Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Kurt sat in the kitchen, forbidden to help because he was wearing his new suit. Grandma Sophie scurried around making him breakfast.
"Really, I can at least cook the toast, Grandma. I won't get toast crumbs on my suit. I'm not six years old anymore," he whined and earned himself a swat with the dishtowel as she walked by him to get the butter from the refrigerator.
"I know you're not, but I've been cooking breakfast for my men for seventy-odd years and I'm not about to stop now. Sit still and tell me about your new house," Sophie scolded as she buttered the toast and set it on the plate, putting two more pieces of bread in the toaster.
"I told you everything, I think. Oh, they put in grass! I have a lawn to mow now. Well, I was going to mow it but the goats keep getting out and chewing it down," he giggled, thinking about how Blaine chased the two goats all around the house and shed until Kurt showed up with a bucket of oats with some honey dribbled on it. The goats followed him into the pen and he left Blaine standing outside cursing.
Kurt got up to carry the tray of plates and cups to the dining room table just as Blaine and Puck stumbled down the stairs. Blaine was wearing jeans and a polo shirt, no tie today. Puck was wearing a pair of coveralls.
"What time do you have to be at work, Puck?" Kurt asked. Puck was working as a manager of a car repair shop thanks to a stellar recommendation from Burt after his year of working in Kent, Washington. He was still in school, but taking night classes.
"Not until eight. I get there about an hour before we open so I can get the paperwork done. That's one thing your dad taught me – keep up with the paperwork," Puck grinned. He had surprised everyone, most of all himself, when he showed an aptitude for accounting and managing the inventory at Burt's garage. "I like to get my hands dirty during the day, so I get all the accounts done early. We have a full schedule today, so I won't be home until after five. Sorry, Grandma," he said, stopping to kiss her cheek.
"Its fine, Noah. I'll have supper ready. Kurt will keep me company," she smiled. Sophie loved nothing more than cooking and taking care of the men in her life.
"Can I get you anything at the grocer's, Grandma?" Blaine asked, pushing Kurt's chair in for him and sitting down at the table.
"No, dear. I'm going to make something simple...schnitzel with noodles, I think" she said, smiling at Blaine sitting across from her.
"Simple? I am guessing you're going to make the noodles from scratch?" Kurt's eyebrows went up.
"I don't like those dried out ones in the package. Mine are better," she stated.
"I'll be home in time to help if you'd like," Kurt offered. Grandma Sophie nodded. "Or we could make spaetzle instead?"
"Oh, that would be lovely! I adore spaetzle," Puck grinned.
"Well, then, that's what we'll cook. I have fresh green beans from the farmer's market to go with them and maybe a tomato salad," Sophie added.
Kurt and Blaine exchanged a hidden giggle when they heard Puck say 'lovely'. It just wasn't a word they expected to hear come out of his mouth. Maybe living with his grandmother was good for him.
"I've been trying to increase the number of motorcycles we work on. The previous manager didn't work on bikes, so I'm hoping adding that service will increase sales," Puck said, smiling as he shoveled more breakfast into his mouth.
"I had best be going, the conference starts in 45 minutes and I don't want to be late my first time," Blaine said, grinning. He was in his element, anticipating the meeting. Getting up from the table, he leaned over Kurt and kissed his cheek.
"Are you ready for the interview?"
"Yes, I think so. I have my portfolio ready, the photos I decided to add are in place, and in about two minutes Nicky and Jeff are going to be here to take me over to Corvallis for the interview. Wish me luck?" Kurt asked, suddenly a little nervous.
Blaine held out his hand and Kurt took it. Blaine led him out to the porch and they sat on the swing together. Blaine put his arm around Kurt's shoulders, bringing him close and kissing his hair. Kurt must really crave his kisses, he didn't complain one bit about messing up his hair.
"Kurt, you know you're amazing. There was a reason you graduated at the top of your class, there was a reason you got both the honor society pin and the departmental scholar award. Its because you are simply the best. You won't have any problem letting these people know that. Just let your personality and your intellect shine through and you'll get the job offer. Okay?" Blaine tried to comfort Kurt. He pulled him closer and Kurt let his husband kiss all down his neck, holding him close.
"Oh, Blaine. I hate to admit it, but I'm really scared," he whispered, ashamed of himself after everything they had gone through in life – to be afraid of a job interview.
"Kurt, you didn't go looking for this firm, they came to you. And if its not right, they are not the only architectural firm in Oregon, – there must be a thousand. I hope you get this one, but if you don't, there are more. You know if you never got hired on to a company that you could open your own business. I will be proud of you no matter how this turns out, do you know that?" Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes, telling him how proud he was, how amazing he knew Kurt could be.
"Thank you, Blaine. I do feel better. I guess I just got a case of the nerves, baby. I'm going in there to win," he grinned back at Blaine, his confidence returning.
"That's better. More like the man I know and love," Blaine said, kissing Kurt softly. He looked into those huge blue-gray eyes and knew everything Kurt was thinking.
Kurt laid his head down on Blaine's shoulder.
"Blaine, you are the best. You know when I need you, you always know exactly what to say to make me believe in myself again when my confidence slips. I want to be an equal partner in this marriage, and sitting at home not bringing in any money makes me feel kind of like a ...I don't know, like a sponge. Or a parasite. Always taking and never giving," Kurt snuggled his nose into Blaine's neck. It was what he did when he needed comfort, it made him feel safe, like nobody could touch him. Blaine understood this from the first time he did it, and placed his arms around Kurt to hold him tight.
"Oh, Kurt. How could you ever feel you don't matter? You matter to me, whether you are a prince or a pauper – money isn't what matters, baby. Its our love that matters. I'd rather have one day of snuggling with you in a shack that a year of living in a palace without you. I feel like the richest man in the world, Babe, because I have you. Don't you know that?" Blaine asked, kissing behind Kurt's ear and smoothing his hands over the tense muscles in his back.
Kurt heaved a big sigh.
"I do know that, because I feel the same way about you. I guess I'm just letting the pressure of this job interview get to me. Really, I'm okay. Honest, it was just a case of nerves," Kurt said. He unbuttoned the upper middle button of his shirt and took out the pendant he'd been wearing for years. It had Orion's Belt on it with tiny diamond chips for the stars. He held it in his hand, kissed it quickly, and slipped it back. Blaine gently pushed his hands away and buttoned the shirt once more.
"You know I'll be thinking about you all morning, don't you?" he asked.
"And I'll be thinking about you, too, my stud muffin," Kurt giggled, his gloomy mood getting lighter as Blaine kissed his face.
"Let's walk around the house while we wait..." Blaine suggested. They held hands like they did when they were teenagers and walked slowly, looking at the flowers and birds they remembered from their college days in the house. Rounding the corner to the side yard, Kurt stopped to stare.
"Oh, look! Grandma has planted more flowers...I love the purple ones!" Kurt laughed, grinning at the yard more than half filled with flowers. "Cosmos. My mama used to plant those. Oh, and shasta daisies, poppies, phlox. It's so beautiful," he said. They walked further, and Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand.
"Look...." he said, his hand tightening as he gazed at the flowers growing around the back patio. The two men smiled at each other, leaning forward to share a gentle kiss. They looked into each other's eyes, then back to the dozens and dozens of Stargazer lilies blooming. Tears were brimming over in Kurt's eyes when Blaine looked back from the flowers.
"Hey, now...surely you aren't crying over some flowers?" Blaine asked, drawing Kurt closer and letting Kurt lean against his chest.
"No, I'm just sort of emotional I guess. This is just....I don't know, one of those days. Hey, don't you need to get to your meeting?" Kurt asked.
"Not until I'm sure you're okay. Kurt, I'm getting worried...what's wrong?" Blaine asked. He kissed Kurt's face once more, holding his hand and lacing their fingers together.
"I just don't want to fail. I'm so afraid I'll fail in your eyes, Blaine. Here you are, with an amazing job in the field you have wanted since you can remember. You own your own land and everything is perfect. I started college with one idea, but couldn't make up my mind, tried to settle for something less, then just gave it all up to do something I never had any idea I would ever do. Just on a whim! When am I going to grow up and stop these crazy dreams and settle down to a real job and be a real part of this marriage?" Kurt said, all in one breath.
"No! NO, Kurt. How could you think that? You switched to architecture because you are extraordinary at it. And stop following your dreams? Why? There is nothing wrong with following your dreams – how else would we even be together? Oh, Kurt, baby, you could never, ever fail in my eyes. You are the most amazing, loving, talented man I have ever known. And I wake up every day and pinch myself, just to make sure I didn't make you up in my head because you are so perfect. You are my dream, Kurt. Now, stop second guessing yourself and go knock the socks off those guys!" Blaine told his husband. Then he grabbed him tightly in his arms and kissed him thoroughly. By the time he pulled back to gasp for air, Kurt's eyes were dark and sparkling.
"Just wait until tonight, baby. And thank you for giving me back my confidence, I just kind of lost it for a few seconds there..." Kurt said softly, his lips going back to give Blaine a gentle kiss on his neck. "I love you, baby."
"I love you, too. I'll be waiting for good news when I get home tonight," Blaine said.
"Time to get going, Hummel!" Jeff's voice was heard around the front of the house. He and Nick had seen the two walk into the back yard and followed until they realized how upset Kurt was. They stayed behind the climbing roses until it seemed Blaine had calmed him down before walking the other way around and calling out to hurry Kurt along.
Kurt left for Corvallis with their friends, waving to Blaine. Blaine smiled until the car was out of sight, and lines of worry creased his forehead as he gathered his laptop and folders to take to the Round Table for Oregon Sustainable Forests meeting. He wondered for a few minutes about what brought on the sudden fear in Kurt and was determined to look into it fully tonight. It wasn't like Kurt to lose faith in himself that way.
Blaine started out, driving down towards the coast to meet with Mr. Warner before proceeding to the meeting. He had been to the Round Table once as a student and it was thrilling to him that he would be included in the inner workings of such a prestigious group. He had ideas but knew he was wise to keep them to himself, biding his time before letting them trickle into the conversations. It was more important to him that he make a difference in improving the sustainability of the timberlands that it was to get recognition for speaking up. He would have a lifetime to make a name for himself in this business and he wanted to leave behind a legacy of responsibility in terms of respecting the Earth.
Leave behind a legacy – what a thing to think of at his age, and who would he be leaving it behind for? Blaine blinked his eyes as the image of his husband holding a bundle of soft blankets and smiling down into the face of their baby....
Blaine shook his head and tried to get his head back to the Round Table discussion list for today. He had to keep his mind on forests, not babies for right now.
Later That Night
"Blaine sent a text and said he would be home by six o'clock," Kurt told Grandma Sophie as he helped her knead the dough for the spaetzle. The veal for the schnitzel was waiting as she placed the flour, eggwash, and breadcrumbs in bowls for dredging the meat.
"Oh! And I forgot...I got you a bottle of capers for the schnitzel, I know how much you love them," Kurt smiled, nodding to the bag sitting on the countertop.
"You are my best boy, Kurt. How did you remember?" she asked, leaning up and tugging him down to give him a kiss on his cheek.
"You taught me how to make zwiebelkuchen, how could I forget you? You're my best girl you know," Kurt giggled, remembering the hours of learning to slice and caramelize onions for the special savory pie that was his favorite for so long. He owed Grandma Sophie a lot because she taught him to cook when he showed an interest in eating something other than pancakes and take-out food that his father fed him after his mother died.
They worked on dinner, side-by-side and chatted about how she was liking Oregon, how he liked the new house up in the logging camp, what Puck was doing besides managing the garage. Puck was taking night classes to get an AA degree in accounting and Sophie was so proud of her grandson.
The doorknob rattled and turned and Kurt was at the door as soon as Blaine walked in. He threw his arms around Blaine's neck and placed a soft kiss to his lips.
"Hello to you, too, my love. How was your day?" Blaine asked.
"It went well, I think. I won't know until next week, but it seemed like it went well," Kurt said. "How was your day?"
Blaine's eyes shined as he told Kurt about the ideas he had, how the people he met were of the same mind as he was about various issues concerning the environmental impact of thinning certain species in overcrowded regions to make way for trees that had formerly grown there. Kurt tried to follow, but Blaine went into his jargon and Kurt felt a bit lost after a while.
"But all of that can wait until after dinner! What can I do to help?" Blaine asked, seeing the table was already set.
"Go get cleaned up and come back down, it will be ready when you get here," Sophie's voice came from the kitchen.
Kurt went up with Blaine, wanting to have a few minutes with him before they sat down to dinner.
Blaine went into the bedroom they had shared since college days, setting his things down on the desk in the corner before removing his shirt and undershirt. Kurt came over and ran his hands down his husband's chest, circling his nipples briefly before sliding his arms around to Blaine's back and pressing them hard into the muscles in his neck.
"Oh, sweetheart, did you stand up and stretch at all? You are so tight here," Kurt said, meaning the muscles in his upper back and neck.
"I thought you liked it tight..." Blaine joked, wiggling his eyebrows at Kurt. His husband giggled and smacked him on his ass.
"Smartypants. Cleverboots. You know what I meant. If you play your cards right, I'll give you a massage after dinner," Kurt promised, kissing Blaine once more a little deeper. Blaine returned the kiss, closing his eyes and thinking about what he wanted to massage later. Then the scent of Schnitzel came up the stairs from the kitchen.
"Okay, loverboy, I need to get washed and we need to get down to dinner. If Puck gets home before we get there, there won't be any left for us."
Kurt grinned and turned to walk down the stairs.
"I'll be there in just a few minutes. Save me some!"
After dinner, Blaine and Kurt did the wash-up as Puck went to his office to get the paperwork done for that week's payroll and Grandma Sophie sat in her room to read.
Kurt was washing, setting the dishes in the rinse water for Blaine to rinse off and dry. They were singing, as usual, and giving each other fond looks.
"Remember the first time we did the dishes here?" Kurt asked and Blaine grinned.
"We made Finn and Puck do them – and then made them redo them until they did it right," Blaine laughed. Kurt had to endure the nickname "Kitchen Sheriff" for weeks after that and Blaine and Kurt agreed it was much easier to just do it themselves. Kurt finished washing and rinsed out the sink. While Blaine finished drying the silverware, Kurt put the plates and glasses away in their places in the cupboards. They always worked well together when it came to household tasks, each anticipating what the other would need or want to finish the job.
The dishes were finished, things put away, countertops and stove scrubbed, and the floor swept. Kurt looked up the stairs to their room. There were three more days of the round table conference and Kurt had one more job interview, then: back to their house in Warner Camp. As much as this house felt familiar, it was their little log house in the woods that was home to them.
Blaine took Kurt's hand and twirled him around to the strains of a Viennese waltz coming from Grandma Sophie's room. He put his arm around Kurt's waist and held his other hand, dancing a waltz as they moved across the floor.
"You sounded so excited about your day at the forest meeting...was it good? Did they listen to you?" Kurt asked. Blaine smiled.
"Yeah, it was a lot of fun, I learned a lot. Kurt, I don't know how to express how amazing it was. For the first time I felt like I mattered, that someone understood what I was saying, was excited about my ideas. I know it's just a meeting, but it made me feel part of the whole. It was like the final piece that made my choices in college, my choice of career the right one for me," Blaine said, unable to curb his excitement. Kurt loved to see his husband like this, so full of ideas and getting the recognition he deserved for his dedication to his ideals.
"Oh, Blaine, I am so proud of you, baby...so proud to have you as my husband. I love you," he said softly as he leaned close to give Blaine a tender kiss on his lips.
"Tell me about your day, Kurt. How was the interview? I know you said it went well, but tell me more," Blaine asked as he continued to lead in the slow waltz around the kitchen floor.
"I thought I was late, then I spilled coffee on the sleeve of my jacket. I tripped going up the stairs to the reception room...it was awful. I was so nervous. It was like auditioning for NYADA all over again. I went to the men's room, rinsed the edge of the jacket sleeve and lucky for me it was the left one so I wouldn't get anyone wet shaking hands," Kurt laughed. Blaine kissed his cheek and looked into his eyes, listening.
"I looked into the mirror and thought about you, my love. I didn't feel awkward any more. I remembered what you had said about my not needing anything but the courage to be myself. I walked out of there, feeling invigorated and went into the interview ready to wow them. I remembered my speech, I showed them my portfolio, shared my vision of what kind of structures I wanted to build. I did the slide show of our house built with my plans, and smiled the whole time. It really went well I think.
"All the people were very nice, they asked intelligent questions...it seemed like a dream. Their company is old, its been around for decades, and the founding architect was there. He seemed unhappy with me, frowning and grumpy, and he asked all sorts of difficult questions. He said he built the company up on making traditional houses and buildings, not new-fangled ones," Kurt related.
"Newfangled? He said that?" Blaine asked. "Oh, my gosh!"
"I was just flabbergasted. I had no idea what to say, I mean this man was like...eighty or ninety years old, I wanted to respect him but I have my ethics. I couldn't have taken two breaths before I knew I had to stand up for what I believed in, what my heart told me to do. I very politely told him that wasn't something I could do. My ideas, my concepts were based on being environmentally sound and then I figured I was a goner... I messed up, but I just could not do something against my beliefs. So I packed up my portfolio," Kurt finished, a sad look on his face as if he had lost the race. Blaine stopped dancing and just took Kurt in his arms and held him.
"Oh, baby, you know it will be okay. I am so proud of you, standing up for what you thought was right. Never given in to something against your morals, you are too strong and too good for that. There will be other job offers – or you could find a way to start your own company," Blaine tried to soothe him.
"No, that would never work...I couldn't spend a year away from you, my love, only coming home on weekends because my business would have to be in a city. I don't know what to do," Kurt looked so sad, it hurt Blaine.
"Kurt, you know I believe in you. I'm your biggest fan. I know you'll be a success, its just a bit hard to get started. Just wait, you'll get into an excellent firm and be happy with it. I just know it. Now, let's go to bed and think about how we're going to celebrate your job when you get it. Okay?"
"Okay. Lead the way," Kurt said, holding out his hand for Blaine to take it. Blaine wasted no time leading his lover up the stairs to their bed.
"What will we do on Saturday before we start for home? Is there any shopping we need to do?" Kurt asked. He was getting ready for bed, removing his socks and then slipping into bed. Blaine wasn't far behind.
"I can't think of anything. I gave Shannon the grocery list, so we should be okay. I was thinking of maybe going to the mall on Saturday morning and leaving for home on Sunday?" Blaine answered.
Kurt yawned, so tired after the stress of the long day. He hadn't been clothes shopping in months and months and it sounded delightful – to spend the day with Blaine and just do something fun. Maybe they could find a good Thai restaurant, or maybe Italian...it would be wonderful. He grinned.
"I would love to spend Saturday with you, Mr. Hummel-Anderson," he replied, giving his husband a kiss. It started out soft and sweet, getting deeper as the two men slid down to get under the covers to go to sleep.
At home they usually slept in flannel pajamas, it was cold there even in the summer, but here it was warm and they slept nude, cuddled together every night.
"Blaine?" Kurt asked, hoping his husband wasn't asleep yet.
"Yeah..." Blaine said, tired but still alert.
"I've been a little worried about Puck."
"Why? He's got a great job, he's proud of himself, he's going to classes at night to get ahead in business...he's sort of the polar opposite of what he was in high school," Blaine commented, turning over in bed and propping himself up on his elbows to look at Kurt.
"That's what's bothering me. I mean, he was a little wild – or so he wanted people to believe – and underneath it all was a kid that felt lost and alone. I really believe that's why he courted the illusion that he was a wild child. When he was abandoned first by his dad, then by his mom, he just acted more wild. Then he went to live with Grandma Sophie. She got him interested in making something of himself, taught him that he was worth something. I know she must have spoken to my dad at some point and that's why he spent the summer up in Washington working for him. When he was in high school, Dad would hire Puck to pump gas and taught him a bit about car repair, but it never amounted to much," Kurt explained, shuffling down a bit in the bed and lying back so he was even with Blaine and could see his face.
"I remember. I heard rumors about him before I even met him. I'm happy he's decided to make a better life for himself," Blaine smiled. He used his first two fingers to walk them over to Kurt's hand and stroke it with his thumb, making Kurt grin.
"I think he can thank Grandma Sophie for that. She never told him not to be himself. She never criticized his Mohawk or the clothes he wore or how he spent his time. She just offered all of her love all of the time. It had a profound influence on him. I think she asked my dad to teach him how to do the bookwork and accounting stuff so he could maybe open his own business one day," Kurt guessed, reaching out his hand so he could draw his finger down Blaine's cheek, moving to cup his jaw with his hand. Blaine smiled that secret little smile that told Kurt he was happy with him. It was a wonderful feeling to know someone loved him with no reservations, and Kurt knew how lucky he was to have more than one person in his life that felt that way about him. He took Blaine's hand and brought it to his lips, giving him a quick kiss on his knuckles.
"I'm so happy for Puck, but something is still bothering me," Kurt said, looking at Blaine.
"No girls."
"How did you know?" Kurt asked.
Blaine rolled his eyes.
"I refuse to answer that because you already know the answer. Really, Kurt?"
Kurt giggled.
"Okay, Anderson. I guess it is no surprise that I'm concerned. I know he's busy, but to go without female companionship? Not likely," Kurt grinned.
"Which leads us to the question: why is he hiding it from us?"
"No idea. None at all. He's not the kind to care what others think about who he's seen with. I can't imagine it has anything to do with her heritage? Class, religion, politics? It can't even be her age because he was ...ah...shall we say "companionable" with some older ladies when he had pool clients whose husbands weren't home and he never made that a secret."
"Well, its a mystery to me. Maybe we should just wait him out, he'll tell us eventually. Hey, maybe its a guy?" Blaine said, his eyes suddenly a lot bigger.
Kurt coughed so much Blaine had to pat his back.
"No. I think I'd know....I've known Noah Puckerman since he was three. I'm pretty sure I'd know if he was gay or even bi. Wouldn't I?" Kurt asked, looking at Blaine.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you would. Well, I hope whomever it is, they treat him nicely. He'll tell us when he's ready."
"Noah, do you have to leave so soon? You could stay the night you know. I'd make it worth your while," the girl said, running her fingers up his inner thigh. Puck took in a breath and schooled his face to look less horny. He clapped his hand down on top of hers and moved it to his chest. She could feel his heart beating fast.
"Now, you know I can't stay. I have to be home to take care of my Grandma. It isn't that I don't want to be with you, darling. You know it isn't. I just can't afford to take on any more right now. I want to tell you that you are the most important thing in my life – and you are – but I have to show some responsibility if I'm going to buy my own garage some day. I have to study for my mid-term exams, I have to graduate." Puck ducked his head a little, not wanting to disappoint his girlfriend, but knowing he had to keep his nose to the grindstone if he was going to pass this class. For once in his life, he was going to take his education seriously and make his own life better, for his girlfriend and most of all for himself. He wanted to have more children some day and he wanted to be someone for them to look up to. And for once he was not going to let sex get in his way, no matter how in love he was right now.
"I can help you with that, Noah. Which class are you having problems in?" the little blonde asked.
"Accounting. I think I understand up to a point. Mr. Hummel taught me how to do the bookkeeping for his shop, but he does it differently than my professor. I'm confused."
"Don't worry, honey, I do the accounts for the company, maybe I can untangle it for you," she offered, impressed that he was trying so hard to better himself. She could tell he cared, and that was more than she could say about any boy or man she had dated. Noah Puckerman was a keeper.
The next hour was taken up with Noah learning the difference between the way Burt did books and the way it was done now. It was similar, but the girl showed him why the new way was probably better for running a company.
"When my grandfather used to do books, he did it all in an actual book. It was called a general ledger and he kept everything in there – all the entries like sales, inventory, expenses, payroll and other things. In other words, all the credits and debits were in the same huge book. At the end of the month, you added up all the credits and all the debits and they should equal out at zero."
"Yeah, that's the way Burt does it – that's how he taught me. But now this professor has us using a computer and there are all kinds of pages and programs and spreadsheets. Its so confusing," Puck leaned his head on the back of the sofa and rolled his eyes.
"I know it looks intimidating, but my dad taught me how to do bookkeeping when I was a little girl. I used to sit on his lap in the office and play with his adding machine. Now I know how it works, so it seems simple to me. If I could learn to do it as a teenager, you can learn now. Have a little confidence in yourself, Puck," she said, kissing his temple and stroking his chest a bit.
"Let's start here," she said and brought up an empty page to start. He leaned over her shoulder as she told him how to input the accounts receivable, accounts payable, the payroll, and all the things that would automatically go into the General Ledger. By the end of an hour he felt much more confident.
"Thank you, baby. I think I get it now. You should be a teacher instead of an accountant," he grinned at her. She smiled back, glad to be of help to him. She had just recently moved to Philomath to work for the company and was lonely living in a house all by herself. They had actually met over a year ago, but when she saw Puck in the local supermarket one afternoon she ran down the aisle to catch up to him. He remembered her and invited her to come to dinner and meet his grandmother and things had taken off from there. They had been dating for about two months now.
"So, was that enough? Do you think you understand enough to finish the homework? I can go over any parts that you think you need to practice," she offered, smiling up at her boyfriend.
"No, little one, I think I finally have a handle on it. Its only 8:30, so if you want to go out for a cup of coffee or to see a movie...?" he suggested. It wasn't that he just wanted to get in bed with her, it was more that he wanted to just spend time talking to her, looking at her big blue eyes. She was a little younger than he was, something he didn't usually find attractive, but she was quick witted, funny, and had an amazing vocabulary. He knew after dating Lauren Zizes that he preferred intelligent women and this one fit that perfectly. She was barely twenty, but was the head accountant at the company. That said something for ambition and intelligence.
"I could fix some coffee here and we could watch a movie? What do you want to see?" she asked, her pink lips smiling up at him.
"That sounds nice. I'm up for anything," he said, willing to even watch some lame girly rom-com just to be with her.
"Okay, I"ll just slide something in, fix us some coffee and we can eat that plate of cookies your Grandmother sent over."
And that was how Noah Puckerman found himself lying on his girlfriend's sofa, his arms around her and watching Topgun. She even had good taste in movies.
"How funny is it that Disney got Anthony Edwards and Val Kilmer to do voices in their new cartoon Planes?" she giggled.
"You're kidding..really? That's cool," he said, grinning. "I'll take you to see it if you'd like," he offered.
"Really? You wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen at a little kid's movie with me?"
"Nope. I'd love it," Noah replied and kissed the top of her head.
It's getting a little chilly, I think I better get a blanket. I'll be right back," she said, sitting up and going to get the blanket.
Puck got out his cell.
"Grandma? I'm still here studying... Yes, at her house... No, she was helping me with the bookkeeping class, now I understand it a little bit better, I think the test will be easy.... Yes, she loved the cookies..... Okay, I'll be home late, don't wait up..... Yes, I'm being safe. Grandma, I'm no longer a child, I know how to be safe..... Love you, too. Tell Kurt and Blaine I"ll be home before they leave tomorrow....... Yes, I still don't want them to know who I'm dating. I'll tell them when I'm ready........ Okay, goodnight."
"Back. Want to cuddle on the sofa again, honey?" her voice sounded from the hallway as she walked back into the small living room of her apartment.
"Sure," Puck smiled and spread the blanket over them. She cuddled up close to his warm chest. He clicked the remote and the movie was back on, Tom Cruise's character was trying to seduce Kelly McGillis.
Puck held her closer, wrapping his arms around her as she practically purred. They had been friendly for almost six months and he was glad he'd introduced her to his grandmother, who really liked the girl immediately. They hit it off and spent a lot of time together when the girl wasn't working and Noah was at work or class. Sophie was impressed with how much the little blonde knew about how to cook and how to do things like make jelly or pick the right kind of mushrooms from the woods. When she asked, the girl just said she'd picked it up somewhere when she was a child.
Sophie was a little apprehensive about Noah getting too involved with someone so secretive until the whole story came spilling out one day. Sophie was not a person to approve of anyone sneaking around, but this was fairly innocent and for a good reason, so she went along but encouraged Noah to come clean soon and quit hiding her as if he were ashamed of her.
Sniffing the perfume she wore, Puck nuzzled his nose closer to her neck, leaving a kiss there.
"Puck, I really want you to, its not as if I were a child," she snapped at him. Once again they had been kissing and his warm hands had explored her body above her waist, but when it came to her taking his hand to bring it where it was needed most, he'd drawn it back and just kissed her.
"Sweetheart, I just want to be respectful of you. Believe me, I want to touch you, to make you feel good...." he took a deep breath, "but it's too soon. Don't you want to save that for when we're more serious?"
"I am serious. We love each other, we say it often enough – don't you mean what you say?" she asked, tears threatening.
"Of course I do. I've never said that to another girl ever. That's why I think we should wait. I'm afraid if I started letting the boundaries slip, there won't be any more boundaries and we'll go too far and it won't end the way I want. Darling, I want it to end with you and I together. Forever. Don't you see?" he asked.
"Yeah, I guess so. Oh, Puck, it's just so hard to wait. I want something - we don't have to go all the way, but can we just do a little more? Please?" she asked.
It was dark in the room and he was holding her close, trying to keep tight control of himself but his resolve was crumbling. What harm could it do? It wasn't until she started kissing his neck, her warm hands stroking down his back that he responded. He tilted her face up, kissing her dark pink lips and searching for the hook on her bra. He had it open in a flash and she was pulling the blouse off, reaching for his shirt.
Her skin was very warm and soft to the touch as her breasts rubbed along his chest, her mouth open and sucking lightly on his tongue. He wondered if he could come with just this – and then was afraid he might. It had been too long and he wanted her so badly. Surely something that felt this good wasn't a bad thing?
"Noah..." she breathed, kissing along his shoulder as she rubbed at his left nipple sending shock waves through his blood to his cock. He normally wasn't that sensitive there, but with her? Apparently he was.
"Darling...ngh..." he moaned as she rubbed his back and down to his hipbone, her small hands like fire as she touched him. It wasn't even an erogenous zone...it was just a hipbone and he felt like he would come, with just that small touch.
She pulled back from his kiss and guided his head lower, wanting him to suck her nipple, pushing it into his open mouth and arching her back to get closer. His tongue just touched the tip, then swirled gentle circles as he sucked gently and she sighed into it, a soft moaning escaping her mouth.
"Have you let other men do this?" he asked. He wouldn't mind if she did, he'd had plenty of lovers, but he wanted to go slower if she hadn't.
"No. Nobody ever dared before," she said and he knew what she meant.
"Well, I'm not afraid. Come back, closer.." he asked and sucked the right one this time while she squealed a little.
He was concentrating on going slow and soft when he was surprised to feel her small hand slide under his waistband. He pulled his stomach in, making room for her wrist as she searched for the flesh she wanted, wrapping her hand around it the best she could. He stuttered out a groan as it sent his nerves and blood rushing all over his body. He didn't think he had ever been this hard.
"Honey, I can do this for you...but I think there might be something better, if you'll allow me?" she asked before she tugged at his pants, trying to get them down so she could stroke him unimpeded. Noah knew what it would lead to, so he tried to stop her but she was determined and he gave her credit for knowing her own mind. He allowed her to remove his jeans and briefs, her warm hand back on his hot flesh as soon as they were off his ankles.
"Noah, kiss me," she pleaded and as he did so, she squirmed a bit under the blanket. She took his hand and placed it under her skirt, between her legs and he gasped at the heat and the wetness and her evident hunger.
"Oh my God, show me where it feels the best," he asked in a whisper and she caught her breath as she guided his finger, feeling his gentle touch. She moved her hand back to him, trying to reach her small hand around his cock, but succeeding in only being able to stroke the head. Its was enough for him right now and he licked her neck, waiting for her to show him what she needed next.
"Suck my nipple as you do that," she whispered in his ear and he complied. This is all about her tonight. He can take care of himself later if need be, but he wanted her to have this. He thought briefly of trying something new, but she was so into this simple gesture, this gentle rubbing and touching he was scared he'll lose ground if he tried anything new.
"Noah...ahhh, ehhhh...oh, god that feels so good, please don't stop, I'll take care of you, just don't stop...ahhhh," she breathed, and he was barely able to hear her she spoke so softly. Her legs were stiff with tension, her fists gripping his biceps and he maintained the same pressure, the same rhythm as her breath got ragged. She called his name softly but it was getting louder as she griped his arm tighter. He wasn't even aware he had sought out friction on her thigh as he concentrated on keeping the rhythm of his fingers the same.
He felt her flesh ripple and where his finger was pulsed as she moaned so loud it startled him. He kept up everything just as it was and she pushed against him, mewing his name over and over until she was finally still, pulling his hand back. She lay still, staring at his eyes which are a deep green flecked with chocolate brown.
"Hold me, Noah..." she asked and he gathered her up in his arms, feeling something he had never felt with anyone else he'd ever been with.
"Are you okay?" he asked because she was trembling.
"Yes, just...that was not what I expected it to feel like. It was so much better, I can't put words to it. Thank you. What can I do for you? Tell me...tell me," she begged, not sure what would feel the best to him. She was very naïve in the way bodies work and she was trying so hard to appear as if she did know. But Puck wasn't fooled.
"Hey, now, just lie quietly and let me hold you. That's all I need just now – to have you in my arms."
And for once, it was true. He would be fine with leaving it like this if only he could hold her for a long time. He closed his eyes and leaned his cheek on her head, his arms wrapped tightly as if he would never let her go. They stayed that way for a long time before he felt her shift, and then he knew she was not going to let it go. Her hand was once more wrapped around his cock, her warm skin heating him up more than he thought she could. She added her other small hand to reach all the way around and he put his hand on hers, showing her how to hold it, where to stroke and how fast. She was a quick study and Noah found he was listening to himself as he moaned and panted. She learned just how to do it as he would nudge her hand a bit one way or the other, guiding her. He laid back, eyes closed until her hands slid down his cock and her hot mouth enclosed the tip then slid down, sucking gently as her tongue licked along the underside in that sensitive place and he shouted her name when he came, pulsing out so much semen he was faint from the effort.
"Did I do it right?" she asked, scooting up to kiss him and cuddle close.
"Yes, my darling...you did. I love you, Lenore."
"I love you, too, Noah."