You and I Know
Part Four Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You and I Know: Part Four

T - Words: 2,044 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 5/5 - Created: Jan 20, 2012 - Updated: Feb 08, 2012
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Author's Notes: There's probably only going to be a Faberry epilogue after this. Enjoy?

Blaine looked at himself in the mirror attached to the closet door.

Black slacks, black and white gingham button-up shirt, a red bow tie, and, for the Hell of it, red suspenders.

Really, it just felt good to be out of his blazer. He was a bit sick of dark blue covering him all the time.

His phone buzzed on the desk.

5:20 Tick tock tick tock... -Rachel

Blaine was the designated driver for the night. Not that they expected to drink, but because Rachel was in a "carpool, save the environment" phase. He sent a text to Kurt before he headed out to the parking lot.

5:21 You ready? Meet us in lot C -Blainers


Quinn and Rachel were sitting on the hood of the car, bickering quietly, when Blaine finally arrived.

Rachel hopped off the car. "We've been waiting for ten minutes."

"It's not my fault you're so anal about being on time." Blaine clicked the unlock button on his keychain and got in to start the car.

"If anyone's anal here, it's-"

Kurt interrupted Rachel before she could finish talking. "Leaving without me?"

Rachel smiled when she saw him walking towards the car. "Kurt! You're coming?"

Kurt shot a look at Blaine. "You didn't tell her?"

Blaine sent him an apologetic smirk.

Kurt sighed. "It's alright. Shotgun!"

He got in the passenger seat as Quinn and Rachel slid into the back.

There was a discouraging silence in the car for a few minutes, so Kurt finally turned on the radio and started humming along to a new Jason Derulo song.

"Quinn?" Rachel whispered.

Quinn turned her head towards Rachel, but didn't say anything.

"Well, it's not like you've told your parents!" Rachel whined.

Kurt turned around with a puzzled look, but turned back towards the front after a few seconds.

Quinn moved closer to Rachel. "It's not like they care. Your dads actually care about you. You tell them about your week every Sunday and they come by and give you sweaters, even though it's only October, and every Friday you go have dinner with them. As a family. I don't have that with my parents."

Rachel placed her hand on Quinn's knee, a sad look forming on her face.

Quinn brushed her hand over Rachel's cheek. "No, stop. Don't be sad. I'm not."

Rachel sniffed quietly. "I know. If they don't want to take the time to get to know how wonderful you are..." She trailed off.

Quinn smiled. "I don't need them. I've got you. Rachel, you're the best thing I have in my life."

Rachel leaned in and kissed Quinn softly.

"Awww," Kurt cooed. His face was leaned against the leather interior of the seat, apparently listening to their whole conversation.

Rachel rolled her eyes.

Kurt blushed. "Sorry, intimate couple time."

Rachel spent the rest of the ride with her head leaned on Quinn's shoulder.


Blaine leaned over to Rachel before ringing the doorbell. "You really haven't told them?"

"They're gay, they've got a gay son who's bringing a gay friend, why not two more gays at this shindig?" Rachel laughed nervously.

The door flew open and they were all enveloped in hugs. They all came inside and sat at the dinner table before introducing each other.

One of the Anderson dads began. "Okay, let's go around the table. I'm Hiram, or Papa, as called by my lovely children."

The table continued. "And I'm Leroy, or Dad. I got the conventional name."

"I'm the Jewish one, I get Papa." Hiram replied.

Blaine cleared his throat. "I'm Blaine. Or Blainers, or Blainey, or Blaine-bear."

Kurt held back a laugh. "Blaine-bear? So I'm Kurt, Blaine's, um, friend."

Rachel stood up when it was her turn. "I'm Rachel, as you all know."

"I'm Quinn," Quinn said softly.

"Papa, Dad, I have to tell you something." Rachel pulled Quinn up next to her.

"Anything, sweetie." Hiram said.

"Um, Quinn is my...girlfriend. We're dating."

Everyone in the room tensed for a minute.

"That's...surprising." Leroy finally said.

"Yeah. It was to both of us." Rachel and Quinn sat back down.

"We must carry the gay gene or something." Hiram burst.

Everyone started laughing, even Quinn, who was laughing mostly from relief.

"So, you're okay? With us?" Rachel asked after the laughter died down.

"Of course! You think we're going to be disappointed or something? As long as you're happy, we're happy. For all of you." Leroy beamed.

Rachel nodded. She turned to Quinn, who was still smiling. Their hands slipped together under the table for the rest of dinner.


After dinner, Kurt and Quinn were shown some of Rachel and Blaine's baby pictures.

There was a whole scrapbook devoted to pictures of their various performances; stage acting, ballet recitals, school talent shows, homemade concerts.

There was one picture that caught both Quinn's and Kurt's eyes. Blaine and Rachel, no older than thirteen or fourteen, in cheerleading uniforms and huge grins on their faces.

"You were cheerleaders?" Kurt asked, trying not to laugh.

"Well, I left the squad a few months after that." Rachel said.

Blaine shoved Rachel on the shoulder lightly. "They kicked you out!"

Rachel looked away. "It's their loss that they didn't want me to choreograph the routines to the soundtrack of Wicked."

"Completely their loss," Kurt commented. He looked over at Blaine.

Blaine narrowed his eyes. "What?"

Kurt put his face in his hands thoughtfully. "Just imagining you in your cheerleading uniform." 

Blaine's eyes widened. "Wow, kinky, Kurt."

Kurt felt himself blush, so he slapped Blaine jokingly. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Blaine winked. He expected Rachel to clear her throat and embarrass them both, but she was sitting on Quinn's lap on the couch in the sitting room looking through another album full of pictures of her.

"Oh!" Blaine remembered. "You've got to see this."

He led Kurt up the stairs before he could protest, not likely he would, though.

Blaine opened the door to what one would assume was a spare bedroom, if the wall of trophies wasn't seen.

Kurt's jaw nearly dropped. He started running his fingers over the gold cups while reading the accomplishments.

Boys Grand Supreme 2000 Age 4-6, Blaine Anderson

Girls Grand Supreme 1999 Age 0-3, Rachel Anderson

First Place Delaware County Fair Talent Show 2002, Blaine & Rachel Anderson

First Place Alcott Elementary Talent Show 2003, Blaine & Rachel Anderson

"Wow." Kurt breathed.

Blaine leaned against the wall across from the trophies. "We're quite the talented duo, apparently. But that didn't go to either of our heads, of course."

Kurt smiled. "Obviously."

A familiar tune stung in Blaine's ears. "Oh God."

Kurt heard the music, too. "What is that?"

Blaine groaned. "'I Want It That Way.' The Backstreet Boys were the only band Rachel listened to for months when we were kids."

Kurt smiled wickedly. He grabbed Blaine's arm and ran down the stairs to join the rest of the family.

"Tell me why!" Rachel and Quinn yelled from the platform built as a miniature stage into the microphone they were sharing. It was connected to a small, harsh-sounding karaoke machine with lyrics scrolling across the screen, not that Rachel needed them. "Ain't nothin' but a heartbreak,"

"Tell me why!" Kurt sang with them.

Rachel's smile brightened as she pulled him closer to the microphone. "Karaoke Night!"

By the time they had sang the last "I want it that way," Blaine was almost curled into the fetal position on the couch.

"Brings back old memories, huh, Blainers?" Rachel teased.

Blaine's fingers scraped down his cheeks. "Too many memories. Too many memories."

Kurt looked through their extensive album of karaoke songs, finally finding one he liked.

He clapped his hands together. "Okay, this is one of my favourite songs and I'd like to take over the mic for a moment, if that's okay with Queen Rachel."

"Of course, Sir Hummel." Rachel bowed off the stage and sat down on the couch by her dads.

After pressing a few buttons, notes finally started crackling out of the machine.

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night," Kurt sang softly. "Take these broken wings and learn to fly,"

Everyone's mouth fell agape. Rachel had heard Kurt humming along to the radio or making practical Beyonce-esque runs, but not a real solo. Not even Blaine had heard Kurt's voice this clearly before; he always just blended perfectly with the rest of the Warblers.

"Blackbird fly, into the light of the dark black night," Kurt sang with his eyes closed. 

"All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise. You were only waiting for this moment to arise." His fingers twined around the cord of the microphone as he swayed with the jagged music.

"You were only waiting for this moment to arise."

The room fell silent and no one clapped, not wanting to ruin the bliss Kurt had just created. Kurt bowed awkwardly and went back to the couch.

"Oh my God." Rachel whispered.

"What?" Kurt pondered.

"You sound like an angel, that's what." Quinn said before realizing. She and Kurt never really talked, they didn't really have much in common other than Rachel, and that was the nicest thing she'd ever said to him.

Kurt blushed lightly, unsure of what to say. He recovered with a snappy comment. "An angel with great hair, I guess."

"You need," Blaine said. "More solos. Definitely more solos. Just like that."

Kurt raised his eyebrows. "Giving up an opportunity for a solo that you could have? Wow, that's actually saying a lot."

The rest of the group nodded. "Hey!" Blaine retorted.


Kurt, there's a moment when you say to yourself, "Oh! There you are. I've been looking for you forever." Watching you do "Blackbird" last night, it was a moment for me, about you. You

That was all Blaine could think of. what? You sing like you were sent from the heavens and you look like you were, too? God, that sounds cheesy. You are absolutely moving in everything you do? Wait, moving. Moving.

You...move me, Kurt.

That should be good enough, right?

Blaine folded up the piece of paper he'd been writing on and put it in his pocket. He  took a deep breath and headed off to Kurt's dorm.


Blaine had never been so nervous or unsure to knock on a door in his life. What if I knock twice and he doesn't hear it? Is three knocks two desperate?

Alas, he didn't even have to knock. He nearly ran into Kurt has he was walking out of his dorm.

"Oh, er, Blaine!" Kurt stammered.

"Um, hey." Blaine's voice shook.

"Do you need something? I have to go to the library before it closes..." Kurt looked at his watch.

Blaine smoothed his jacket down, hand brushing over the paper. "I...I guess not. It's nothing, nevermind."

"Oh, okay," Kurt walked past Blaine, waving. "See you later."

Do it.

What if this is the last time you ever see him? What if a student goes mental and goes on a shooting rampage in the library?

Do it, Blaine.

Even as he was thinking this, Kurt was walking even further away.


Kurt turned around expectantly.

Blaine strode up to Kurt, stopped, and tried to think of words. Words? What are words? Am I supposed to be doing something with my hands right now?

He could only think of one thing he'd been wanting to do for weeks.

He kissed Kurt. He cupped his hands around Kurt's cheeks and just kissed him. Kurt staggered for a moment, unsure of what was really happening, then ran his hand up Blaine's chest to his neck. His fingernails grazed over the exposed skin. It was like ecstasy.

Blaine released his lips, and Kurt actually fought back a whimper. Blaine's hands went limp at his sides and Kurt's did the same.

"So," Kurt broke the tension.

"I had a whole speech, you know." Blaine said.

"A speech?" Kurt questioned.

"Yeah, it was pretty cute. It was basically about how you're perfect and then I was going to lead up to the kiss. I wrote it all down and everything."

"You were just going to read it from a piece of paper?" Kurt creased his brow.

"Oh, yeah, I guess that's not very romantic or spontaneous. I probably should have memorized it." That made Kurt laugh.

"Maybe you can try again later. But this, er, that was really good, too." Kurt reassured Blaine.

"Good. I thought it was good, too." Blaine agreed. " you want to be my boyfriend or something?"

"Or something?"

"Boyfriend." Blaine said firmly.

"Of course, and it took you long enough." Kurt grinned, then kissed him again. "Okay, we need to find a tall building."

Blaine cocked his head. "Why? A double suicide pact?"

"As romantic as that is, no. It's always been a dream of mine to scream out my feelings for something from a high place."

Blaine took Kurt's hand. "Sounds like a plan. And a Disney Channel musical."

Kurt shrugged. "Some people want to be princes and princesses, I want to be Zac Efron." Blaine smiled.



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