaine's eyes shone with light, showing all of his joy and Carole couldn't help but take him into her arms and hug the stuffing out of him.

“I'm so happy for you, Blaine. So happy. We can keep this a secret for a while if you want, but please don't do it for too long, I can't wait to see Burt's face,” Carole grinned. “Do you have rings yet?

“No, it was kind of sudden, you know?” Blaine confessed.

They stood together a little while longer, Blaine calming himself down and trying to wipe the huge grin off his face before Kurt and his father came out.

“I know this isn't any of my business, Blaine, but I want to ask something,” she said, looking in his eyes. His eyebrows went up in question. “Is everything okay with you two? I mean, I know it is emotionally, but I did notice that Kurt was...kind of limping when he came into Burt's room the first day, and it wasn't due to his knee. Is he okay?”

Blaine blushed. “Ah, I don't think I should be talking to you about that. But to make you feel better, I will tell you that he has seen a doctor and he is fine. Nothing to worry about, okay?”

“Okay. I'll take your word that you are taking care of him. How is his knee?” Carole gave the young man a heartwarming smile.

“Oh, it is going according to plan. He does the physical therapy and rests it. Some days he spends several hours out of the brace, and he had it looked at while he's been in Seattle. They think it will heal just fine in time with no lingering damage. Although he'll probably always be able to tell when snow is on its way,” Blaine forced a small smile, but it didn't go to his eyes. He still felt responsible for the accident.

“How is Burt really doing?” Blaine asked, thinking that if Carole could ask the hard questions, so could he.

“He's really doing fine. There was no heart attack this time, and all the tests showed no more damage to his heart at all. I just wanted to be careful, you know?” she said.

“That's good. I'm really happy you are going to move out here. I think Kurt and Finn will be so much more content having you close. I kind of like the idea myself, you know,” Blaine smiled at Carole. He really liked her, although he'd not spent a lot of time alone with her when he spent his year in Lima.

Kurt came out of the building, his arm linked with his father's, and walked up to Blaine and Carole. Burt had a smile on his face and his eyes were shining as he made the announcement:

“Well, I think this is it, Carole. I am going to call our lawyer when I get home and we can sign the papers next week. I need to see what we can do about selling the place in Ohio – and we will become residents of the Great Northwest!!”

Kurt hugged his father, thrilled to see him this happy. It was going to be great to have him so close. Everyone started talking at once, and they got back in the car, headed back to Seattle to pick up Puck and Finn and head out to dinner.


The boys were all in Kurt's Navigator. Finn and Puck had driven it out to Philomath from Lima right after graduation, filled with all the clothes and articles they could pack in the back. They had driven up to Seattle when Carole called them about Burt.

Once again, Kurt and Blaine were in the backseat of the vehicle, but this time it was Blaine who was asleep, leaning on Kurt. Kurt was in a discussion with Puck about house rules if he was going to live in their house. The house was plenty large enough for all of them, it had five bedrooms, so Kurt was trying to establish the possibility of Puck's employment to pay his share. For Puck's part, he mentioned loudly – several times so as to get his point across – that he wanted a room as far from “those loud lovebirds as possible because he needed his rest”. Kurt smacked him good-naturedly, but could not keep the grin off of his face.

“I applied at several places, plus I found there are a lot of pools here, so I was going to go ahead and try to get some gigs cleaning them,” Puck defended himself. He always felt like he was not quite up to par with all these guys in the social aspects of their lives.

“I know, and that's fine, Noah. I'm not really worried about the money as much as I am about what you plan to do with the rest of your life,” Kurt bickered back. He was losing patience.

“I just haven't made a decision,” Puck said.

“There is no reason why you can't take some classes at the local community college. I know you struggled a bit in high school, but it wasn't because you aren't intelligent. It's because you're lazy. Not physically lazy - god knows you can work hard when you need to – but schoolbook lazy. You're going to have to get over that if you want to get ahead,” Kurt continued. This time his rant woke Blaine up.

Blaine looked at Puck for a moment and gave him a secret wink.

He yawned and stretched his arms up, grasping Kurt around his neck and pulling him down for a passionate kiss. This was distracting enough that Puck gave Blaine a wink when he came up for air, and Puck turned around to talk to Finn.


Entering the house they would all soon be sharing, Kurt and Blaine went to look at the rooms to decide which one they wanted. Finn had the large one next to the kitchen and Puck had asked for the one at the end of the hall on the first floor with a small private patio. Blaine took Kurt's hand and led him up the stairs, down the hallway to the large room in the southeast corner.

“This one not only has morning sun, but there are French doors out to a balcony big enough for a small table and two chairs so we can eat our breakfast out there on warm mornings,” Blaine told him.

“Oh, that is so romantic, Blaine. I love it!” Kurt threw his arms around Blaine and they danced around the large room. There was a fireplace on the opposite wall and an alcove near the south window for a desk.

“And wait until you see this!” Blaine said, dragging Kurt over to double doors at the far end of the room. He threw them open to reveal a huge closet. Next to it was the door to the small en suite bathroom. Kurt could not stop grinning as each part was revealed to him. This was like a dream come true.

“So, why didn't I see this when we came to look at the house the first time?” Kurt asked, trying to recall that day in more detail.

“Because while you were checking out the kitchen and pantry, I was up here looking over the rooms. Then I distracted you so you wouldn't come up that set of stairs. There is another set of stairs that goes to the rest of the upstairs rooms. The landlord told me about this while you were busy. He usually rents it separately, but I talked him into letting us have the whole house since we were willing to sign a four year lease. I let Finn know we wanted this one and he was fine with it. Oh, there's one more part...” Blaine took Kurt's hand and led him out the door of the bedroom to the next room along the hall. He opened the door and Kurt gasped. It was beautiful: a large room, though not quite as large as the bedroom, but the entire southern wall was windows. The bright sunlight came in and showed off the beautiful golden oak floors. In the middle of the room was a drafting table and chair, a desk next to that and shelves and cupboards filled the north and west walls. There were those new kind of blinds that are part of the windows and operated on switches for when the sun might be too much.

“Oh, Blaine...I could draw my designs in here, I could work on fashion or anything – I could paint!” Kurt's eyes were wide and his smile made Blaine's heart pound in his chest. He loved seeing Kurt like this. “And there is so much room. We could have a music studio for you with a piano, guitar stands with all kinds of guitars. It would be so nice for the two of us.”

“Oh, I'm so glad you like it!” Blaine crowed, taking Kurt's hand once again and bringing it to his lips, he kissed it. They looked into each other's eyes for a long time, then Kurt began to hum a song. He took Blaine in a warm embrace and started dancing across the bare floor, singing to him:

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

“Oh, Kurt. Thank you. We should make time to dance together every day, I love it so much. I love you so much,” Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear as they twirled across the oaken floor.

“I love you, too, my sweetheart, and I would love to dance with you every day for the rest of our lives.”


The next morning.

“Wow, those sofas were not exactly comfortable!” Kurt complained. Blaine nodded his head. Their bedroom furniture was coming today, but they had to make do with the sofas in the main room last night.

“I think that is all we need to do before we go back to camp, right?” Blaine asked. He had not minded shopping for the bed and other things for their bedroom, but he really didn't want to waste one more day away from his little sanctuary in the mountains. He wanted to be alone with Kurt and not share him for one more minute. Kurt was now running around the kitchen, baking something or other to take back with them. Blaine needed to call Lenore so she could send the helicopter for them tomorrow. It was going to be a busy day tomorrow, so Blaine needed to do some things today to tie up a few loose strings.

“Kurt, since you're in the middle of baking, I'm going to have Finn go with me to the store to get a few last minute items, okay?” Blaine said, hugging Kurt to his chest as he leaned over to give Kurt a chaste kiss.

“Oh, it won't wait?” Kurt looked disappointed.

“I just want to get it over with because I thought we might want to go to the beach before we leave?” he asked. Kurt nodded. “I'll be back soon,” Blaine promised.


“Puck! Hurry up!” Kurt said. “Are they gone?”

“Yes, I just heard them pull away. Let's go. I have the use of the landlord's car for two hours.”

“Let me grab my wallet...”


Later that morning, Blaine came in sniffing the air. He could smell vanilla and something...maybe almond? It was heavenly.

On the dining table, lunch was waiting: a salad made of wedges of iceberg lettuce, covered with chopped Roma tomatoes, candied pecans, diced tart apples, and covered with Gorgonzola cheese dressing. There was a plate of fresh scones with blueberries and butter and glasses of apple juice. Blaine joined Finn and Puck at the table just as Kurt came in from the kitchen with a plate of poached salmon, lemon wedges and capers sprinkled across the top.

Blaine jumped to his feet, taking the platter from Kurt so he could use his cane to better advantage. Kurt smiled at his fiancé, sitting down as Blaine set the fish on the table.

“Oh, this looks so delicious!” Puck said, grinning at Kurt. “I might not miss my grandma so much after all.”

“Oh, I bet you will,” Kurt rejoined. “Although I do have a lot of her recipes. Maybe we can have her out to visit?”

“She might really like that, great idea,” Puck said.

“Do you really have to go back to your cabin for the rest of the summer?” Finn asked.

“Yes. Absolutely.” Blaine and Kurt said at the same time, then looked at each other and laughed.

“Okay, I get it. We'll miss you, bro,” Finn smiled at Kurt, but he knew it was important to them that they have the rest of the time together at Blaine's cabin. His brother had been through hell and back this past year, so Finn was okay with him doing this. He'd just miss him, but there was a whole four years of college for them to experience together. Finn would just have to be patient, and besides - -he had Puck, his best friend, here with him.

They ate the meal together in happy silence. At the end of the meal they all complemented Kurt. The other three boys helped with the dishes, making Kurt sit on the sofa to rest his leg.

“Kurt?” Blaine said, sitting on the edge of the sofa cushion where Kurt was resting, his leg propped up on a pillow to give it more support.

“Oh, Blaine...sorry, I must have dozed off a little. Come here,” Kurt whined, holding his arms out to Blaine, who leaned into them immediately. They just sat, holding each other for a while before Puck came in.

“Hey, aren't you two ready to go yet?” he asked.

“Yes, just let me get my brace back on and my shoes,” Kurt said, shifting a bit so he could reach the straps on the leg brace that he had loosened for his nap.

Blaine started to help him, but Puck laid a hand on his shoulder.

“I'll help with this, Blaine, you go get changed,” Puck said.

“Hey, Kurt. Is this tight enough?” Puck asked as he worked with the leather straps.

“Yeah, perfect,” Kurt said, pulling his jeans leg straight so the next strap wouldn't bunch the fabric.

“Ah, I'm not sure how to ask this, and I really don't want details...but how are you doing...ah...back there?” Puck asked as he looked into Kurt's eyes with deep concern.

“Oh, that..ah, it's fine. Almost healed up. Noah, I did want to thank you for helping me that night. I might not have voiced it at the time, but it meant a lot to me that you didn't run away screaming, you know? Not that you would. I guess what I'm trying to say is: thank you for being so accepting of me,” Kurt said and put his hand on the back of Puck's hand.

“I know you know I'm gay, but knowing I have that label and then seeing...ah...first hand shall we say? -what that actually means – well, that's a big step and I am so thankful I have a friend like you,” Kurt said.

“No problem, dude. I think it's living with my grandma now that made me change the way I think. She went through a lot in her lifetime and she has taught me so much about accepting other people, well, you know. Just next time, I don't want to know the details, ah, quite so intimately. Deal?” Puck said, finishing the buckling of the brace on Kurt's leg and helping him to stand. He pulled Kurt into a big embrace, patting his back, and Kurt squeezed him back.

“It's good to have such friends, Noah, and I'm so happy you're going to live with us.”


The ride to the beach was fun, all four boys chatting the whole way, discussing what classes they wanted to take, what opportunities there were for fun in the tiny town.

Arriving at the beach, Kurt got out and Blaine immediately took his hand. He was still a little apprehensive about Kurt coming here so close to where he'd had his accident, but it didn't seem to bother Kurt at all and he was soon walking down the beach, enjoying the ocean breeze. Finn and Puck spotted a group of girls sunbathing and went to get friendly, so the couple was left alone to walk down the beach by themselves.

Around a rocky formation, Kurt and Blaine lost sight of their friends but kept walking. There were a few scrubby bushes and some driftwood around the far side of the boulders and Blaine went towards them to find a comfortable place to sit. He found a wide place on a driftwood log and sat, pulling Kurt down into his lap.

“We can come here on the weekends and have picnics, I think,” Kurt said, smiling into Blaine's face.

“Sounds like a plan. Are you okay being here – I mean, after your accident and all,” Blaine asked.

“Oh, that doesn't bother me. It could have happened anywhere. Let's not talk about that. I am so much better, and I will continue to improve. Now, since I'm here anyway...kiss me,” Kurt said, cuddling closer.

Blaine was more than willing to kiss Kurt. He'd been thinking about it for hours and they had exchanged small kisses in the back seat of the Navigator as Finn drove them to the beach. Blaine was now sitting with his nose buried in Kurt's neck as usual, it was his favorite cuddling pose. Sitting with Kurt, he could smell the wonderful scent of jasmine and vanilla that seemed to seep from Kurt's pores. It was intoxicating.

As they sat together, Blaine sat up to look up and down the beach. There wasn't anyone around, so he felt at ease and held Kurt maybe a bit too close and kissed his mouth. Lips were gently pressed together and breaths were taken, eyes closed and hearts pounded. Blaine pulled back to look at Kurt's face, trying to read what his boyfriend was thinking. Kurt's eyes were bright, the shades of blue from pale cornflower through royal blue to midnight swirled together in distinct patches and closer to the pupil there were bursts of sunshine yellow brightening to daffodil and gold. It was like a painter picked the tubes of paint he loved the best and put little dots of them in the pallet, then dipped his brush in each one, swirling it onto the page that was Kurt's eyes. Blaine would have loved Kurt's eyes if they were muddy gray but the expressive colors, like a watercolor by a famous impressionist, were the most beautiful things Blaine had ever seen.

“Blaine?” Kurt asked when his boyfriend had spent a long time just staring into his eyes.

“Oh, yes, Kurt....I was just looking at the colors in your eyes. Sorry, did you ask me something?” Blaine blushed, surprised at getting caught in his silent worship.

“No, I was just concerned. You know you have beautiful eyes yourself. That honey rich brown the color of hazelnuts with just a hint of moss green around the outside. They turn dark when you're aroused and the color concentrates into a dark toffee brown, but still rich and deep. The green all but disappears as your irises get smaller and your pupils dilate. Looking into your eyes then – oh, Blaine, I can't tell you what it does to me. The warmth that flows over me, making me want to strip away our clothes so I can feel every single inch of your skin against mine. Waiting until you touch me and it pulls those sounds from my throat. Blaine, the sounds I can't make on my own, the ones that only come when you draw them with your fingers, your mouth....” Kurt was done talking and his mouth was on Blaine's once again, his tongue soft in Blaine's mouth dancing and swirling as his lips were pressed tightly to stop the moans from escaping into the cool air.

Blaine was trying to get some oxygen, taking air in through his now inadequate nostrils. The breathing only got worse when Kurt's hands ran under his shirt, pulling it up so he could feel the warm skin and the tight muscles that held in Blaine's faithfully beating heart. Kurt placed his hand over that heart, feeling it pound in the same rhythm as the waves that were beginning to pound the shore as they sat in the lee of the rocks.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's ribcage, bringing their bodies as close together as he could possibly get them.

“Oh, Kurt, my Kurt, my love.....we'll be together forever, won't we?” he asked as he pulled back just far enough to be able to focus on those blue and gold eyes to see the answer. He found it there, so it was only a reinforcement of the truth when Kurt spoke.

“Yes, Blaine. Because I cannot live without you. I will not live without you,” he whispered into Blaine's ear and laid his head on his shoulder, still holding tightly as his breath started to calm down. Blaine looked at Kurt, seeing only his profile now, and kissed his cheek softly.

“And I can't live without you, either, Kurt,” as he stroked down the tender skin on the under side of his forearm on his way to brushing across the pulse in his wrist and holding Kurt's hand.

They stayed there together, Kurt sitting on Blaine's lap and then moving so they were side by side on the large piece of driftwood and just talked about everything. The house, the plans for school, the future together. It was sweet and intimate in a way nothing else could be. Time rocked on and eventually they heard Puck and Finn calling them from beyond the rocks.

Blaine steadied Kurt on his leg and they walked back toward the larger beach to their brother and friend. Hand in hand the moved on to the place where Kurt's SUV was parked and they got in and went home.

Early the next morning, the helicopter landed in the dead end street that ran along the south side of the house. Lenore got out, first hugging Blaine and Kurt in a very platonic way, then giving Finn a huge hug that left him wide eyed and blushing. She turned to Puck with a smile and her hand out to shake. The boys laughed as Puck's eyes got big and Lenore hugged him, too. Kurt and Blaine exchanged knowing glances and Kurt rolled his eyes as they turned to get on the helicopter. Blaine settled next to Kurt, his arms going around Kurt's waist after securing their seat belts and they waited for Lenore, smiling at each other. In a little over an hour, they would be home in the little cabin where it all started. Together.



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