Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
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Blaine was sitting on the plane, having just buckled his seatbelt. He felt agitated, kind of unsure of himself. Last night at the Warner's house he had tried to call Kurt on the satellite phone, but the connection kept dropping. He's heard a bare three words before it cut out for the last time, “...meet Hank there...” was all he heard. He knew from his earlier conversation with Puck that he would be picked up at the airport and taken to Kurt and Puck's room at the hotel. He closed his eyes, tired and really hating the plane's descent. It always made him feel queasy.
Getting off the plane, he walked down the corridor, thinking about the last time he saw Kurt, how scared his face was. All he wanted now was to have Kurt in his arms. He looked up, scanning the crowd as he walked and suddenly a card with his name printed on it caught his eye. It was being held by a tall good looking blond man with striking green eyes.
He walked over to the man, his hand out to shake and introduced himself, “Hello, my name is Blaine Anderson, you must be Hank?”
The man smiled and shook Blaine's offered hand, ”Yes, Hank Holland. Glad to meet you.”
Sitting in Hank's car, Blaine was a little unsettled. He always was when in the presence of someone he didn't know well, but this was different. He wasn't sure why, but he just didn't trust this man.
“So, where did you meet Kurt?” Blaine asked, hating the silence in the man's car.
“Oh, he was having trouble getting off the plane. I'm a steward, although I was only hitching a ride home that day, I saw he wasn't going to make it very far on his own. I bought him breakfast and helped him find his brother,” Hank said, his bright smile shining.
“I'm worried about his leg,” Blaine said, “it hasn't been that long since he had the surgery. When it comes to other people, Kurt tends to act first, then think about the consequences to himself later. He was so scared for his dad, he probably just ran himself ragged before he thought about his knee,” Blaine said.
“Oh, Dr. Parson's had a look at it, there wasn't any damage, she just told him to rest it and not to let it get too overworked. I'm sure he'll be fine.”
“Dr. Parsons? Oh, did he have it looked at when he went to see Burt?” Blaine asked. He wished he had been able to talk more to Kurt last night. He really didn't like some stranger telling him how his boyfriend was doing.
“No, I took him to see my doctor since Kurt was new here,” Hank said.
“It was bad enough he had to see a doctor?” Blaine said, surprised. He thought Puck would have mentioned it if it had been that serious. He was now very anxious to see Kurt, and wondered if there was something going on that nobody had told him.
“Ah, how well do you know Kurt? Getting off the plane was the first time you met?” Blaine asked.
“Yes, I don't know him well at all, I just gave him my number so if he needed anything while he was in Seattle, I could help out. He's a nice guy and so understanding about the kiss...” Hank stopped in mid-sentence. He glanced over at Blaine, seeing a confused and shocked look on his face, Hank decided he'd said too much and that Kurt would have to explain anything else.
“What kiss?” Blaine said very quietly, looking out the window.
“Oh, look, we're here. Can I help you with your bag or anything?” Hank asked, wishing he could sink into the upholstery of his car seat.
“No, I've got it. Room 307, right?” Blaine said.
“Ah, yeah. Listen, nothing happened, it was all a mistake. Don't blame Kurt. I can come up if you want and tell you about it...” Hank offered, cursing himself for slipping. He hadn't meant to tell Blaine about that. He liked Kurt and wanted to maintain his friendship, so he knew he had to make friends with Blaine, too.
“Look, Hank. I don't know what went on here, but I know Kurt will be able to explain it all. I trust him with every fiber of my being, okay? So let's just drop this conversation. I want to go see Kurt,” Blaine said, a little rudely since he just wanted everyone to quit getting in his way.
“I'll call later, but we have tentative plans for dinner at seven. I'll see you later, Blaine. It was nice meeting you,” Hank said, shaking Blaine's hand. Blaine just looked at the man and snorted. He stopped himself from rolling his eyes since he really didn't know this man, and opted for a quick end to the conversation.
“Ah, you, too,” Blaine said and turned to walk in the hotel.
Blaine had just brought his hand up to knock on the door when Puck opened it.
“Yes, Kurt, I'm getting the door, I saw the car drive up, too,” Puck said over his shoulder into the room. He turned to see Blaine standing there and put his arms out for a hug. Blaine fell into them, hugging Puck tightly.
“Hey, it's good to see you!” Blaine said. He backed out of the hotel room, pulling Puck with him.
“What?' Puck asked, but Blaine shushed him.
“Okay, what the fuck? I get this call from you saying that although Burt is fine, I need to get here right away. Then I get picked up at the airport by a guy I've never heard of before who tells me he had to take Kurt to his doctor, and he kissed him? What the hell is going on, Puck?” Blaine had been getting louder as he spoke, but Puck laid a hand gently over his mouth.
“Hush a moment, Blaine. I'll tell you everything, just don't upset Kurt anymore than he already is. Okay? It all has an explanation and we'll tell you. Now, come in and greet Kurt before you tear his head off, he needs you,” Puck said, patting Blaine's arm to calm him.
“You tell me. Now,” Blaine said.
“I think you should hear it from.....”
“Now.” Blaine said and Puck sighed.
“Alright. Yesterday after lunch, Kurt went in to take a shower and I heard him fall. I went in to check and he was lying in a pool of blood. I called Gramma Sofia and she told me to take him to a doctor. Kurt was awake by then and Hank had given him his name and number, so we called him to get the name of an urgent care clinic, but he took Kurt to his own doctor because she deals with...these things,” Puck was blushing bright red.
“These things?” Blaine asked.
“Ah...Blaine, I think you need to talk to Kurt. He's okay, but right now he's in bed. He needs to rest. Come on, he'll get all upset again if we don't get in there,” Puck said. Blaine turned and walked in, spotting the door to the bedroom.
“Kurt?” he asked, looking at his boyfriend lying in the bed. He looked pale.
“Blaine! Come here,” Kurt put his arms out like a small child and Blaine sat on the bed, grasping Kurt very gently, avoiding his sore knee.
“Oh, baby, I missed you. I know it was only a few days, but it seemed like a month,” Blaine said softly, burying his face in Kurt's neck.
“I missed you, too.” Kurt said, kissing him. They lay kissing and holding each other for quite a while until Puck cleared his throat.
“I'm going to go get some lunch, can I bring you two anything back?” he asked, smiling at how happy Kurt was now that he had Blaine in his arms again.
“Yeah, whatever you're having,” Kurt smiled.
“There's a deli just two blocks away. I was getting a Reuben. Sound good?” he asked.
“Wonderful!” Blaine agreed, and so Kurt asked him to get two.
“All right. Now, tell me everything,” Blaine said, having taken off his shoes and jacket and climbed into bed with Kurt. He was holding him, Kurt's back fit perfectly against Blaine's chest where Blaine could kiss his neck and hold his hand over Kurt's heart.
“Start with kissing Hank.”
Kurt stiffened. How did Blaine hear about that already?
“I was getting off the airplane and got dizzy. Hank was standing next to me, caught me, and practically carried me to some chairs. He bought me a sandwich and tea, and when I was done eating, he leaned forward and kissed me. I told him I was in a relationship, he apologized – I guess he thought I was flirting? - and he helped me find Finn. He really was embarrassed that he mistook my friendliness as flirting and apologized over and over. He barely touched me, it was just a brush of his lips, Blaine. Nothing. And then he offered to give me his number so he could take us out to dinner to make up for it when you joined me,” Kurt said, looking at Blaine through his half-closed eyes, peering through his lashes to see how Blaine was taking it.
“Well, I can't say I'm overjoyed, but I can see where he might make a mistake. It's okay, Kurt, I trust you. Now, he said he took you to the doctor?”
“Hank didn't know exactly why I needed a doctor, just that I asked him where the closest urgent care center was. I only said I needed to find one that was okay with gay men. He came and took me to his personal doctor. That is another story. Did Puck tell you anything when you talked to him earlier?” Kurt asked, pulling back a little.
Blaine turned Kurt over in his arms to face him, very gently to accommodate his leg.
“Blaine, I just want you to know I love you, and I don't blame you in any way, okay?”
“Blame me for what?” he asked, getting a bad feeling creeping up the back of his skull.
“You know the night before I left?” Kurt asked, searching Blaine's face.
“Of course, Kurt. It was the best night of my life. Why? Did you think I could forget that?”
“Well, no. But do you remember there was...a ...a little tear that bled?” Kurt asked.
“Oh, my god....Kurt? Are you okay? Oh...did it start to bleed again? Do I need to take you to the hospital?” Blaine was getting panicked.
“Calm down, I'm fine. I was taking a shower and I passed out, probably from loss of blood. Puck found me and figured out what was wrong from all the blood. I didn't know what to do so then I thought of Hank. He came and drove me, I didn't want to tell Carole or Finn.
“I am fine, Blaine, but there is a tear and I have to take some medicine and things to make sure it heals. She said I have to wait six to eight weeks for it to heal before we can...go all the way again,” Kurt was red with embarrassment. He was closer to Blaine than he'd ever been to anyone, but this was still hard to talk about.
“Oh...Kurt. I am so sorry. We don't ever have to do it again. I was so afraid I'd hurt you, baby, and I did. I am so sorry...” Blaine was upset, hugging his boyfriend close and kissing his cheeks, tears dropping on his hair as he held him.
“It's okay, Blaine. It was nothing you did wrong, I asked her all about it and she said it is fairly common. We just need to be careful. We're going to be fine, Blaine. I promise,” Kurt assured him.
“Kurt, I will take care of you, baby. I promise,” Blaine said.
“Okay. I'll show you what I need to do. It's kind of hard for me to reach, and there was no way I was asking Noah. Dr. Parsons said there is no reason we can't still have sex, we just have to ...well...” Kurt was blushing and just quieted down for a moment.
“We can still do it, baby, if you want to. I am happy to bottom for you, that is fine with me, my love. Top or bottom or none at all is fine with me, Kurt, as long as you're okay,” Blaine told him, kissing his forehead.
Kurt snuggled closer, his mouth next to Blaine's ear. “She told me some new positions, Blaine. We can try them tonight, Puck is sleeping in Finn's room since Carole is staying in a cot at the hospital with Dad most nights. I'll have you alone in here with me,” Kurt whispered, and licked up Blaine's neck, to the back of his ear. Blaine shivered, tugging Kurt closer.
“I can think of something to do now...before Puck gets back with dinner...”
“No, Kurt. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Noah said the doctor advised bed rest. Oh, Kurt, I don't want to do anything that might hurt you, you know that. Maybe we should just not get too amorous.”
Kurt curled into Blaine, basically not answering Blaine in words, but his actions spoke very clearly. He started undoing his boyfriend's buttons and zipper and pulling off clothes until they were both naked under the blankets. Blaine wanted to protest in the worst way, knowing he had to be responsible but failing in that as Kurt became more exuberant in his demands. Kurt was back under the blankets and had his mouth around Blaine, tongue moving and moaning as he sucked on his cock before Blaine had time to say anything. He was a bit rough, using his teeth just a little by accident in his enthusiasm. He barely had time to breathe before Blaine was warning him of his impending climax and Kurt just pushed himself farther down Blaine's shaft as his boyfriend came down his throat, shaking and calling his name.
With hardly any recovery time, Blaine was reciprocating. He took Kurt's erection in his mouth in a frenzy to push him over the edge before Puck got back. Kurt was moaning, squealing, and panting as Blaine did his very best to give his boyfriend the release he so obviously needed right now. In an amazingly short amount of time, Kurt was lying there with big eyes, crying out Blaine's name over and over as he came into his boyfriend's mouth. They hardly had time to wipe their mouths before they were were tangled together, holding each other as if they had been separated for years instead of a few days. This was the scene that greeted Puck when he got back, and he was grinning from ear to ear at the sight.
“Been busy?” he asked, taking in the sight of Kurt with Blaine on top of him, the blankets pulled up to their chins, blushing.
“Ah, just ..catching up,” Blaine said, looking down at Kurt.
“It's all good. I'll just sit a while so we can eat...oh, here, I brought in plates. And drinks,” Puck passed everything around and Blaine turned on the television, trying to keep the blanket in place so Puck couldn't see just how naked the pair actually were.
“I ran into Finn at the deli, he is going to join us. I hope that was okay?” Puck said, faking nonchalance as he gazed over his two friends, seemingly not noticing their state of undress. Kurt had pulled the blanket over his head and was making squeaking noises at Blaine.
“Yeah...Noah? Can you go get some...ah..napkins?” Blaine asked, fidgeting in the bed.
Puck looked at him, then at the pile of paper napkins sitting beside the sack the sandwiches were in. Blaine frowned at him and Puck got the message.
“I'll be right back...I think there are some in my room,” he said as he left the room, closing the door behind him. Blaine rushed to get their clothes and helped Kurt into his pants, his leg making them slow down a bit. Puck knocked on the door before coming back in with more napkins.
“Finn is just down the hall, I saw him getting off the elevator,” Puck said.
“Of course. He can update us on how Dad is doing. I guess he told Dad I was sick and he didn't want him to catch anything and that is why I didn't go see him today,” Kurt explained.
“Does Finn know why you're in bed?” Puck asked, surprised to think Kurt would share the information with anyone.
“Ah, no, not exactly. It isn't something I want to discuss with anyone. At all,” Kurt said, glaring at Puck with murder in his eyes.
“Kurt, I don't even know exactly what happened, and I'm not going to ask,” he assured his friend, but he saw Blaine turn pale.
“Hey, where are you guys?” Finn asked, walking in the room, a bag in his hand.
After all the greetings, he sat down in a chair and looked over at Kurt.
“You feeling better, bro?” he asked as he passed a bottle of apple juice to Kurt.
“Yeah, still a bit under the weather. My knee is sore, but maybe I'll feel like getting up tomorrow. How is Dad doing?”
“They will keep him all day tomorrow, they're running a treadmill test which Burt is really grumbling about, then probably release him the next day. He and Mom are planning on going to this suburb of Seattle, called Kent, to talk to the owner of a shop there, an older guy is retiring and Burt had a good conversation going with him. He thinks that might be the place he wants to buy. He has to sell the place in Lima, but he said they are willing to do that. He wants to talk to all of us tomorrow night,” Finn told Kurt.
They ate their sandwiches and chatted about the house in Philomath, the upcoming classes, how things were going in the logging camp.
“Hey, Blaine, why don't you walk Puck next door and make sure he has all the stuff he needs for tonight. I'll be right behind you. I want to talk to my brother for a minute,” Finn said. Blaine looked at Kurt, who nodded.
“Sure thing, Finn. I'll just be next door if you need me then,” Blaine said, looking longingly at Kurt, and left with Puck.
“Finn?” Kurt said, looking up at his brother.
“I just wanted to talk to you alone for a minute, Kurt. I told dad you had a sore knee from all the walking you did yesterday, but he isn't stupid. If you don't see him tomorrow, he's going to start guessing why you aren't there. To be blunt, we all saw you walk into his room like you were walking on eggshells. Want to tell me what's wrong with you?” Finn asked.
“It is not what you think,” Kurt said defensively.
“What do you imagine I'm thinking?” Finn asked.
“That Blaine hurt me,” Kurt answered. “Well, he didn't.”
“Okay, then what is going on?”
“Shit. Can I have no privacy at all?” Kurt snapped. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at Finn.
“Kurt, I know you and Blaine are having sex. I've known since the day you came home to Lima and I heard you two in the shower,” Finn said. Kurt just sat there with his mouth open. He stared at his brother, red creeping up his face as the embarrassment opened the floodgates of all his capillaries.
“I'm sorry, I never meant for you to know that, Kurt. I walked into your room with your luggage and you weren't there. I heard the water running and I was near the door, intending to knock and tell you lunch was almost ready, but I heard a noise. I thought at first that you were hurt, then when I got closer, I realized that you were in there with Blaine.”
“Oh my stars, Finn. How could you? How long did you listen?” Kurt asked, remembering exactly what went on that day.
“Not long. I was worried at first, but you sounded like you were enjoying what Blaine was doing to you, and while I don't know what it was exactly, I have a pretty good idea. I just...gee, Kurt, I don't know how to say this without sounding like a creep, but I was happy for you. I think you had been unhappy for so long, nobody knew you any other way. They'd gotten so used to you being sad, it was like normal for you. After you came home with Blaine, you were different.”
Kurt just looked at his brother, taking in this new information.
“I could hear how good it was for you, Kurt, and I have never heard that with Rachel. As hard as I try, I've never made her that happy. I am so glad you met Blaine, if he can do something to make you that happy, I am overjoyed the two of you are together.”
Kurt just nodded, unable to say anything.
“But Kurt, I know people joke about gay guys not being able to walk straight the day after. I am making a huge assumption here, but does this...” he waved his hand over Kurt, lying in bed, “Does this have anything to do with having sex with Blaine?”
“Yes, Finn, it does. I would say it's none of your business, but I can see it's just out of your concern for my welfare. No, Blaine is not abusive. I am so tired of having to explain to everyone that he did not hurt me deliberately. It was – oh, shit...” Kurt was trying his best to keep the tears out of his eyes, but they were getting ready to spill down his face.
Finn wasn't sure what to do, he hadn't meant to make his brother feel bad. He moved closer and took Kurt into a warm embrace, rubbing his back to soothe him.
“It's okay, Kurt. We're brothers. You can tell me, and you know it won't go any further. Get it off your chest, okay?” Finn offered. Kurt nodded. Finn was right, he might feel better if he could tell someone.
“It was my first time and it was Blaine's, too. We knew how to do it, but the pamphlets only go so far in instructing, so we had to just guess at a lot of...ah...technical matters. It was good, Finn, it was more amazing than I could have imagined. Afterwards, I found blood on the sheets and, well, ah...it was just a small tear. It just happened, we were a little over exuberant, and he's ….shit...he's not small, okay? That's all. It just needs a little time to heal, and everything will be fine. Okay? Honest to god, Finn, it was just magical, then it wasn't. Please, Finn...don't judge Blaine, he didn't mean to, okay?” Kurt looked so frightened, Finn's mouth went dry and he had trouble speaking. He patted Kurt's back instead.
“I do not want this to get to Dad. If we had stayed at the cabin, nobody would know. I don't want to talk about it anymore,” Kurt gave him a pleading look. This simple thing had turned into a nightmare. He closed his eyes and put his head down in his hands.
“Oh, hey, Kurt! I won't say another word. I was just worried and I'm your brother. If you can't tell me, who can you talk to? Blaine of course, but I thought you might need someone other than him this time,” Finn said. “I don't mean to be a mother hen, but a lot has happened to you this year, right?”
“Yeah, I guess that's true. Thanks, Finn. And what you said about Blaine? True. He makes me feel good all the time, and not just physically. I feel more like me, I feel happier when he's around. I love him, Finn, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Him and nobody else forever, he's truly the love of my life. Do you think I'm too young to know that?” Kurt asked.
“No. I don't. I'm happy for you. Now, I bet he's excited to see you so I'll go with Puck. Let me know if you need me. I'll talk to you tomorrow.” He leaned in and hugged his brother.
“I'll see you later, Finn,” Kurt said.
“You too, little brother,” Finn said, turning to leave.
“Hey, baby,” Blaine said from the doorway.
“Hi,” Kurt smiled, patting the bed beside him.
“Everything okay?” he asked, noticing that Kurt was twisting his fingers together. It was something he had seen Kurt do when he was nervous.
“I just need you, Blaine. Really need you. Can you hold me?” Kurt asked, putting his hands out. He knew that action never failed to get a response from his boyfriend.
Blaine came and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Do you need to take a shower or anything? I was going to jump in for a few minutes, the trip was kind of long,” Blaine offered. “Hank said we have reservations for seven? It's just now two thirty, so we have about four hours. I was thinking I want a shower before I go out.”
“That sounds wonderful. Let's take one together?” Kurt asked.
In the shower, Kurt leaned on Blaine as he stepped over the side of the bathtub. Blaine smiled as he took Kurt in his arms, guiding him under the cascading water. He washed Kurt, rubbing the soap into suds in the washcloth and gently scrubbing Kurt's skin.
“Kurt? Is there anything we need to do...for your, ah, injury?” Blaine asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, I have to be careful to keep it clean of course. I have some medicine and I'm taking a course of antibiotics just in case. Just be gentle, it bleeds easily,” Kurt said.
“Of course I will, my love. Here, lean against the tile and I'll look to be sure it's okay,” Blaine offered and Kurt did as he asked.
“It's looking so much better. Okay, there you go. How is your knee feeling?”
“Sore if I'm telling the truth. Staying in bed today helped a lot. I want to go see my dad tomorrow, though,”
“Of course, we'll go with Finn in the morning. Now, about dinner tonight?” Blaine didn't want to go anywhere, least of all out with some great looking tall guy that had tried to kiss Kurt. He didn't realize how angry he looked until he glanced over at Kurt. His face was a study in hurt. He forced himself to smile.
“Sorry, my mind was wandering. Okay, this guy Hank is picking us up at six? Right? Do you know where we're going?”
“No, he didn't say, but we'll be fine. I didn't bring that many clothes with me. Here, let me wash your hair,” Kurt said, pouring a bit of shampoo into his palm and rubbing it in his hands before reaching up to put his hands on Blaine's scalp. Blaine sighed in contentment, a gentle smile on his face as Kurt rubbed it into the curls, carding his fingers through to get the shampoo on every strand. He caressed and rubbed until Blaine was as relaxed as he could be, humming in contentment. He pumped some shower gel into his hand, smoothing it across Blaine's back and taking a soft cloth, rubbed it into his skin, down his muscles in his back, and rinsing as he went on to Blaine's arms and sides. Now kissing the warm skin as he went, Kurt washed Blaine all over and after rinsing him, they got out of the shower.
“Oh, baby, that feels so good. My muscles are so sore and being here in this shower with you – I am so happy you came, Blaine. I needed you,” he said quietly, but Blaine heard him and pulled him closer.
“I needed you, too, my love.”
They got dressed after drying off, showing great restraint as they kept their hands to themselves and got their clothes on. Hank had called and would be downstairs in ten minutes. Kurt wore his maroon dress slacks with a white shirt and black blazer. Blaine picked out a pink and maroon tie and put it around Kurt's neck, tying it and kissing Kurt quickly. Blaine was wearing black trousers with a dark red shirt, a black matching waistcoat of the same fabric as the trousers. His bow tie was white satin and instead of a blazer, he wore a charcoal gray cardigan. Kurt had just gotten his leg brace on straight when there was a knock at the door. Hank was there, dressed very nicely in a navy blue suit holding two boutonnières, a carnation each for both Blaine and Kurt.
“Thank you, Hank, that was so nice of you,” Kurt smiled. Hank smiled back, then smiled at Blaine, who had a hard time trying not to return a grin. He might be irritated at this man for kissing his boyfriend, but Blaine basically loved everyone and it was difficult for him to maintain a grudge.
“Do you two like Italian?” Hank asked and both nodded. “Ah, then have you ever been to The Old Spaghetti Factory?”
“No, neither of us has been to Seattle before,” Blaine said.
“I think you'll enjoy it,” Hank said and led the way to the waiting taxi.
At the restaurant, he pulled out chairs for both of his guests and they all sat at an intimate table inside the cable car that was part of the decorations. Blaine grinned once again, having a good time. The waitress served them wine when Hank ordered it, and he made a few suggestions about what dishes were the best when Kurt asked. Kurt ordered the Mizithra Cheese and Browned Butter sauce on his pasta, Blaine got the Gourmet Jumbo Crab Ravioli, and Hank ordered the Sicilian Roast Beef Meatballs in Maranara sauce.
What had started out as three prim and proper young men eating a stiffly formal dinner turned into three friends having a wonderful time eating delicious food, drinking a lot of red wine, and talking together like they had known each other all their lives. They laughed at silly jokes and reminisced about growing up in different places. Blaine told him a little about living at the lumber camp, Kurt told Hank things about Ohio that even Blaine didn't know. Hank had lived all over, from Hawaii to New York, and how his job as an airline steward had been the greatest tool for getting to know people. He put both boys at ease and they were soon drinking another bottle of wine.
Stumbling in to their hotel room, Blaine asked Hank if he would like a small glass of something, which was funny because Hank was the one with the bottle. They all laughed while Blaine explained he had meant water or juice and Hank helped Kurt over to the sofa to get off his feet while Blaine left to go to the front desk to get some glasses. Hank got Kurt comfortable on the sofa, running his hands over Kurt's good leg.
“Can I maybe loosen the brace so you can relax a bit more?” he asked Kurt, who was trying to focus his eyes on Hank's face.
“Sure, it's hurting, just undo the buckles there...” Kurt slurred his words and Hank, who was not too drunk but just a bit tipsy, undid the buckle on Kurt's ankle. He rubbed the leg through his trousers to relax him a bit more before going higher to the two straps at the knee, one above and one below. He unbuckled them and rubbed the leg.
“How does that feel, Kurt?” the blond man asked, trying to look into Kurt's eyes, but Kurt kept closing them. “Do you want me to undo the last one?”
Kurt hummed a yes, his leg was cramping a little and getting the brace off would help.
Hank put his hands up to unbuckle the strap, moving the back of his hand over Kurt's crotch, very gently but firmly enough for him to feel it. Kurt jerked his eyes open and looked at Hank, wondering if it was deliberate. His eyes were blurry and we was wondering where Blaine had gone. Oh, yes, down the hall to get some plastic cups from the desk clerk.
“Here, I got it,” Hank said as he undid the buckle and massaged Kurt through his trousers. Kurt started to protest, but his head was spinning and it took him a few seconds before he focused enough to realize what Hank was doing. He had removed the straps and was taking the brace off his leg and setting it on the floor, smiling at Kurt.
“Blaine will be right back, I'm sure,” Hank said, cupping Kurt's chin in his palm. Kurt didn't like that at all and pulled back as far as he could.
“Hey, I'm with Blaine, I thought you understood,” Kurt slurred in a tone as deep as he was capable of. He tried to focus on Hank's face, but it kept swimming around.
“I know, Kurt. I won't do anything to break you up. You are the one that doesn't understand. I took you both to dinner, because I want you both,” Hank smiled, running his hand up the inside of Kurt's leg, cupping around his balls through the fabric of his trousers. Kurt didn't want to be, but he could feel himself getting hard. How was that possible, he was so drunk on the wine. What would Blaine say? He wanted Blaine back, right now. He wanted to get up and go get Blaine, but without his brace, his leg was not reliable. He tried to push Hank away, crying out for Blaine because he was confused. Nobody touched him there except his Blaine.
“I couldn't find anything but Solo cups, but they should work...” Blaine stood in the doorway, looking at Hank running his hand up Kurt's thigh, his other hand cupping his balls and a look of terror on Kurt's face.
“What are you doing?” Blaine roared. “Get your hands off of him!”
“No, no...you don't understand, Blaine. I don't want just Kurt, I want you both. As in a threesome. I was just helping Kurt get his brace off of his leg. I thought after all the wine and the good time we were having..?” Hank stuttered, beginning to catch up to what was happening around him. “Look, Blaine, Kurt is enjoying it, you could, too.”
Kurt was too scared to speak. He looked up at Blaine with fear in his eyes, begging him silently to rescue him.
“Get your hands off of Kurt. Now,” Blaine said, feeling sober all of a sudden. He was a good eight or ten inches shorter than Hank and at least twenty-five pounds lighter. He was quite a bit more drunk. Hank did not let go, unzipping his dress slacks and Kurt squealed, not knowing what to do.
Blaine had seen enough, he had warned this man twice. That was enough in his book.
“Hank, get away from him,” Blaine warned for the last time, but Hank, who didn't realize how scared Kurt was or how angry Blaine was, slipped his hand inside Kurt's zipper and took his hard cock in his hand, leaning forward to maybe kiss him.
Blaine's hand was grasping the hair on the back of the man's head, pulling him up and off the sofa. Hank recovered a bit, straightening his spine and standing, looking at Blaine in disbelief. This was something that he did all the time and he was too tipsy to wonder why it was not going his way. But he didn't like Blaine pushing him, so he took a swing at the shorter man. That was his second mistake of the evening. Blaine had pulled back his fist and his lightning quick reflexes, dulled a bit by drink, were still fast enough to hit the man square in the jaw before he even knew what came over him.
Kurt looked up as Hank went down, but his eyes weren't on Hank or Blaine. Standing in the doorway was Finn. Puck and Carole were behind him. Kurt took one look, then at his penis where Hank had pulled it out of his pants...and the dizziness overwhelmed him. He closed his eyes and slid into darkness.
Blaine looked from the doorway to Kurt and snatched Kurt's jacket off the back of the sofa, flinging it over his boyfriend's lap before taking a breath.
Nobody moved for a few very long seconds, then pandemonium broke out.
“What is going on in here?” Finn asked, looking at Blaine, who was the only one of the three still conscious.
“I don't know exactly. This guy that befriended Kurt at the airport asked to take us to dinner when I got here. So we went out and had a bottle of wine, then another. We were getting drunk I think, so I went to get some glasses so we could have some water and try to sober up, I don't have much experience with alcohol. I was down the hall and heard Kurt yell, so I ran back and this guy, Hank, was undressing him. I guess I just went on instinct because I hardly remember even pulling back to punch, but he's out cold,” Blaine said, looking from one person to another, not sure what to do. Then he happened to glance at Kurt and knew exactly what to do, he walked around the sofa and sat down on the edge of the cushion.
“Kurt, are you okay, baby? Kurt?” Blaine called to him, cupping his jaw and feeling the pulse in his neck. It was strong and steady. He slid his hand under the jacket and got Kurt tucked back in his trousers quickly before he stroked his cheek. Kurt was waking up, looking around himself as if he didn't know where he was, then a look of panic struck him. Carole knew exactly what that look meant and grabbed a wastecan, holding it by Kurt as he leaned over the side of the sofa and promptly lost his dinner. Blaine held his shoulders as he heaved again and again.
“Hey, is the kid okay?” Hank asked, having recovered and was sitting up, shaking his head and looking over at Kurt getting sick once again.
“He's drunk, if that's what you mean,” Finn said. “Are you responsible for this?”
“Ah, yes, I suppose I am. I invited Kurt and his boyfriend out to dinner and we had some wine,” Hank answered, touching his jaw gently where the bruise was beginning to bloom. He moved his jaw a bit, but determined it wasn't broken.
“Hell of a right cross you've got there,” he said to Blaine.
“Yeah, well you deserved it. What exactly was going on?” Blaine asked again.
“A major miscommunication. Kurt, I am so sorry. I will leave, but I hope you will give me the chance to apologize tomorrow? And to you, too, Blaine. Honestly, it was a mistake. I'll go get a cab,” he said.
Blaine would have protested, but he was too busy with Kurt and just wanted the man to leave.
Puck took it upon himself to escort Hank out of the building. He grabbed him under his arm and twisted it behind him, steering him out with it. Once in the lobby, he walked over to the desk.
“Can you call a can for this man, please?” Puck asked the clerk, then took Hank the rest of the way outside.
“What the fuck were you doing?” Puck demanded.
“Nothing...well, I thought they wanted to have some fun. I'm sorry, man. Tell them I'm sorry. I'll come apologize tomorrow when everyone is feeling better,” Hank said, flirting with Puck.
Puck just looked at him for a moment, stopping himself from giving him the same treatment Blaine had.
“Now you listen to me, buddy. Those two are my friends. I do not want you to get near them again. Ever. Blaine? He's a prize fighter and has laid more men on the mat than you can comprehend. You do not want to be on the receiving end of his punch when he's sober. And Kurt? He's Blaine's boyfriend. Exclusively. So go home and don't show your face here ever again. You understand?”Puck asked. Hank nodded and Puck turned abruptly, swaggering back into the hotel.
Finn sat down in a chair he had pulled up beside Kurt and took over stroking his forehead for a moment. He looked at Blaine. “Are you gonna be sick, too?”
“No, Finn. I'm fine. I think the fight took it out of me. I think we need to get Kurt to bed. I'm sure things will look better in the morning,” he said in a tired voice.
Carole had walked out with Hank, looked him over to make sure he was alright and hailed him a cab. She was now back, putting her hand on Kurt's forehead to assess if he had a fever – but it was more just to give him comfort.
“Are you doing okay, Kurt?” she asked and he nodded. “Well, then, I'm going across to our room and get into bed. Finn, Puck, can you stay and help Blaine get Kurt into bed? Be careful of his leg. We will see you all in the morning,” Carole concluded, going across to their room. She wanted to stay, but realized Kurt was probably already embarrassed enough. He looked none the worse for wear and Carole was right across the hall if she was needed.
“Wow, Blaine. You knocked that guy the fuck out!” Finn said, looking at Blaine with new eyes. Puck wasn't far behind him.
“How did you learn to do that?” Puck asked. Kurt had never discussed the boxing aspect of Blaine's life with anyone.
“I am a prize-fighter,” Blaine said, “and it took years to learn that.”
Puck and Finn just stared at him.
“You mean a boxer?” Puck asked, and Blaine nodded. “For money?” Blaine nodded again.
“Look, I'd love to tell you about my career, but I think Kurt needs me now. So, if you can help me get him into bed?” Blaine asked. Puck and Finn both jumped to help. They had Kurt in bed in a few minutes and Blaine showed the boys to the door.
“Thanks for all your help, we'll talk in the morning. I think Kurt and I just need to rest, okay?” Blaine said, tired to the bone and just wanting to go to bed.
“Call if you need anything,” Finn said, patting Blaine on the shoulder.
“Will do,” Blaine said, bumping fists with Puck, too. He closed the door and locked it, then stumbled towards the bedroom.
“Kurt, are you really okay?” Blaine asked.
“Yeah, as long as you are here with me, Blaine. It has just been too much, you know? I should have known better than to trust anyone, but there I was, vulnerable and naïve once again. Will I never learn? Hank seemed like a genuine nice guy, not some maniac. Did I do something to attract that?”
“No, my love, you didn't. He was in the wrong, and he admitted it. I don't think he'll bother us anymore. Now, let's get these clothes off of you,” Blaine said, unbuttoning Kurt's shirt. He removed all of Kurt's clothes, then helped Kurt to settle in a comfortable position in the bed. He had helped him wash up, brush his teeth, and comb his hair.
Naked and tired, Kurt scooted to the center of the bed and rolled back on his elbows. “I still need to do the stuff...for my wound.”
“I'll help you, I'm done in there.” Blaine said, indicating that he'd just come from the bathroom, brushing his own teeth.
“Bring the plastic container, it has everything in it,” Kurt said, lying down on the sheets.
Blaine sat by Kurt's feet, which were drawn up so he could access the wound. Kurt was very quiet, explaining the procedure but looking away.
“You okay, Kurt?” Blaine asked, pulling on the latex gloves.
“It's just...I feel like every pregnant woman must feel – like everyone on Earth has seen everything I have between my legs. Like some sort of museum display. Shit, even Puck has seen my asshole. I feel like I don't have any privacy at all,” Kurt said, still not looking at Blaine. Blaine finished with the cleaning routine and was applying the ointment, trying to be gentle but also trying to hurry to get it over with to save Kurt any more embarrassment. He finished, placing the things back in the container and set it on the nightstand. He pulled the blankets over Kurt, then removed the rest of his own clothes and slid into bed.
“I understand, baby. It won't be long before we're back at the cabin and we won't have to live in this showcase of drama. It can be just us, once again. Or...have you changed your mind?” Blaine asked, but he was already sure of Kurt, sure he would pick him.
“I can't wait for that day. I told Carole that I would go with them to see this place they want to buy in Kent as soon as Dad is out of the hospital. Then we can go back to Philomath with Puck and Finn, to see about the house. What is this? June fifteenth? We still have until September first to be alone in the cabin. I want that so much, Blaine,” Kurt said in a soft voice.
Blaine scooted closer.
“Is this okay? Are you still feeling queasy from the wine?” Blaine asked.
“No, not at all. I'm sorry I got sick all over. Thank goodness for Carole, she was right there with the wastebasket, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Blaine, can I ask you something?” Kurt pleaded.
“You can always ask me anything, you know that,” Blaine said, combing his fingers through Kurt's hair in a calming gesture – though he was unsure if it was to calm Kurt or himself.
“Did I do something to make Hank think I wanted to have sex with him? Or that I wanted to share you?” Kurt asked, still dumbfounded at Hank's actions.
“No. His kind are always misinterpreting signals – especially when it gets him what he wants. I have the feeling he manipulates a lot of people into thinking they want to have sex with him – in whatever configuration. I know he said he was sorry, but I don't want to see him tomorrow. What do you think?” Blaine kissed Kurt's hair, rubbing his hand in tiny circles across his back.
“No, I don't either. I don't want to have some huge dramatic scene, I just want to get back to my life. Okay?”
“Yeah, baby. That's what we'll do. See your dad first thing, then if he's okay to go, we'll see this new garage. We'll be back in the cabin by the end of the week,” Blaine sighed. It could not come soon enough.
Kurt was lying on his back, his leg finally in a position that he could rest it. He could hear Blaine breathing, but it wasn't steady so he knew he wasn't asleep. Kurt was done talking for the day, but he was not sleepy. He turned a little to see Blaine was lying on his front, arms above his head which was resting on a pillow. It was warm in the room, so neither of them were curled under the blankets, which were around their hips.
Blaine was beautiful. His skin was flawless, smooth and golden and stretched over his bones and muscles to show him off to every advantage. He had amazing arms: strong and muscled, and perfect to snuggle into when Kurt needed a refuge. Kurt always felt so safe in those arms, from the very first night. Kurt picked up his own hand, reaching over to touch the muscle above Blaine's shoulder-blade, feeling how taut it was flexed like it was now. He sat up partially, leaning over Blaine to plant a kiss on that muscle. It was a wet kiss, but not the messy kind. The kind that seems a lot more like worship than like seduction. That's what Blaine's head told him. But his body disagreed and sent signals down south to disturb any rest Blaine thought he might be getting in the next hour. Blaine hummed in anticipation.
Kurt kept kissing his boyfriend, down his arm, over the bulge of his bicep, and to the soft skin of the underside of his forearm. He stopped at Blaine's wrist, licking a bit and feeling the steady pulse of his faithful heart beating. He took the first finger into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the digit and making a game of it. He began to whine, simulating the sounds he made when he wanted Blaine. His body was fooled – he found himself with a tingling in his belly and blood filling his cock. He shifted to accommodate for this rising.
“Blaine, my love...I'm getting hard for you,” he whispered, blowing his warm breath into Blaine's ear.
Blaine stiffened every muscle in his body and he turned to look at Kurt, his eyes turning almost black as he pulled Kurt closer.
“Touch me, Blaine...” Kurt whispered, trailing his own hand over Blaine's chest, down his leg and cupped Blaine in his hand, rubbing up and down as he watched Blaine's face. “It's just the two of us, isn't it? Forever?” Kurt continued as Blaine's hand ghosted down his arm and across his belly to stay there, rubbing the soft skin so lightly for a while before moving further down and around Kurt's cock, which was now heavy with arousal.
“You are so beautiful, my love. I can't be in the same room with you and not feel the pull to be next to you, to touch you. I want you, Kurt, I want you to make love to me,” Blaine asked, pinning Kurt to the bed with his eyes. Kurt couldn't move under that stare.
“Yes, baby. I can do that,” Kurt agreed. Really, Blaine had been thinking a lot about it, ever since the night he had taken Kurt's virginity. He wanted to give that gift back.
“Uhhh...oh, Blaine, ahhh” Kurt was coming apart with the simple act of Blaine kissing him, their hands and mouths all over each other. They had started slowly, with gentle kissing that turned desperate so quickly; then they had held each other, softly massaging and touching that turned into stroking and rubbing, rough for them as Blaine tried to keep Kurt from hurting his leg or anything else and Kurt didn't want to stop and be coddled – he wanted to be inside Blaine right now, and he had no patience left. Blaine was scratching Kurt's back as he bit into his neck, sucking hard and pinching his nipple just to hear Kurt squeal.
Kurt was so turned on, he gave back with equal measure – taking Blaine's nipple in his mouth and biting down, not too hard, but rubbing his tongue hard across the little bit of flesh in his teeth until Blaine's intake of breath and subsequent moan was felt in Kurt's cock. He was so aroused and wanted Blaine so badly, he was shaking with the thought of it.
Kurt had opened the tube of lubricant with one hand and had a large amount that he was warming in his hand while he used his tongue to bathe Blaine's neck before he put his lips on just the right spot and sucked again, getting a sexy whine from his boyfriend. Just when Blaine was focusing on that love bite, Kurt slipped his hand around and pushed his finger into Blaine, spreading the warm lubricant all around his entrance. Blaine almost fell off the bed in surprise, his eyes so wide as Kurt placed his lips over Blaine's open mouth, shoving his tongue in and humming his pleasure. Blaine was so close to coming, he had to grasp himself tightly and close his eyes – but that didn't work as well as he thought it would because all he could see with closed eyes was the last time he had fingered Kurt open. He held even tighter, willing himself to calm down. He took several deep breaths and forced his arms to stop shaking.
“Oh, my stars, Kurt...oh...” he babbled. It was a Kurt thing to babble like this, Blaine was usually more in control, and Kurt reveled in the fact that he had done that – taken Blaine by surprise and gave him such pleasure.
“Is it good for you, Blaine? Do you like what I'm doing to you?” Kurt whispered in his ear, excited by the lack of sense that was coming out of Blaine's mouth right now. It was mostly moans and breathy mentions of his name. Kurt loved it when Blaine called his name during sex.
Kurt might have taken Blaine by surprise, but he was still very mindful of what exactly was happening. He knew he had to heed the advice of Dr. Parsons in being gentle at this stage and making absolutely sure that Blaine was stretched enough to avoid tearing the fragile tissue. He took a breath and although he wanted to thrust and stroke into Blaine with wild abandon, he forced himself to be very gentle. He started to hum quietly into Blaine's ear, a calming, quiet tune meant to slow things down a bit. He never stopped stretching, massaging Blaine, asking with gestures if Blaine was still feeling good. Blaine was feeling more than good, he felt amazing. Each motion of Kurt's fingers was making him feel even better. It had stung for a moment, but not the burning he had experienced the first time Kurt had fingered him last summer. Now it was just good. No, amazing.
“Oh, baby...just keep doing that, don't stop....don't ever stop...” he begged, and Kurt kissed his temple, then his cheek.
“I won't, don't worry, I won't,” he reassured Blaine, using his other hand to lay flat on the warm skin of his belly.
Blaine was running his hand along the inner part of Kurt's milky white thigh. He looked down at Kurt's legs, at first to make sure the sore one wasn't being pressured, but his eyes stayed there, running from elegant foot, up, up, up the long legs that went on forever to his perfectly shaped pink ass. Kurt was so beautiful, his creamy skin and taut muscles were so beautifully proportioned. His eyes were mesmerizing, his cheeks so soft and kissable with his elfin ears and cute nose. Blaine loved every part of Kurt.
The heat was swirling inside of him, but he refused to close his eyes. It would force him to concentrate on what Kurt was doing and he couldn't possibly stop himself from coming too soon. He needed a distraction, and one presented itself, almost right before his eyes: Kurt's cock was practically twitching, so he took it and placed a kiss on the side, eliciting a sigh from Kurt that turned into a moan as he licked up the shaft.
Kurt continued his tender massaging of Blaine's sphincter muscle until he deemed it was enough. Blaine was half in a trance by this time, licking at Kurt's cock and humming in pleasure.
“Are you ready?” Kurt whispered, drawing the fingers of his clean hand under Blaine's chin to bring him in closer for a soul-deep kiss.
Blaine blinked up at him, his golden brown eyes sparkling with stars as he locked onto Kurt's blue-gray gaze. He nodded his head, but gave Kurt a puzzled look, wondering what this new position might be that would give him leverage, but not put stress on his bad knee. Kurt smiled and pressed his hand against Blaine's chest until he was reclining on the bed. Kurt leaned in to kiss him, then turned him so Blaine's back was against Kurt's chest. Kurt got several pillows and placed them in front of Blaine for him to place his leg on, giving Kurt access.
Kurt took the tube of silicon lube and slicked quite a bit over his cock, lying on his side in back of Blaine and thrusting his hips forward so his cock was just resting against Blaine's entrance, He took a deep breath, leaning forward flush against Blaine for a moment and placing his hands on Blaine's hips.
“Are you ready?” he asked, and although he knew the answer, it was another jolt when Blaine pushed back and the next thing Kurt knew, he was inside. Even though he was only in a bare inch, it was just as amazing as Blaine had told him it would be and he grasped Blaine's hips tighter to balance himself as he pressed forward, slowly filling Blaine as he gasped in pleasure.
“Kurt....oh, my love....please, Kurt...don't stop, keep pushing, fill me baby....” Blaine whined, taking huge breaths and quivering in pleasure as Kurt continued to push. It was overwhelming as the beautiful feeling consumed him and he was calling out Kurt's name. Kurt was in as far as he could be, staying still just to take in the feeling when Blaine clenched his muscles – remembering how that felt when Kurt had done it – and was rewarded with a moan that shook the bed. Kurt pulled back, making sure there was still enough lubrication and slowly pushed in again, so slowly Blaine ran out of breath moaning.
“Oh, Kurt...is this what you felt? Oh, push harder this time, baby..” he said, eyes closed and his hands twisted in the pillow in front of him. Kurt was so afraid that he would tear Blaine, he was still going as slowly as possible – which made the process torture when all he wanted to do was thrust in as fast and hard as he could. He closed his eyes in concentration as he changed the angle a bit forward, this time coming in contact with the place he knew was the door to heaven, finding it right away and thrusting carefully as his cock came in contact with that place. Blaine came unglued, thrashing a bit as he tried to contain his emotions. “Oh, my stars, Kurt...do that again, right there, right there..” and Kurt did his best to make Blaine feel it with each thrust.
Kurt was getting close too quickly, he wanted this to last all night and into next week, it was so good. He slowed to a stop and Blaine looked over his shoulder at Kurt's face.
“Let's slow down, baby, just rest for a few minutes to make it last...” Kurt whispered, caressing Blaine's chest where his arm was holding him tightly. Blaine nodded and took another breath. He was able to reach in back of himself, running his hand down Kurt's hip. “Uh-hmmm” he hummed in agreement and stopped moving, just lying still and feeling Kurt inside him. They both relaxed a bit, but not nearly as long as they thought when their bodies decided to begin again, slowly pushing and pulling as the friction they craved was begun again. Blaine made a sound that started Kurt thrusting harder, and Blaine gave him an encouraging moan, wanting more.
Although he continued to be careful not to thrust too forcefully, Kurt was at a point that he couldn't slow down, and Blaine was appreciative as the familiar heat began to swirl in his belly. Kurt leaned forward once again, his hand curling around Blaine's stiff cock in question. Blaine nodded his head, so far gone that he couldn't form words. Kurt began to pump his cock, his hands already slick with lube, and Blaine's eyes went even bigger, moans and sounds tearing from his throat as he trembled for a second and came in great spurts of semen, calling Kurt to come with him. That was all it took: Kurt never stopped pumping Blaine or thrusting gently as he came hard, filling Blaine and slipping his arms around him in a tight hold.
“I love you, baby, I love you so much,” Kurt said, kissing Blaine's neck as he held him, his hand spread over the left side of Blaine's chest where he could feel his heart beating.
“I love you, too, Kurt. More than my life,” Blaine said back to him.
Half an hour later and the boys were cleaned up, having just gotten out of the shower. Kurt was sitting on the bed, his back against the headboard and his sore knee propped on a pillow. Blaine was sitting next to him, massage oil warmed and ready. Blaine had already taken care of Kurt's wound, which was healing nicely, and they had gotten a snack from room service, which was on a tray next to the bed. They had fed each other grapes and orange slices, along with buttered croissants and a carafe of apple juice.
“How is your knee feeling?” Blaine asked, stroking down Kurt's leg.
“It's kind of sore, but not bad. I was careful when we were...ah..” his eyes brightened as a grin came across his face and he locked eyes with his lover.
“Well, I'm going to massage it for you before we go to sleep, my love,” Blaine said, pouring a little of the warm oil in his hands, then starting at the top of the thigh he had been admiring earlier, he moved down in gentle but firm strokes. Kurt settled a bit more into the mattress, wiggling into the bank of pillows to enjoy this pampering. Blaine had been doing this for quite a while and was very good at it by now. He teased the stiffness from all the muscles, starting with the quad going down the front of Kurt's thigh and working his way to the smaller muscles behind the knee.
“I think all the exercises you've been doing are really paying off. I can feel such an improvement in the tone of all of the muscles around your knee, it is amazing,” Blaine said, smiling. Kurt smiled back.
“I owe that to you, baby. I don't think I could have continued to do them without your encouragement. We make a great team, you and I,” Kurt said, reaching out to hold Blaine's hand.
“Come here,” Kurt said, patting the bed in front of himself when Blaine was done. Blaine moved over and Kurt pulled him so his butt was right in front of him, his legs around Blaine's on the bed. He took the warm oil and spilled some into his own hands, smoothing it over Blaine's back, rubbing hard into the muscles of his shoulders. He was rewarded with a grateful sigh, Blaine melting into his hands. Kurt rubbed his back, then down each arm, paying close attention to his biceps – probably a bit more for his own sake than for Blaine's – and finally he massaged his hands, including the sore knuckles that had connected with Hank's face.
“I don't know how to say this, Blaine,” Kurt started, allowing Blaine to pull away far enough that they could look into each other's faces. Blaine ran fingers down Kurt's cheek in encouragement, but he wasn't worried. He knew that whatever was troubling Kurt could be remedied, that between them there was an understanding that was above anything anyone could do to pull them apart. He leaned over to kiss Kurt briefly in solidarity and looked into his eyes in question.
Kurt sighed, so glad that Blaine understood.
“Blaine, I just wanted you to know how much I depend on you, how my life was nothing before you came into it. I wake up every day knowing it will be worth anything, because I am with you. I know how lucky I am to have you, and just that would be enough to make me happy for the rest of my life. But, Blaine...for you to share yourself with me as you did tonight? It is more than I can ever repay. All I can do is love you with all of my heart for the rest of my life,” Kurt said, kissing Blaine thoroughly.
Tears were running down Blaine's face unchecked. What could he possibly say in return? Kurt had just summed up everything that was in his own heart. He just held on, pulling Kurt so close that he could hardly take a breath.
“Oh, my God in heaven, Kurt. I love you, too. With everything that I am, I love you. I know we're just kids, and nobody believes that we know what is real, but I know that what we have is real, and it will last our lifetimes. I don't have a ring, Kurt, or a romantic poem, or anything....but ….Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, will you marry me?” Blaine asked before he even knew that's what he was doing. He had no thought at all of doing such a thing, in some hotel room with no proper setting or prepared speech, he wasn't wearing a tuxedo or down on one knee, there were no fireworks or violins playing– but as soon as he saw Kurt's face, he knew he had done the Right Thing. The glow of happiness that came from Kurt's face was blinding and Blaine held him tighter, burying his face in Kurt's neck where he had found refuge a hundred times before.
“Yes, Blaine Devon Anderson, I will marry you.”