When I Need You
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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When I Need You: Chapter 2

T - Words: 1,157 - Last Updated: Feb 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Nov 17, 2012 - Updated: Feb 10, 2013
773 0 2 0 0

Kurt adjusted himself in his seat, lacing his fingers behind him so that he still appeared to be tied up. Sebastian suddenly stopped talking to himself and tilted his head. He stood completely still and glanced around the room.

All at once, his eyes widened and he spun around towards Kurt.

"YOU CALLED HIM HERE!" He screeched as he advanced towards Kurt. "I don't know how but he's here, you lying son of a b—."

There was a thump and the distinct sound of air escaping Sebastian's lungs as Kurt saw a figure hit his assailant from behind. Sebastian stumbled, then regained his footing and spun around. He reached for his pocket to pull out a phone.

Just as Kurt saw the screen glinting in the dim light, he heard something whiz by his ear and a small crack. The next thing he knew there was a small blade lodged in the middle of the screen. Sebastian swore and jumped back, dropping the phone in the process.

"So you're just going to sneak around and attack me?! Come face me like a real hero." Sebastian's voice was laden with disgust and contempt. He pulled out a small handgun switched off the safety.

"But where's the fun in that?" a voice purred from somewhere in the shadows above them. Sebastian located the source of the noise as quickly as possible and took a couple of shots in its direction. He then walked closer, where a few chips of the wooden beams had fallen.

"Try ag-aain," the voice sing-songed from the other side of the room. Sebastian whipped around and let loose two shots.

An almost cheerful laugh seemed to ring on all sides of them. Sebastian visibly reddened and began to shake with anger. Kurt could see him trying to compose himself with a few deep breaths. A moment later, Sebastian pursed his lips and made his way back to Kurt. "Fine. You won't come out, but maybe if I mess with your little boy-toy over here a little you'll show your face."

Sebastian grinned menacingly at Kurt, who cringed in response. The blood from the first cut was just now drying, and Kurt was not looking forward to another.

Before Sebastian could pull out his switchblade again, however, he was down. Whoever it was that had been taunting him dropped down from above and landed on top of Sebastian. The two of them struggled while Kurt looked on in with a wary expression. Sebastian was evidently not on the winning side of this fight.

The stealthy newcomer was clad in a blue and black, form fitting suit that accentuated his broad shouldered, small waisted figure. On top appeared to be some form of armor. He was clearly masculine, with each muscle defined and strong underneath the outfit. A cape hung from his shoulders, and rippled with each punch. He had gloves on his hands, but was facing away from Kurt.

The most distracting part of the ensemble was his utility belt, visible whenever he moved suddenly and swung his cape to the side. The belt hung low on his hips, highlighting every line on his lower body.

Kurt was so distracted by the brawl in front of him that he didn't notice how dangerously close they were getting to him. When he finally took notice, the two of them were within inches of Kurt's chair.

He pulled off the tape around his mouth and took out the gag, and then he leaned down to untie his legs from the chair. He glanced up after getting the first one untied to see that the newcomer was situated on top of Sebastian, and was trying to pin him down.

Then he heard it.

"Kurt. Is. Not. A. Toy." Each word was punctuated with a swift punch to Sebastian's jaw.

Kurt's head snapped up in recognition. If there was one thing he could recognize just by hearing, it was Blaine saying his name.

"What—" He was cut short when he saw the figure—Blaine—flying towards him. Sebastian somehow managed to kick him off with enough force to throw Blaine back a few feet, right into Kurt. Blaine hit him square in the chest, and they both fell to the ground.

Kurt's head hit the ground with full force, and the last thing he noticed before he lost consciousness was Blaine's weight on top of his and a distant "I'm going to kill you Sebastian."

When Kurt woke up a few minutes later, everything was covered in a slight haze. He was flat on his back with a shirt of some sort under his head. He stared up at the wooden beams above him while he tried to remember where he was.

Oh, right.

Kurt sat up quickly, and then closed his eyes when his head began to throb. After the pain subsided, he glanced around him. He could see Sebastian at least ten feet away, also on the ground but bound with ropes. At first Kurt thought he was unconscious until a grunt came from him. Kurt noticed him straining against the ropes, making no progress in loosening them.

Kurt then took notice of a metallic click behind him. He turned to see Blaine sitting cross legged, concentrating on cleaning and organizing various objects around him. Kurt could make out a long tear in the side of Blaine's formfitting suit. Otherwise, he looked relatively unharmed. In fact, Kurt thought he looked content and at ease despite the current circumstances.

Kurt coughed quietly trying to get his attention.

Blaine looked up and dropped the piece he was working on and scrambled up. He was next to Kurt within moments.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you? How many fingers am I holding up? What's my name? What's your name?"

Kurt blinked at the barrage of questions. When he didn't answer right away Blaine began to worry even more.

"Shit, you don't remember your own name." Blaine stood up and began to pull out a small phone from a well concealed pocket.

"Blaine." Kurt said.

Blaine stopped dialing and looked at Kurt.

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt besides my headache, you didn't actually hold any fingers up, your name is Blaine and my name is Kurt."

Kurt could hear Blaine letting out a breath, and could see his shoulders relaxing. Blaine knelt back down next to where Kurt sat and put a hand on his cheek. "Thank god you're okay."

Kurt smiled and leaned into Blaine's hand. Blaine responded by coming closer and sitting next to him, allowing Kurt to press his full weight onto his side. Kurt closed his eyes, the pounding in his head returning with full force.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do, Blaine." Kurt murmured.

"I know I know, tomorrow. Let's get you home first."

Kurt nodded and let Blaine stand him up. After doing a clean sweep of the room and gathering his things, the two headed for the door.

Blaine called to Sebastian over his shoulder, "It shouldn't be too much longer before they come pick you up!"

Kurt heard a muffled "umphf" come from Sebastian as he exited the room.

End Notes: No worries dear children, Kurt had yet to learn the full story. So this is not the end! I'm thinking about three more chapters unless there's an overwhelming cry for more. Hope you enjoyed!


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This is so awesome. I love the idea of Blaine being a superhero and needing to protect and save Kurt from his nemisis. I can't wait to see what happens next.

This is so good! I can't wait for more!