Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Kurt struggled to turn himself upright. He was scrunched in a small space, not enough clean air. He was gagged and his hands were tied. He had no idea what had happened, but he had a dream of someone shoving a foul smelling cloth over his nose. He looked around and suddenly he realized he could still smell the cloth. Eww. He laid down and stuck his nose in the crack beside the door to get some cleaner air.
Damn. That was..ah, Chase, the half blind bouncer that had been looking for him since he was pulled off the empty back in November. Damn. Blaine had kept him safe, and the first time he had lost his resolve to do what Blaine told him, he had been caught. Now what was going to happen to him?
Back at the cabin, Blaine was sitting on the floor in the draft from the open door. It must be below freezing outside, but Blaine wasn't feeling the cold. He was feeling the guilt of betraying his best friend. Yes, it had been only two months, but he had let himself believe Kurt was the love of his life, and he didn't want it to end. He had to do something to save the situation.
Time marched on and Blaine started to get cold, then realized Kurt had been gone a long time. He wanted to be mature and give the other boy some space, but he was too worried. He had seen Porter earlier that day and knew they were sniffing around, looking for Kurt. Mr Warner had a standing price on the head of anyone caught riding the empties and Chase was scummy enough to try and collect on that, even though August had hired Kurt to work as a mechanic.
He got scared that something might happen to Kurt in his present state of mind, so he got up from his self-indulgent pity party and went out to find Kurt. The plan was just to follow him at a safe distance and keep an eye on him. Lucky for Blaine, the snow was fresh and Kurt's footsteps were clear in spite of the fading evening light. He followed the tracks until they reached the edge of the forest and it was frighteningly clear that there had been a struggle here. Blaine found the ground disturbed, torn bits of a piece of paper...the one with Burt Hummel's writing on it...and a handkerchief wadded and thrown away at the edge of the trees. He sniffed it. Chloroform.
Running through the trees, Blaine was blinded by his fear. There was no way to follow where the tracks went from the scene of the struggle. Whomever had abducted Kurt, presumably Chase and Porter, had made a mess of the snow in every direction. Blaine made it to the camp kitchen in record time, bursting in the door just as his brother and August came in from the dining hall.
“Cooper, Auggie, I need your help...now. I think Chase and Porter have Kurt. I found his tracks in the snow and a cloth saturated with chloroform......” Blaine blurted out in one breath, shaking in agitation and fear.
Lenore walked in, having heard the whole thing.
“Can I help, Blaine?” she asked, but he ignored her and turned to lead the two men to the scene of the struggle. They were wearing heavy coats and winter gear, and being used to walking in the winter weather, they kept up with Blaine, who was running on pure adrenaline. Reaching the place in the path, the three spread out to see if they could discern which way the bouncers went. Walking for a while, the tracks Blaine was following ended at the edge of a stream, covered with ice and he knew they hadn't tried to cross it. He started back when he heard August shout and he took off in that direction.
There, in a small shack back in the woods, August was walking around the structure. Cooper came up just as Blaine got there himself and they looked for a way in. August finally kicked the door in, only to find nobody there. Blaine walked in, the sunlight having stolen the colors and leaving just shades of black and gray behind. A quick inspection found Kurt's scarf in a corner and Blaine was certain he had left it on purpose.
“I'm going back to get some mules from the camp,” Cooper said. “They'll be quicker in the forest and it looks like Kurt is alone. How was he dressed, Blaine?”
“He had layers...double thermals, flannel-backed jeans, two pairs of woolen socks, your old hiking boots and your pea coat. He had a pack with him that had some jerky and an apple in it. But he's a city kid, so I don't know how much he knows about surviving a winter night out here.”
“If he's been with you the past two months, I think he'll be okay, Squirt. But hopefully we'll find him before the bouncers do,” Cooper assured his brother. He left to get the mules while August and Blaine went to find his tracks in the dirty snow behind the shack. It looked like Kurt had been able to wedge the window open enough to get out. Boot prints led away for a ways and then seemed to get lost and head out away from Blaine's cabin.
August and Blaine followed the tracks as best they could, but they knew it was a losing battle between the loss of light and the increasing cold. Cooper caught them up and they mounted the mules to try to follow.
Kurt had been a bit confused, still dizzy from the chloroform, when he began looking for a way out of the shack. He assumed if he didn't get away now, it would be much more difficult. He assumed correctly that Chase had believed the drug would not wear off so soon, which is why he didn't tie Kurt up when he left him in the abandoned shack to go and find Porter so they could transport their hostage to a place where they could collect the bounty.
It wasn't very difficult to pry the window open and scramble out to the snowy ground below. It was getting on towards dark, but Kurt was dressed warmly and he thought he would be fine if he could find his way back to Blaine's cabin.
He stopped to drink at a small stream, a little worried about getting giardia, but he was so thirsty it seemed intestinal bugs were the lesser of two evils. He had some jerky in his pocket, and nibbled on a piece as he walked quickly through the trees. It got colder and colder, and he was worried about being lost because although he thought he had started in the right direction, he really had no way of knowing where the fat little man had dragged him after drugging him. He sat down on a large rock to think.
“Let's see. I need shelter for the night, it gets colder and it might snow again tonight. I need to do something to keep them from following my tracks. I have some food, but not a lot. Oh, I wish Blaine was here. At the very least, he's warm and comfortable and....oh, damn. I miss him.” And Kurt dissolved in a shower of tears as he cried his heart out in his loneliness for his dad, his family...and for the boy that stole his heart. But he wasn't going to get caught because of his broken heart, so he got up and started walking again. He eventually found a small cave in the side of the mountain and crawled inside. Wrapped in his coat, hugging his arms around himself, he thought for a moment about what the wisest plan of action might be. He thought about making a fire, but he had little or no experience with that, so he thought the best thing he could do was stay in the cave and try to conserve his body heat.
It was terribly cold, but he thought it wasn't quite so cold as it had been the night before. He sang quietly to himself...song after song to amuse himself and wile away the hours before dawn would give him a tool to get back to the cabin. He finally just fell into a fitful sleep.
“We've been out here for hours, do you want to keep looking or go back home to get a few hours sleep before we take it up again?” Cooper asked, but he already knew the answer. Blaine just turned on his mule to look at his brother, his heartbroken face telling the whole tale. Over the past few hours, Blaine had told the other men about wiring Kurt's dad that he was okay, then getting the reply and not writing a second time. Neither of them admonished him, understanding how Blaine felt and seeing he was already beating himself up over it so severely that anything they said would mean nothing.
Cooper, especially, knew his brother had been lonely. When Kurt showed up out of the blue, Cooper had considered it a godsend. He had never seen Blaine so happy since he was a little kid and Coop would go a long ways to ensure his brother stayed that happy. He was determined to find Kurt and make it right with Brayden Warner. Mr Warner was a hard man, he had to be in this business, and had a reputation of being difficult and selfish. But Cooper had seen the man's face when he came the night of the fire to get Lenore. He had seen the man cry over the death of Sterling Anderson, and he knew that no matter what else, Brayden Warner would make this right if Cooper asked for Blaine's sake. He just had to find Kurt before Nolan Porter and Lucas Chase took it upon themselves to punish the boy that had caused them so much trouble.
Blaine was tired, but he had to find Kurt before the bouncers did. He was trying to stay awake on the back of the mule, but sleep was beginning to take him and he swayed in the saddle. He finally decided to get off and walk, leading the mule for a while.
“C'mon, Maximus, let's go, honey. Step up, boy,” he coaxed. The mule was used to sleeping at this time, but he wasn't really tired. He was used to hauling heavy loads for miles at a time, so stepping delicately through the forest with a small person on his back was easy.
“Sing to him, Blaney. He likes it when you sing...ask your brother, he sings to them all the time. Maximus, Claudius, and Caesar all like a tune,” August laughed, indicating the three mules. To tell the truth, he liked to hear Blaine sing, too. Sound was muffled in the snow, so he didn't worry too much about the bouncers finding them with the singing.
“Okay...any requests?” Blaine asked and August made a suggestion. Blaine was singing when they rounded a place with a rockfall near a steep and rocky incline before the path dipped and went into a lea. He could see the meadow on the other side and what might be some tracks, so he guided Maximus that way.
“….the sadness will leave your face
As soon as you've won your fight to get justice done
Someday, little girl, you'll wonder what life's about
But others have known- few battles are won alone -
So, you'll look around to find
Someone who's kind
Someone who is fearless like you
And the pain of it will ease a bit...”
Kurt was sleeping in the shallow cave near the mountain lea, waiting for morning light to dawn when he thought he heard someone singing. He brushed it away, attributing it to a dream because it sounded like Blaine when he heard it again:
“One day you will rise and you won't believe your eyes
You'll wake up and see a world that is fine and free
Though summer seems far away
You will find the sun one day.....”
Blaine jerked on the mule's reins as he heard a cry coming from some place nearby. He looked around, not seeing anyone. August and Cooper had stopped, too, and were looking for the source of the noise. Blaine turned toward the rocky outcrop of rocks just in time to see Nolan Porter jump out and grab Kurt from behind, Lucas Chase on the other side. They took Kurt and hit him on the head, dragging him behind the rocks before they had seen the three rescuers coming over the path towards them.
Mules are very strong animals, but not known for being fast. These three made that a fallacy as they were kicked in the ribs hard and they took off after the two bouncers who had a long head start. When Chase and Porter realized they were being chased, they sped up, carrying the limp boy between them, and Porter called back to the men following that if they didn't want Kurt to be injured, they better stop.
August Waverly was raised in the backwoods of Tennessee and growing up, his family hadn't had a lot of money to spend on food, but they ate well. One reason was because Auggie learned at a young age to throw a rock with deadly accuracy to knock a squirrel or other creature from a tree. That isn't a talent you lose over time, it becomes almost instinct, so when he saw what was unfolding, August picked up a fair sized rock, smooth and likely to be more accurate than a rugged one. He heaved it at Porter's head and it hit with a sound like hitting a ripe melon. Porter dropped where he stood, out cold.
“Do you want to stay still now, or would you like me to throw another one?” August asked. Chase set Kurt down with the utmost care and put his hands in the air, trying to see who it was that had thrown the rock that had put his partner out of commission.
Blaine didn't waste a second, but was off the mule and running for Kurt as fast as he could go. He slid the last ten feet on his knees, stopping just before he reached Kurt and had him in his arms, kissing his face before he could think. But Kurt was unresponsive, and the blood from the wound was dripping down the back of his head. Blaine very carefully took out his clean handkerchief and dabbed at it, begging Kurt to wake up.
Cooper had arrived by this time and helped Blaine to splash some water on the hankie to clean the wound so they could assess the damage to Kurt's head. It was not bad and actually, Kurt was beginning to wake up a little by the time Cooper had the blow all cleaned and the bleeding stopped.
“Kurt, honey, wake up. Are you okay?” Blaine pleaded, afraid to move him too much. Kurt groaned and didn't open his eyes. “Kurt...open your eyes for me, baby. Oh, Kurt, please, open up and let me see your beautiful eyes, let me show you how much I love you...” Blaine was distraught and didn't even register the looks given to him by Cooper and August, who looked first at him, then at each other, understanding much more now. Tears were threatening to start in Cooper's eyes as he realized just how much Blaine had been affected by Kurt. There would be some discussion today, but they needed to get Kurt back to the cabin first.
“Lucas, how is Nolan's head?” August asked, moving over to inspect the man he hit.
“He's waking up now. What the hell, August? We were bringing in the boy that was hiding around here, the one we threw off the train. You know he's ours if we catch him riding the empties,” Lucas said, pointing his finger at August.
“You got the wrong guy, Lucas. That is Kurt Hummel. I hired him to be home camp mechanic. He fixes the equipment, Lucas. I don't know why you were chasing him,” August said, as if he believed every word. Well, he did believe because it was all true. The way he phrased it was a little misleading perhaps, but it was all true.
“Hey, August....I know there's no love lost between us, but damn, that was sneaky. Where did you learn to throw a rock like that?” Nolan said, coming around and rubbing his head. Unlike Kurt, there was no blood on his wound.
“Do you two need help back to the camp?” Cooper asked, not looking at all happy at having to ask, but they would not leave the two bouncers alone in the woods with an injury. “I can leave you one of the mules if Nolan needs to ride,” Cooper offered.
“Thanks, but I'm fine and we're not going back to the camp for now. I think we can just walk on to where we were headed,” and with that, Chase and Porter left at a swift pace to get as far as possible before Kurt woke up and started talking.
“Kurt, are you okay? Talk to me...” Blaine was still pleading quietly. Kurt had finally started moving a tiny bit and each time he flexed a muscle, Blaine's mind rejoiced.
“Blaine?” Kurt said, opening his eyes a tiny crack and saw his best friend looking back with worried eyebrows and moist eyes. It broke Kurt's heart to see Blaine so worried and upset and...something else. Resigned? He didn't know what it was. He couldn't think of words that might be the right ones now, so he slowly stretched out his arms and put them around Blaine's waist and closed his eyes again.
“I think we can get him on Maximus' back now if you can get up first to hold him, okay Squirt?” Cooper said and unwrapped Kurt's arms from around his brother so Blaine could get back on the mule. He handed Kurt up to him and August helped him find the balance so they could ride back.
“Here, Blaine...you just hold Kurt, I'll lead your mule. That might be safer after all,” August smiled, trying to assess the situation accurately.
It was a long way back to the cabin in the dark, in the cold, Blaine holding Kurt with all of his strength so his boyfriend wouldn't slip from the mule's back. Kurt seemed to slip in and out of sleep or what ever was wrong with him. Blaine thought he might need to be taken to the hospital for testing to see if it was from being hit too hard, like a concussion or something, but agreed to wait until morning. The entire way home, Blaine kissed Kurt's face, even his neck, and explained how upset and sad he was with himself for not coming clean about the reasons he didn't answer Burt right away. But Kurt was mostly out of it, the concussion making him groggy and unable to respond.
“Kurt, you have to understand why I did it. I know it was wrong, I know it IS wrong. I will make it up to you, sweetheart, I will. I will get you home to your dad, Kurt. I promise.
When they finally got to Blaine's cabin, the men took Kurt out of Blaine's arms and set him on the bed, still unconscious. He had woken up a few times during the trip, but not completely.
“I'll take it from here, I think he's fine, just needs some sleep. Thank you Cooper, August. We'll get going on the solution in the morning. Goodnight,” Blaine said, hardly able to stand on his tired feet.
“Goodnight, Squirt. We'll get this sorted, I promise,” Cooper said, gathering his brother into his chest and hugging the stuffing out of him. “It will all be okay.”
August patted Blaine's shoulder, lost in thought about how to solve this problem and still a bit worried about the boy. He'd go a long way to help the Anderson brothers.
Blaine got himself ready for bed...for what was left of the night anyway. It must be about one or later. He climbed on the bed with all of Kurt's pajamas in hand.
“Kurt, can you wake up for me?” Blaine asked, holding Kurt close. He pressed his lips to Kurt's neck, no longer able to hold back the tears that had been threatening to fall all evening.
“Blaine?” Kurt blinked.
“Ah, there you are. I just want to get you ready for bed so we can sleep before we figure out what to do in the morning. I promise we'll get this straightened out and get you home to Ohio,” Blaine said in a quiet voice, stroking Kurt's forehead near where Porter had hit him with the rock. He didn't say anything, still groggy from his ordeal of the day. Blaine took off his clothes, gently putting the layers of pajamas on and tucking him in bed. Kurt mumbled in his sleep and Blaine kissed his forehead. “Sleep, baby, it will all look better in the morning,” Blaine whispered, “I'll make it right, Kurt. I promise.”
“Daddy? Do you have a minute?” Lenore asked, seeing her father was still awake despite the early hour.
“Of course, honey, I will always make time for you. What is bothering you at one in the morning?” Brayden Warner asked his only daughter, waving his hand at a comfortable chair as he came around his desk to sit with her. He poured a drink of water from the iced carafe sitting on the table and handed it to her.
“Daddy, do you remember the boy the bouncers found in the empty a few months ago?” she asked.
“I did hear something about it, but I don't think they found him. He must have found a way down the mountain I guess, why do you ask?”
“Did you know August Waverly hired a new mechanic for the home camp?” she asked, not answering his question.
“A young guy, but he knows his way around an engine, I hear. I trust Waverly...is this going somewhere, Lenore?” Brayden asked.
“Yes, Daddy, it is. The boy from the empty is the new mechanic. His name is Kurt and he's living with Blaine Anderson,” Lenore informed her father.
“Oh, and why do you feel the need to tell me this?” Brayden asked, knowing his daughter wouldn't have interrupted him just to gossip about the men in the camp. Something was bothering her and he was always ready to fulfill her every whim. He was well aware of Lenore's continuing crush on Blaine Anderson, but also very aware of Blaine's reluctance to interact with his daughter, and he thought he knew the reason why. He sat and listened as she told him all she had learned about the shy young man that had apparently stolen Blaine Anderson's heart.
At the end, she asked her daddy one thing: could he help? Brayden would move heaven and earth for his darling daughter and was so proud she had put aside her tender feelings towards Blaine to try and fix the wrong done to Blaine's friend, Kurt. It moved him so much that his girl could be so selfless.
“Yes, Lenore. I think I can help. Bring me the satellite phone and get to bed. I'll wake you in the morning.” He kissed her pale pink cheek and hugged her delicate body to him. “I love you, honey. Sleep well.”
Lenore walked down the hall, confident that her daddy would make it all right. She smiled thinking of Blaine and hoped he would be pleased. She loved the boy with the curly black hair and it hurt her that he blamed her for his father's death, but she tried not to let it show. If she could help Kurt find his way home, maybe Blaine would be pleased and talk to her again. They had been friends a long time ago, before Sterling Anderson's death. Lenore did carry guilt about it, he had gone back in the burning shack because of her. She had been hiding there, waiting for a chance to look out and see Blaine. When it caught fire, she had been in the back of the building and Sterling had heard her screams. She didn't remember much else, just the smell of her burnt skin for weeks while she lay in the hospital. She hoped against hope that helping Kurt would make it up just a little bit for Blaine.
Half an hour later, Brayden Warner was making the fourth call of the night.
“Hello?” said a sleepy voice.
“Hello. My name is Brayden Warner. I apologize for calling at this hour, but I am trying to contact Burt Hummel,” Brayden said into the phone.
“This is Burt Hummel.”
“Mr. Hummel, you don't know me, but I own the Warner Lumber Company in Oregon. I am calling about your son, Kurt.”
“What? Why would you be calling from Oregon...tell me, do you know anything about Kurt?” Burt was anxious, holding the phone tight to his ear, practically shouting. Carole was awake and holding him in her arms as she tried to hear what was going on, praying it wasn't Kurt's body they had found.
“Kurt is alive and well and living in one of my lumber camps. It's a long story, and I will tell you the entire thing, but I need to know how soon you can get to the Dayton airport. I've arranged airfare for you to come here to your son,” Brayden told him. “You need to check in at the Dayton airport and they will bring you to Coos Bay, then a helicopter ride to our camp. If all goes as planned, you will be with your son by tomorrow.”
“Oh...my God. Bless you...yes, I can go right away,” Burt said.
“I have two tickets for you, will that be okay?” Brayden asked.
“Yes, yes...thank you...” Burt shouted, and he thanked his lucky stars he'd be seeing Kurt before another night passed.
Knock knock.
“Hold up, I'll be right there. Shannon?” Blaine asked through the door.
“No, son, it's Brayden Warner.”
“Mr Warner? Oh, just a moment, I'll just....I'm not dressed,” Blaine said, his voice sounding panicked all of a sudden.
“It's okay, just undo the bar. I need to talk to you,”
Blaine lifted the bar to the door and opened it. Mr Warner was standing there and Blaine ushered him inside.
“How is Kurt this morning?” he asked.
“You know Kurt?” Blaine was confused, but looked over at the sleeping boy.
“I have not met him, no, but after a long talk with Lenore last night, then speaking to your brother, August Waverly, and Cookie and Shannon, I do feel as if I know him. How is he?”
“I just woke up, let me go check,” Blaine said, walking quickly over to Kurt and laying his hand on the flushed cheek. “Kurt, wake up, baby, how are you?” he whispered.
Kurt opened his eyes. He focused on Blaine for a minute.
“Blaine...I'm okay. Then it wasn't a dream? You came and got me? The last thing I remember is hearing you singing. It was that song from a John Wayne movie....”
“Kurt? How are you?” another voice came. Kurt tried to focus and saw a large man with blond hair and pale skin smiling at him. “We've never met, but my name is Brayden Warner. My daughter, Lenore, speaks very highly of you, son.”
“Mr Warner? It's good to meet you, sir, I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, however...” Kurt said, ever the gentleman.
“Well, I'll wait outside while you get ready. Blaine, come over to the cookhouse when you and Mr Hummel are ready. We have a lot to talk about.”
“Blaine...what's going on?” was all Kurt could muster for the moment. He was still a little groggy from the events of the day before.
“Oh, Kurt...I don't know what to say. We had that fight about the paper you found, about your dad. You were so angry, you stormed out. When you didn't come back, I went to look for you. Porter and Chase had gotten you. Cooper and Auggie helped me look for you, but by the time we found the shack where they'd hidden you, you were gone. We followed you and there was a fight to get you back. Porter hit you on the head with a rock, then August hit him with another rock...and we finally got you back home.” Blaine looked at Kurt to see if any of that registered at all.
“Okay, yeah...I do remember. I was so upset with you, Blaine, I had to get away and be by myself. They held some kind of rag under my nose that smelled ghastly.”
“Yeah, and I woke up in the shack. I was coming back to you, Blaine. I was upset, but I wasn't going to leave. I was coming back to set us straight. Blaine, I wasn't kidding about loving you. I do. I know we can work this out....if you want to,” Kurt ended, a question in his voice.
“Oh, yes, yes, yes. Kurt, I have been so scared. I love you and I didn't want to loose you. Now that Mr Warner is here, I can ask for his help. He owes me, or so he has told me. He can help us, okay?” Blaine threw himself into Kurt's arms and Kurt caught him. They kissed and held each other and kissed again, until they could hardly breathe.
“We better get over to the cookhouse. Mr Warner is there, and he doesn't like to be kept waiting. I think we can tell him about how you got here, and you are working for August...everything will be alright, Kurt,” Blaine said, kissing him again.
Dressed and washed, Blaine and Kurt joined hands with nervous anticipation and walked slowly over to the cookhouse, letting themselves in the kitchen. Cookie nodded toward the dining room and followed as the boys went through the doors.
Sitting at a table were Brayden Warner, August Waverly, Cooper, Shannon, and Lenore. The girl smiled at Blaine, then Kurt.
“I hope I didn't overstep my bounds, but I did what I thought was right,” she said, but Blaine wasn't sure what she had done. He didn't want to ask in front of her father, so he kept silent and smiled back at her.
“Sit down, gentlemen. I think we have a lot to talk over,” Brayden said, waving at two chairs on the far side of the table. Kurt sat slowly when Blaine pulled out a chair for him. Blaine sat as close as possible and Kurt reached for his hand.
“Last night my daughter came to me with the most amazing story. It was about a boy that had been bullied in school, kidnapped, left for dead in a train car, and woke up under a bush in this camp. There was another boy, who took him in, took care of him, taught him, and helped him. Add a brother and a kind-hearted foreman that saw the potential in a hard working boy that wanted to pull his own weight, but was now in trouble and missing his family. She told me this boy was in trouble and she asked me to help him. You all know I can't refuse my daughter anything,” he said, smiling at Lenore as the rest of them tried to keep their faces neutral.
“So I made a few calls last night. I am happy to know there are people like you in this world, Kurt, and I am proud to meet you. But as nice as this is, I think someone else is just as anxious to speak with you.” Brayden smiled warmly at Kurt, who looked at him with grave curiosity. His head snapped around when he heard a door from the other side of the room opened and in stepped a man wearing a baseball hat. The man had on a flannel shirt and was accompanied by a tall boy with a bit of a dazed look in his eyes until he saw Kurt.
Kurt was already halfway across the floor, meeting the man and picking him up to twirl around while making a sound like a cry, scream, whoop all at once. Tears were streaming down every face in the room as Kurt buried his face in his father's chest, calling, “Dad, Dad, Dad...”
He couldn't even breathe he was so surprised and thrilled and happy. Finn was just as happy, lifting the two of them into the air as he added his whoops to the general melee in the room. Lenore was clapping her hands, and all of the men were wiping their eyes at the reunion. Only Shannon thought to look at Blaine.
Blaine was the picture of desolation. He was clapping, too, and valiantly trying to smile, but the heartbroken pain on his face made Shannon gasp. It was the same thing she had seen on his face the day Brayden had told him his father was dead. She got up to move over and hug him, but he stiffened up and whispered, “This is about him now, Shannon. Let it go.”
Kurt never wanted to let go of his father. He hugged him and kissed his cheek. There were no words to describe his feelings. He thanked Lenore and Brayden, hugging both of them. Then he turned to find Blaine...but Blaine was gone. Kurt glanced at Shannon and she nodded towards the kitchen, the door still swinging.
“Dad, I'll be back in a minute...I have to go, but I'll be back.....” Kurt shouted and ran out of the room.
Awww :'( Take Blaine with you Kurt! I don't want Kurt to leave :/
Oh...I think these two might just cook up something to keep together. Wait and see...