Sept. 25, 2012, 9:02 a.m.
Sept. 25, 2012, 9:02 a.m.
"I'm thinking about telling my dad,” Kurt said.
“No!” Blaine shouted, Puck and Santana shouting agreement.
“He's not like anyone else's parent, you know. I think I can trust him,” Kurt said. He had always trusted his father and told him everything, and this went against his lifetime's habit of depending on his father.
Blaine leaned forward and took Kurt's face in his hands, moving an inch away from him. “Kurt. I appreciate what you've done for me, I owe you my life. But my life won't be worth anything if I get caught. They locked me in a room for three fucking years just because I said I was gay. What the holy fuck do you imagine they will do to me if they catch me now?”
Santana was actually blinking back tears. Santana. Holy Hell.
“Okay, okay! I was just thinking. I won't tell him, Blaine. You have my word,” Kurt said, looking contrite.
Blaine let go of him and put his head down on the table.
They had woken up that morning all tangled together, everyone thinking of all the details and the contingencies of this plan. It was a huge gamble, but they had all agreed.
“I need to get home,” Puck said. “Gramma is okay with whatever I do, but she misses me when I'm gone too long.”
“Tell Gramma Sofia I send my regards and hope to see her soon,” Kurt told Puck, smiling at the thought of the old woman.
“I have things to do, too. Here, give me your phone, Lady Lips,” she said, taking it off the table and pecking at the keyboard. Then she pressed 'call' and her phone rang. “And, now I have yours. Call me if you need me.” she directed this last comment to Blaine, who smiled at her.
“I'll see Lauren tonight and call both of you to let you know how things are going with her part of it tomorrow. She usually demands Cadberry eggs, but my Granny's chocolate truffles make those look lame, so I think I'm in with her,” Puck said. “Ready, Santana? I'll drop you off at your house first.”
After breakfast, Kurt and Blaine were lounging on the sofa in the family room, watching a movie. “Wow, I think I have a lot to catch up on,” Blaine quipped, as though watching the movies he had missed was of utmost importance.
Kurt laughed and laid his head down on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine half turned, putting his arms around Kurt and sighing as Kurt cuddled into his chest. He was so afraid, but having Kurt close helped. He wasn't sure what it was -maybe just some sort of intuition or instinct or something, but he felt he could trust Kurt. Blaine closed is eyes. He was just so afraid. But better to be afraid here with Kurt than alone in the attic room. He relaxed, his arm - naturally wrapping it around Kurt's shoulders. He was interested in the movie, but he found himself getting sleepy and leaned a little more on Kurt, laying his cheek on Kurt's hair. He was almost asleep when he realized: he felt a stirring in his jeans. Oh, shit. He tried to move so it wasn't so obvious, but there were no blankets or anything to hide under, and Kurt's arm was resting on his thigh. Oh, shit. So he coughed a little and slid out from under Kurt, excusing himself to use the bathroom. Whew, he hoped Kurt hadn't noticed. He came back and sat down on the sofa a little bit further away, but still close enough to hold hands. He looked at the screen and Kurt pushed the button on the remote to unpause the movie. They watched for a few minutes and Kurt paused it again, looking at Blaine. He gave a heavy sigh and looked serious.
“I can't imagine what it must be like to have three years of your life just cut out, Blaine. Especially those three. I don't want to be indelicate, but are you...do you..do you want to ask me anything? Or do you, I don't know, want me to tell you anything?” Kurt sort of half asked, not sure how to put it.
“You mean like what movies I've missed? Or what actor is dating which other actor?” Blaine deadpanned.
“Okay, yes, I admit I am absolutely clueless, when it comes to...ah...oh shit.” Blaine turned his head away and tried to move his hand away, too, wanting to put his face in his hands to hide - but Kurt held on tight.
“Blaine, I don't want to embarrass you any more, but I can't pretend I didn't see you were getting hard, I mean you were sitting right next to me. I'm not upset, I am a guy after all, and I know that happens. I just want you to know I understand and I won't judge you. Are we still okay?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah.” Blaine was still blushing, but it wasn't awful. “I know a little about how life works, in that area, but I was twelve when they locked me up. I'm almost sixteen. There wasn't exactly internet access in that cage, you know? To put it bluntly, yes, a lot happened to my body in those three years, okay? Is that what you want to discuss?”
“Oh, Blaine. I was just going to offer, if you were confused or anything. I know how hard it was for me to come to terms with my sexuality, and I had a loving, supportive father who went to the clinic and got me pamphlets on how the anatomy and sex works between two gay men. It did take me months before I was able to even open them, but I did learn a lot. I have not practiced any of it, though.” Kurt just stopped talking at that. He was blushing and as difficult as it was for him to bring the whole subject up, he only did it to make Blaine feel more comfortable.
“Okay, I understand. If I could just, maybe, read the pamphlets? I don't know if I could talk about it, though,” he mumbled, his head turned in embarrassment.
Kurt moved a little closer. “Okay. I'll leave them in the top drawer where I put your clothes, so you can read them when you feel comfortable. Now, we have so much to talk about, concerning how to proceed with getting you your life back,” Kurt smiled at Blaine,” and I just didn't want that sort of tension to get in the way of us talking. Are you feeling a little more comfortable now?”
“I am, actually. I thought I would die of embarrassment for a few minutes there, but I'm really okay,” Blaine said.
“So, are you still okay with us touching?”
Blaine's eyes got huge and he froze, not knowing what to say, not knowing exactly what Kurt meant by that.
“No, I mean just sitting close and hugging, like we've been doing all along. I don't want you to be uncomfortable, but it seemed you were more – grounded? When you were holding my hand or had my arms around you. I don't mean to seem like I'm trying to take advantage or anything. I know everything must be so confusing for you and I want you to feel safe with me. I'm not out to seduce you, Blaine, I just want to be your friend.”
Blaine blinked back tears. Shit, he was always crying. He hoped he could get over this fast because it was tearing at his guts to be like this. He moved so he was right next to Kurt, thighs touching, and put his head down on Kurt's chest. Kurt's arms went back around his shoulders like they had so many times before. Blaine's arm went around Kurt's waist and they sighed into each other.
“Yes, I'm happy like this, Kurt. And you're right, it does make me feel safe. Thank you.”
“You're welcome.”
“Kurt. How's Blaine?” Puck said.
“He's fine. We're watching a movie. You?”
“Fine. Tired. Just got back from my date with Lauren. Whew....let me just say..”
“Puck! I do NOT want details of that. Keep Puckzilla in your pants and talk to me about the plan.”
“Can I come over? ” Puck said, “and can I bring Lauren or are we keeping her in the dark?”
“Blaine and I talked it over and he's okay if we are lettting her in on the plan. Go ahead and bring her, she knows how to keep her mouth shut, right? It might help if she can meet Blaine and understand the situation.”
“Okay, we'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail.”
“Wow, Puck, Gramma Sofie is rubbing off on you,” Kurt giggled.
“Can it. We're on our way,” Puck said, obviously pleased in spite of his words.
“I'll see you in a few. What about Santana?”
“I'll call her.”
About half an hour later, there was a knock at the door. Kurt untangled himself from Blaine and went to open it for Puck, Lauren, and Santana.
“Hey, Prince, Gaga.” Santana greeted the boys, sitting practically on top of Blaine and sliding her hand into his. He grinned at her.
“Blaine, this is Lauren, my girlfriend,” Puck introduced, earning a sock to his belly from Lauren.
“I am no such thing, Noah,” she grunted, but winked her eye at him just the same. He grinned and blushed a little. Lauren put out her hand and Blaine shook it, a little awkwardly as Santana had hold of his left hand.
“Let's get down to brass tacks. Lauren, I want to thank you for all the help, how is it going?” Kurt asked.
“It's almost done. I input a file making 'Blaine Palomo' a transfer student from New Mexico. You have good but not outstanding grades, can't have you stick out too much, and your address is Santana's house. I have everything there, and your schedule has either Puck, Santana, Kurt or myself in each class so you won't be alone. I need to know if you can sing, though, so we can get you into Glee Club. We are all in it, so you'd be alone for that hour if you can't join.”
Kurt smiled at Blaine. He'd heard him humming, so he knew he could stay on tune, but that didn't mean he was amenable to singing.
“Ah, yeah, I used to be in choir. I wasn't in the show choir because of my age, but I can sing.” He smiled.
“Lauren, you're a lifesaver.” Puck said.
“Well, that remains to be seen. I would sure like to know why, although it isn't required. Puck's grandma made me chocolate truffles, so I'm good with it.” She looked disinterested, but the tapping of her finger on her thigh made Kurt think she was more than a little interested in the mystery.
“I will have a birth certificate and school records by Friday, so you can get a driver's license in your new name, too.
Puck turned to Blaine, “It's up to you. I can vouch for her, the girl knows how to keep a secret, plus she knows all about the school and how to get into files.” Puck grinned at Lauren and winked, she gave him a smirk back.
Blaine looked at Kurt and Kurt nodded his head, he agreed with what Puck had said.
“Okay. My real name is Anderson. Blaine Anderson,” he started. Lauren blinked her eyes, a knowing look coming over her.
“What? What do you know?” Blaine got nervous.
Santana spoke up. “Lauren's uncle is a detective with the Lima Police Department and her dad is a private investigator. What do you know, Lauren?”
“I've heard the name. You lived in that old Federal style mansion out on Ridge Road near Westerville, right?” she asked Blaine. He nodded, getting really scared and held Santana's hand tightly. Kurt slipped his arm behind his friend and rubbed his back.
“Your dad came back from his trip early and was over at my uncle's last night. I didn't overhear everything, but I was in the kitchen with my aunt and heard them talking. He said his son ran away and he wants the police to be looking for him, but on the quiet. No posters, no media. That's why he was at my uncle's, he wanted a detective on it. But he said your name is Joshua?” she looked at Blaine.
“It is. Blaine is my middle name, but my parents have always called me Joshua. All my school records are in my first name.”
“That makes things easier. I can keep track of what they find...I kind of have a tap on his computer. It's a hobby, okay?” she said defensively. Kurt and Santana grinned. Kurt didn't know her very well, but was beginning to like her more by the minute.
“They think you might have left Ohio, he talked about you going to Los Angeles?” Lauren said.
“Yeah, I did used to want to go there. Or San Francisco. I thought I'd fit in better there,” Blaine said. Kurt smiled, he'd had similar thoughts.
“Next order of business,” Kurt said. He got up and went to the desk and pulled up Google, looking up a number, and dialed his cell phone.
“May I please speak to Dr. Pierce? Kurt Hummel. No, I'll hold.” Kurt sat down as Puck looked at him.
“Brittney's dad?” Puck mouthed and Kurt nodded.
“Hello, Dr. Pierce? Yes, fine. Thank you. Well, I have a dilemma. Do you remember last year when my friend, Sam, was homeless and you were able to fix his little sister up with glasses? Yes. I have a similar situation and wondered if you might be able to help. Yes, he's a bit down on his luck, but doesn't want to ask his parents. Touchy situation, yeah, like Sam's kind of. His glasses broke last year. Uh-huh. Yes, the Lion's Club? Oh, okay. Oh, that would be wonderful. Yes, I can have him there at 4:00 this afternoon. His name? Travis Clayton. Thank you so much, Dr. Pierce. Say hello to Brittney for me. Bye.”
All eyes were on Kurt. “Britt's dad is an ophthalmologist. Last year when Sam Evans' family lost their house, Dr Pierce helped Sam's sister, Stacey, get new glasses. The Lion's Club helps out with the cost of the glasses and Dr. Pierce did the exam for free. He'll do an exam today at 4:00, ...ah, Travis.” Kurt smirked at Blaine.
“It was last second, I didn't want him to know your real name,” Kurt said.
Business done, they all decided to go to the local mall and have lunch at the Chinese restaurant.
“Are you okay with this, Blaine? I know you're nervous, but you'll be surrounded by hundreds of students next week, so maybe you need to practice?” Santana asked.
“Okay, geeze, I guess I am nervous. But you're right, I have to do it sometime. Let's go.” Blaine got up, a little unsteady on his feet with nerves, but followed Kurt downstairs to get ready. The boys returned, Blaine dressed in his new clothes and Kurt looking like a model off a runway as usual. Blaine's eyes followed him across the room and Puck smiled, bumping Santana's shoulder. She gave him a knowing smirk.
At the restaurant, they ran into Mike Chang and Tina Cohen-Chang and decided to share a table. Blaine was introduced as Santana's cousin, Blaine Palomo, from Santa Fe. To all outward appearances he looked calm and collected, and conversation flowed, mostly about what songs the Glee students were going to sing for Sectionals. Mike and Tina didn't look at all suspicious, so the ones in on the charade were thankful. This just might work. After lunch, they all went their separate ways, Kurt taking Blaine to see Dr. Pierce. He tested 'Travis' eyes, wrote out the prescription and sent them across the hall. There Travis selected his frames and was told they would be ready the following afternoon. Kurt filled out some paperwork so the Lion's club could arrange for donated money to pay for the glasses. Blaine smiled, thinking how nice it would be when he could see clearly again.
On the way home, Kurt drove to a little used park with a large parking lot. He put the Navigator in park but left the engine running.
“Okay, Blaine. Get out and come over here,” Kurt directed.
“Ah...I can't drive. I don't want to wreck your car, Kurt!” Blaine protested.
“You won't. This is a big parking lot and there's really nothing to hit. You have to learn sometime.”
Blaine hesitated, but came over and got in the driver's seat. Kurt got in the passenger's seat and buckled his seatbelt.
“Okay, do you know anything about this?”
“Yes, I watched my parent's drive, and the chauffeur. I know the basics, just never had the practice.”
“Put your foot on the gas, press a tiny bit and go.”
Blaine grinned.
Later that night the boys were curled together in Kurt's bed, Blaine reading Harry Potter and Kurt reading his history book. He had glanced at Blaine's class schedule, and was thinking it over.
“Ah, Lauren put you in my French class, but it's an AP class. Do you even speak French?” Kurt asked.
Blaine's eyes found Kurt's and he said:
“Partir c'est mourir un peu,
C'est mourir a ce qu'on aime:
On laisse un peu de soi-meme
En toute heure et dans tout lieu.”
“Oh, a fan of Haraucourt, are you? That is one of my favorite poems,” Kurt said, a smile on his face as he snuggled close to Blaine. He whispered the translation back to him:
To part means to die a little,
To die for what you love
It is to leave a piece of your heart,
Any time, any place, any part....”
"Well, in that case, I think you'll do fine in French class. Mrs Berube is partial to students with a little romance in their soul, which means she will love you. Does that poem mean a lot to you?” Kurt asked, though he could see it did.
“Yeah. I used to say it to myself when I was sad in the attic room. Do you know the rest of it?”
Kurt shook his head no. “I have heard it, but it was you saying it that made me able to translate. I don't know it by heart.”
Blaine looked at Kurt and then closed his eyes.
“It's always the lament of one's desire,
The final verse in a string of verses,
To part means to die a little.
And when one parts, it seems at the beginning easy,
Just like a game, right up to that final goodbye,
It's the soul that will remain behind,
That behind us remains in every goodbye...
To part means to die a little.”
Kurt tugged Blaine into his embrace. “Oh, Blaine. How could someone silence your voice? How could they? You committed that poem to heart at twelve? Oh, Blaine..” he just had no words to describe the tragedy he was feeling in his heart. Blaine was such a wonderful person, Kurt had no idea how his parents could have done that to him. He rubbed his face, drying his tears, and kissed Blaine on his temple.
“Blaine, I'll keep you safe. I promise. Nobody will stifle that beautiful spirit again.”
Blaine snuggled closer to Kurt, his arms wrapped around his new best friend, and wondered how he had ever lived without Kurt in his life.
Oh, I really do like Lauren :D
fantastic reading on