March 4, 2023, 12:54 p.m.
March 4, 2023, 12:54 p.m.
Technically, the prompt word was Converge, but I tweaked it a little to suit my needs ;)
Dear Journal,
Blaine and I went to the cinema today. I had lost a bet, so he got to pick the movie, and he wanted to go see Thor 2. He’s already seen it with Sam last week, but apparently once was not enough and there’s still too long a wait till the DVD gets released.
I grumbled a bit, of course, but to be honest, I would have sat through a lot more terrible movies for him. At least this one wasn’t that bad, even if the whole nine realms convergence thing was completely lost on me. It probably would have been easier to understand if I was as much of a superhero nerd like Blaine, but oh well…
I really don’t think I can be blamed there, though. I mean, putting Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston in the same movie is either the cruellest thing they could do, or the nicest. I never really know where to look with all that pretty right in front of me.
Blaine likes to pretend he gets jealous, but I know he’s just messing with me. I’m glad that we took the time to sit down and have some in depth conversations about our relationship during the break up and after we got engaged. It was very painful, but necessary and we both know exactly where we stand right now. There is still a lot to discuss and we definitely have not resolved all our issues, but I am starting to trust him again. As horrible and hurtful the whole breakup and cheating was, I really think it is behind us now. I believe Blaine when he says he will never do that again.
I think we both feel more secure in our relationship, as proven by the fact that we can joke about celebrity crushes and appreciate physical beauty without it meaning any more. I’m really proud of us for that.
~ Kurt