Bound For Glory
Revelations of the Heart Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bound For Glory: Revelations of the Heart

E - Words: 7,285 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
517 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: "Some people care too much. I think it's called love."~~ A. A. Milne, from Winnie-the-Pooh[A/N: I have moved the update to Saturday instead of Sunday... no change in how often, just easier for my schedule. I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone]

"Oh, my god, Blaine...those are not happy tears! What's wrong?" Kurt asked, staring at his fiancé and Blaine fell down on the bed, curled into himself. Kurt put his hand on Blaine's hip, soothing him as best he could but the sobbing only got worse and Blaine turned his face away so Kurt couldn't see him cry anymore.

"Blaine? Blaine! What's wrong, what did I do?" Kurt whispered, his skin turning cold as he sat and watched his fiancé fall apart.

Kurt had no idea why Blaine was crying and it scared him. Was it the ring? Was Blaine upset that Kurt had given him a ring when this was so clearly the day Blaine had made so many special arrangements to surprise Kurt? No, Kurt was sure that wasn't the case. Blaine's ego didn't stretch as far as being selfish and that would be selfish to want all the glory for himself.

"Blaine? Baby, what's wrong?" he asked again, but Blaine was crying so hard he couldn't answer if he wanted to. Kurt still wasn't sure if it was something he had done, but he wasn't going to let Blaine suffer alone. He gathered him up in his arms and held him as close as he could manage. He kissed his cheeks and brushed tears away, rubbed comforting circles on his back, whispered in his ear how much he loved him and how he would be with him forever. Blaine tightened his grip on Kurt and his face fell onto Kurt's shoulder, the sobbing making his whole body tremble.

Kurt got the blanket in his hand without having to move Blaine too much and wrapped it around him, keeping him warm. It went on for so long that Kurt finally tugged Blaine down on the bed, crawling under the blanket with him, and held on. Finally Blaine's tears stopped. He was trying to wipe his face, but his hands were damp and his nose was running. Kurt got up from the bed and got a warm washcloth and came back to wash Blaine's red, swollen face. He set the cloth aside and got back in bed.

"Blaine? You want to tell me what's wrong now?" Kurt forced himself to say. He dreaded the answer, but waiting wouldn't change anything and he was always one to face the music. He steeled himself for the worst, thinking about what he might do if Blaine asked him to leave.

"I know it's stupid, Kurt but I just don't know how to say it...." Blaine blinked and turned his eyes on Kurt. He was stunned at what he saw: Kurt was white, like all the blood had left his face and hands. He looked terrified and his face was so full of fear and dejection it was shocking. Blaine rushed to fix it.

"Oh,, Kurt. This isn't about you, baby,'s about me. This is the happiest day of my entire life, but my heart is just breaking because I can't share it with my parents. I know how much it would have meant to my father to know I found such joy in life, but he's gone and I can't get him back. I can't ever talk to him again, or feel him hold me. I am so in love with you, Kurt, and I wanted to tell my father. You understand, don't you?" Blaine's eyes were pleading for Kurt to understand.

Looking at Kurt, his blue eyes filling with tears, Blaine suddenly knew he understood. Kurt had told him that he had lost his mother when he was eight. He had even taken Blaine to her grave to 'introduce' him before they came back to Oregon. One glance at Kurt's face and Blaine knew he was right there with him, wishing a long dead love would come back, just long enough for them to share their wonderful news.

Kurt tugged Blaine back into his arms.

"I know, Blaine. I know. I've felt this before, and I can be here with you through it. I can't fix it, nobody can, but I can weather the storm with you," Kurt whispered into Blaine's ear as he comforted the boy he loved with all his heart. "It's going to be okay, my love. I know it hurts and it seems like there will never be a time when it will be okay again, but you'll weather it and so will I. We can be each other's strength in this," Kurt went on, hoping something he said might make a difference.

"I do understand, Kurt. You are what holds me together, you know. I'm nothing without you, but together? We can conquer anything," Blaine said, believing each and every word of it.


Two weeks later Blaine was getting ready for bed, washing the dust of the day from his skin in front of the fire. Kurt was sitting on the bed, looking nervous as he took off his jeans. Blaine had helped him undo the buckles and slip the brace from his leg. He was so tired of the brace, but he'd have to wear it until at least September. It wasn't like he'd just broken the leg, he'd torn ligaments and tendons and cartilage and it took forever to heal. Some days it was fine, but going without the brace for more than an hour caused it to ache so badly the next day he was confined to the cabin. He'd given in and just wore the damn thing every day. He didn't always use the cane, but he found it easier to walk since he didn't have free movement with the brace, so his step was delayed when he went forward on that leg and it tended to make him trip.

"What's up, buttercup?" Blaine asked, grinning at his joke, but Kurt just gave him a wan smile that did not reach his eyes.

"Nothing, just feeling kind of strange today. Ah, Blaine? Can I ask you to do me a favor?" Kurt asked reluctantly.

"You know you can ask me anything, Kurt. What's up?"

"Ah..well, it's been three weeks and Dr. Parsons told me I should be all healed by now. So, I was wondering if you could...ah..check?"

"Why are you so nervous, baby? I have seen that portion of your anatomy before once or twice you know," Blaine tried for an encouraging smile. Kurt blushed and shook the pants leg off of his ankle. His knee was still a bit stiff, although it was steadily healing.

Blaine sat down on the bed next to Kurt and patted his lap. Kurt, with a blush that went all down his back, laid across it and Blaine parted his ass cheeks to see the wound. It was still visible to a certain extent, but the angry redness was completely gone.

"It looks all healed to me, Kurt. How does it feel?" Blaine asked.

"It feels fine. I want to be careful, but it doesn't hurt at all anymore," Kurt sounded relieved. He remained lying across Blaine's lap when he felt a strong arm holding him in place, but he turned his head to see Blaine surveying the tempting landscape.

"I swear by all that is holy, Blaine Anderson, if you spank me now, I'll not only gut you with a knife, but I'll castrate you first," Kurt growled.

Blaine jumped at Kurt's sudden change in attitude, but smiled gently at his lover.

"No, Kurt, I won't ever do that again. Unless you want me to..." he smirked, earning a pinch on his calf – the only place Kurt could reach considering his position.

"You can let me go now. I just wanted to make sure I was healed up," Kurt said, getting anxious. Blaine's grip was pretty tight right now.

"Nope. I kind of like the scenery," Blaine said, rubbing a nice pink cheek while holding Kurt still with his other hand. He could feel Kurt's muscles clench under his hand and regretted once more the night he had jokingly spanked his boyfriend and the resulting fight. Kurt may have said he forgave him, but Blaine thought he would have to do something to prove he could be trusted again. He leaned forward and kissed the middle of the closer cheek, feeling the taut muscle under the soft skin. Kurt stopped struggling immediately and tried to turn and look at Blaine, but it was the wrong angle. Blaine let him go, helping Kurt to lie down on the featherbed beside him. He moved him over and lay down beside him, dragging him under the covers.

"Kurt? I've said I'm sorry for that night, and I truly am, but I just feel we have some kind of barrier between us. Like when you broke your leg or when I got hit with the book? I know our love is there, unquestioned, but there is just this surface tension once in a while and it makes it uncomfortable for both of us. What can I do....what can we do to make it the same as it was?" Blaine pleaded.

Kurt reached over and took his hand.

"I don't know. I trust you, Blaine. I just can't help tensing up in certain situations. I'll work on it, I promise. I don't mean to push you away. You know I was kidding about castrating you, right? I kind of like having your balls actually attached to you..." Kurt said, his voice getting lower as his fingers found the pieces of anatomy in question and delicately caressed them. Blaine's eyes got wide and he rushed to kiss Kurt, a low whine escaping his throat as he held Kurt by his hips and rubbed their bellies together. He got an answering moan in response and it was game on.

"Unhhh..." Kurt grunted as he tried to roll Blaine on top of himself, but Blaine had other ideas and sat up. They had been kissing and petting for a while and the urge to get some deeper satisfaction was on the minds of both of them.

"Kurt...ahhhhhh....Kurt my love.....ahhhHHHH..." Blaine moaned as Kurt took his erection into his greedy mouth, licking and gently applying suction just to the tip before engulfing it all. Kurt lived for the sounds that escaped Blaine's throat and each one brought Kurt closer to his own climax. He moved his fingertips, delicately tracing Blaine's balls and caressing across the skin to tickle the small bit of flesh behind them. Blaine's hips flexed forward without his permission and Kurt choked a bit, pulling back while Blaine whined an inarticulate apology. They needed to calm down a bit, in spite of the frenzy Kurt had caused in Blaine's bloodstream, and so he pulled off, going up to kiss Blaine's red, swollen lips with his own.

"Calm down, baby. We have all night and I want to make this last as long as possible. Let's cool off for a few minutes, okay?" Kurt proposed and Blaine reluctantly agreed. They laid back on the bed, just staring into each other's eyes for a time. Then, as if the magnetic pull overcame natural gravity, their fingers were touching, tips to tips and smiles were breaking across their faces in just the pure joy of being together.

Kurt closed his eyes, resting for a moment and contemplating just what he wanted to happen next. He actually didn't have anything planned...each and every moment shared with Blaine in bed was amazing, even the ones that turned out silly or awkward. They had tried some sort of bondage once, in which he tied Blaine's arms to the posts of the bed and blindfolded him, but instead of being hot and sexy the two of them laughed so hard they ended up postponing the sexy times until later that night when they could kiss once again without giggling. Kurt figured it was perhaps a lack of maturity on their parts, but both agreed that being tied up just was not sexy to them.

Lying there in the comfortable silence, Kurt began to drift off a little. He tended to push himself during the days, wanting to build up the strength in his leg or to try to keep up with Blaine. He was very physically fit compared to his peers at McKinley, but since Blaine had been born and bred to living in the Oregon wilderness, he had been using muscles Kurt couldn't hope to name, much less use since he was a child. If he was examining his heart of hearts, he had to admit to a bit of jealousy there, but looking at Blaine when he got ready for bed at night with every muscle rippling in the firelight? Wow. Kurt was so amazed that every inch of that strong man, all that warm skin and gentle nature was his. Blaine had agreed to marry him! How did he become the luckiest man on Earth? He must have done something good in a former life to deserve someone as beautiful, loving, intelligent, and magical as Blaine Anderson.

His reverie was suddenly disturbed by a whine from the other side of the bed. His eyes flickered open to see two soulful hazel eyes looking back at him, full of love and wonder and questions.

"Are you falling asleep? Oh, Kurt, you must be so tired. We can do this another day, sweetheart. Let's just cuddle and I'll rub your back and you can fall asleep. I'll keep you safe," Blaine said, giving him a gentle smile. He would, too, Kurt knew. Blaine would fight a wildcat with his bare hands to keep Kurt safe; Blaine would never presume to do something he thought Kurt wasn't up for, which made Kurt feel kind of guilty sometimes. He'd like to think he would do the same, but he wasn't positive. There was probably nobody in Oregon that was as selfless as Blaine Anderson.

Kurt grinned at him.

"No, I wasn't falling asleep. I was plotting," Kurt smirked. "Now, bring that huge Ander-conda over here.....right now."

Blaine's eyes got wide at the silly name, but wasted no time laughing. Instead, he was over on Kurt's side of the bed, sprawled on top of him - almost removing Kurt's tonsils with his tongue before Kurt could take a second breath.

"Mmmmm...." Kurt hummed, caught a little off guard but fully up to the challenge. They kissed for quite a while, working themselves up again, but this time there would be no respite. Both wanted what they wanted and it was not long before Kurt was gasping, whispering his secret desires into Blaine's ear.

"If you think everything is healed...oh, know what I want. Please, can we...?" he practically begged.

Blaine knew exactly what Kurt wanted, he could read it in his eyes like looking into his soul.

"Are you sure? Maybe we can wait a few more weeks to be sure," Blaine said, trying to override his wants and desires and be practical.

"No," Kurt growled. "I'm not waiting another minute...oh, please, Blaine,...I need you so badly right now. We can go slow and be careful, but I want you to slide your fingers inside me, I want you to make me ready for you," he whispered in a husky voice that Blaine felt to his toes. It made his knees weak and his belly tighten with the need and want of it. He could no more deny Kurt than he could make the sun rise in the west.

"Okay, baby....okay," he murmured as he buttered his fingers with the silicon gel they kept beside the bed. "Come close, my love..." he cooed, kissing Kurt on the neck and going down his clavicle with his lips and tongue, nipping and licking as he made his way to Kurt's over-sensitive nipples. He thrilled at the gasp of air Kurt took in as he spread his cheeks to insert his slick finger and begin to gently rub the circular muscle he found there. Kurt's hand, his fingers also spread with the gel, made a circle and slid down Blaine's hardness. It was stiff and throbbing and the muscles responded with a life of their own as Kurt continued to pump his hand up and down the shaft while Blaine moaned his satisfaction and tried with every brain cell he could harness to pay attention to what he was doing to Kurt.

Kurt was having a hard enough time keeping his movements smooth and even, but the stimulation to his own body was competing with his ability to pump his hand in a proper rhythm and Blaine gently removed Kurt's hand, whispering that they had plenty of time for that later. He admonished Kurt, asking him to just concentrate for now on his own body. Kurt reluctantly agreed, knowing he would have his turn to bring pleasure to Blaine.

Sliding his index finger back into Kurt, Blaine's mind refused to function any further than what he could do to please his lover. He leaned forward, moving so he was resting on his belly, beside Kurt so he could reach under his leg to get the best access. He was able to move his head forward and kiss Kurt's long leg, moving his lips across the inner thigh where the skin was the softest. He didn't want to bite Kurt here, it looked too fragile, so he licked gently and tasted the salt and the clean taste that was Kurt. He could inhale the slight scent of jasmine and vanilla, with a sort of spring rain odor that was quintessentially Kurt. Taking in this wonderful smell, Blaine's erection got harder, almost painful as he immersed himself in pleasing this boy he loved. Kurt's hand came to card through Blaine's curls, a comforting gesture that accompanied their more lustful times like clockwork.

Blaine sniffed a bit, detecting a new odor, kind of spicy and deeply aromatic, a little cloying. His mind found space to contemplate where this came from while still directing Blaine's fingers in their most urgent quest. Blaine kissed along Kurt's inner thigh again, from knee to just near his balls when he realized what the scent was – the Stargazer Lily. Kurt must have gone to touch the lily again just before they came inside for bed. A smile crossed Blaine's face as he thought about that, but his mind was dragged back to what he was doing when Kurt begged for more.

"Please, Blaine....I, I need more now. Can you put another finger in? I think I'm almost stretched enough, please..." Kurt begged. Blaine was glad the bedside lamp was still lit because he was still concerned about reopening the tear, so he took a second to peer down at his fingers, making sure all was well. The sight of his fingers disappearing into Kurt's body was way more sensual than he could have imagined. He quickly slid his two fingers out, leaning forward again to give Kurt some oral stimulation while he added more gel to his fingers before entering him with three.

"Oh my god, Blaine....ohhhhhHHHH....MMMmmmmmm" Kurt wailed as Blaine's warm tongue made contact with the ring of muscle. Blaine liked the reaction and continued as Kurt flailed back and forth on the pillow as he made his tongue into a point and breeched the sphincter and massaged until Kurt was a moaning, whining puddle. Blaine returned his fingers plus one and very tenderly inserted them as easily as he could. Kurt whined louder asking when he could have Blaine's 'Ander-conda'. This time, Blaine didn't even crack a smile, it just made it harder to wait. He was making some sounds himself and rubbing his aching erection into the sheet below him in glorious anticipation of the moment when he could push it into Kurt's depths.

After a little while longer, Blaine judged that Kurt was ready and pulled back to look one more time, seeing that the wound was not in danger of tearing again. He withdrew his fingers, using a towel to clean them off before moving up to kiss Kurt for a moment before they continued.

"Are you okay, my love? It doesn't hurt or burn, does it?" he asked. It might have sounded clinical in a different setting, but to Kurt they represented the satisfaction of knowing how much Blaine cared for him, how he did everything to keep him safe. To Kurt they were words of love and he answered that everything was good, no pain.

Blaine smiled.

"Kurt, if you feel anything painful or any burning, let me know. Say it or tap my arm or back away and I will stop okay?" He was still a bit apprehensive about this.

"I will, but for now it's all right. Which way...??" Kurt asked, not sure how Blaine wanted to do this. Blaine smiled and thought about what Dr. Parsons had suggested for their first time doing this again.

"Lie down, let me get between your legs and we'll prop you up on a pillow, baby." Blaine told him. He grabbed his pillow from the head of the bed and when Kurt raised his hips, Blaine placed it under his bottom. He slid his hands down Kurt's legs, caressing the soft skin and cooing sweet things to keep Kurt calm. He leaned down, placing his mouth on Kurt's erection and sucking in just the head, stroking down the shaft as he swirled his tongue and sucked gently. Kurt moaned loudly and bucked his hips forward a little, stopping himself from doing more but sighing in momentary regret. He stroked his fingers down Blaine's cheek and moved his hands to card through the silky black curls.

"Are you ready for me, babe?" Blaine asked, the love shining in his eyes as he looked into Kurt's face to gauge how it was for him.

"Yes, Blaine," Kurt breathed out, his eyes dark and his lips red and swollen.

Blaine centered himself, first making sure he had enough lubricant, and slid in just past the sphincter muscle. It was tight and brought a shout to his lips, but he muffled it to concentrate so he didn't pound in and do damage again. He had that at the back of his mind, and it made him even more careful. Kurt thrust himself up to get more but Blaine knew him so well, he scrambled to hold him down by his hipbones as he continued to slide in. It was so much torture for the two of them, both wanting the immediacy of thrusting in sheer abandoned joy, but both knowing it must be done with finesse and a velvet hand so as to ease Kurt's body into complying.

The moment Blaine was in all the way, they both heaved a sigh of relief and looked at each other in triumph. Then Blaine began to slowly pull out, rocking his hips as he and Kurt felt the drag and friction. They closed their eyes to better experience it. With each thrust in and drag out, Kurt's body gave up more control and it became easier to maneuver. Kurt moaned as Blaine increased his speed, gritting his teeth not to push too hard.

"Kurt, oh...this is what love should always be, this feeling....this warmth, this closeness ...ahhh...Hnnnnnggghh...." Blaine's words disintegrated as the heat built in his pelvis and brain. All he could think of was how perfect this was, and it was Kurt that gave it to him. He closed his eyes and felt with all his concentrated senses how Kurt felt, how he could keep making Kurt feel so good.....

"Blaine, ohhhh... there, baby, right there....Hnggg, ahhhh...Oh, my love, you are so perfect to good.....ahhhhhh," Kurt rambled between moans and shouts, his hands gripping Blaine's biceps as he tried to remain in the same place, but Blaine's thrusting was moving him up the bed and he was going to hit the boards there if he wasn't careful. Blaine slowed for a moment, looking into Kurt's eyes to determine if he was in pain, but all he could see was a lust that could not be denied, so he licked down Kurt's neck and bit into the soft skin to leave a small purple love bite.

"Blaine,'s getting so close. Are you close? What can I do?" Kurt panted, but realized that Blaine was just as close when he growled out a moan.

"Oh, god, you need me to touch you? Is it good for you, baby?" he blurted out, suddenly concerned when his climax was coming like a freight train and he knew there was not much time.

"No...I'm.....Ahhhhhhhhhh" Kurt whined as his climax hit him and he spilled his semen in a hot wave between them. It was seeing Kurt's ecstasy etched on his face that was the final straw for Blaine as he felt his body gathering strength and then the amazing, almost frightening, heat that ran through his veins as his orgasm hit and all he could see was white spots behind his vision and he lost that tight control of his body he had fought to maintain for the last half hour.

They lay together, neither one moving except to exchange kisses on occasion and to whisper all their hopes and dreams to each other.


Hours later, as they lay in the clean bed planning their lives, Blaine took Kurt's hand to get his undivided attention. Kurt looked up, smiling and cocked his head to the side in question.

"Kurt, I know I tell you every day that I love you, I say that and other things a lot -mostly because they're all true. I don't know if by saying it so often I take the meaning out of it. I loved my father and I love Cooper. Aside from that, there are a handful of friends that I feel a loyalty for: Cookie and Shannon, August Waverly, some of the people I met and grew to love back in Lima. Burt and Carole are like family. Finn feels like a brother to me, and actually Puck does, too. They are some of the best people in the world, and I'm glad to call them all my friends or family. However, I love you beyond measure. It makes no real sense, I can honestly say I don't know how I could live without you Kurt. It's as if you were the very air I breath, my life's blood. I want to spend every day for the rest of my life with you.

"I know we will have disagreements, we may fight and lose sight of what is most important in our lives from time to time. That happens to everyone, but I pray it will never come between us. I know this is just making me sound like the clingy boyfriend that is holding on too tightly and suffocating you, and I need you to tell me when that happens. I know you let it build up in your nerves when I was so clingy in the hospital, I have the scars to prove it," He laughed and got a frown from Kurt at that. "Hey, if we can't laugh at the things life throws at us, we're not going to be as flexible as we need to be, my love. Come on, it will be a funny story to tell our kids!"

Kurt's eyes got wide and a strange look passed over his face, like a cloud over the sun. He looked away, pretending to see something out the window.

"Kurt? What did I say? What's wrong, Babe?" Blaine asked, a bit concerned.

"I...well, you think about children a lot, Blaine?" Kurt asked.

"If I'm going to be truthful – yes, I do. I know it's a strange thing for someone my age to be so interested in kids, but they have always just, I don't know...just been something I felt I wanted. What about you? I know we touched on the subject the day we brought JayJay home, but there must be a reason we haven't talked about it again," Blaine said.

"No, it is a bit too soon probably. I don't mind talking about it because I really do want children some day. My dream would be a little boy and a little girl. I'm okay with one or with ten you know. I never babysat when all my friends were doing that because I was so worried that my being gay would cause some backlash. If anything went wrong they would say it was because I was gay, so it scared me. But I really wanted to babysit, I like kids," Kurt said. He smiled over at Blaine.

"I would like that, too. Would you want to do a surrogate and use our sperm? That way the baby would be of our blood. Would that matter to you?" Blaine asked, curious.

"You know, I have given that some thought. If the little boy or girl had your genes, it would be so cute. I can just imagine a little Blaine in too-big pajamas, padding through the cabin, clutching a teddy bear to his chest, to climb into bed with us when the wolves howled down the canyon to scare him," Kurt mused, grinning at the face Blaine was making.

"I was thinking a little girl would be cute, dressed in impeccable fashion and with a sweep of gorgeous chestnut hair in waves down her back, her blue eyes snapping as she crossed her arms to give some fresh boyfriend the ice princess act..." Blaine started to say when a pillow hit him square in the chest and a pinch was administered to his thigh. "Yeouch!" he squealed, giggling.

"Blaine Anderson! That is just not nice. As if..." he stopped there and pulled Blaine close to him and kissed him thoroughly. "I do love you, Blaine. And you make me feel so special, every day of my life in every thing you say and do. There has never been a man so lucky," he couldn't finish he was so emotional, and settled for kissing Blaine again.

''You know, though, I wouldn't mind if the baby wasn't ours by blood. I am willing to adopt and I would love that baby just as much," Kurt said and a bright smile crossed Blaine's face.

"I believe that, too."

They just held hands for a while, thinking about the future and how it might just be populated with babies.

"Kurt, I know we're engaged and you didn't want to tell your dad over the phone, so when do we tell him?" Blaine asked. "And when do you want the wedding?"

Kurt thought for a while, then turned to his fiancé, "Dad and Carole are meeting us at the house in Philomath the day we move there to start school which will be the fifth of September. I think we should get settled in by the 25th of August to make sure everything is ready. I know our furniture got there and most of our other things, but I don't want any unpleasant surprises. Better to move in a few weeks early to be sure, okay?" Kurt said, being practical.

"I think we should tell them as soon as they get there. If that's alright with you? I'm anxious for my dad to know. I think he'll be excited for us, don't you?" Kurt was bouncing in happiness. He could hardly wait to tell his dad. Blaine smiled at his silly fiancé, enjoying his enthusiasm.

"Sounds like a plan. I think we need to get in to get our schedules and see our advisors as soon as possible after the campus opened to freshmen, which is August 26th. Okay. We can call Burt and Finn this weekend and set the plans. Are you okay with Puck living with us?" Blaine asked. He knew Kurt had some arguments with Finn's best friend the last time they were all together and living with those two at war was nothing to look forward to.

"Oh, we'll be fine. I've known Noah Puckerman since he was five years old and gave Rachel Berry an Indian burn for taking my place in line when we were all in kindergarten together. His Gramma Sofia is probably the most upstanding person, not to mention the wisest person, I ever met in my life. No, I think we'll be fine. Noah upsets me when I know how intelligent he is, but he hides it or wastes it. As long as he applies himself, I know he'll do just fine in life, and I plan to be that burr under his saddle to remind him of what he's truly worth," Kurt said with absolute conviction.

Blaine smiled. If anyone could inspire Noah Puckerman to do well in his life, it was Kurt Elizabeth Hummel.

They talked into the night, happy to be planning the next four years. While they had every intention of getting married, they agreed it would be at least a year or more before the big event. They had big plans and every good thing would come to them in time they believed. It was with happy smiles on their faces that they fell asleep sometime after midnight, tangled together like yarn in a basket.


Several weeks later:

"Hey, Blaine! How long have you been up, your side of the bed is ice cold," Kurt complained, unhappy to wake up without his human teddy bear wrapped in his arms.

"Oh, I'm sorry Babe, I couldn't sleep so I got up and made us some cinnamon rolls, I can come back to cuddle for a little while if you'd like," he said, seeing Kurt's lower lip come out. "Hey, you know you're gonna trip over that lip if you stick it out any further," Blaine teased.

"Am not."

Blaine got into the bed and walked on hands and knees over to Kurt and took the offending lip between his own and nibbled at it, making Kurt giggle.

"No! No kisses until I brush my teeth, my sweet prince. You can just spoon with me for a few minutes until I'm awake enough to get out of bed," Kurt smiled. Blaine did as he was told, shaking the bed a bit with laughter.

Barely half an hour later, they were up and dressed, washed and fed. Blaine was sitting at the table, resting his elbows and his chin was in his hand.

"I want to show you something today if you feel up to taking a ride on the mules," he said.

"Sure, where do you want to go?" Kurt asked. He wasn't the world's best rider, but he could manage to stay on Caesar or Claudius if need be. They had taken a few mule rides over the summer and Kurt enjoyed them more than he ever thought he would.

"It's just a place farther up in the mountains, but I've been there a lot and the mules need some exercise," Blaine said. He seemed a little melancholy the past few days, Maybe getting out would cheer him up, Kurt thought.

Riding Caesar, Kurt followed Blaine as he went up another barely-there path. The mules didn't seem to have any problem making the climb, although they stopped to drink at every stream or brook they passed. At the top of one of the high ridges, Blaine pulled Claudius to a stop and got down. Kurt stopped but waited for Blaine to come catch him. Even though his knee was better, it was still weak and jumping to the ground off the back of the large mule wasn't ideal.

Blaine didn't let go of Kurt's waist, he just hung on and pulled Kurt towards him until he could kiss him. Blaine got the saddlebag off of his mules, then they took off the saddles and bridles and left the two animals with long lead ropes and halters.

Kurt put out the blanket in a clearing and they set about getting their lunch. It was cold venison sandwiches and apples, a salad with fresh picked veggies from the garden at the back of the cook house and cold water. As a special treat, Shannon had given them some slices of watermelon that had come in a food shipment on the train.

The boys sat enjoying their meal, the fresh crisp air the perfect thing to make their appetites peak. They sat on the blanket after eating, just listening to the birds chirping or singing when they heard a tapping coming from a nearby tree. Kurt turned to see a large black and white bird with a bright red head hammering his beak against a pine tree they were sitting near.

"Is that a woodpecker?" Kurt asked, looking at Blaine. He nodded, a smile gracing his face as he watched the bird try again and again to tap the elusive bug from the bark. The poor bird finally gave up and flew away.

"Yeah, it's a Pileated Woodpecker. They are big pests sometimes, loud in the morning just when I want to sleep in!" Blaine grinned.

Kurt was distracted by a squirrel, not a flying variety, chattering in another tree, obviously cussing out a tiny snake that was gliding along the branch toward something the squirrel held dear.

In the background Kurt heard singing and asked Blaine what kind of bird it was. Blaine giggled.

"I fail to see what 's so funny, Mr. Anderson," Kurt huffed. He never saw the joke when it was on him.

"C'mere and I'll show you," Blaine said, getting up and offering his hand to Kurt. Kurt took it and they walked across the meadow grass to the edge of a mountain lake. Blaine let go of his hand and squatted down in the grass beside the small lake, his eyes bright and his attention on the ground. Kurt just stood back, wondering what Blaine was up to. He could hear the singing more here than he could by the meadow, so he assumed it might be some sort of waterbird.

Blaine pounced suddenly, then looked carefully under his hand and frowned. He squatted down again and Kurt watched him. In a few minutes he pounced again and a grin appeared on his face.

"Here is your bird, Kurt!" he called and Kurt followed him over to the edge of the water. Blaine opened his hands a tiny crack, just enough for Kurt to see what was in his hand. It was a tiny green frog. Kurt looked at Blaine as if asking him to explain.

"This, my friend, is a Pacific Tree Frog. He's looking for a mate and the lady frogs are partial to men who can sing," he said in a story-telling voice. Kurt grinned and held out his hands. Blaine placed the frog in his hand and Kurt got a good look at it before it hopped out of his hand to go home.

"This is a magical place, Blaine. I don't think I ever want to leave it," he said with conviction, kissing his fiancé before hiking back to the blanket to rest for a few minutes. Blaine got a look of absolute bliss on his face. He had probably never heard any words so welcomed in his life. Aside from telling him how much he loved him, having Kurt say he never wanted to leave the place Blaine called home - -well, that in itself was a magical thing. He smiled and tried to get his heart to stop beating so hard.

"I'm glad, Kurt. I want you to be happy here. It's most likely the most important thing in my whole life, you know," Blaine whispered to Kurt.

"Oh, Babe, I was only telling the truth."

"We have a ways further to go, Kurt, but it isn't too far. We can walk and just leave the mules here to graze for a while if you think your knee is up to it," Blaine offered.

Kurt was fine with that, he knew Blaine wouldn't take him too far and risk damaging the knee. Blaine smiled a sad smile and held out his hand. Kurt wondered at the sadness, but Blaine had been melancholy for days and Kurt had yet to get a reason out of him. He took the offered hand and they began walking up the slope to the topmost part of the mountain. It wasn't too high, not above timberline at all, but far enough on his sore leg.

At the top, Blaine's eyes swelled with unshed tears and Kurt moved behind him to put his arms around his shoulders and hold him tight. He looked at what Blaine saw in front of them and suddenly understood. There was a large white granite rock at the crest of the hill with one smooth side. Engraved on the monument:

Sterling Blaine Anderson

January 27, 1957 – June 19, 2007

Beloved Father, Friend, and Hero

It all made sense now. Today was June 19th. Blaine let go of Kurt's hand and walked to the gravestone, brushing tears away as he knelt down and spoke very quietly for a few minutes. He was lost in his task when Kurt heard the mules making a racket down the path. They didn't sound as if there was any trouble, just their happy-to-see-you noises. In a few minutes he heard footsteps coming up the path.

"Hi Kurt. Blaine, I knew I'd find you here," Cooper said in a quiet voice and walked nearer to his little brother. They stepped into each other's arms and just stood, holding each other for a very long time. Kurt walked over to a broken stone wall and sat down, not wishing to intrude on the brother's grief. They finally broke apart, Cooper patting Blaine's back and walking toward Kurt.

He sat down next to Kurt, putting a hand on his leg and looking intently into Kurt's eyes.

"Thank you for being here for my brother. In the time I've known you, you have brought such joy to his heart – a joy I never believed he would be capable of again in this life. He told me he was going to ask you to marry him, and now I can see by the rings on your hands that he has. I want you to know, Kurt, that you have my blessing and I know our father would give you his, too," Cooper put his arms around Kurt, hugging him tightly to his chest and dropping his head to Kurt's shoulder for a moment before letting go and standing up.

"I'm going back, you'd better go to Blaine. He needs you right now, Kurt. I think he wants to introduce you to Dad. And thank you," Cooper turned and started walking back to where he's tied Maximus. He heard Kurt as he walked away. It was faint, but he heard Kurt tell him thank you.

Kurt turned and hurried to Blaine's side, taking the grieving boy into his arms and kissing his sweet face, telling him it would be alright.

Author's Note: I borrowed the term "Ander-Conda" from fellow fan fiction author, Anna (youreawfuliloveyou). I read it in her story "Itchin' For a Photograph" and it just made me laugh, so I wrote and asked her permission to use it. Thank you, Anna!


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Awwww poor Blaine. I was wondering what Kurt kept smelling. I loved it!