As a White Knight on His Steed - Klaine Edition
Dad! Youre Embarrassing Me! Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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As a White Knight on His Steed - Klaine Edition: Dad! Youre Embarrassing Me!

E - Words: 1,059 - Last Updated: Jun 24, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/? - Created: Feb 12, 2016 - Updated: Feb 12, 2016
254 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

You know what I wish for?  Reviews!  :)

Thursday, August 2

Kurt didn't want to stay at camp for dinner on Thursday evening, feeling too impatient to get on the road.  Instead, he and Blaine stopped for fast food on their way out of town.  

The drive to Lima was twice as long and not nearly as scenic as the drive to Westerville, but the boys didn't really mind.  Any time they spent alone together was, by definition, a good time.

Kurt challenged Blaine to a rematch of Encore.  Blaine readily agreed, and they passed mile after mile, singing back and forth, and often joining in on each other's songs.  By the midpoint of their journey, Kurt was up, 9 words to 7, when Blaine finally admitted, “I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually tired of singing.  I give up.  You win.”

“Yay!  You owe me a back rub.”

“I guess I do,” Blaine replied, not sounding disappointed in the least.

“I'll have to decide when to cash it in, though.  If it happens this weekend, it'll have to be strictly platonic.  I am not having sex in my dad's house.  So maybe we'd better wait ‘til we get back to camp.”

“If you ask me nicely,” Blaine purred, placing his hand on Kurt's thigh, “I might just give you two.  A G-rated one this weekend, and then an NC-17 one when we've got a little more privacy.”

The car swerved a little as Kurt processed that offer.  “I promise to ask you very nicely, when we're not in a moving vehicle.  But right now, you need to take your hand off of my leg, and change the subject, if you want us to get where we're going in one piece.”

Blaine grinned at him, taking his hand off of his boyfriend's thigh and patting his shoulder.  “Okay, subject change.  Tell me all about your family.”

“Well, you already know quite a bit.  My dad got remarried a couple of years ago.  Carole is great, and her son Finn really is a brother to me.  They're spending the night with Carole's sister, but you'll get to meet them tomorrow.”

“I know your dad's had some health issues.  Is it going to be an extra stress on him, having me there this weekend?” 

“No, he really wants you to come.  Even though Lima's horrifically homophobic, my dad's always been really accepting and supportive of me.”   

“What about Carole and Finn?”

“Oh, they love everyone…  Kind of like you do,” Kurt added, fondly.

“I like everyone,” Blaine corrected.  “I love you.”

It was almost nine o'clock by the time Kurt pulled his car into the driveway.  He and Blaine got their bags out of the trunk and walked up the path to the front door, which was, as usual, unlocked.

Kurt's dad came to greet them.  He hugged Kurt tightly.   Stepping back and gripping his shoulders, he peered at Kurt closely.  “I know it's only been a couple of months, but you've grown since the last time I saw you.”

Kurt was surprised to realize that it was true. 

Turning away from his son, Kurt's dad said, “Welcome, Blaine.  I'm so glad you could make it for my birthday.”

Blaine stepped forward, opening his arms, and Kurt's dad gave him a (slightly surprised) hug.   

“Thanks so much for having me, Mr. Hummel.”

“Please, call me Burt.”

“Okay, then.  Thanks so much for having me, Burt.  I've always wanted to see where Kurt lived.”

“Well, it's nothing fancy, but it's full of love, and that's what counts, right?”


“I know you're probably tired from your drive, but would you like a snack before bed?”

“That sounds great.”

Blaine and Kurt followed Burt to the kitchen, where he laid out cheese and crackers and grapes.  Sitting down at the table with the boys, Burt said, “I got the air mattress out of the garage, but I didn't bother blowing it up, because I didn't know if you'd want to use it.  I know you've been sharing a bunkhouse at camp, but I wasn't sure what your sleeping arrangements are.”

Kurt could feel his face heating up.  He kept his eyes on his food as he answered, “Um, no, I don't think we'll need the air mattress.”

“Okay.  Well, since I've got you two alone, there's something I want to talk to you about.  I know you boys care about and respect each other, which is the most essential thing.  Now, I'm not trying to pry into your personal lives, but I think it's important that you have accurate information about sex, in case that's something that ever becomes part of your relationship.”

Kurt jammed his fingers in his ears.  “La la la la!”  

Pulling Kurt's hands down, Burt went on.  “I know you had some sort of sex education in school, but I don't suppose it was very specific when it came to discussing what gay men might do together.  And those pamphlets I picked up for you weren't all that detailed.”

“Oh my god!” Kurt cried, horrified.  “Dad, you're embarrassing me!”

To Kurt's surprise, Blaine came to his father's defense.  “Kurt, your dad's just looking out for you.  That's what parents are supposed to do.”

Burt smiled at him.  “Thank you, Blaine.  And don't worry, Kurt, I'm not planning on going into graphic detail at the kitchen table.”

Kurt groaned, dropping his head in his hands.  Undaunted, his father continued, “I've been looking online, and there's some very dangerous misinformation out there.  But Carol recommended a website where you can get clear, factual answers to any questions you might have.  It's called Go Ask Alice, and it's run by Columbia University health services.”

“Thanks, Burt.  We'll check it out.  Right, Kurt?” Blaine said, kicking him under the table.

“Yes, Dad,” Kurt muttered, still feeling mortified.  “Now, if you don't have any naked baby pictures of me that you want to show my boyfriend, can we please go to bed before I die of humiliation?”

“Okay, bud,” Kurt's dad said, getting up from the table and ruffling his hair as he walked past.  “Goodnight, Blaine.  Sleep well.”

“Goodnight, Burt.  Thanks again.”

Once his dad had left the room, Kurt stole a glance at Blaine.  One look at his boyfriend's face, and the two of them burst into hysterical laughter.

It was a long time before either of them could stop.  Wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, Kurt finally choked out, “I can't believe you went along with that.  You are the biggest kiss-ass ever!”

Winking at his boyfriend suggestively, Blaine retorted, “You wish.”



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