A Room In The Attic
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A Room In The Attic: The Rescue

E - Words: 4,891 - Last Updated: Sep 25, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Sep 13, 2012 - Updated: Sep 25, 2012
764 0 1 0 0

Kurt woke from a sound sleep, Blaine pasted to him. It was still a touch cold, but better with the warm sun streaming in the broken window. He could hear a clock cuckooing from somewhere in the depths of the house and the chime struck nine times. He usually didn't sleep this late, but remembered waking up several times during the night. He pulled back to look at Blaine, still asleep next to him.

It had been a strange night, cold but being so close to Blaine warmed him up, so it was kind of good, considering everything. He had just met the boy, but he felt a connection to him. Ah, yes, now he remembered telling him that he would stay with him, keep him safe. And he had every intention of doing so, finding him against all odds gave Kurt the feeling it wasn't just a random thing. He did not really believe in a higher being, but sometimes it felt as though there was something there – call it kismet or fate or whatever, but something stirring the stars around. And it led him to Blaine for a reason.

Kurt had mused long enough, all this questioning fate made him uneasy. He was better to let things happen and react than to try and figure out what fate had in store for him.

Awkkkk!” Blaine opened his eyes, jumping when he saw those big blue eyes looking back at him. “Oh, Kurt, sorry. I...I thought I had dreamed you.”

Nope, I'm here, big as life.”

Thank God. Thank you for staying with me, last night was kind of scary, I guess. I might not have handled it well, so please forgive me if I did anything.....” Blaine started, but Kurt put a finger to his lips.

No, Blaine. Everything was fine. We're fine. I really appreciated your helping me to keep warm, it was pretty cold in here. Oh, my stars, whatever did you do in the winter?”

Blaine just looked away. “Coughed.”

Oh. Well, we're going to make sure that never happens to you again. Puck will be here soon and get us out and I'll take you to my house. We can make a plan from there.”

Kurt, you and your friends don't have to do anything else. If I can just get out, I can make my way somewhere. I just want to be out of this room. You've done enough,” Blaine said.

Do you actually have a place to go?”

No, I don't know which of my friends is still around, if they can keep my whereabouts secret – I..I ..” Blaine put his head back down. “I don't even know where my brother is, or if he would help me. I can't let anyone find me, Kurt. The courts would give me back to my dad. He's a big lawyer and they would never see my side. He's too powerful.” Blaine had tears in his eyes again.

Kurt pulled him close, kissed the top of his head and said very softly, “I'll take care of you, Blaine. Quit worrying. You're mine now.”

What? What was he thinking? What was he saying?? It just came out. But Kurt never went back on his word, he was at once totally committed to keeping Blaine safe now.

Before they could say anything else, they heard footsteps in the hall.

Is that the Watchman?” Kurt asked, getting ready to hide behind the chair again.

No. He only comes at night. It must be your friend, Puck, because I didn't hear a car on the gravel path outside.”

When he spoke to Mrs Anderson about the lawn work this week, Puck was told nobody would be home until the middle of next week, so we're probably safe, but I'm going to hide just in case.” He got up and slipped behind the ratty velvet chair so nobody could see him from the doorway.

They heard two sets of footsteps and Blaine looked panicked. Kurt had told him to bring Finn, but these steps were much lighter, so Kurt didn't know who they could be. He froze.

Kurt? It's me, Puck. You still in there?” Puck called through the door.

Kurt ran to the door, “Yes, Puck. Can you get us out?”

Give us a minute, I have tools.”

Us?” Kurt asked, but apparently Puck didn't hear him.

Blaine and Kurt were right next to the door. They could hear scrambling and metal on metal scraping, Puck telling someone to hand him various tools and an oath as his hand apparently slipped.

I might have to break the door itself. I brought an axe.” he said.

Oh, Puck. What the fuck? Let some blood out of your cock and back into those brain cells. Here, let me try,” a feminine voice sounded from the hallway. Blaine looked at Kurt with eyebrows lifted to his hairline.

Satan! Is that you? Puck, what were you thinking?” Kurt shouted in anger.

Hey, Porcelain, I'd shut those lady lips of yours and find some sugar-glazed apology since I'm the only one in this hallway that has enough brain cells to get you out of there. Unless, of course, you are too busy ass-fucking the Prince in the Tower to want to see daylight again?” Santana said while taking the WD-40 and spraying the hinges to loosen them, then a hammer and chisel to take out the hinge pins.

Can you talk nice to Auntie Tanny now, boys?” she said, as she and Puck pulled the door and lifted it away from the doorframe.

Kurt was in her arms in a split second. “Oh, Santana! I love you! Thank you, thank you!”

Hey, get off me, you dolphin. Okay, where's the Prince in the Tower?”

Blaine stepped out of the room, blinking as he looked around. “Oh.....” was all he said, then cowered behind Kurt. Kurt slipped his hand into Blaine's and squeezed to reassure him.

Blaine was faced with a large boy, dressed like a biker in leather trousers and a denim shirt. He had a Mohawk and a tool belt – and a huge grin on his face. The girl standing next to him was dressed in slinky tight jeans and a low-cut, ruffled blouse, showing off her cleavage, patent leather boots and a bitch-glare to rival Kurt's own on her face. Her skin was a beautiful pale coffee color and he flowing wavy hair was loose down her back. She looked at Blaine with a sharp expression that gave no sign of good will.

Puck stepped forward, grabbing Blaine and hugging him. “See, I told you we'd be back. Now, let's get out of here.”

Ah, no,” Santana said, “not the best idea, Cochise. We don't want them to know Prince is gone, so we better replace the door. Do you want anything else in there?” she turned to Blaine, gesturing inside the room with a movement of her head. He nodded and stepped back in, took his pigeon and wrapped her gently in a rag and put her in his pocket. He retrieved Kurt's jacket and the wrappers from the food he'd brought and turned to leave.

Thank you,” he whispered to Santana as he walked by. She gave him a small smile.

Puck and Kurt lifted the door and set it back while Blaine and Santana put the hinge pins back. Then they filed along to the panel in the library and Santana pulled the candle sconce that opened the door. They walked through and Blaine hit the switch to close the panel. Puck turned on the flashlight and they went down the stairs.

Wow, Blaine, did your parents build this tunnel?” Puck asked.

No, as far as I know, they don't even know it's here. This house had been in my family since the late 1700's. I read a lot, so I was in the library and found the journals of one of my ancestors. Some of them operated an underground railway station from this house. I doubt my folks ever knew anything about those ancestors, they were much more interested in money and social position. But I read about it and found the passage when I was about nine.”

They walked in silence the rest of the way, Kurt looking around him as they went. At the end of the wooden walls and floor was a door, but it wasn't locked. It was oak and had a large ring in the center. Puck pulled it open and they all trooped through, Santana shutting it behind them. On the other side were rock walls leading to the inside of a cave. They could see some daylight and came to the small opening, and the four crawled out into the thicket of hazel bushes and into the trees.

I parked the pickup over here,” Puck led the way. It wasn't until they reached the truck that Santana smacked Puck on the arm.

What was that for?” he asked.

You brought a pickup. With two seats. How are we going to get back to Lima? The bed is full of manure, so you can bet I'm not sitting back there.”

It'll be okay. Puck, you're driving, Santana, sit in the middle. I'll sit on this side and Blaine can sit in my lap. No discussion. I want to get home. Now.” Kurt said. Nobody wanted to argue, so they all got in, and it was very close, but they made it work and they drove to Kurt's house, Kurt's arms holding Blaine close as he jumped in fear every once in a while. Burt was in Washington until the next Friday, Carole and Finn were visiting her uncle in Dayton, so the house was empty for a while.

Puck pulled into the drive where the trees sheltered them and Kurt got out to open the garage door. Puck pulled inside and they took Blaine inside the house.

Kurt stepped back to the garage to speak with Puck and Santana. “I know you both have a million questions, but I think Blaine needs to get cleaned up and fed and rested before we grill him,” Kurt said, looking at his friends with a sad smile. “I'm afraid he's damaged, I mean emotionally, and maybe he needs to go one step at a time for a while?”

For once, you're right, Porcelain. I agree with you. I also want to say that we need to keep this between just us. From what Puck told me, this kid is in serious danger if anyone knows he's here. Right?” Santana said.

Puck nodded his head. “Okay. Tomorrow is Monday, but since it's spring break, no school. Can we come over after breakfast then?”

Yeah, Puck, that's a good idea. I can see what needs to be done and we can brainstorm. Okay with you Satan? I mean Santana?” Kurt agreed.

Oh, you don't need to get all sappy with me, Lady Lips. I don't need it. But I'll be here. You know I root for the underdog, and this kid needs some help. I'll see you tomorrow. Ready to go, Puck?”




Kurt walked into the kitchen where Blaine was sitting.

You okay?” he asked.

Yeah, I think so.” Blaine said, but put his head down on the table and began to cry.

Kurt rushed over. “Hey now, what's wrong?” he asked.

Nothing. I'm just....just kinda overwhelmed. I've been in one room for three years, and being here is ….I don't know, kind of surreal. And I'm kind of scared,” Blaine admitted.

Kurt stepped close, rubbing Blaine's back in small comforting circles.

It's okay. My family isn't due home until next Friday, so we have some time to think about what to do next. Do you just want to sleep or can I help you get cleaned up?”

Oh, I hadn't thought about any of that. I want to cut this hair, but I am afraid to leave the house...” Blaine said.

No worries, I've been cutting hair for years. Let's go down to my room and I'll see what I can do,” Kurt offered, standing up to lead the way. He stopped, grabbing some bagels, cream cheese, and orange juice out of the kitchen before going down the stairs.

They ate bagels, drank juice while talking about what Blaine wanted to do. Kurt found that he couldn't seem to make decisions very well and ended up just telling him what to do. Blaine seemed happy with that, so Kurt relaxed. They had put Chloe back in the cage Kurt had kept her in and he got her seed and water.

Okay, how short?” he asked. Blaine told him he used to gel it down to tame the curls, so Kurt just chopped it to a medium short length. It was ten times curlier short than it had been with the weight of all that hair. “Okay, that gets most of it out of the way. After your shower I can style and cut it for you. I have a razor in the bathroom that has a brand new blade, and a new toothbrush I got last week. They came two in a pack. Here, this is where the towels are, the hair products, the soap and shower gel, toothpaste. I left you my robe on the back of the door,” Blaine looked a little overwhelmed, but he smiled just the same and thanked Kurt.

Now, I'm going to be gone for a little while. Don't worry, nobody will come. Just wait here in my room and I'll come home soon. Go ahead and take a bath and shave, then just wear the robe until I get back. Is that okay?” Kurt said in very clear terms. Blaine seemed to be so scared, he was worried about leaving him, but the store was only a few blocks away.

Okay, Kurt. I'll be fine. I'll wait right here until you come back. You will lock the door, won't you?”

Yes, of course.” Kurt waited until he was in the shower before leaving.


Back from the store, Kurt locked the door once more and tripped down the stairs. He stepped into his room and saw no trace of Blaine whatsoever. He was about ready to panic when he saw Blaine walk out of the closet.

Oh, thank God it's you. I heard you come in, but you didn't call out, so I thought it might be your family..” Blaine whispered, visibly shaking.

So you hid in the closet? Oh, Blaine, It's just me. I brought you some things.” Kurt opened the bags, producing a package of V-neck T-shirts in various colors, some jeans, socks, and boxer briefs. From another bag he pulled out hightop canvas shoes. “I found your size on those shoes you were wearing, but I guessed at the sizes for the rest. I think some of my clothes will fit you, but not the jeans.”

Kurt, thank you so much. I just don't know how to thank you, I'm so grateful,” Blaine said, throwing himself into Kurt's arms. Kurt patted his back and got him to sit in a chair.

Let's see if we can tame this lion's mane of yours, okay?” Kurt smiled into the mirror where he could see Blaine's face, and he smiled back at Kurt.

Kurt got a comb, scissors, and a cape to put around Blaine's neck to catch the cut off hair. He combed the hair gently, Blaine wincing a little from scabs and tender places on his scalp. He hadn't been able to wash much since he had been locked in the room and he tended to get rashes, the poor nutrition adding to that. Kurt pulled up lengths of his hair, measuring it and Blaine could hear the snip, snip of Kurt's shears cutting little bits of his hair off to send them down on Blaine's shoulders to pool in his lap. It seemed to take a long time, but Blaine was happy for it to last because Kurt would run his fingers through the curls and it felt so caring and gentle, kind of mesmerizing. Blaine closed his eyes and had a hard time not leaning into Kurt's caresses as he took each lock of hair to trim. He was finally done, then added a nice smelling product, rubbing it first between his hands and then through Blaine's hair, combing it and moving Blaine's head to point him towards the mirror.

Is this okay?” he asked, looking into Blaine's sparkling hazel eyes. Blaine nodded, very happy to once again see his face without all the dirt and hair obscuring it. Kurt kept looking, amazed at the transformation in him. He conscience was a tiny bit troubled because he had taken Blaine's picture with all the dirt and long hair last night while he slept. He couldn't say exactly why he had taken it, but it seemed important at the time.

Go ahead and get dressed if you want, I'm going in to take a shower, too. Okay?” Kurt asked.

Sure. I might just sit here a bit first, then get it done.” Blaine said, looking intently around the room, his eyes landing on Kurt's collection of movies. “Can I watch a movie?” he asked.

Of course. I'll be back in a few minutes.”

After his shower, Kurt got dressed in the bathroom and opened the door, expecting to see Blaine watching a movie. But instead, he found the tired boy fast asleep in the bedcover, still in the robe, clutching Kurt's pillow to his chest.

Kurt was wearing what he considered his 'weekend' clothes, black designer jeans, but not too tight, a reddish brown button-up silk and cotton shirt the color of a fox, a dark forest green vest and a pheasant broach. He hadn't put on his shoes or socks yet, but sat on the bed to see if he could get Blaine under the covers to sleep. He didn't want him to get cold.

Aaaawkkk!” Blaine shouted out, curling himself into a ball as he felt arms under him, lifting him.

Shhh, Blaine. It's okay, it's me, Kurt. I was just lifting you to get you under the covers so you could take a nap. Are you okay?”

Ah, yeah...” Blaine blushed, blinking in the sunlight that streamed in the window.

You're safe here with me, you know. Or maybe you don't...you don't really know me. I want to assure you that I just want you to be comfortable. If I do anything – ANYTHING -that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, tell me,” Kurt soothed.

Blaine moved back a little. “I know you are my only lifeline, Kurt, and I don't want to seem ungrateful. Because I am so grateful, you saved my life. But I just feel skittish, like I'm unsettled. Scared really. So, maybe we can go slow and work through this together?” Blaine ducked his head, burying it in the blanket.

Of course, Blaine. Just say what you want and I will, too. We can have that between us for a start until you can start to trust me.”

That makes me sound so ungrateful. I'm sorry,” Blaine seemed to withdraw more.

No, no. After what you've been through, nobody would fault you on any of this. I'm serious when I say you need to move at your own pace. We will have to make some decisions, but Puck and Santana will be here tomorrow and we can talk it over then. Nobody will make you do anything you don't feel right about,” Kurt told the frightened boy. He started to put out his arms for a hug, but caught himself and pulled back.

Blaine saw and blushed. He put his own arms out and Kurt gathered him in close and gave him a soft, gentle hug. He placed a chaste kiss on Blaine's temple and was gratified to see there was no shutter or nervous reaction to that.

I know you probably have a lot to do, but can you...can you just lie down with me for a short while so I can fall asleep, please, Kurt?” Blaine almost whispered, so if Kurt didn't want to he could pretend he hadn't heard.

Yes, Blaine. Let's get under the covers so you don't catch cold, though. It's a little cool down here in the basement.”

Blaine slid under the covers and Kurt beside him. Blaine looked at Kurt's face to gauge his reaction and snuggled closer, then with a sigh of contentment, he put his head under Kurt's chin, his nose buried in the other boy's neck and closed his eyes.



Did I dream it, or did you sing to me last night?” Blaine asked.

Yes. I sang a song my mother used to sing to me. Her family was Irish and she would sing Toora Loora Loora to me when I was upset and couldn't fall asleep. I miss her, and that song brings back pleasant memories for me. Do you want to hear it again?”


Okay, close your eyes.

Toora Loora Loora.....”




Blaine fell asleep quickly, hugging Kurt to himself even tighter in his sleep. Kurt thought of getting up, he had homework to get done and some laundry and things. But he was tired from not sleeping the night before and before he knew it, he was asleep, too.

Several hours later, Kurt found himself awake, Blaine wrapped around him but still asleep, thinking about what was going to happen. He had no way of preparing for this, he hadn't though farther than finding the person in trouble, really. It seemed so unreal, and he realized he had believed his dad, that the sender of the blood note was just some kid playing an elaborate hoax. He hadn't done anything with a plan since he saw Chloe land on the windowsill, he just jumped by instinct to do each thing in such a hurry there was no time to think it through.

Puck wasn't really a planner. It seemed to be his nature to fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants in each and every situation. Take the whole Quinn getting pregnant scenario. There was no planning, no thinking about consequences with that. But how could Kurt criticize Puck for that when he had just done almost the same exact thing. Kurt might as well have given birth – here he was with another person that was totally dependent upon him for every little thing from food and shelter to emotional well-being. And Kurt had made a commitment to Blaine, whether Blaine had known it or not, to be there for him. He felt responsible for the boy because he saved him from the attic room. Not everyone would see it that way, but Kurt knew in his heart that he was morally bound to Blaine now. And there was something else, some deeper connection to this boy, but Kurt wasn't sure what it was. Yes, he had been rash in making the initial decision, but now he knew what he had to do, and this was going to take a lot of planning. He hoped Puck and Santana were up to it.

Kurt turned a bit to look at Blaine's sleeping face. He hadn't given it much thought last night, he'd been too scared to, but now he had the leisure to look. Blaine was undernourished. He was skinny and had rashes and scabs, dry flaky skin and, as he told Kurt, he needed glasses. He had been coughing a little, so he might even be sick. But Kurt could see beyond that. He knew Blaine was beautiful last night, and now he was cleaned up, shaved and had his hair cut and his teeth brushed, Blaine was the most beautiful boy Kurt had ever seen. With care, food, and Kurt's attention, he knew Blaine would blossom. He smiled. He felt they could face these obstacles together. He hoped so, anyway. He leaned over and placed a kiss on Blaine's cheek, getting a smile from the sleeping boy. He sighed contentedly. This was bliss, but he knew it was just respite for the coming storm. He hoped they were strong enough to weather that storm, and he shivered a bit thinking of it.

After sitting so still, just thinking, Kurt was suddenly aware of Blaine moving in his sleep. The robe, which was the only thing he was wearing, had slid open and Blaine was very naked underneath. Kurt blushed. He was making ready to pull the blanket over Blaine when the boy turned a bit and he came in contact with Kurt's leg. Kurt was wearing jeans, but still felt Blaine's semi-erection rub against him. Kurt jumped. Although he had never felt another boy's arousal before, this made him blush and he felt it down to his belly. Wow. That could get dangerous very quickly, and Kurt moved away. He slipped out from under the blankets and covered Blaine up. Blaine stirred, moaning in his sleep, and Kurt left to get some dinner for the two of them.

Kurt was cutting apples for a fruit salad when Blaine peeked around the corner of the doorway out of the basement. Kurt had been aware that he was there for about fifteen minutes, but waited until he was comfortable before he acknowledged his presence.

That looks good, Kurt,” Blaine said, suddenly shy in the unfamiliar room. Kurt held out a hand and Blaine came and took it. He sighed in relief.

Sit here, next to me,” Kurt encouraged. He set a cutting board, sharp French knife, and a nectarine in front of Blaine. Blaine picked up the knife, cutting into the ripe flesh of the nectarine. He smiled and took one slice to put in his mouth, cutting the rest into dice to put in the bowl as he watched Kurt peeling an orange. Eating the fresh pink flesh of the nectarine, Blaine moaned as though he had just had an orgasm...and he had after a fashion. Three years without a single bite of fresh food and the slice of fruit amounted to the same thing. Kurt's eyes got wide, but he didn't comment. He just put a peeler and several kiwi down by the cutting board and took a plum to cut. They worked in silence for a while, then Kurt went to the refrigerator and got out a container of strawberries. He rinsed them in the sink and brought them to the table, selecting one and pulling out the stem. He walked closer to Blaine and held it out. Blaine opened his mouth and Kurt placed the ripe berry on his tongue. Blaine closed his lips, catching one of Kurt's fingers as he pulled back to eat. Kurt couldn't take his eyes off of Blaine's face as he closed his eyes and bit into the berry, moaning at the taste. Kurt blinked his eyes, shook his head, and got back to the job at hand, his knees feeling weak.

Later they sat next to each other at the table, eating the fruit salad, hummus and French bread. Big glasses of milk with chocolate syrup mixed in and a scoop of vanilla ice cream came for desert.

Kurt, I've never had a more delicious feast in all my life,” Blaine said. “Thank you.” He leaned over and patted Kurt on the shoulder.

It wasn't anything. I'm a little scared of how your stomach is going to react, though, after not eating for so long. Tell me if you feel sick, I have some stuff to settle it if you need,” Kurt told him.

Wow, how romantic,” Blaine quipped. But his smile let Kurt know he was kidding. “I know, and I will keep eating small amounts until I'm used to it again. Kurt, you don't know how I'm feeling right now. It's like I woke up from a nightmare – I have a bed to sleep in, I'm clean for the first time in years. Just that is enough to be forever thankful, my skin doesn't even feel like my own now, it's smooth and it doesn't itch. And my hair? I have to admit I was so vain about my hair before. Then I couldn't find a way to take care of it, I tried to comb it with a fork. Like in Little Mermaid,” he laughed, but the smile never reached his eyes. It sounded funny, but the reality was no laughing matter and it brought tears to Kurt's eyes.

Hey, now, Kurt. Don't cry, it's all over with. If I can laugh about it, so can you,” he said, rubbing his hand over Kurt's arm. He tried smiling at Kurt and got a small one in return.

And clothes? Oh, my. I cannot thank you enough.” He just ran out of things to say to Kurt, hoping a hug would convey the rest as he leaned over to put his arms around Kurt's shoulders.

Oh, we should talk about that, Blaine. I just got the first generic things I came across. I had no idea what you used to wear.”

Blaine laughed a that. “It was usually designer, capri pants, saddle shoes with no socks, button down with a sweater vest and a bow tie. Very prep school.”

Kurt grinned at that, imagining Blaine dressed in those clothes – and imagining it all too well.

As much as I would love to see you in that, it might be prudent to change your look, in case they come to search for you in Lima. While I cannot see you in a letter jacket and sweats, we can do something you might like while hiding who you are. Let me give it some thought.”

They talked for a while, but were both basically exhausted and Puck was coming over with Santana in the morning, so they went down to Kurt's room to get ready for bed.




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Totally loved this chapter! Though my heart is breaking for Blaine :( But he is going to be happy now! x