Oct. 6, 2012, 10:39 p.m.
Oct. 6, 2012, 10:39 p.m.
Burt was really surprised, when he saw, how good Blaine was with cars. He couldn't fix everything yet, but he was really fast leaner. So Blaine was officially hired. It went great, that way Finn had more free time to spend with Rachel.
"You're from Dalton?" Finn had asked Blaine, when they first met. "We won your glee club this year.."
Blaine frowned. "You're in New Directions? I though you looked familiar.."
"And you are the lead singer of Warblers, aren't you?" Finn laughed awkwardly.
"I guess we're competitors, huh?" Blaine smiled and quickly got back to work.
It was few weeks later, when it happened. Kurt came to garage with some lunch for Finn and Burt. Burt guessed that it was one of Carole's ideas to get Kurt out of the house.
"It's great to see you outside of the house, kiddo," Burt told him, when he started eating his lunch. Kurt sat on the chair, not really far away from him and gave him a long look.
"What?" Burt asked. "I'm really worried about you."
"Dad, I'm fine," Kurt assured him. "And if we are having this talk again, I'm going to leave."
"Okay, okay," Burt signed and shut himself up with a sandwich.
"So, do you have a new worker here, or what?" Kurt asked a few moments later, when he noticed Blaine on the other side of the garage, working on a car.
"What?" was Burt confused for a second and turned to look, where Kurt was looking. "Oh yeah, Blaine. He's here for the summer. I thought I told you about him last week.. you know.. over the dinner."
"I probably wasn't listening," Kurt mumbled, as he tried to find a better angle, to look at the boy.
"He goes to Dalton," Burt said. "I think you should introduce yourself to him.."
Kurt turned his head back to his father and watched at him with a judgmental stare.
"I know who he is. He is the lead singer of the Warblers. I won't introduce myself to my competition."
"See, that's why I'm worried about you," Burt spurted out. "An old you, would introduce yourself to a nice guy who you obviously find attractive. An old you wouldn't care if he is you competition or not."
"Fine," Kurt signed angrily and stood up. "I'm going to introduce myself. To an attractive boy. Who's probably straight anyway." These words were more meant to himself, than Burt. Was Kurt really.. nervous?
Kurt walked over Blaine, who was literally, under the car, and stopped. It took a while, before Blaine rolled himself out and looked at him questioningly.
"Hi," Blaine said. "You must be Kurt."
"You must be Blaine."
Blaine narrowed his eyes as he turned his head for a second to take a look at Burt, who was watching the whole situation intensively. Slowly, Blaine started to stand up to take a better look.
"Are you in New Directions too?" he asked.
"Yup, we're competitions," Kurt answered with a cold tone, ignoring Blaine's examining eyes.
"Yeah, I thought so.. It was awkward for Finn too."
Even more awkward, weird silence followed.
"So how's Dalton?" Kurt finally opened his mouth again, with a much warmer tone this time and crossed his arms.
"It's great.. it's safe. It's a great school." Blaine swallowed and reached for something to clean his hands. "Burt told me, that he wanted you to transfer, but you refused."
"Yeah, I didn't like the idea of me spending his honeymoon money on private schools, just for the sake of lack of bullies."
"Huh." Blaine leaned to the car. "I guess you had some trouble in your school.."
"You could say that.." Kurt signed and walked over the shelf right next to them, just to take a look at the tools. "I'm the only gay kid out of the closet," he continued talking as he turned back to Blaine. "It can be quite harsh sometimes." For a second, there was some kind of fear in Kurt's eyes. Fear of rejection.
"Only gay kid out of the closet?" Blaine raised his eyebrows. "So there someone in the closet?"
Kurt's eyes darkened instantly and he glanced quickly to his father, who was still watching them.
"I should go," Kurt said as he turned his back to Blaine and walked out of the garage.
Dinner that night was rather quiet. Finn was too busy with eating, to say anything, Burt found himself staring at his son again and Carole was the only one, who tried to break the ice.
"So Burt, how is the new kid, Blaine?" Carole asked, trying to make this dinner a little less awkward. "Is he doing alride?"
Carole had to punch Burt with her leg under the table, to get his attention.
"Uhm, yeah, what?"
"I asked about Blaine? How is he doing?" Carole repeated with annoyance.
"Oh, he's great. It's great to have younger people in garage, you know.." Burt answered.
"Kurt, have you met Blaine?" Finn sputtered. "You know, he's gay too."
Kurt's eyes lightened open immediately.
"Are seriously saying, that you asked him about that?" Kurt's voice was full of judgment.
Finn's face flushed as he almost choke.
"Uhm, yeah, kinda.."
Kurt rolled his eyes. A short silence followed, before Burt opened his mouth to talk.
"Why don't you take a chance on him?" Burt said. With that, Kurt was the one who almost choked.
"What?!" he exclaimed dramatically and took a sip of his juice.
"Yeah, he is gay, you're gay, why not?"
"Burt," Carole warned, but Burt didn't understand why.
"So that's why I should go for him? Because we're both gay? I should just throw myself to a first gay guy, who I meet, because I'M gay?"
Burt didn't answer, just frowned. Now he saw the blank in this situation.
"Sorry, I didn't mean that.." he excused and looked blankly at his wife, asking for help.
"Kurt, I think, what Burt is trying to tell you, is that, maybe having a gay friend, wouldn't hurt," Carole spoke gently.
"Having any kind of friend wouldn't hurt," Fill uttered under his breath, so Kurt barely heard him.
"You know, you could use someone, who understands you the way, that we will probably never understand.." Carole continued. " And if you like him, then maybe, you could just.. hang out with him more. Only, if you want this. We're not forcing you, you know.."
Kurt played with his food. He didn't have an appetite. Again. No one said anything for a while. But Burt found himself watching over his troubled son again.
"Kurt, you could really use some help," Burt signed then. "I don't want to force you into anything, but it really seems like, you should talk with someone... a specialist maybe..?"
"Okay, fine, dad," Kurt snorted then. "I will go and talk to Blaine or whatever and you'll see that I don't need to see any kind of specialist, okay?"
Burt watched at Kurt's angry eyes and nodded.
"Okay," he said. "Okay for now."
But...but Kurt is so sad...
I like how Burt is saying: go for it! xD Yeah, Kurt, listen to your dad ;D
the only thing that really stood out (as a mstake) is you dont unch people with your leg. you kick them. you punch with your fist (hand). =] liking the story though.