When I Need You
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When I Need You: Chapter 1

T - Words: 1,183 - Last Updated: Feb 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Nov 17, 2012 - Updated: Feb 10, 2013
679 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Here is a little side project I've been working on thanks to Olivia and her love of Superheroes. Expect a few chapters in the next couple of days!

"And you'll call when you get back home?"

"Yes Blaine," Kurt rolled his eyes as his boyfriend continued to pester him about going Downtown after dark. "Besides, this is Lima. We've maybe two buildings that could qualify as skyscrapers. It's not exactly a 'threatening big city.' I just have to stop by one of the warehouses to pick up things for my dad's shop and I'll be right home."

Kurt could practically hear the worried look in Blaine's eyes. "Just…try and stay away from the south end okay?"

"Okay, I guess? What's wrong with the south end?"

"I heard, on the news, that there were some disturbances down there last week."

"Disturbances. Like a stray cat? I'll be fine Blaine, don't worry about me. Skype tonight when I get home?"

Blaine sighed, "Sure. Two hours from now?"

"Perfect. I love you."

"Love you."

Kurt hung up his phone and got into his car. Just a quick round trip and he'd be back in no time.

Or so he thought.

At 9:35 PM, approximately two and a half hours since he left home, Kurt was sitting in the back of an abandoned building with his hands bound behind his back and a gag shoved between his teeth.

It had been sudden. One minute he was taking a shortcut in an alleyway, the next he was being dragged backwards by an unknown figure. Two others quickly joined him. He'd struggled at first, but a blow to the backs of his knees sent him to the ground. Not five minutes later, he was taken off the street and into a nearby building.

Inside, it was dark and seedy. Dust hung in the air, infiltrating Kurt's lungs with every breath. He was thrust into a cold steel chair and told to keep still. Kurt tried to run, so they tied him down. He tried to hit back, so they bound hands. After he'd resorted to screaming for help, they shoved a cloth into his mouth and taped it down. Once the three came to an agreement that their captive would not be moving anywhere, they left.

Kurt was definitely stuck. After attempting to scream with the gag, and only managing a muffled yelp, he admitted defeat and slumped down. He had to focus on breathing as deeply and steadily as possible in order to avoid asphyxiation. He kept his ears peeled for the signs of approaching feet. If anyone was going to enter the room, Kurt would hear him first.

Kurt wondered why he'd been victimized. Was this a random kidnapping? Was it because he was gay? Did someone—for whatever reason—have a grudge against his dad?

For the few hours since had been kidnapped, Kurt tried his hardest to figure out why he would have been taken. His phone rang a few times. The first time it was around nine. Kurt tried his hardest to shift the phone from his pocket onto his lap, but it was difficult given that he had no use of his hands.

Then it rang again ten minutes later.

And five minutes after that.

On the fourth call, Kurt saw someone enter the room. It was too dark to make out the individual's features given that the only sources of light were the street lamps outside. From what he could tell, it was a man. He was tall, and from his shadowed profile Kurt could make out a sharp nose and upswept hair.

"Damn phones. Those idiots couldn't even handle taking away a cell phone. Abduction 101 really."

The figure approached and violently pulled the phone from Kurt's pocket. He snapped the back off and pulled out the battery, tossing it behind him. He then took out the phone card and broke it in half. Dropping the pieces at his feet, he turned to Kurt.

He knelt down so that he was eye level with his captive and ran a finger along his jaw.

"Kurt Hummel," he purred, "thank you so much for making it easy on us today."

Kurt's eyes widened in surprise. He tried to speak, but only managed a muffled choke behind the cloth.

"Don't look so shocked," the man chuckled. "We've been tracking you for a few weeks now. No worries though. If you cooperate, we won't hurt you."

The tape was ripped off of Kurt's face, and the gag removed. Kurt opened and closed his mouth a few times in an attempt to gain feeling is his jaw again. He then closed his mouth and glared at his captor.

"I only have one question for you. One simple question. If you can answer it, then I'll let you go. If not…well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine first." Kurt said. He intended to sound forceful, but instead came out scared and hesitant.

"Deal. What's your question?"

"Who are you?"

The man chuckled. "So many things to know in this world and you ask who I am." He stood up and paced around Kurt. "I am in charge here. I am to be feared and respected. But, given that you probably just wanted to know my name, you can call me Sebastian."

"…and that's your real name?" Kurt asked.

"One question. You got one question. Now you have to answer mine." Sebastian came unnecessarily close to Kurt's face and asked, "Where. Is. Nightbird."

Kurt couldn't help the short burst of laughter that erupted from his mouth. "Um, who?" he asked, the laughter still ringing in the room.

"Wrong answer pretty boy." Sebastian pulled a switchblade from his pocket and brought it to Kurt's cheek.

The smile dropped from Kurt face almost instantly. He could feel the cool metal pressed against his skin. His breath quickened, and he began to struggle against ropes holding him.

"One more chance. Where is he?"

"I don't know I swear," Kurt squeaked.

"LIAR!" Sebastian flicked his wrist, cutting a long, but shallow, gash into Kurt's face. He gasped in shock at the sudden movement. Sebastian waited for Kurt to cry out in pain, but Kurt resolved to not show weakness. He grit his teeth and glared.

Sebastian stood and walked to the other side of the room. He paced back and forth while muttering something incoherent to himself. With every second, he seemed to get more agitated.

Minutes passed, and Kurt started trying to untangle himself for the hundredth time that night.

When he was ready to give up again, Kurt felt a pair of hands take his. He started, and was about to yell until he heard a quiet "Shhhh."

Kurt was curious as to how this person—whoever it was—managed to get in the room without anyone noticing.

Kurt could feel the stranger untying the ropes. Soon, they fell away and Kurt was about to bring them around to begin untying the rest of himself from the chair. Before he could, the person took his hands and forced Kurt to clasp them together. He then squeezed a little to signal that Kurt shouldn't move them.

Kurt nodded microscopically, and he felt the other pair of hands drop away from his. Kurt discreetly behind him not two seconds later, but whoever had been there was already gone. With an expression of confusion, Kurt turned his face back towards Sebastian, hopeful that he would soon be able to leave.

End Notes: As usual, if you leave a review, I will love you more than hearts are capable of loving.


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