Bound For Glory
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Bound For Glory: Plans

E - Words: 4,402 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
854 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes: "We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?" asked Piglet."Even Longer," Pooh answered.~ A. A. Milne, from Winnie -the-Pooh

Burt was sitting, trying to look calm as the boys came through the doors into the dining hall. They were holding hands and walked in step as though they'd been doing it all their lives, which made Burt look at them a little closer. Kurt came up to the table and pulled out a chair for Blaine, who sat down and gazed at him. Kurt sat beside him, and their hands found each other again.

Burt smiled at his son, thinking of the last time he'd faced him across a table, back in Ohio. That afternoon, Kurt had told his dad that he was going to be singing at a school dance with the New Directions and Burt was a little apprehensive. There had been a lot more bullying lately and he was afraid that something could happen at the dance, getting out so late at night. But Kurt had reassured him that there would be people there, teachers and chaperones, and there really was no danger. Burt had reluctantly agreed when Kurt reminded him that Finn would be there and they could ride home together.

But that isn't what happened. Finn had left with Rachel instead and Kurt had waited too long to leave, there had been nobody in the parking lot. Burt knew because the police had investigated and from what witnesses said, Kurt had been waiting until some of the bullies left before he risked walking to his car. It was a group of boys and girls from McKinley that had been involved in the beating of his son. The main ones were cooling their heels in jail right now, awaiting a trial because the police thought Kurt was dead.

When Kurt didn't arrive home that night, Burt began to worry. He tried calling Kurt, but he didn't answer his cell phone (which was found the next day by the detectives in the bushes by the parking lot). Burt had called Finn, who confessed to being with Rachel but raced back to the school, finding Kurt's Navigator – with the windows and lights bashed in, the body dented, the seats and tires slashed, and painted with horrible words. Finn called Burt and then the police.

What followed was the worst night in Burt's life. They found the blood in pools on the cement, along with Kurt's scarf. There was an Amber Alert issued because it wasn't known if Kurt had been abducted. All Burt could remember were the flashing lights, the crowds of policemen, the fear coiling in his belly, and the look on Finn's face.


That was the reason he brought Finn with him instead of Carole. The boy had blamed himself. Burt had started by blaming him, but then he realized that Kurt had made the decision, and Finn had finally left with his girlfriend. Burt knew how persuasive Kurt could be – and Finn was beating himself up with guilt enough, he didn't need Burt's anger on top of it. Finn had changed in the weeks after that night. He stopped dating Rachel, he quit the football team and the choir. He curled himself into a ball at night and cried himself to sleep. It was almost as heartbreaking as losing Kurt.

Finn made fliers and spent his weekends distributing them, following leads when they came in, calling people who might have a clue to where Kurt might be.

The night Brayden Warner called to say he had Kurt, Finn was the first person Burt told. He looked at Carole, who could read what was on his mind, and she nodded her agreement – and Burt asked Finn to go with him. The light was finally back in Finn's eyes, he finally looked like he had hope once again.

It was hard, when they first saw Kurt. He'd run to Burt, jumped into his arms...but Burt saw the look in Finn's eyes and his heart broke for the boy. Burt could see that Finn wanted to hug Kurt, to tell him how things had gone, but there wasn't the chance. Finn had hugged them both, but backed away to let Kurt be with his dad. Finn was so broken up he readily agreed to go with Cooper to see the timber projects for a few days to leave Kurt to reunite with Burt. Burt was going to talk to his son about how Finn was feeling.


Dad, good morning. I hope you slept well?” Kurt said, smiling at his father across the table.

I slept like a baby,” he grinned. “Brayden has a nice house.”

What would you like to do today? We can go fishing if you'd like,” Kurt asked.

Sounds good to me, I haven't been in ages. Have you two had breakfast?” Burt asked.

We had eggs and toast, sir,” Blaine answered.

Burt. My name is Burt, okay?” the man gave him a look as if to say 'and don't you forget it'.

Of course, sorry....Burt.”


They went back to the cabin, Kurt pointing out some things on the way, like the goats: Hugo, Bossy, and Betsy in their yard. Burt smiled, taking in great lungs full of the pine scented air. He could get used to living in a place like this.


They got the fishing gear together and started out for the place by the river that the boys liked to catch their dinner. After a while they were all content, sitting companionably holding their fishing poles. Burt had brought in two rainbows and Blaine had caught a brookie. Kurt had something on the line and both his dad and his boyfriend were coaching him about how to land it.

Let him have a bit more line, son!” Burt said in a stage whisper, as though the huge fish could hear him and get away.

Play him...just pull gently and take up the, a little smoother, Kurt,” Blaine said, jumping up and down on the bank of the river, net ready to scoop the fish out as soon as Kurt got him in closer.

Don't let this be the one that go away, did I ever tell you...” Burt started, but stopped with a gasp when the huge fish broke water in an attempt to rid himself of the hook in it's mouth. This was one humongous fish.

Kurt's arms got tired and sore, but it seemed to matter so much to Blaine and Burt, he just had to land it. He played out a small bit of line, scared it would break with the way the fish was fighting, and drew it in closer. It seemed like it was taking forever, and before he got it to the shore, his arms were shaking. Blaine stepped up behind Kurt, put his strong arms around him and helped to pull on the pole. Burt took the net from where Blaine had set it down and waited at the edge of the water, leaning over as the fish came nearer as it lost the battle of wills against Kurt.

Get it, Burt!” Blaine called out, helping Kurt pull for the last time, jerking the line up out of the water with a snap of his powerful wrist. Burt scooped the net under the fish – which did not fit inside the net at all – and got it to the bank of the river, whooping and dancing.

Look! Look at what my son caught!!!” he cried happily, running to hug Kurt. He grabbed his son, swinging him around and setting him down only for Blaine to grab Kurt up and do the same thing. Blaine was so excited at the huge fish, he planted his mouth on Kurt's and gave him a deep kiss before he realized Kurt was struggling to get away and he stopped: the sudden realization that Burt was staring at them turned his face bright red.

That isn't a trout, is it?” Kurt asked, trying to cover his embarrassing kiss by looking at the huge fish. It was a reddish-purple on top with silvery sides. It had a funny shaped topline, a big dip at the head with a long snout, and it was huge.

No, not exactly. It' a member of the trout family, but isn't called a trout. Burt, I bet you know,” Blaine grinned.

I'd say it was some type of salmon?” Burt guessed. He was from Ohio, and although he fished a lot, he'd never fished a western river.

Yeppers, it's a Chinook salmon. Good eating! I think we're going to have a feast tonight!” Blaine grinned.

Wow...let's get the scale, I think it must weigh fifty pounds, at least,” Kurt said, sitting down on a log to rest for a few minutes.

Blaine got out the scale and hooked the fish to it by it's gills. He wasn't tall enough to hold it up so the fish wasn't dragging on the ground, so Burt got up on the log beside Kurt and took the scale to hold up.

Thirty three pounds, Kurt. I think that's a Hummel family record, buddy. Congratulations,” he said. “Not only did you bring in the biggest fish I've ever seen caught, but you did it with a Royal Coachman you tied yourself – on twelve pound test line no less. I couldn't be more proud, son.”


They gutted the fish and took it back to Shannon to have it prepared for dinner that evening. Both Shannon and Cookie were impressed and the rest of the morning was spent with them all gathered in the cookhouse, swapping fishing stories and lies. Kurt was tired after that, so he and Blaine excused themselves and headed back to the cabin, Burt walking with them.

Blaine made some coffee and Kurt got out some cinnamon rolls he and Blaine had made a few days ago.

I guess we better get down to having a heart to heart talk now,” Burt said, getting serious.

I can go over to the warehouse and work out for a while,” Blaine said, giving Kurt the opportunity to be with his father in privacy.

Actually, Blaine, I wanted to talk to you, too, if you can stay?” Burt said.

Okay, this sounds ominous,” Blaine said, studying Burt's face for some clue as to what was going on.

No, but it is serious. I wanted to have this talk with Cooper here, too, but we can get him involved when he gets back with Finn.” Burt didn't look happy.

What does my brother have to do with this, Burt?” Blaine asked, a little surprised.

I guess I better start at the beginning. The night Kurt was singing at the school dance, he was late home and I called him, no answer. I called Finn, who was supposed to be with you, Kurt, but he was with Rachel instead.”

That was my fault. I told him to go, I was waiting for most of the kids to leave so I would be able to walk to my car alone. He just did it because I was being stubborn, Dad, don't blame him,” Kurt sounded desperate.

I don't, son. But he blamed himself, and that was worse. He's not been the same since, he doesn't date – he broke up with Rachel, he quit the football team and the choir. He has been the one to follow up every lead we had on where you might be,” Burt said.

Oh, my stars, Dad...I'll talk to him. He shouldn't blame himself. I'll make this right,” Kurt looked upset.

Okay, but back to the story. We found your cell phone and scarf, and there was a lot of blood. The police tested it for DNA and it was yours. With all the other evidence, they began to think you had been murdered.” Burt said, Blaine gasped and Kurt turned white.

They have an Amber Alert out on you, and we got some witnesses that told us you'd been hit hard on the head with a broken bottle. The police have three boys in custody now. Azimio Adams, Rick Nelson, and Mason Madison. Kurt, when they told me they thought you were dead, I never believed them. There were witnesses, some who participated in beating you, but came forward and told what they saw. It was enough for the District Attorney to open a case.

I called her this morning. She was so relieved you are okay. But she wants to go forward with the trial, charging them with a hate crime and attempted murder. Rick is still a minor, but Mason and Adams are both eighteen. They'll be charged as adults.

What DA Lopez needs is Blaine's testimony of how he found you, what your injuries were. It will help the case. Blaine, what this will mean is that we need you in Ohio. I know you and my son are close, you have both said you love each other and don't want to be apart. I spoke to Carole this morning, she and I want Blaine to come live with us until the trial is over.

I don't want to sugar-coat this whole thing, it won't be easy. You'll have to live in our house and I will have temporary custody of you, Blaine. That's why I have to talk with your brother. Do you want to do this?”

Blaine sat looking at Burt, then turned to Kurt. He didn't need to say anything, Kurt knew what he was asking. Did Kurt want Blaine to move to Ohio for this? Kurt nodded.

Dad, we need to talk this over. Do you mind if Blaine and I go take a walk?” Kurt asked.

No, but I think it might be better if I go back to the cookhouse, Brayden Warner offered to let me use his satellite phone and I need to make a few more calls. I'll leave you two to discuss this and then I'll see you at dinner, okay?” Burt offered.

Okay, Dad. Thanks,” Kurt said.



That's a lot to take in, I know. But you can tell me what you're really thinking, Blaine. I don't even know how I feel about this trial. Sure, I want those guys to pay for what they did to me, and I don't want them where they can do it to somebody else. But …....” Kurt slowed down, realizing he was just blurting out whatever popped into his head. He needed to think about this.

Kurt, I don't need to think about it. If going to Ohio to be a witness at this trial might help, you know I'll be right there for you. Plus, weren't we just saying we didn't want to be apart? This will give us more time together...oh....unless...?” Blaine stopped talking when something occurred to him. He got up and paced across the wooden floor of the cabin, the heels on his boots making a hollow sound as he went back and forth, thinking and trying to clear the confusion from his mind. What if Kurt didn't want him to come home with him? Would he be embarrassed by Blaine...he was just a backwoods hick and Kurt must have some classy friends. Oh. Tears started burning in the corners of his eyes. He might be okay to be Kurt's boyfriend in Oregon, but that didn't mean that he was acceptable in Kurt's social circle in Lima. Blaine sighed, not sure how to talk this over with Kurt.

Kurt was beginning to worry. Blaine was looking decidedly uncomfortable and his face looked like he was lost. What was going on? Was Kurt asking too much from him? Well, of course. How could Blaine want to uproot his entire life in this place -with the clean air and all the people he loved, everything he was used to. What was it that he had said? Oh, that he could never live in a place where he couldn't catch a trout for his dinner. Kurt tried in vain to blink back tears. He was so angry at himself – how could he be so selfish? Blaine had a life here, how could Kurt ask him to give that up?

He got up, intending to leave the cabin, maybe catch up with his dad and they would see about getting back to Ohio. He walked across the floor, but Blaine was standing between him and the door. Kurt didn't want to back away, he wanted so much to just melt into Blaine's arms...


Kurt...” Blaine whispered, as he took the boy in his arms and held him tightly against his chest, burying his nose in Kurt's neck and breathing in that intoxicating scent that told him everything would be okay.

Blaine....” Kurt answered as he pulled his friend closer and let the first of the tears fall.

Oh, my stars, Kurt. I don't know what to say. I'm so ….I don't know. I don't know how to talk to you right now. It's too hard,” Blaine said. He was overwrought with emotion, and not sure what the right things to say might be.

I think...Blaine, come with me, okay?” Kurt asked. He walked over to the bed and indicated he wanted Blaine to sit on it. Then he went to the door and put the bar across, closed the shutters on all the windows and took off his shoes. He proceeded to remove most of his clothes, leaving him in just the thermal underwear he wore every day in the cold. When he was done, he started to remove Blaine's boots, but Blaine got the idea and took off everything Kurt had. They sat on the bed, looking into each others' eyes for a few moments before Kurt pulled the blankets down and patted the bed and Blaine climbed into the cool sheets, a shiver crossing his back with the cold.

Kurt got under and snuggled right next to Blaine, tugging the boy into his embrace and they lay, Blaine's back to Kurt's chest while they calmed down. When their breathing was in sync and slowed, Kurt spoke.

Blaine, I think we can talk better this way, don't you?”

I was feeling so disconnected to you, Kurt, and it was scaring me. I'm sorry. But with you so close, we can share ourselves, can't we? I think we can say what's in our hearts when we're this close.”

Agreed. Blaine, I would like it if you would come to Lima and stay with us. Of course I want those people to pay for what they did, but I hope vengeance isn't my motive here. I want others to see that it isn't okay to hurt people just because they're different. I don't want those guys to get off with a slap on the wrist, just to turn around and do it to another person. Is that okay? I don't know,” Kurt said.

I agree with you, Kurt. I think this is something that needs to be followed to its conclusion. And I will come to Ohio to do whatever I can to see it gets done,” Blaine promised.

I saw something in your face, Blaine. When I asked – you looked like you wanted to say no. Please tell me what that was about. I think we can do the trial without you physically there – there must be a way for you to make a statement and not have to appear in person. Or they can do some sort of Skype?” Kurt asked.

What's a Skype?”'s a computer connection. Like a phone call, but they can see you on a screen.”


But back to the question...why did you look so reluctant?” Kurt asked again, determined to understand.

I was worried about what your friends would think of me,” Blaine whispered, curling in on himself. “It seemed to me like you were reluctant to have me come to Lima with you and I must have jumped to conclusions.”

Kurt moved his arms tighter around Blaine's body, kissing his neck and humming until Blaine relaxed.

Blaine, you know I care about you. More than that, I love you. How could I ever be ashamed of you? You are the smartest, kindest, sexiest man I have ever known. I can hardly wait to have you on my arm – to show all of my friends that you're mine. Oh, Blaine, don't you see how much I want you to be with me? I was so scared that you wouldn't want to leave this place, that I wasn't worth moving to a city for...” Kurt sniffed back some tears, kissing Blaine's neck again.

Blaine pulled back, shifting his weight and turning over so he faced Kurt. He scooted closer, so they were like koala bears, belly to belly, arms around each other. They didn't need any words any more. Blaine kissed Kurt on his forehead, his temple, and down to his jaw. He nuzzled his face into Kurt's neck and hummed his contentment. This is where he wanted to be, and it didn't matter where they were geographically, as long as they could hold each other like this.

The next hour was filled with tender moments as they stroked and touched each other, whispering little things to bring out a giggle, and to stop now and then to just kiss.

Kurt? Is it okay if we....” Blaine lost his voice, it was too hard to ask, even though he felt comfortable with Kurt in almost every way, he wasn't used to asking for intimacy. He blushed, wondering if it was too soon to ask again for what he wanted. Kurt put his mouth on Blaine's lips, gently smoothing his own lips across the boy's. It was electric, creating a charge that Kurt felt down into his belly. Blaine was like some sort of addictive drug.

Tell me, my love. What do you want?” Kurt asked, his warm breath blowing over Blaine's cheek.

Can I see you, Kurt?” Blaine asked. It had been dark in the cabin at night, whenever they had gotten this close, and Blaine wanted to see Kurt's body. The glimpses he was able to see in the evenings when they washed and changed for bed had only served to tease Blaine. He wanted more. And he wanted it badly.

Kurt placed a kiss on Blaine's cheek and smiled. He sat up, humming to himself as he removed his shirt, then his pajama bottoms and silk briefs. He only had the one pair, so he washed them often, preferring them to the cotton ones Blaine had given him. Three months ago, Kurt would never have been able to remove his socks in front of another boy, much less all of his clothes. But he was comfortable with Blaine in a way that didn't make sense, even to him. Lying naked on top of the covers, he stretched like a cat and blinked up at Blaine.

Like this?” he asked, his eyelashes fluttering in nervous rhythm to his quickly beating heart.

Blaine got out from under the blankets and sat next to Kurt on the bed. There was sunlight dancing through the window where Kurt hadn't latched the shutter, and it bathed him in the bright light. Blaine had touched every place he was now seeing, but it was still so private, so intimate to just see Kurt. He had wanted to see Kurt's body from the first day, had looked when Kurt bathed unable to stop himself from looking at the beautiful alabaster skin as the muscles moved under it, the power in each muscle showing through when Kurt took off his clothes.

Blaine's eyes sought out Kurt's and their gaze locked. Blaine studied the blues, grays and subtle green of his irises, seeing the silver and gold that were sprinkled like stars in the heavens. He knew that poetic description bordered on sappy, but it was what he thought when he saw Kurt's eyes – it wasn't like he said it out loud, he could think all the sappy things he wanted.

Kurt thought he would feel exposed, vulnerable lying naked on the bed, but he didn't. He watched as Blaine's eyes caressed his body, as soft as his hands had been in the night. It was sensual, as if Blaine was stroking him all over all at once. He could see Blaine tracing the patterns of muscles as they moved under his skin when Kurt shifted position, transfixed and intense when Kurt looked up.

Blaine's entire world had narrowed to include just Kurt, it was like everything else, every one else was blurred and in the background. He could hardly fathom that Kurt was his, belonged to him, had his heart. It was too much for a moment and Blaine had to close his eyes. He tried to control his breathing, but it was hard. He felt Kurt move on the bed, sensed him come closer.

Blaine, are you okay?” he heard that beautiful voice ask. He sighed, trying to answer, but his voice was just a silent calling of Kurt's name.

I don't want to lose you, Kurt,” was all that came out, his words thick with emotion. Kurt shifted on the feather tick and Blaine found himself in Kurt's lap, his arms around him, holding him so tightly he couldn't take a deep breath.

I don't want to lose you, either, Blaine. I, I know...we belong together. Don't you feel it?” Kurt asked into his hair.

Yes,” Blaine breathed out. “We'll go to Ohio, we'll be together. We won't let anyone pull us apart.”

Kurt sat back, just trailing his fingers down Blaine's cheek. He smiled that subtle little smile and reached for the hem of Blaine's shirt.

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander....” he said and pulled the shirt over Blaine's head. Then he helped Blaine remove everything else and they were naked together on the bed, just taking in the sight of each other. They eventually moved together and then slid under the covers, out of the chill of the room. Holding Blaine to his chest, Kurt was just thinking of words...ones like cherish, adore, desire, and treasure. But there wasn't one strong enough or descriptive enough to make what he felt for Blaine tangible.

Without words, they were left with a more tactile way of expressing themselves, and cuddled close together, Blaine's eyes shut as he just felt the warmth of Kurt's skin in all the places where it touched his. Blaine could never get enough of this, and when he relaxed that day in the arms of the boy he loved above all, he was content. The lonely corner of his soul was now filled with love for Kurt and it was all he needed. They fell asleep tangled together under the woolen blankets in the afternoon sun.





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You must have known that there was a way for Blaine to go to Ohio? I'm not Ryan MUrphy and I'd NEVER make our boys break up, even for the sake of drama! I'd rather pit them as a couple against an outside calamity instead of break apart their foundation. But that's just me....

I really enjoyed this chapter. Seeing Burt, Kurt and Blaine interact together was awesome and getting to see Burt offer Blaine the chance to come to Ohio was also pretty great. Kurt and Blaine realizing that everything was easier to discuss when they were close and connected was really sweet to see. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Oh, but it is real life!! What is it the Velveteen Rabbit said? Let me go find it......Ah, here it is: "Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When someone loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."Hey, maybe I can use that in my next story!! I am so happy you like this story, it is close to my heart, kind of a tribute to my family, who did most of tese things when I was a litle kid growing up poor. I can't tell you how many times we had rabbit that my dad shot for dinner. Ah, and we didn't even know we were poor! As you pointed out to me ages ago, we weren't poor because we didn't have much money, we were rich because our family had love. Thanks for reminding me of that, my dear friend.

Oh how I wish there was a "Love" button like on Facebook! I This story ;) With every chapter I read you can feel the love growing deeper and deeper! I can certainly get lost in this and forget that this is not a real life story! Thank you for that! What a refreshing change of pace I am having reading this...I love reading Klaine stories...most all of them are set in the here and now and our hurried lives...I love the "old fashioned" feeling of this...a girl after my own heart ;) !! Thank you for such a great story ;) Hugs!

"Again. This is perfect. And again, your foreshadowing is killing me! You are the master of that! My favorite was the scene where the two realized their disconnect and decided to go back to the place they knew they could just be themselves....each others arms. Gorgeous. Did I mention yet how much I also love the A.A. Milne quotes? Their simplicity and beauty meld perfectly with your story. I can't wait to read more!

Awww...[*BLUSH*] You know, I really don't sit and plot the foreshadowing, I'm not sure how it ends up there...must be the shoemakers elves that come at night? I wrote that disconnect scene based on my own experience (my first boyfriend when I was just a kid) and when he fought - which was often - he would hold my hand when we talked it out. Believe me, it's much harder to hold a grudge when you're holding someone's hand. Try it. I wish I knew where that sweet boy was today, I'd thank him!Oh, the Pooh Bear quotes! I am so glad someone noticed...I loved them, they seemed to fit with the boys so well. It's so funny...I was going to use quotes from different authors for the beginnings of each chapter, and the first one I thought of was A.A.Milne. I got to researching it. I wanted the exact wording for the one"" But, of course, it isn't really Good-bye, because the Forest will always be there... and anybody who is Friendly with Bears can find it.""P link then I saw: ""But Piglet is so small that he slips into a pocket, where it is very comfortable to feel him when you are not quite sure whether twice seven is twelve or twenty-two.""and it reminded me of Blaine....and, well, about thirty quotes later, I just forgot to go looking for more! Besides, don't Kurt and Blaine remind you of Pooh Bear and Piglet? Well, sometimes Blaine also reminds me of Tigger... [singing...""Bouncy, bouncy, trouncy, trouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun....the most wonderful things about Tiggers is I'm the only one....""]"

Awww Blaine is going to Ohio with Kurt :) but Burt said to live until the trials over, what about after? I thought Blaine didn't like Lenore so why did he blow her a kiss?

Blaine and Lenore have a confusing relationship - even for them. He is trying very hard not to blame her for something that happened in their childhood but at the same time, she was the only other child he knew. He doesn't like her fawning all over him but he actually does consider her as a little sister of sorts. You'll hear more about thier childhood later.