Bound For Glory
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Bound For Glory: Stargazers

E - Words: 4,437 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
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Author's Notes: Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind."Pooh!" he whispered."Yes, Piglet?""Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."

~A. A. Milne, from Winnie-the-Pooh


Living with Blaine was one new experience after another, Kurt found out. He had been there for about three weeks when he woke up to find Blaine doing something with a vise and a box that was similar to the one Kurt kept his bedazzle jewels in.

He didn't mind getting up early, especially to help Blaine with the daily chores: milking the goats, collecting eggs, hauling water, and many other things that needed to be done each day. Kurt just didn't have that inner clock Blaine seemed to be born with for waking up at the crack of dawn and no amount of asking or begging would convince Blaine to wake him up when he got up.

Kurt jumped out of bed, quickly washing his face and brushing his teeth, getting ready for the day.

Shall I help milk Betsy and Bossy?” he asked, smiling at Blaine as he got dressed in his borrowed clothes.

Sure, I'll be ready in just a moment, we can have omelets for breakfast. Cookie gave me a bell pepper and a chunk of cheddar yesterday when I went for water.”

That sounds wonderful. I'll race you to the shed!” Kurt grinned, tying his shoelaces.

They hit the door of the cabin together and ran all the way to the shed, giggling as they made it through the door in a dead heat. Just as they made the corner of Betsy's stall, Kurt slipped on the straw and skidded a few feet before his legs got tangled up in Blaine's and knocked him off of his feet, too. They landed, Blaine on top of Kurt and both in a fit of giggles.

Oh, sorry, Kurt, I'm so clumsy,” Blaine laughed, looking up at Kurt from his perch laying full length across his friend. Kurt's breath hitched as he looked into smoky hazel eyes, then blushed deep red when he realized he was hard – and the way Blaine was laying on him he must know it. Blaine stopped for a heartbeat, his eyes getting large as he looked back into Kurt's blue-gray eyes. He moved as though he was pulled by a string closer to Kurt's mouth until their lips touched. Blaine's eyes closed and he moved his mouth across Kurt's soft pink lips, and Kurt found himself kissing this extraordinary boy.

They pulled back, staring for a moment, then Kurt kissed Blaine again, tenderly at first. Blaine whimpered, wanting more and Kurt deepened the kiss, licking his tongue across Blaine's lower lip hesitantly – almost pulling back as the realization came: he was kissing a boy. And the boy was kissing him back with equal intensity.

Oh....” Kurt sounded stricken, then at a loss for words as they ended the kiss. He took a breath to do it again when they got an insistent interruption.

Betsy baahhhed loudly and Hugo, the ram, kicked the wooden slats that made up the side of the pen in anticipation of his breakfast. Blaine scrambled to his feet and held out a hand to assist Kurt. They let the goats out of the pens to get into their stanchions for milking. All the while Kurt was glancing at Blaine, Blaine was looking back at Kurt, but neither said a word. They milked the goats in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable the way Kurt expected it might be. They finished at the same time, letting the goats out to the yard with Hugo and moving on to the chicken coop for eggs before going back in the kitchen.


Kurt busied himself with cutting the bacon into tiny pieces to cook for the omelets, Blaine diced the bell pepper and a bit of onion, then shredded cheese and they cooked the eggs, toast, and coffee for breakfast. Sitting across from one another at the little table, Blaine couldn't help but smile at Kurt. Kurt blushed pink, which was adorable, and Blaine moved his hand so it was covering Kurt's for a moment. They ate in companionable silence and washed up the dishes after.


What is all this gear you have sitting out?” Kurt asked Blaine.

I was going fishing this afternoon, so I thought I'd tie some new flies to use. I lost a few this last month and I need to replenish my fly box. Have you ever seen anyone tie flies?” Blaine asked.

No, can't say that I have. But I've gone fishing before!” Kurt grinned because finally there was something he was at least a little familiar with.

I'm not the best ever, but I can tie enough to catch my dinner. I'll show you how to tie one of these,” Blaine promised, opening the tackle box to show Kurt a Royal Coachman fly, which had a white wing, iridescent hackle and red bands of silk thread separating the parts.

Sitting down at the table, Blaine set a tiny hook in the vise and opened a tackle box. Inside were so many interesting things, Kurt started to look through it. There were all types of feathers, tiny cards onto which different bright silk threads were wrapped, there were hooks and threads and pieces of fur, beads and small bits of straw, foil, and tinsel.

Oh, I'm going to like this, I think,” Kurt grinned. Blaine laughed.

It's not for decorating your clothes, silly, I know what you were thinking!”

Was not!” Kurt laughed back at him.

Blaine was a patient teacher. He went through each step of wrapping, tying, and gluing all the parts of the fly as Kurt watched. Then he sat Kurt down with a somewhat larger hook in the vise, for beginners, and let Kurt do the steps. It was fun and rather complicated to hold on the tiny piece of white duck quill to make the wing, then wrap the buck hair for the tail and a peacock feather for the body. The bands were of red silk and the hackle was pheasant. A bit of trimming and the fly was ready to be set to dry. Kurt's fly wasn't quite as tidy as Blaine's, but was declared serviceable and Kurt was rather proud of his first fly.

Have you ever been fly fishing? It's not the same as using a lure or bait. I only have one fly rod, but I do have a couple regular poles and tackle, so we can go together if you want to?” Blaine asked, looking excited.

Kurt had fun tying the fly, he enjoyed meticulous work like that, but fishing? Still, Blaine looked so excited he felt he really had to make the effort.

Of course, I want to go fishing with you, Blaine,” Kurt said, and he really meant it and gave his friend a warm smile. “I have never been fly fishing, but I could learn maybe.”

It's a long, slow learning process. I'm thinking we can just fish with bobbers and flies today. I'll get the gear ready, you can put some food in the basket in case we get hungry?” Blaine suggested.

Sure, sounds like a plan,” Kurt said, turning to see what could be eaten cold from the basket.



I still don't understand why I couldn't use the fly I tied,” Kurt pouted.

You can, but the trout in this river like smaller flies. You tied that coachman on a huge hook – and they just don't bite on anything that big. I just had you do that for practice, Kurt. We can tie smaller flies this week and use them. I can teach you how to tie a lot of different kinds: wooley worms, nymphs, Caddis, Hare's ear, stonefly, or a blue-wing olive.

Here, let me get you started: you tie a knot like this....fill the bobber half full of water so it sits right in the water, then attach it like this...have you ever cast a line before?”

No. I went fishing with my dad and uncle when I was a kid, but it was with worms and they cast the line for me,” Kurt admitted.

No problem. Here, stand like this and hold your finger here, this is how you let out the line...” Blaine showed him how to cast the line. He was standing behind Kurt, almost flush against him as he put an arm around him to hold him steady as he held Kurt's right hand in his to show him the technique for casting -with the proper snap of the wrist to send the line shooting out across the water. With the first touch, Kurt was holding his breath, tingling in every place Blaine touched him. He wondered if this was affecting Blaine as much as it was him, so he tried to sneak a look at Blaine's face. He didn't seem much different -the same smile he always had when he was teaching Kurt something new, the same enthusiasm that spilled forth from Blaine all the time. But....was that a blush? Red was creeping up his neck, flowing onto his cheeks as he turned to lock eyes with Kurt for an instant. Then back to the casting lesson, leaving Kurt with more questions than answers.

It might have been awkward with someone else, but Kurt was now used to Blaine touching him and being close so that was not a matter for anxiety. Kurt learned quickly and was casting his line into the river inside of twenty minutes.

They kept quiet so as not to scare the fish, and Kurt finally got to use his Royal Coachman. He cast his line and almost immediately got a strike. He just about lost it, forgetting to set the hook with a small jerk as Blaine had shown him. Kurt looked on the edge of panic, so Blaine slipped in behind him and put his arms around Kurt to show him how to reel in the fish. When it was just about to the shore, Blaine took the net and scooped it out. Kurt was overjoyed, jumping around as he held the brook trout in the air and grinned from ear to ear. He threw his arms around Blaine, yipping in glee and turned, fish still in hand, and planted a big kiss on Blaine's mouth with a loud *smack*. Blaine staggered back at the impact, but managed to stay standing and held on to Kurt. Blaine's eyes twinkled looking at the exuberant boy in his arms – did Kurt feel the same way about him?

Kurt never dreamed he would get so excited about something that was so messy, but he actually didn't mind the mess too much as Blaine showed him how to gut the fish. It had been fun and such a feeling of accomplishment, plus Blaine seemed so proud of him.

Is this a large fish?” Kurt wanted to know.

Actually, it's huge. Most are about two pounds from this river, but....” Blaine took out his fish weight, “this one comes in at a whopping 4 pounds 3 ounces. Well done, Kurt!”

They fished for another two hours and brought home six big trout: Kurt's big brookie, a golden, and four rainbows. Kurt had caught two of them. Blaine had gutted them and they ate a little lunch and headed back to the camp. Kurt wanted to stop by the cook house, which made Blaine smile. He usually shared his catch with Cookie and Shannon.

Cookie!” Kurt sang out as he entered the building. It smelled of delicious bread baking, a scent Kurt thought he would never get tired of.

What the...” came a grumbling as Shannon came through the doors that led to the storage room. “Oh, it's you two. What do you want?” she groused, a sour look on her face, but Kurt noticed there was a sparkle in her eyes. He smiled at her.

I brought you a little something, Miss Shannon,” Kurt grinned. Blaine had told him that trout was her favorite food and he was so pleased he could bring her a present of it. She may appear like a grump, but he was beginning to see that she liked him and she didn't fool him because he could see the sparkle in her eyes.


He took the creel from behind his back and handed it to her. She opened it to find three plump trout, two rainbows and a golden. She couldn't even pretend to be a grump any longer.

Oh, punkin', a little bird must have told you how much I love trout,” she said, winking at Blaine. “I'm going to have a great spread for supper tonight! Thank you,” she said, kissing Kurt on the cheek.

The smile on Kurt's face couldn't have been any wider. Shannon put up a hand for the boys to wait and stepped over to the cooling racks. She selected two loaves of fresh baked bread and then went to the cooler and got out a bit of bacon, a bag of leafy greens, and one tomato.

Here, now, you wrap that trout in rashers of bacon before you bake it – then add a green salad, and bread with fresh butter. Fit for a king, that will be,” she smiled.

Thank you, Miss Shannon,” the boys called as they left to walk back to the cabin.



Kurt and Blaine had washed up and prepared the supper, making Baked Irish Trout. He washed the fish and stuffed it with pieces of tomatoes and rolled it in cornmeal, then wrapped it in bacon and set it in a cast iron pan. He fried it until the bacon was a bit brown and transferred the pan to the oven to finish cooking. The fresh smell of the fish combined with the smoky bacon had their mouths watering.

That smells divine!” Kurt crowed, still a bit proud of his Royal Coachman catching the biggest fish after Blaine said it wouldn't work. He giggled a bit to himself and looked across the table to see Blaine break his stare and blush a bit. He ducked his head in the most adorable way and Kurt smiled at him.

I'm having such a good time, Blaine. You make each chore or task into an adventure, and I never thought I might like living in a place like this, but I think I'm going to miss it unbearably when I leave.”

Blaine looked at him with big eyes as his heart skipped a beat. He certainly didn't want Kurt to leave and he felt a panic at the words. Of course, Kurt would want to go home. This place wasn't home to Kurt and as soon as he could arrange it, he'd be on his way back to Ohio. Blaine felt his heart squeeze a little bit, but he painted a neutral look on his face and pretended his world wasn't coming to an end. It felt like he'd known Kurt his whole life instead of just a few weeks. He swallowed and took another bite of the trout so he wouldn't have to speak just yet.


They finished supper with big glasses of cold water and the last two mulberry tarts. Kurt got a feeling of comfort washing the dishes and placing them in the cupboard with Blaine by his side. If it weren't for the empty place in his heart that missed his dad so much, he could be content here. He wasn't even too afraid of the Company men finding him anymore. After the one interaction with Chase, they hadn't met anyone else looking for him and Cookie had heard that Porter and Chase were working in another district right now.

I had an idea, Kurt,” Blaine said after they finished up. “You had mentioned going stargazing on your first night here. The temperature is still cold, but a lot warmer than it's been for a few weeks. Are you still interested?”

Oh, that would be lovely!” Kurt smiled. Blaine got a couple of blankets and they dressed warmly, in several layers of everything including socks. Blaine led the way, starting out on the path that led north, then veering off at a certain place. They walked through the forest hand in hand until Blaine found the place he had in mind. It was higher in elevation than the camp and afforded a view back, Kurt being able to see the cook house behind the trees. They walked further in to the trees and came out onto a meadow of fine grass.

We can spread the blankets here,” Blaine suggested and they made sure there were no rocks as they laid the blankets out. Sitting down, they pulled the remaining blanket over them and cuddled together for warmth then laid back to look at the stars.

From where they were lying, there was an unobstructed view and no lights to compete with the array of stars spread across the heavens. It was breathtaking.

Oh, there's Ursa Major and Ursa Minor!” Blaine pointed out. “Your turn.”

Okay, Orion's Belt,” Kurt smiled.



It sort of curves around Ursa Minor, see, those stars...” Blaine leaned close to put his cheek next to Kurt's so he could point out the correct stars for the constellation. Kurt held his breath for a second, feeling a tingle at the touch.

Okay, let's the right of Ursa Minor is Cassiopeia and Perseus below that,” Kurt said, proud of himself.

Blaine looked for the Seven Sisters, but couldn't see them. “There's the Southern Cross!”

Kurt giggled. “Ah, Blaine, that's in the southern hemisphere and although you could see it from New Zealand, I'm pretty sure you can't see it here.”

Oh, yeah..” he smirked.

They lapsed into silence, scooting closer for warmth. It was really very cold. Blaine snuggled into Kurt's side, slipping his arms around Kurt's ribcage and holding tight. It hurt Kurt's bruises, but wild horses wouldn't drag a whimper out of him right now. He couldn't explain it, even to himself, but after that kiss this morning – he really wanted another one. He was too shy to ask, but every nerve was on alert, he found himself holding his breath when Blaine turned towards him, just in case. He thought about it, willing his arm to move so it was around Blaine, bringing him closer – but the muscles in his arm failed him. He closed his eyes in frustration.

Are you okay, Kurt?” Blaine asked.

Yeah, why?”

I don't know, you seemed kind of distant. Did the trout not sit well with you?”

I'm fine, no...the fish was the best thing I've ever tasted, Blaine. I loved every bite! I guess, I'm just a bit nervous. Don't pay me any mind, maybe I'm a little tired,” Kurt said.

We can walk back to the cabin. It's getting late,” Blaine said, but snuggled closer to Kurt's side.

I'm kind of comfortable here, are you okay with staying a little while longer?” Kurt asked, not wanting Blaine to move away from him.

Okay, we can just look a the stars for a while. It isn't very often that we don't have any cloud cover at all. And tonight it's so clear, it feels like we can touch heaven from here,” Blaine said softly. He looked sad all of a sudden.

Kurt blinked, too. He was thinking about his mother, gone over eight years now. Was she in heaven looking down on him? Had she seen the boys that beat him up and threw him on the train? It didn't seem likely to him, he really hadn't believed in God for a long time. He brought himself back to the reality in front of him. Did his mother know he liked Blaine? Did she approve? Blaine was looking up at him.

I'm sorry, I guess I was about a million miles away,” Kurt murmured. Blaine reached up and cupped Kurt's jaw. He blinked when he realized this, looking into Blaine's eyes for the second time that day. Kurt looked at Blaine's pink lips, and a jolt of heat jarred through him as their lips met. Kurt's hands flew to Blaine's face, his thumb caressing Blaine's cheek as he gently kissed those sweet lips.

They stopped to catch their breath, lying back to look once more at the stars.

Blaine, I...” and Kurt's mind wouldn't let his mouth form the words he was feeling. “Ah, it's getting really cold out here, maybe we should get back to the cabin?”

Yes, you're right. Here, let's fold up the blankets and get back,” Blaine agreed. They folded the blankets and took the basket of food they hadn't touched and walked slowly back over the path, hand in hand.

Back at the cabin, the door had been left open and there were noises coming from inside. Blaine crept up to the door and peeked inside, Kurt right behind him. There, in the middle of the cabin floor was a raccoon.

Don't startle him,” Blaine warned. “If he gets in a cupboard or something we'll never get rid of him. They can be sort of cantankerous.”

In the end, Blaine managed to get behind the animal on one side with Kurt on the other and the door open behind the intruder. They started banging on pots with spoons, slowly creeping towards him and he turned and panicked, running out the open door. Blaine began to laugh, Kurt joining in, then started singing “Rocky Raccoon”.

You've got to love the Beatles, they have a song for every occasion, don't they?” Blaine commented. Kurt giggled.


Getting ready for bed that night was not the same, Kurt was so jumpy – his nerves were on edge. It didn't seem to bother Blaine at all as he stripped down as he had every other night Kurt had been there. It had become ritual for them, Blaine helping Kurt with washing his back and making a poultice for the bruising. Last night he had declared Kurt's back healed enough not to need the poultice any longer, but he still helped Kurt reach his back to wash it.

They avoided each other's eyes, hurrying through the routine and getting dressed in the thermals and flannel, ready for a colder snap in the weather according to Shannon who knew because of her arthritis. Kurt tightened the rope on the bed, still charmed by the complex simplicity of the contraption.

Kurt, wait to get into bed for a bit, I need to do something first,” Blaine asked. Kurt nodded.

From the back of the wood stove, Blaine got a round metal pan with a lid and a long handle. He used a metal shovel to place some burning coals in the pan part, then clamped the lid on and put it between the covers of the bed. He let it sit for a few minutes, then moved it to another part of the bed. Kurt watched him, then caught on.

Oh, that's a bed warmer, isn't it? I've read about them, but never seen one. Does it work?”

See for yourself,” Blaine offered with a sweep of his hand before setting it back in the corner.

Kurt slid between the blankets, marveling at how warm it was. Blaine was right behind him, practically purring as he snuggled down beside Kurt.

Tonight, for the first time, it was Kurt that took Blaine in his arms as they got sleepy.

Did I tell you what a good time I had today?” Kurt said softly.

I'm so glad you did, Kurt, I wanted you to.”


I think I just like that word....'stargazing'. It just sounds magical, doesn't it? And being out there with nothing between us and the heavens, that was magical, too,” Kurt said very softly as he laid his head on Blaine's chest. Blaine sat up, holding Kurt's head close to his breast, and started humming.

Did you wish on a star tonight, Kurt?” Blaine asked, and Kurt pulled back to look into those beautiful hazel eyes.

I did, how did you know?”

I just guessed – because I did, too.”

Kurt smiled.

Blaine looked at Kurt again and hummed for a moment or two, then began to sing:


Why are there so many

Songs about rainbows

And what's on the other side

Rainbows are visions

They're only illusions

And rainbows have nothing to hide

So we've been told

And some choose to believe it

But I know they're wrong, wait and see.


Someday we'll find it

The Rainbow Connection

The lovers, the dreamers, and me


Kurt smiled and began to sing, too:


Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high

There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue

And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true



Blaine took up his part again, looking at Kurt and smiling as he held out his hand for Kurt to hold:

Who said that every wish

Would be heard and answered

When wished on the evening star?

Somebody thought of that

And someone believed it

And look what it's done so far

What's so amazing

That keeps us stargazing

What do we think we might see?


Kurt took it up again:


Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me.

Where troubles melt like lemon drops

High above the chimney tops

That's where you'll find me...



Blaine sang:


Have you been half asleep

And have you heard voices

I've heard them calling my name

Are these the sweet sounds

That called the young sailors

I think they're one and the same

I've heard it too many times to ignore it

There's something that I'm supposed to be.


Kurt and Blaine sang the last verse and chorus together:


Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow

Why then, oh, why can't I?

If happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow

Why, oh, why can't I?


Someday we'll find it

The Rainbow Connection

The lovers, the dreamers, and me.




You are a good friend, Blaine, and I want you to know how much that means to me. I want you to know....” Kurt couldn't say anything. His voice froze and he pushed his forehead into Blaine's back, gently. It wasn't that he didn't know what to say, only that he didn't know how to say it.

Blaine understood and turned to face Kurt. He took Kurt's chin in his hand and made him look up at him.

What, Kurt? You can tell me. You can tell me anything, we're friends, aren't we?” he asked, searching Kurt's striking blue eyes for something, maybe the strength Kurt needed.

Blaine, your friendship means the world to me, I just didn't know how to tell you,” Kurt said.

You just did. And yours means the same to me, Kurt. You are my best friend,” he whispered before leaving a soft kiss on Kurt's lips.

Kurt closed his eyes and wiped a tear from his cheek. “Thank you, Blaine.”

Neither boy fell asleep right away. They tangled their arms and legs together in the way they'd done it every night since the first day, but sleep would not come. Neither one knew what would change with the kissing now in their friendship. They were both comforted by the embrace, but it remained that they were also both scared.

End Notes: This chapter is dedicated to Klainefairytalelove for the encouragement that I need so much to keep writing. Love you, sweetheart.Thanks to my friend, rosiecarr, for her song suggestions.And always my thanks to my lovely beta and friend, Klainelove.


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I. Can't. Believe. You dedicated. This. Beautiful. Chapter. To. Me. Speechless....Would you think I'm crazy if I said I squealed and fanned myself when I read that? I actually began an acceptance speech- "I'd like to thank the academy..." ha ha!! But I have to say- you beat me to it!!!! But don't worry my friend your chapter is coming and you actually inspired a bit of'll see :) Now onto my review of this here chapter. So I realized what I love best about this story- besides tha lovely klaine relationship are these amazing details you just throw in there like its nothing. Making fly fish lures, eating fiddlehead ferns...stuff that you can't really google. I remember working in the Er with this doc who used to reminisce about his grams dandelion wine and I would think- huh, why don't I have stories like that? Not that my gram didn't share stuff but it's like you are letting us experience that simpler time first hand. That kind of stuff always interested me- When I'm not reading fanfic I am stealing reminisce magazine from the waiting room at are actually letting me live that cool time. Love it!I also can't wait to see how you keep them together when the time comes...if you do! (it's already breaking my heart with Blaine's reaction to Kurt leaving so you'd better:D) Can't wait for more!!!!

Thank you, sweetheart, you made me feel great! Wow, there is just no downside to this writing thing, it's fun to write, it stretches my comfort zone, I get to do research on all kinds of things that just pop into my head, I get to write about things I remember from my childhood....and I get such wonderful people writing lovely reviews! (Well, except for that one guy that called me saome pretty awful -not to mention anatomically impossible - things and what I could do woth them....just because I wrote a scene where Blaine was bottoming. I mean, wow, it was just fiction!) But 99% of the people who write are just lovely. I've gotten to know several new friends form all walks of life, from all over the globe! thought I should keep them together? Hmmm....maybe if you baked me a lemon merangue pie and sent it....

I like that Kurt is adjusting there pretty quick and enjoying it and that cookie and Shannon like him too. I hope the boys realize there feelings for each other and say it soon and when Kurt leaves I hope he takes Blaine with him.