Of Unicorns and Bowties
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Of Unicorns and Bowties: Questions

T - Words: 794 - Last Updated: Jan 12, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Jul 23, 2012 - Updated: Jan 12, 2013
723 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: I'm so sorry this took so long guys, I was completely blocked for whatever reason but I just had to make myself write. Trigger warnings for anti-gay slurs, but nothing beyond that for this chapter. It's very short, mostly just filler but you all deserve an update. So, here is part 7, it takes place in September of 2006. Blaine is 11 and Kurt is 12. Yeah, so enjoy! Thank you to my beta for encouraging me to keep going: FishDontTouchMyRedvines.

"Blaine, could you pass me that bottle over there?"

Blaine looked over to Kurt's counter; it was covered in about 20 different bottles of different shapes and sizes. "Um… which one?" He asked.

"The one with the flat top and gold-ish edging."

After scanning the table, he found the one Kurt had been asking for and tossed it over. Kurt fumbled for the bottle, catching it right before it hit the ground. Blaine grinned at his friend's clumsiness, and Kurt stuck out his tongue in return. The past few weeks, Kurt had been adamantly testing out various moisturizers and facial creams. His dad had to cut him off from any new products about a week ago because paying twenty dollars for a tiny bottle of lotion was getting ridiculous. Blaine had let Kurt test out a few on him, but preferred sitting back and watching his friend figure out the right combination for his pale complexion.

Blaine really needed to talk to Kurt, but he didn't know how to start the conversation. Since they had become friends again, things weren't always as easy as they used to be. Something had changed between the two of them, and their bond had been worn down. But he needed to say something about what was happening recently.

People had started to pick on Blaine now, mostly because of the amount of time he spent with Kurt. It was strange and not at all pleasant. He couldn't understand why they were always targeted. At first it was just taunting, words like "Lady Boy," were thrown in their direction. But it got worse. His one stray comment on Orlando Bloom's looks in the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie had set of a new wave of hatred. Now he could hear people talk about them in hushed whispers. "Fag" was the word of choice. When he asked his parents what it meant one day at dinner, his mom had stiffened and sent him to his room without an actual explanation.

That night he had called Cooper in California. His brother explained everything to him, and he sounded sad. Cooper realized his brother was going to go through a lot in the next few years of his life. He promised to visit as soon as he could.

It was hard for him. Blaine had always been well liked, and he wasn't taking any of this well. Kurt however seemed to be able to take the insults in stride. He had no idea how he managed to do it.

While Blaine struggled with his thoughts, the doorbell rang from downstairs. Both boys looked up in confusion. They could hear the door open and Burt talking to a small voice. A few seconds later, someone could be heard making their way up the stairs.

A small girl with beautiful brown skin appeared at the entrance of Kurt's room. She had tears streaming down her eyes and her shoulders were shaking.

Blaine recognized her from school. She had a lot of classes with Kurt, and the two spent a lot of time together. Her name was Mercedes.

Kurt abandoned his spot in front of the mirror and ran over to her. He grabbed her into a hug and rocked her back and forth. After a moment, he led a slightly calmer Mercedes to the bed and sat her down.

"Honey what's wrong?" Kurt asked her. Blaine didn't know if he should say something. He decided to stay put on the other side of the bed, offering her his most sympathetic looks.

"I- he…" Mercedes choked down a sob, "I told him, and he said that I was too fat, and no one would like me like this." She broke back down.

"Shhh, don't you believe that for one second. You are beautiful Mercedes. Beautiful and kind and smart and you are the best singer in the world."

"Better than Rachel?"

"You are a million times better than Rachel," Kurt said and wiped her cheek with his shirt sleeve.

Blaine bit his lip and shuffled a little awkwardly. Should he say something? He didn't know Mercedes, but clearly she meant a lot to Kurt, and vice versa.

"I get it now, how you feel around Finn." Mercedes said after a pause. Blaine's head shot up. Finn? Finn who? He looked questioningly from Mercedes to Kurt, but neither noticed him looking around. This probably wasn't the time to start asking questions. Perhaps he should go. Clearly they needed some time to themselves.

Blaine tapped Kurt on the shoulder and gestured towards the door as Mercedes sobbed silently. Kurt nodded and mouthed goodbye.

Blaine left without a word. He had so much that he needed to ask Kurt, but maybe now wasn't the best time to bring it up. He felt a bit of bitterness towards Mercedes, but forced that down and made his way home.

End Notes: Shhh, I know Mercedes isn't supposed to know about Kurt until their sophomore year, but this is an AU so I bent the rules a little. Also I feel like I need to give a shout out to The Box Scene because that was just adorable and deserves a shout out. And I promise, we will be back to fluffies soon! Reviews help avoid major character death (evil cackle). But really, please review, it means a lot to me!


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Ooh no, poor 'Cedes and most of all, poor Blaine :'( I really love your story, can't wait to read the next chapter!