Jan. 12, 2013, 8:47 a.m.
Jan. 12, 2013, 8:47 a.m.
Message From: Nick: Are you planning on coming out of your room any time soon? It’ll be a lot of fun.
Blaine lazily rolled over on his bed and picked up his phone. He read Nick’s message and let the phone drop onto the sheets without replying. The past few days had consisted of Blaine wallowing in a constant state of melancholy.
Three days to be exact. Tuesday night Kurt told him that he met someone, and was going on his first date on Friday evening.
“Just dinner, nothing special,” Kurt had said.
“That’s great! I’m really happy for you!” Blaine had said, but that’s not what he meant. What he wished he could say was: “No! Don’t go. You can’t go.” But he didn’t. Blaine didn’t utter one word. Instead he put on a brave face in class, and retreated to his room to self-pity for the remainder of the day.
Now that it was Friday night, Blaine just wanted to cry from frustration. He flipped through the channels, careful to switch rapidly over TLC in case their show came up. He wasn’t really watching, but the noise and movement was comforting. It made the fact that he was alone less obvious.
His phone buzzed again. Once. Twice. Three times. Blaine turned it off. Nick had been trying incessantly to get Blaine to come to the dorm party, but Blaine wasn’t feeling it. He’d said so that afternoon, and a couple hours ago when Nick stopped by. Blaine mumbled a half-formed excuse about homework and laundry, and Nick had finally left in a huff.
He glanced at the clock. 7:47. Kurt had left at 6:30, and probably wouldn’t be back for ages. Even if he did, Blaine was sure that Kurt wouldn’t even bother to stop by his room.
He switched off the TV, and decided to just try to go to sleep. No use in staying in a deep depression for the next few hours. He brushed his teeth, washed out the gel in his hair, and put on his pajamas. He walked over to his bed and lifted a corner of his sheet, crawling under the covers.
After curling up on his side and making himself comfortable, there was a knock on the door.
Blaine let out a breath of air. Figures. He kicked off the sheets and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He flicked the switch next to the door and turned the handle, rubbing his eyes with his free hand.
“For the last time Nick I’m not coming d—oh. Hi.”Blaine was staring right at Kurt, who looked a bit frazzled.
“Hey, did I wake you up?”
“No, I only just got into bed.”
“I can come back later,” Kurt said, backing away from the entrance.
“No no, don’t worry.” Blaine stepped aside and gestured for Kurt to enter. He walked in and took his bag off his shoulder, dropping it in its usual corner near Blaine’s desk chair.
“Remind me to never ever go on a date ever again.” Kurt sighed. He plopped down on the side of Blaine’s bed and fell backwards. His arms were extended at his sides and he stared at the ceiling.
“What happened?” Blaine asked as he jumped on the bed. He settled himself down next to Kurt and sat cross legged.
“It took him all of five minutes to start dropping hints about ‘going back to his place’ and he kept being weirdly suggestive.”
“Well you can’t blame him.”
Kurt turned to Blaine. “What does that mean exactly?”
Blaine blushed and opened his mouth. It took a second for any sound to follow the action. “I mean. It’s just that. You know.”
Kurt raised an eyebrow.
Blaine looked away, searching for the best way to phrase exactly what he meant.”
“Blaine would you stop over thinking things and just tell me? If you still can’t tell me what’s on your mind then there’s a problem.”
“It’s just that you’re beautiful Kurt. And not in the cliché you have a pretty face. You’re just flawless all around: your face and your hands and your legs and your hair and even those freckles that you hide under all of that concealer in the summer. No matter what you do to your face, though, you still look like you. And you wear you so well because you’re proud of every aspect of yourself. You don’t let other people pull you down because you know you don’t deserve it. The best part: you care Kurt. You care about everyone and everything and it makes it so easy to fall in love.”
Blaine took a shaky breath and looked at Kurt in the eyes. He hadn’t explicitly said it. The truth was that Blaine Anderson was completely head over heels for Kurt. He was most definitely in love, and it scared him to finally let it out in the open.
Kurt stared at him with his lips parted. “Blaine I—.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Blaine turned his head away, “that crossed a couple boundaries.”
“It did.” Kurt said. Blaine felt his heart sink. “But, that just means you’ve finally come close enough to me.”
Blaine looked back. The next thing he knew, Kurt’s lips were on his. His eyes widened in surprise, but he soon let himself melt into the kiss.
Then he was smiling, and Kurt was too. Their grins grew wider until it was less of a kiss, and more of two boys with their mouths touching and noses brushing against each other. Their breath mingled in the tiny space in between them. Kurt’s hand fluttered over Blaine’s cheek, sending shivers down the smaller boy’s spine.
Moments passed. Not a word passed between the two of them for several minutes.
Eventually, they broke apart, breathless. Kurt’s cheeks were clearly flushed, and Blaine was staring down at his bedspread.
“Does this mean?”
“Yeah,” Kurt replied.
“Finally,” Blaine breathed as he leaned back towards Kurt.
Eeeeep! YES FINALLY GO FOR IT KURT ouzglkjhgvalhgvslhvsljhvl I love this I love you thank you so much you made my day aaaargh!!! <3
1 word: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
Yay they are finally together. Blaine is so cute and it was awesome how he finally told Kurt how he felt. Blaine finally got the happiness he deserved and Kurt found the one that truly loved him. I can't wait to read the next chapter and I wish you luck with your college applications. I know how much work they can be.