As a White Knight on His Steed - Klaine Edition
Ill Be Your White Knight, If Youll Be My Steed Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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As a White Knight on His Steed - Klaine Edition: Ill Be Your White Knight, If Youll Be My Steed

E - Words: 1,377 - Last Updated: Jun 24, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/? - Created: Feb 12, 2016 - Updated: Feb 12, 2016
252 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

You know what else is magic?  Reviews!  They magically make me want to write more.  ;)


Saturday, August 25 

Dinner that evening was a celebratory barbecue.  “Congratulations, everyone, on a job well done!” Ryan proclaimed, producing a couple of bottles of champagne with a flourish.  “Now, I can't provide alcohol to minors,” (general discontented muttering) “so if you're underage, you'll have to pour your own drinks.”

The last part of his statement was greeted with cheers and applause.  Ryan popped the cork on the first bottle, pouring champagne for the staff members who were over 21.  He pointedly looked the other way as Jacob grabbed the second bottle and started pouring drinks for the rest.

Blaine snagged two glasses, handing one to Kurt.  When everyone had been served, Ryan held up his glass toward David and made a toast.  “Here's to the successful completion of our first summer running this show.  And a world of thanks to all of you who helped to make it happen.  I hope you'll all be back again next year.”

There was a chorus of “Here, here!” as they all raised their glasses in salute.  Kurt had tasted champagne before, on New Year's Eve, but never more than a tiny sip.  He found that it burned his tongue a little, but quickly produced a pleasantly warm, tingly feeling.  He and Blaine clinked glasses, grinning at each other.

The barbecue was followed by the final campfire of the summer.  Ryan, Matthew, Mark, Chord, Jacob, and Blaine took turns playing guitar.  Everyone was in a festive mood, calling out song requests and singing along loudly.  


As the evening wore on, the singing was interspersed with laughing conversations.  Kurt turned to Blaine.  “Would you play the song you sang at our first campfire?”

Blaine immediately began the opening chords to “Daydream Believer.”  When he reached the line, “You once thought of me as a white knight on his steed,” he gave Kurt a significant look.

Finishing the song to scattered applause, Blaine leaned into Kurt, murmuring, “I'll be your white knight, if you'll be my steed.”

It was apparent from Kurt's expression that he hadn't grasped the full meaning behind his boyfriend's words, so Blaine elaborated.  “I want to ride you.”

Kurt's jaw fell open and a blush raced up his cheeks as he glanced around to see whether anyone had overheard.  Their friends were all talking and laughing amongst themselves, though, and no one seemed to have noticed that his face was suddenly on fire.  Pressing his lips to Blaine's ear, Kurt whispered, “Let's get out of here.”

Blaine was up in a flash, calling out loudly to the group at large, “Well, Kurt and I have had a really long day, so we're heading to bed.  See you in the morning.”

This announcement was followed by quite a few catcalls and wolf whistles, as no one appeared to be buying the “it's been a long day” excuse.  Blaine shrugged off their friends' reactions with a wink and a grin.  “Oh, hush.  You're just jealous.”

“Damn right, we are!” Zach called.

Kurt got to his feet and tugged on Blaine's hand, muttering “Stop egging them on.”  Then he addressed the others.  “Goodnight everybody.”

There was a chorus of goodnights, followed by a few more suggestive comments, as Kurt and Blaine left the campfire.  The boys held hands, giggling, as they half-skipped, half-ran back to their bunkhouse. 

Once they'd kicked the door shut behind them, Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms.  “Dance with me.”

“We've never danced together before.  Is this another one of those ‘losing our virginity' moments?”

“Mmm hmm,” Blaine hummed, beginning to sway.

Kurt leaned in close, pressing their cheeks together.  Blaine's humming took on a melody, and he began to sing quietly.  Kurt recognized the song Blaine had sung for him in Columbus.  He joined in on the final chorus.

You make me feel like Im living a teenage dream

The way you turn me on, I cant sleep

Lets runaway and dont ever look back

Dont ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me

Just one touch, now baby I believe

This is real, so take a chance

And dont ever look back, dont ever look back

Im a get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans

Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans

Be your teenage dream tonight


As the song, and their dance, ended, Kurt and Blaine brought their lips together.  Kurt couldn't have explained it, but he felt as though some kind of a promise had been made, and sealed with a kiss.

With gentle fingers, Blaine began undoing the buttons on Kurt's shirt, pausing to run his hands over each new bit of skin he exposed.  Kurt shivered a little at his touch.  Tugging the bottom of the shirt out of Kurt's jeans, Blaine finished with the last button.  He moved around behind Kurt to remove the shirt and set it on the back of a chair.  Then he pulled Kurt's undershirt up over his head.  

Kurt turned around to face his boyfriend, tugging Blaine's shirt off and bringing their bare chests together.  He loved the way Blaine's breath hitched whenever skin met skin.

Running his hands up and down Blaine's back, Kurt nuzzled into his boyfriend's neck, pressing little kisses under his ear.  Blaine backed him toward the bed, holding out a hand to stop his head from bumping the top bunk. 

Kurt sat down on the bottom bunk, and Blaine knelt in front of him to pull off his boots.  As Blaine dug his thumbs into the instep of each foot, Kurt let out a pleased moan.  “That feels amazing…  I was about to say it was better than sex, but then I realized I'd be lying…  Still, it's gotta come in a close second.”

Blaine grinned up at Kurt, pulling off his socks and planting a kiss on the tip of each toe as he continued to rub his feet.  Kurt sighed, leaning back on his elbows.  “Your hands are magic.”

“If I wave them around and say Alohomora, do you think your zipper will just magically open?”

“Hmm… I think you might need to be a little more hands-on for that.”

Blaine quickly took the hint, tugging off Kurt's jeans and boxers, and then hurriedly discarding the rest of his own clothes.  Kurt pulled him down on the bed, tangling their legs together and running his hands down Blaine's back to his ass.

“I think your hands might be magic, too,” Blaine murmured.

“Wonder what'll happen if I wave them around and say Accio lube?”

Blaine laughed.  “I think your boyfriend will grab everything we need from under the bed, and let your fingers do their magic.”

“Kiss me first.”

So Blaine kissed him, deep and slow, pressing Kurt into the bed with the weight of his body.  Then he reached for the lube and handed it to his boyfriend.  “Do you think you can finger me in this position, so I can get used to the angle?”

Kurt smiled up at him.  “I can certainly try…”

With Blaine straddling his waist, Kurt brought his slicked-up fingers to his boyfriend's ass.  He couldn't see what he was doing, but by now they'd had enough practice that he figured he could do this with his eyes closed.  It didn't take long before Blaine was working himself down onto Kurt's fingers enthusiastically, experimenting with leaning forward and back to find the angle that felt best.

Soon he stilled, asking, “Can I ride you now?”

“Oh, god, yes.”

Blaine grabbed a condom, rolling it down over his boyfriend's cock before coating it with lube.  It took a couple of tries for him to line himself up so that he could sink down over Kurt's cock.  Kurt gasped as Blaine's tight heat finally surrounded him.

Everything felt different to Kurt in this position – partially the physical sensations, but mostly the release of control.  He lay back, allowing Blaine to set the pace, moaning as his boyfriend's muscles clenched around him with his every rise and fall.  

As Blaine tipped forward, Kurt stretched up to meet him in a messy kiss.  He could feel the heat coiling inside him.  Dropping his head back onto the pillow, Kurt reached for his boyfriend's cock, stroking it in time with Blaine's rhythm.   

Blaine groaned, arching his back and squeezing down tightly as he increased his pace.  His cock jerked in his boyfriend's hand as he came, hot and wet, across Kurt's chest.  The muscles in Blaine's ass contracted sharply, dragging a cry from Kurt's throat as he, too, shuddered and came hard.  

Blaine raised himself up slightly to allow Kurt to slip out, then collapsed against his boyfriend's chest.  They lay together, panting, as their heart rates gradually returned to normal.  

“Okay,” Kurt said, once he'd caught his breath enough to speak, “I have no idea what I was thinking earlier.  There is no comparison between sex and a foot rub.  Your ass truly is magic.”



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