Bound For Glory
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Bound For Glory: Next To My Heart

E - Words: 8,572 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
825 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes: "I think we dream so we don't have to be apart for so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time."~ A. A. Milne, from Winnie-the-Pooh

The days began to melt together for Blaine, each one seeming like the last one. He made friends, but was constantly missing the closeness he had shared with Kurt back in Oregon, in spite of the time they spent together now. The difference was that in Oregon, they were alone. In Ohio, they were constantly surrounded by people. Mostly well-meaning people, but people just the same. It was a hard adjustment when Blaine was used to only seeing another person maybe twice in a week.

He didn't mean for it to happen, it just did. The stress that he told himself wasn't there would work it's way into him, seeping into the very pores of his skin, eroding the good feelings he had with Kurt as they walked the halls of McKinley High. Blaine just itched to be gone from the city. Just a few hours away – maybe in a forest or even just a secluded meadow would be enough.

But he was living here as a guest in the Hummel house and his polite upbringing kept him from voicing his need to Kurt.

Blaine! Dinner time!” Carole shouted out the back door.

I'll be right there, Carole. Thank you,” Blaine called back, irritated that he'd been interrupted while sitting in Kurt's old tree house and watching a bird build its nest. He was beginning to spend a lot of time in the old structure. The Hummels had a large back yard compared to most homes in Lima, and it had a lot of old trees and other wild looking plants as opposed to formal flowerbeds. Kurt told him it was his mother's project the last year of her life since this garden only required some watering and a bit of weeding as compared to a formal one that on this scale would require a part-time gardener.

It was early spring and the buds of the willow tree next to the tree house were beginning to show. Tiny birds were coming out to look for mates and build nests. The smell of spring was in the air, and as cliché as that sounded, it was absolutely true. Blaine took another lungful of the sweet air and though about what that same lungful would smell like in Oregon. He sighed and pushed himself up, climbing down the makeshift ladder to the ground so he could join the Hummel clan for dinner. He hoped it wouldn't be another steamed vegetable meal with no butter or salt.

Blaine felt selfish at the idea of the meal. Burt had a heart condition and Kurt just wanted his father's health to be better, so who was Blaine to complain? Oh, that was a bad combination: homesick, irritated, and now guilty for having opinions. Damn. He was a jovial person by nature, but now he wasn't sure how to get that back. He felt guilty that he'd turned into such a curmudgeon, not sure why Kurt didn't just send him packing...Kurt. Blaine was doing this for him – and he wanted to know if Kurt even appreciated it.

The two boys still sat or walked together, spent an inordinate amount of time together, still kissed and petted and slept tangled together. But something was off, and Blaine wasn't sure what that was. He wanted to talk it over with Kurt, he knew his boyfriend would be receptive of the attempt to solve it, but Blaine wasn't sure what it was that was wrong. He stepped up into the screened porch and into the kitchen, humming a tune as he went. He made his way to the bathroom to wash up for dinner and sat next to Kurt at the table, kissing that dimple beside his boyfriend's mouth. Kurt leaned into the small gesture of affection and his smile got brighter.

So, Blaine, have you given any thought about what you want to do after you graduate from high school?” Burt asked, giving Blaine a smile to encourage him to talk.

Maybe college? I haven't given it a lot of thought, really,” Blaine said, a worried look on his face. He had thought about it over the past few years, but other than staying in Oregon, there hadn't been more than vague ideas floating in his mind. Perhaps he could box professionally? He was good, and it wouldn't take much to hone his skills into something marketable. But no, that was too risky. He knew people who had been hit too hard - they were not a pretty sight. Blaine enjoyed his brain function, thank you very much. He was frowning in concentration when Fin looked up from the steamed tofu and vegetables with shrimp.

Just marry Lenore and you can inherit the lumber company, problem solved,” he deadpanned; then got a thrill from the gasping he heard across the table from Kurt. Oh, it was so easy to yank Kurt's chain some days. Finn got a huge grin on his face, which was not lost on Burt as the older man put a napkin to his lips to hide the smirk that wouldn't leave.

What??” Kurt gave his brother that icy bitch-glare he was so famous for, but Finn was so used to being on the receiving end of that he didn't flinch. He remained oblivious to the naked eye, but was giggling like a school girl on the inside.

Finn!” Carole gasped, not sure if her son had lost his marbles or if he was joking. It could go either way.

Blaine thought Finn was joking, but he wasn't positive, so he tread carefully: “Ah, I've been trying to corner that market for years, I might even have it all stitched up by now. Did you see how upset she was when I left? I'll just go back and sweep her off her feet before she knows what hit her, then I'll be the new CEO of Warner & Anderson Lumber Company. That's the plan,” Blaine said, squeezing Kurt's hand and turning to look at him.

By this time, Kurt had figured out Finn's joke and was torn between laughing or being pissed at Blaine for playing along. Blaine winked at him and his heart melted, squeezing his hand back.

The dinner continued, talk going from joking to serious and back again. Blaine really did enjoy being with these kind and loving people, but he was homesick for some solitude.

After dinner, he invited Kurt to walk with him to the park a few blocks away, but Kurt declined his offer because he had promised Mercedes he would call and commiserate with the girl since her boyfriend, Sam, had seemingly lost interest in her. Blaine understood that he had to share Kurt if he was going to have him at all, but sometimes it hurt. Like tonight. So, he decided to walk alone and started to the park in the light drizzle, his jacket pulled up against his ears.


Half an hour later, Blaine had made his way around the park for the third time. He'd stopped several times, once to watch a squirrel and once to speak to a little girl. He was on his way home, but the rain had started in earnest and he was getting chilly. He didn't notice the jocks walking on the other side of the street or the car parked down the road, it's inhabitant watching him.


Blaine! Where have you been?” Kurt admonished as he came in the door, stopping to shake like a dog to get rainwater off of his clothes.

Just taking that walk around the park. You were busy, so I went by myself,” Blaine told him. But Kurt seemed to be angry at him and his defenses went up.

That wasn't safe at all. What if you'd have been attacked? You didn't even have your cell phone on you, did you?” Kurt snapped.

I think so...oh, no, I guess not,” Blaine said sheepishly, patting his pockets and not finding the phone.

Fat lot of good that cell will do you sitting on the dining room table if you need me. Damn it, Blaine, use your head!” Kurt almost shouted, clearly upset.

Calm the fuck down, Kurt. I've been walking alone in the wilderness for sixteen years, I think I know how to take care of myself. So, back off.” And Blaine stomped down the stairs to change into something dry and warm. He was so disheartened after that outburst, he crawled up on the bed to rest for a while before time to go to sleep. He lay in the bed, exhausted for no reason except maybe stress, and the angry, hot tears began to flow down his face. He blinked them away, then had to reach for his handkerchief when things got out of hand. Normally, a hugging session with Kurt would be what he needed, but not this time.

Blaine got out the cell phone Kurt had practically thrown at him on his way downstairs earlier. He called Brayden Warner.

Hello? Warner Lumber Company, Lenore speaking,” the familiar voice came across the phone clearly.

Hey, Lenore. It's...”

I know who you are, Blaine Anderson! How are you? You sound like something's wrong,” her voice filled with concern.

No, I just..well, yes...but...oh, shit.” Blaine babbled, not being prepared to speak to Lenore about this problem.

Oh, Blaine. Calm down and tell me, I'm here to listen,” She cooed in the phone, hating to hear Blaine so broken. “Is it Kurt?”

Yes and no. I am just so tired and grumpy, I don't know what to do. I'm here with the person I love more than anything in this whole world, but I'm afraid to tell him what I'm thinking...then I'm feeling guilty and I can't tell him that, either.

Aw, Blaine. I think you're just homesick. Here, hold on a minute,” Lenore asked. She got up from her father's desk and walked to the yard in front of the office where men were working on the large equipment. She saw August and waved for him to come closer. He walked over, eyebrows raised as Lenore mouthed, “Where's Cooper?”

A few minutes later, Cooper came up to her.

Okay, Blaine, here's someone that I think can help,” she said into the sat phone and handed it to Cooper.


Cooper! Oh, I miss you!”

Squirt! How are things in the big city?” Cooper's eyes gleamed, he was so happy to talk to his brother because he had missed him so much.


They talked for almost an hour when Blaine thought he better go. Sat phone rates were expensive and he didn't want to take advantage of Mr Warner's generosity.

Okay, Squirt. I am so sorry things are rough for you just now. But keep your chin up. You said the trial is next month? You coming home after that?” Cooper asked, anxious to be reunited with his baby brother.

Probably. I just don't know yet. I miss you and the camp, but I kind of want to finish this year of high school, you know? It might be valuable in the future to say I graduated from a school instead of home schooled.”

You know that wouldn't be an issue, don't you? All Ivy League colleges accept home schooled students,” Cooper informed him.

Yeah, I know. But this way I'll have the experience of at least a little bit of schooling. I'll even get to go to prom,” Blaine argued.

It's whatever you want, Blainers. Okay?” Cooper gave in.

Love you, Cooper,” Blaine said.

And I love you, too, kid,” Cooper said and hung up.



Blaine?” Kurt ventured when they had been in bed for several hours. Kurt had come down to the bedroom after dinner and got ready for bed, but the two didn't speak to each other. The silence got heavy, and it seemed colder in the room because they weren't even touching. It was past midnight, but Kurt knew by his restless squirming that Blaine was still awake.


Are we fighting?” Kurt asked in a small voice, afraid of the answer.

No. I mean, not over anything we did. I don't know...I'm not mad at you if that's what you mean,” Blaine said, not sure how to describe the feelings that were coursing through him.

I'm not mad at you, either, Blaine. I just think there's something wrong and I can't figure it out. I'm sorry. Just tell me if there's anything I can do. In the mean time, can you hold me?” Kurt said with sadness in his voice.

Always, baby,” Blaine cooed, taking Kurt into his embrace and kissing his temple. “Maybe it's the stress of the trial. It's coming up pretty fast, you know.”

Yeah, I know. But we can't let it take what we have away -because if it does, they win,” Kurt said in a small, lost voice.

We won't let them. You're a fighter, Kurt, and you'll win,” Blaine said, believing it.

He held on to Kurt for dear life, wrapping himself around the boy he loved with all his heart before falling asleep.



It was another stress filled day at McKinley. Some of the football jocks, Craig and Roger and a few others, were walking down the corridor and spotted Kurt and Blaine walking ahead of them. At the next moment, several other jocks – hockey players Les and Boyd - came around the corner in front of the boys and they were trapped in the small hallway, nowhere to run. Kurt had his fingers on his phone in his pocket and was dialing his brother. He hoped Finn had his phone on because the bell wouldn't ring for a few minutes, he prayed Finn was close by. It rang as the jocks behind Kurt started walking faster and Finn picked up right away. Kurt whispered his location and then looked for ways to get away. Going into a classroom would be foolish, they could get trapped in there. He let go of Blaine's hand and moved so they were back to back. Blaine's eyes searching to see who was positioned where so he could defend himself and Kurt to the best of his ability.

Just as they were closing in, Coach Sylvester walked out of a classroom, hands on hips as she growled her anger. Finn, Mike, and Santana rounded the far hallway corner and Puck showed up at the other end of the hall with Lauren. The jocks scattered. They could be a force to reckon with, but no match for Coach Sue and Finn. While Kurt and Blaine were grateful, it just stuck in Blaine's craw that he could not protect Kurt himself. One more reason for his depression. He thanked the people who came to their distress call, and wondered how Sue knew (she had, of course, disappeared again now), but he was unenthusiastic at best.

Down the hall, Dave Karofsky lurked in the doorway of an empty classroom, watching.


After school, Kurt and Blaine rode home with Finn, more stressed than ever. They had been meeting with District Attorney Lopez who was directing the prosecution of the three boys charged with attempted murder. She was really working hard to make these charges stick, wanting there to be a lesson learned from all this and a message sent out that hate crimes would not be tolerated in Lima, Ohio. She had a vested interest because her own daughter was a lesbian and she wanted her daughter's future to be as bright as anyone else's. She just wanted to make the playing field level.

Blaine had been asked to give an affidavit about how Kurt looked when he had been taken off the train in Oregon, and Blaine complied to the best of his ability. In addition to supplying this damaging paper, Blaine would be available for cross examination. He was a bit nervous, but all he had to do was tell the truth. He was ready.

Kurt would be called because if the prosecution didn't, the defense certainly would, and DA Lopez wanted to ask those questions in a certain way so as not to distort the things he said.

The boys had made up after their disagreement last week, but the hurt underneath was still simmering because they really hadn't been able to think of any means to relieve it. So, temper were on edge as they went home. It was Friday Night Supper in the Hummel household, a sacred meal that you could not miss unless you were in the hospital with a heart attack.



Blaine had offered to cook dinner, and Kurt was Sancho Panza to Blaine's Don Quixote – they began to sing as they cooked:


Oh the trumpets of glory
Now call me to ride,
Yes, the trumpets are calling to me,
And wherever I ride,
Ever staunch at my side
My squire and my lady shall be!
I am I, Don Quixote.


Blaine giggled.

I love that music..and I'm always ready to be by your side, Kurt.


I am I, Don Quixote, The Lord of la Mancha
Our destiny calls and we go!
And the wild winds of fortune Shall carry us onward,
Oh, whithersoever they blow
Onward to glory I... go...


They went in to dinner together, carrying the plates and things: roast chicken with wild rice and Brussels sprouts with chestnuts. They had even made cinnamon rolls for tomorrow's breakfast. Spending the afternoon in quiet companionship was balm to both of them, and the special warmth between them permeated the whole house that evening.


After a pleasant dinner, they all played a game of Pinochle, Burt and Blaine against Kurt and Finn while Carole sat nearby reading a book and occasionally getting up to walk over and watch the game. She laid a kiss on Burt's bald head, enjoying the smile he gave her in return. Burt and Blaine won. They played another game and Blaine and Finn won against Burt and Kurt, making Blaine the overall winner for the evening. They all ate small bowls of frozen yogurt before going their separate ways to bed.


Down in the basement, Kurt was taking off his clothes and getting ready to get into bed. He was suddenly aware that he had worn the same outfit twice this week. The red skinny jeans with a silk shirt that had a pattern embossed on the fabric, the black vest with a watch chain closure and a red and black striped tie. What the hell? The old Kurt would never be seen in the same outfit twice, and especially not in the same week. What had happened to his priorities? He sat down to think, and reasoned that maybe there were more important things than if he was wearing Donna Karan. What didn't occur to him was that he had used his fashion to hide behind: if he was wearing four layers of outrageous clothes, people were less likely to see the real him. If they were making fun of what he wore, it didn't touch the real Kurt, his person, so it didn't hurt as much. With Blaine by his side, he didn't care as much what people thought, so the need for hiding in his fashion wasn't there.

Blaine was in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. He appeared at the door just as Kurt was sliding off his briefs and got an eyeful of naked boyfriend. He practically purred as he walked across the room to take Kurt into his arms, pulling all that hot skin next to him. While they kissed every day and had their hands on each other frequently, it had been several days since there had been this much skin shared. Kurt was so ready for this.

He twisted his way out of Blaine's grasp, walking over to the bed and sliding under the sheets, then looking back at Blaine in invitation. Blaine didn't have to be asked twice and was beside Kurt in seconds, pasting his bare skin close to his boyfriend's naked torso.

This is all I need in life, you know...” Blaine whispered to Kurt as he kissed his neck, savoring the soft skin and moving his lips to tickle just that little bit. Kurt shivered and tried to get closer, but he was already as close as they could be without being inside each other. Kurt thought briefly about that...he wanted it, but now was not the time. He wanted that final step to be the best thing that ever happened to both of them, and he was afraid dealing with this level of stress would put a damper on it. Blaine must have thought the same thing because although he was cuddly and bold and sexy, none of it seemed pointed at doing the final act. They were happy with the level of intimacy they had achieved and weren't comfortable moving faster right now.

Blaine?” Kurt whispered in the dark.


You do know how much it means to me that you're doing this...this whole trial thing, right? Have I told you often enough?” Kurt said with trepidation. He worried because he hated bringing up the trial at all, so maybe he hadn't thanked Blaine as much as he should have.

I know, and yes you have. I would do anything for you, Kurt. You know that. Plus, it makes it so we have time together. I miss Oregon, so much, but I'd still rather be here with you than there alone again,” Blaine said softly, realizing the truth of what he said and feeling guilty he was so homesick when all he wanted was to be with Kurt.

I have something planned for tomorrow,” Kurt said.

Oh. Well, I guess I could go over to Mike's. He wanted to work on the steps for that dance he was planning for the Michael Jackson song. Maybe we can meet up for dinner after?” Blaine tried hard to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

Blaine? Oh! No, honey. I meant I planned something for the two of us, if you didn't have anything else...but if you already told Mike...” Kurt said, unsure of himself all of a sudden.

No! I misunderstood. I thought you meant you had plans with somebody else. You know I'd rather be with you!” Blaine hurried to clarify. He turned Kurt over in his arms and kissed him.

Mmmmmm...” was all Kurt could say, his mouth being too busy to form words.

Hey, you know that first day of class, when you took us to the empty office and..ah...relieved my anxiety?” Blaine asked.

Yeah, I remember,” Kurt grinned. They had been back there several times for impromptu stress relieving kissing, but never what they had done the first day.

I don't think I ever paid you back, did I?” Blaine asked in an innocent tone, fluttering his eyelashes in an exaggerated attempt to flirt.

No, no you didn't,” Kurt said, the heat already rising in his body, the anticipation tasting so good in his mouth.

Blaine slipped his pajama pants off, then moved over to his naked boyfriend, kissing him deeply for a while, then slid down his body to kiss along his chest to the trail of soft hair on his belly, caressing his hipbones and then his thighs. Kurt was practically purring as Blaine continued, the rhythm of caressing and kissing with wet, open-mouth kisses was like a Bach symphony in Kurt's brain. He knew what was coming next, but he still gasped when Blaine's wet mouth encompassed him all the way. Since when was Blaine able to do that in one swoop? But the thought soon left as the blood rushed out of his head and collected further south on its mission to make everything right in Kurt's world.

Blaine was making that humming, moaning, sexy sound that stirred Kurt's blood and lit the fire in his belly. His eyes were closed to concentrate so as not to miss any touch or feeling he was experiencing – this was mind-blowing that a few minutes ago they were just lounging around in bed, now they were hot and panting and enjoying each other in ways Kurt would only have dreamed of six months ago. And those dreams were never as good as the reality of it.

It was over too quickly, but Kurt could not find it in himself to be disappointed. No, it meant too much to him to trivialize it in any way. He pulled Blaine up so they were kissing again and Blaine's hard shaft was rubbing against Kurt's leg, asking for his turn. Kurt was quick to oblige – turning in the bed to take Blaine into his mouth and try to emulate the deep throat he had just experienced. Kurt seemed to have much more of a gag reflex than Blaine, but he made up for it in pure enthusiasm and energy and it wasn't long before Blaine was whining and calling Kurt's name, throbbing into his mouth and holding on as hard as he could to the boy he loved. Kurt sat up, his mouth tired and swollen, his lips red and moist. Blaine sat up, too, grabbing Kurt by the shoulders to pull him close to kiss once more.

They didn't say anything out loud, they didn't need to, but they fell into a very deep sleep, satisfied that things were okay once again between them, at least for the time being.



Blaine, wake up, wake up, honey...” Kurt said in his softest voice, nibbling on his boyfriend's ear and tickling his ribs.

Kurt? What? It's the middle of the night,” Blaine complained.

No, it's five in the morning and you need to get up. C'mere...” he coaxed, trying to tug Blaine into a sitting position.

What do you want? It's not like we have goats to feed you know.'s SATURDAY, so I get to sleep in, right?” Blaine continued, struggling a bit so he could lie back down. Living in the city was making him soft. And he was enjoying every minute of that.

Trust me, you want to get up. Now, on your feet. It's time to move,” Kurt said in a more demanding tone. Blaine stumbled to his feet, shuffling to the bathroom.

He was out in a few minutes, having brushed his teeth and walked to the closet.

What do you want me to wear?” He called up the stairs.

I set it all out on the bed,” Kurt called back, pouring a cup of tea for Blaine as he finished buttering the toast.

Blaine was upstairs in a few minutes, wearing his jeans and flannel shirt that he brought from Oregon. Kurt was dressed the same. Blaine's eyebrows raised, but he didn't ask any questions, he knew Kurt would tell him where they were going when he wanted to and not a minute before.

They ate their breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, washing it down with hot tea. Blaine was trying to break Kurt of the bad habit of drinking coffee several times a day, and Kurt was trying to cooperate. Kurt had been pleasantly surprised to find goat milk at the grocery store and he poured a cup for each of them, and although it didn't taste the same as Betsy and Bossy's contribution, he preferred it to cow's milk.

The dishes washed and put away, the boys were out the door and into the Navigator.

Any hints as to where we're going?” Blaine asked, but Kurt just smiled.

They drove for over an hour, the countryside showing all the best signs of spring, budding trees, bright green showing in the meadows and fields they passed. After a while the landscape changed and there were more trees, less houses and Kurt turned onto a less traveled road, winding into a forest of hardwood trees: maples, beeches, elm, chestnut, and ash. He was going uphill, into the low hills in northern Ohio. He stopped at a small store at the side of the road and they got juice to drink the rest of the way.

Finally, Kurt turned into a private road, got out and took a key out of his pocket, unlocked the gate and opened it, then drove through and locked it behind them. There was no sign to tell them where they were, but Kurt seemed confident, so Blaine just smiled and enjoyed the ride.

Down a long drive, screened from the road by trees everywhere, they came around a turn and there was a house. A log house and just beyond the house was a large lake, fire-blue in the sunshine. Kurt parked the Navigator and got out, stretching his arms wide and yawning.

Blaine got out, too, and did the same thing.

Care to tell me where we are?” Blaine asked, looking around and marveling at the lack of city sounds. The silence was absolutely golden. He stood still, listening. He could hear birds in the far trees, but the ones close had quit making noise when the boys got out of the car. He could hear the water in the lake, lapping at the shore and the wind in the trees.

Oh, my god, Kurt. You brought me to heaven,” Blaine said, rushing to put his arms around his boyfriend in gratitude.

As close as I could get it,” Kurt murmured into Blaine's hair as he kissed the top of his head.

But...where are we?”

This lake house is where I spent many a summer with my best friend and her family. Mercedes' parents own this house and they were kind enough to loan it to me for the week. We are alone until Saturday of next week. Here, help me take in the supplies,” Kurt smiled at the amazed look on Blaine's face. He couldn't take him back to Oregon, but this just might be enough.

They moved the boxes into the log house, which reminded Blaine a little of his cabin in Oregon. Kurt had packed enough food and things to last for a week. They busied themselves getting things in order and by noon it was all ready.

What first?” Kurt asked.

Let's take a walk through the woods?” Blaine asked, trying to keep his smile from splitting his face.

I'm fine with that. I have spent fifteen summers here, so I know the terrain, I think we'll be fine. We better take jackets in case it gets cooler, though,” he said, pulling his pea jacket out of the back of the SUV.

They didn't really talk very much, just strolled along paths between the trees, holding hands and appreciating the clean air and lack of city sounds. It was so peaceful and serene, balm for what had been ailing Blaine for weeks. As much as he tried to be content with just being with Kurt, the stress of all the new things and experiences, the hustle and bustle of a city, the added stress of being in a high school, especially under the circumstances...and the upcoming trial was turning Blaine into a nervous mess. This is exactly what he needed.


They wandered along the shore of the lake, hand in hand and Kurt could almost feel the stress leaving Blaine as they walked along. He had all but forgotten how he felt in a peaceful setting like this, and had a pang of homesickness for the little cabin in Oregon. Thinking about the short time he spent there, and all the things that happened to him, Kurt found himself blinking back tears.

Hey, what's this?” Blaine asked, seeing a tear making its way down Kurt's cheek.

Nothing,” Kurt said, wiping his face – but to no avail as another tear made its way down his cheek.

Blaine stopped, turning Kurt into his arms and kissing the tears from his face – which just brought on more.

Hey, hey...why are you crying? Is it something I did?” Blaine asked, worried.

Yes. But not what you think...I'm crying because I'm happy, Blaine. So happy,” Kurt said and put his arms around Blaine, resting his head on Blaine's strong shoulder. “So happy to be with you...”


They walked back to the house, getting out the dinner Kurt had packed of sandwiches and juice with apples for dessert. They polished off all the food on the table, having walked about two miles that morning, and Kurt brought out something from a bag he'd left on the end of the table.

Blaine lifted his eyebrows in question, and grinned as Kurt brought out a cribbage board and cards. They hadn't played cribbage since they left Oregon and it was something they had both missed.

Several hours later, Blaine owed Kurt forty-five cents, they played a penny a point, and Kurt was thinking of what they would do the next day. He had several ideas, but wanted to surprise Blaine with one in the morning.

Let's get to bed, it's been a long day and we need to be up with the dawn,” Kurt said, taking Blaine's hand to squeeze.

What are we doing tomorrow?” Blaine grinned. It didn't really matter what they were doing, he was on board. This might just be the best weekend he ever had.

I'm not telling!” Kurt teased.

Okay, keep your secrets, but I just might have a few surprises of my own,” Blaine teased back, getting up to walk around the back of the chair where Kurt was sitting. He leaned over and crossed his hands down over Kurt's shoulders to rest on his chest and kissed his boyfriend's neck with warm, wet kisses. Kurt shivered.

Oh, like that is it?” he squealed, getting up and chasing Blaine all the way to the bedroom where he'd made the bed with fresh linen when they arrived that morning.

Okay, I give up!” Blaine called, Kurt having pushed him to the ground and was sitting on his chest. “Let me up, you win,” Blaine giggled.

Oh, lulling me into a false sense of security, eh? I will let you get up, but you have to do whatever I ask the rest of the night,” Kurt said in a voice of false authority, making Blaine giggle all the more.

And when don't I do whatever you say?”

Kurt huffed out a breath and got off of Blaine's chest, walking to the bed and shedding clothes as he went. Blaine stayed where he was, appreciating the view and whistling. Kurt ended his strip-tease on the bed, sliding under the covers before taking off the last few items of clothing.

Hey, that's not fair! Come out here and strip like a man!”

Kurt started to giggle at that. Blaine got up and took off his own clothes, singing 'Big Spender” as he swayed his hips and shimmied his shoulders. He noticed Kurt's eyes getting wider as he went, saving the final removal of his tight Calvin Klein underwear for after he had climbed under the covers.

Hey, unfair, you don't get the dollar I was going to tuck into your G-string if you get naked under the covers!” Kurt groused.

What is that you used to say? Oh, yeah: 'What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander'. Right? You got under the covers to take off your skivvies,” Blaine bantered back.

Kurt sat with open mouth, trying to think of a witty comeback; hell, he was famous for them. But none came to mind, so he did the next best thing. He grabbed the corner of the sheet and yanked the whole bunch of sheet, blankets, counterpane all off of Blaine at once, wrapping them around himself and leaving Blaine buck naked on the bed. He gave him his best 'Don't mess with me' glare.

Aww, that is so unfair. Here I am, just trying to make it all even and you go and do something like that. It's so cold out here...” Blaine pouted, his lip quivering in practiced pitifulness.

Okay, you can come back under, but you have to help me make the bed first,” Kurt negotiated.

He got up, dumped all the covers to the floor and picked up the sheet, flapping it across the bed with a snap for Blaine to grab hold of and they pulled it taut across the mattress, smoothing it as they went. By the time the bed was made, both of them had calmed down and slid into bed to cuddle for a while.

Are you getting warm again?” Blaine asked as he nuzzled his nose into Kurt's neck, getting all the cuddles he could take in. He was such a tactile person, and it had been a hard-won battle to get Kurt to appreciate this in him. Kurt had never been one to hug very much after his mother died. All the friends and relatives that came to the funeral wanted to comfort the boy, so they passed him around like a rag-doll, and he got a distaste for it. But with Blaine, all bets were off. He not only loved to have Blaine bury his face in his shoulder, poke his nose into his neck, wrap his arms around his waist and tangle their legs together, but he actually craved it. He felt like something was missing when he was forced into a situation, like school, where he couldn't physically touch him.


Kurt meant to make up for all that time he was denied contact with Blaine.


They had been lying close, just soaking up the wonderful feeling of touching, for almost an hour. It was getting late, but neither boy was sleepy, they were just content to be together with no outside interference.

Kurt, my sweet Kurt, thank you so much for this – this oasis, this Eden. I know I've been moody and irritable, but it was like I got caught in the loop and couldn't get away from it. I just want you to know – I am not upset with you for my inability to assimilate into the city life. I want to be with you, Kurt. I never want to be apart, but it was as though I was caught in this trap of depression and this awful feeling that I couldn't fix it. I know it's just a matter of adjusting myself to a new..ah...culture? I promise I'll work harder on it. Do you forgive me?” Blaine spoke very softly, not daring to look at Kurt's eyes, fearing some sort of disappointment in them.

Kurt didn't say anything for a few moments. He understood what Blaine was saying, but had to form his words carefully so they didn't come out sounding condescending or mean.

First, there is nothing at all to forgive! You haven't done anything wrong, Blaine. I do understand, I had somewhat of a culture shock myself when I landed in your camp. But I think it was different. I had just you to be with every day, and that was easy. You having to deal with so much all at once..well, all I can say is that I am in awe of how well you are coping. I hope being out here at the lake house might help you to regroup a little. I'm so sorry I couldn't take you home to Oregon for the week, Blaine. I really am,” Kurt said with regret.

I don't need to be in Oregon, baby, I just need to be alone with you. I think if we keep trusting each other, we'll both be okay, Kurt. This was the best gift anyone has ever given me, and I love you for it,” Blaine whispered, snuggling into Kurt's side.


They lay together, thinking over what they had said, just enjoying the closeness. When they first discovered their mutual attraction, Blaine had worried about being nervous around Kurt when it came to being intimate. Kurt had gotten the idea that because being nude in front of a stranger, as he was the first night at the cabin when they washed for bed, that Blaine had more experience. It came as a real surprise that he did not at all. It was just that in the culture he was raised, Blaine had never been taught to be ashamed of his body. When the realization of that set in, Kurt was even more confused. As time went by and they were both headed in the direction of attraction to one another, Blaine had suddenly become shy. If they hadn't been comfortable enough to talk all of this out, they might never have gotten together. Kurt was very aware of that and thus was determined to keep the lines of communication open at all cost. Even the cost of his dignity.


Blaine, there is something I've thought we needed to talk about. We have touched on the subject, but just sort of danced around it,” Kurt said, laying his cheek against Blaine's warm back as he cuddled close to him under the blankets.

Okay, you know you can ask me or tell me anything,” Blaine reminded him.

I was..ah..thinking about that first night when we were watching Little Mermaid and we took a shower together,” Kurt started, a little apprehensive to bring this up, but he wanted to bring it out in the open between them. He'd been stewing about it for too long with no answer in site. He needed Blaine to give him some answers, or at the least to acknowledge what Kurt was thinking.

Yeah, I remember that night...and what we did in the shower,” Blaine assured him, a warm smile coming over his face.

When I was..touching you, when I was stroking you, you turned around and pulled my hand forward to continue what I had started, right?”


You were still rubbing against me the same, but with your backside. The water made everything slick, so my ah...well...I kind of slipped between your...oh, I can't do this!” Kurt stopped in frustration. He normally wasn't afraid to say anything to Blaine. How could he be? He'd seen Blaine naked, he'd swallowed his semen for god's sake, how could he be so difficult to talk to?

It's okay, baby, it is. I know what you're saying. Yes, when I turned around it was because I just wanted a different angle – you were used to stroking yourself, so I thought if you were behind me, you would be more comfortable with getting the angle and rhythm easier,” Blaine explained.

You seemed to like it a lot, and you are right, it helped me focus not to have to turn it around in my brain at that moment. But when I was rubbing against you, and my cock was running inside your...crack, against your..ah..entrance? seemed to like it a lot more,” Kurt whispered, and Blaine blushed. Kurt wasn't the only one that had thought about that moment since it happened.

Kurt suddenly pounded his fist into the mattress in frustration. “Damn it, this it too hard to talk about, but if I don't know what you're feeling, then I don't know how to proceed because I don't know what you want or need or would like or what is too far...” Kurt was so upset, he just curved his arms around himself and put his head down, hiding from Blaine under the blankets.

Blaine turned to face Kurt, slowly coaxing him out from under the blankets. He pulled him close and just held him, stroking his hand down Kurt's arm until he felt the muscles begin to relax once again. He moved his hand to caress and massage the tight muscles in Kurt's back, whispering little things, nonsense things, into his ear and kissing him gently on his face, his jaw, his neck. When he judged Kurt was calmed down, he turned him so they were face to face, but Kurt was clutched close to Blaine's chest, his head on Blaine's shoulder. He had his eyes closed, but was wide awake.

There now, better?” Blaine asked.


Okay, let's get this conversation back on track. No need for you to be so hesitant to say anything to me, my sweet Kurt. You know I love you, I want us to be able to talk about anything, even if it seems embarrassing on the surface. Better that we get a little embarrassed than we mess up a good thing, isn't it?”

Yes, I just lost sight of that for a minute. I'm sorry. I'm okay now to continue..” Kurt said, still not opening his eyes because the gentle stroking on his temple felt so nice.

You were asking me if it felt good when you were rubbing against my ass. Yes, Kurt it did. I hadn't thought about it ahead of time, it just sort of happened, but when it did, oh, it felt so good,” Blaine confessed, “There was this new feeling, this mounting tension that turned into waves of pleasure, curling up my spine and spreading through my body. I don't know what I was thinking - except it was like an invitation for more but I was too afraid to accept. And while I might not have that night, Kurt, I would not say no tonight.” Blaine stopped speaking, his words burning in Kurt and making his belly jerk, his knees feel weak, and his face get hot.

Kurt believed him, and he would have anyway, but the evidence of his degree of arousal was poking him in the thigh right now, so it was not something he doubted.

And just thinking about me, rubbing you there, is what brought this on?” he asked, taking hold of Blaine's hardness, gasping just a little at just how hard it was. “Oh!” he said before he brought himself under control.

Yeah...” Blaine answered in a low, gravely voice that ran down Kurt's spine and into his belly to light a fire. Kurt gasped and his hand automatically held Blaine more firmly and moved down a little.

Kurt shuffled himself farther under the covers, and Blaine followed, sinking deeper into the mattress to think about this turn in events. His fingers let go and went under his pillow where he had stashed the lubricant he brought with him. He didn't know if they would need it, but better to be safe than sorry. Now he was really glad he'd planned for any contingency.

They had used this a few times before, but not often because they hadn't been together doing this stuff for very long, and having sex in his father's house with Finn there wasn't always comfortable.

Kurt took off the lid, squeezing out a large dollop of the silicone based substance and held it in his hand.

Blaine, do you want me to try that again? But with my fingers this time,” Kurt whispered so softly Blaine could hardly hear him.

Yes, baby, please..” was all he could murmur, his blood so loud in his ears, the scent of Kurt so close to him – like spring rain and spicy jasmine plus something earthy and sexy – and he spread his legs apart to give Kurt access, trembling in anticipation. Kurt buttered his fingers with the slick stuff, now warmed and ready. He leaned in to kiss Blaine and felt his way down inside the blankets with the back of his hand, careful not to let any of the lube rub off before he got to his destination. He had planned to stroke Blaine's inner thighs, maybe over his lower belly and down until he reached the desired place, but he had the lube on his hand now, so he went right for the place. Blaine, who had envisioned the same slow progression, jumped when Kurt's first touch was directly on target.

Ohhh!” he breathed, surprised and almost shocked, but he recovered quickly and kissed Kurt deeply. Kurt, not sure what exactly to do in spite of the pamphlets, just ran his finger down Blaine's crack until he encountered the puckered skin he was searching for. Blaine let out a loud sigh and Kurt could feel him relax. Still kissing, Kurt moved his finger around in circles, gauging what this felt like from his side. Blaine was enjoying this if the state of the rest of his body was anything to go by: he was so hard, his breath panting, fingers curled into a fist on his chest, and the ever increasing sounds he was making. Kurt continued, fascinated by Blaine's reactions which were making him excited as well. He circled the ring, slowly at first, then just dipping the pad of his finger into the depression, but not actually entering as he smeared the lubrication all around. Never breaking his rhythm with one hand, he moved Blaine's feet closer to his body, bending his knees to give Kurt more access, then actually moving himself so he was between Blaine's legs and - grasping Blaine's calf, he rested it on his shoulder – completely exposing Blaine to him.

Kurt could hardly take in a breath, as he made a decision to move forward and actually enter Blaine with his finger. His Blaine, who moaned so loudly it scared Kurt for a moment. Now his breath was coming louder, too, and Kurt tried to move his hand, but Blaine was so tight and he didn't want to hurt him. He opted for just moving very slowly and stroking Blaine's inner thigh for comfort and reached a bit further in. He had no idea what this might feel like, but the heat generated from Blaine's body was much warmer than Kurt anticipated, and the smoothness of the muscles as he moved his finger was amazing. He closed his eyes for a moment, because looking at Blaine's face as he went through this ecstasy was almost too much. It was seeing Blaine so naked, so raw, Kurt was scared to look – but he couldn't look away. can't imagine...Ohh, can you give me more?” Blaine said, whining and struggling to keep his hips still.

Yes, baby..I will take care of you..” Kurt promised, and he hoped he could.

Using more lubricant, he eased another finger inside of Blaine, feeling dizzy and faint as the moaning increased and Blaine seemed to be falling apart in front of him.

Are you okay, Blaine, is it too much?” Kurt asked with a worry in his voice.

Blaine's hand came up to take hold of Kurt's left hand, holding it tight for a second before relaxing. “Yes, it's so good, good...Ahhh...”

Kurt didn't stop moving - still gently, trying so hard to do it right for Blaine. He was so close to doing it right... just moving a fraction of an inch at a time, the two fingers seeming like too much. But Blaine was taking them, and didn't show any sign of distress, so Kurt kept on. He turned a little, searching for the place that he had read was the key to unlocking this mystery and it was a few seconds before he found it. He worried it wasn't right until he'd pressed over it a second time and the deep, velvety groan that spilled out of Blaine's throat was too much. Before he could stop it or even acknowledge what was happening to him, Kurt found himself spurting hot cum in rhythmic ejaculations all over Blaine's naked skin, and not a hand to guide it because both of his were busy. It was the warmth of the semen spreading across Blaine's inner thigh and over his belly that made him open his eyes and the look on Kurt's face was all he needed. He let go of Kurt's hand to grasp at his own hard cock, but Kurt was quicker and was stroking down in firm rhythmic motions just as he moved his finger, firmly over that place deep inside Blaine that focused each stroke into a mind altering event. Blaine stopped making noise for a split second, then called Kurt's name soft but intense as he came so hard, so, so hard. He was trembling and shaking and when it was over, he closed his eyes and took Kurt's hand and held it next to his heart.

End Notes: And that's it until Wednesday....


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This story is such an emotional roller coaster, it touches places of my heart I didn't even know existed. The Winnie the Pooh references accentuate the storyline perfectly! Marvelous work :)

Thank you, sweetheart. I love Winnie-the-Pooh and have read all of those books, then read them to my kids and now my grandchildren. I found one quote that fit, and was looking for another for the next chapter, maybe from The Little Prince, or The Velveteen Rabbit...but I found more from Winnie-the-Pooh..and it just ended up with that. LOL I'll have to stop writing after chapter 30 because those are all the quotes I found from Winnie!!Again, thank you for your kind words, you made my day. <smile>

Ah...thank you? <grin> Oh, Elizabeth, I read your bio and looked at some of your reviews of other stories. I'm glad I did because I found several stories I hadn't read before and now I'm knee deep in new ones and I wanted to thank you!!


This was awesome. It was great to see them get away from the city and all the stress and to take the time to get back to the way that they were in Oregon. The relationship between the boys in this story is extremely beautiful to see. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

Thank you, my dear, I appreciate the kind words so much. I was thinking that I would love to get away from the city (well, I live in a small town, but ...same thing, really)...into the mountains away from the daily grind, which I what made me start this story. I have never been to Oregon myself, but I have pals in both Oregon and Washington and it just always sounded so romantic and carefree there. I live near the mountains in Colorado, so that is almost the same. I hope you enjoy the next part of the story...the boys get into some trouble, but I bet love will conquer all, right? Not to worry, I don't write sad endings. Ever. It's Klaine forever in my book. (Are you listening, Ryan Murphy?)

Awww I am glad that Kurt did that fo him but if they're there for a whole week, what about school? You said Blaine won't stay in Ohio that long, :/ should I just cry now or should I wait? (even though I don't think I can wait to find out what happpens). And Karofsky just keeps me wondering that he wants to be an asshole but you're kinda giving me the impression he might redeem himself .

McKiney High is on spring break (I think it mentions it next chapter? Well, somewhere.) Don't cry, sweetheart....there is much more to come before Blaine leaves Ohio!! I don't want to ruin the story, but I will tell you what I've mentioned in all my stories: i don't write sad ones, and Blaine & Kurt always end up together. It's always a happy ending. That said, I don't claim every CHAPTER is always happy, there are a lot of unkind people in this world and sometimes the people we love who deserve the best have to go through some unpleasant turmoil before they get what they deserve in life. But how would you know the good things if you didn't have the bad ones to compare them to?