You and I Know
Part One Next Chapter Story
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You and I Know: Part One

T - Words: 1,766 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 5/5 - Created: Jan 20, 2012 - Updated: Feb 08, 2012
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"Blaine!" Rachel's voice echoed up the stairs.

"One more minute!" Blaine called back.

Rachel checked her phone. "You said that ten minutes ago!"

Blaine trudged down the stairs, clad in his new blue and red uniform. "How do I look?"

"Almost as good as me." Rachel put her hands on her hips. She wore the girls' version of the uniform; a dark blue skirt piped with red at the hem, a white polo, white knee-highs, and mary janes. She refused to wear the atrocious clogs that were supposedly required with her uniform.

"My tie?" Blaine raised an eyebrow at the red and blue striped tie that Rachel added to her uniform.

"I have to bring some sort of originality." Rachel adjusted the tie.

"Other than your usual animal sweaters?" Blaine teased.

"Those are charming!" Rachel said with finality. She grabbed her bag and cardigan and starting walking out to the car. "Come on!"

Blaine rolled his eyes at his sister's eagerness and followed her out.


"Wow." Rachel stared up at the glass ceiling, several stories high, above a staircase.

"Yeah, it's pretty fly." Blaine leaned against a wall while Rachel gazed at everything.

"Did you just say 'fly?'" Rachel raised an eyebrow.

"Er, yeah. Jeff taught it to me." Blaine admitted. "Oh, hey! Speaking of Warblers." Blaine turned to see some of the outstanding members of the Warbler clan.

"Blaine! How's it been?" Jeff fist-bumped Blaine.

"Good! Missed my back up singers over break." Blaine smiled. The guys rolled their eyes. "Oh, this is my sister, Rachel." Rachel waved at them.

"They finally let girls in at Dalton, so I thought I'd come see why my brother loves this place so much."

"Well, turn around and you'll find out." A sultry voice whispered into Rachel's ear.

She spun around and found herself looking at a blazer. She had to actually tilt her head up to see the person's face. A guy adorned with a smirk and, as his voice suggested, enticing, sultry eyes.

"Sebastian Smythe." He flashed a daring smile.

"Uh, Rachel. Rachel Anderson." She stammered.

"Come off it, Smythe." Blaine playfully pushed Sebastian on the shoulder. "See you guys later. I've gotta show Rachel to her dorm."

"No you don't, Blaine. I'm fine here with, uh, Sebastian." Rachel batted her eyelashes.

"No, really. This is a very confusing place, Rach." Blaine didn't give her time to make excuses before he dragged her along beside him.

"What are you doing?" Rachel hissed.

"Don't be flattered by Sebastian." Blaine advised. "He flirts with everyone. Literally everyone. I swear I saw him try to pick up a fern in the library last year."

"I can handle myself," Rachel crossed her arms, "and I know where my dorm is." She strolled away from Blaine.

Blaine shrugged and let her get lost by herself. He wasn't kidding when he said that the place was confusing, especially since they had to make half the dorms for girls now. Blaine resented that he didn't get a room all to himself anymore. When Blaine was about to go see who is new roommate was, something tapped him on the shoulder.

"Uh, do you know where room 201B is?" The speakers face was hidden behind a large school map, but his voice was enchanting.

He took down the map and Blaine was glad to see that his face was as enchanting as his voice, even though it was accented with a confused, sad-kitten look.

"Yeah, I'll show you. It's right upstairs." Blaine grinned and took his hand, leading him up the stairs.

"Oh, I'm Kurt." He said.


"Thin." Kurt said. He explained when he saw the odd look on Blaine's face. "Blaine. The name means 'thin.'"

"Oh," Blaine nodded, "what does Kurt mean?"

"Well," Kurt began, "it's derived from 'Curtis', which means 'courteous.' It's very original."

"Courteous Kurt." Blaine noted. "Thin Blaine just isn't as good."

Kurt laughed. His laugh was light and, Blaine thought, precious.

A bell rang. "10 minutes to class," was all Blaine said before he started running, still holding Kurt's hand, down the corridor, through an archway, and into the B dorms.

Kurt took a moment to catch his breath. "Was that really�necessary?"

"No," Blaine grinned, "but it was a nice jog, right?"

Kurt sighed and opened the door to his room. He put down his bag and jumped, face down, on the bed.

Blaine leaned against the door frame. "Having fun?"

Kurt turned on his side. "Just soaking in the glory."

Blaine chuckled gently. "Let me see your schedule."

Kurt rifled through his messenger bag and found a slip of paper. "Stalking me?"

Blaine scrolled a finger down the paper. They shared Bio-Med and Music Theory.

"Music theory?"

"I figure that will be my easy class for the semester. I'm pretty much a natural." Kurt said with an air of distinction.

"That's something we have in common, I guess." Blaine replied. "You should try out for the Warblers, we're basically royalty. That is, if you can sing."

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "I haven't met anyone better than myself."

"Well, auditions are on�Wednesday. We're having an impromptu performance later at lunch in the lounge. Come by." Blaine suggested.

Kurt shrugged.

"See you in bio-med, new kid. Consider me your spiritual guide to all things Dalton." Blaine grinned and left Kurt to soak in his charm. He was sure he'd been pretty charming. Maybe too charming? He didn't want to seem like a, uh, Sebastian. Sebastian overdoes it on the charm. Am I turning into Sebastian? No, no. I'm Blaine. Blaine the number one Warbler. I pull it off.

Lost in his thoughts, Blaine ran into the man himself, Sebastian, on the way to English.

"Wow, very forward of you, Blaine." Sebastian teased, too close for comfort. "Wanting to rekindle last year? All you'd have to do is ask."

Blaine groaned. "We didn't have anything."

"Really?" Sebastian cocked his head.

Blaine stalked away before Sebastian could elaborate.


Something about Kurt made Blaine want to draw closer or just know more about him. He'd lucked out in Bio-Med when the teacher assigned seats, putting Kurt halfway across the room. But in Music Theory, Mr. Patel was pretty lax with rules. He was basically a hippie.

"Hey," Blaine whispered next to Kurt's ear in Music Theory. Kurt jumped a little but smiled when he saw him. Blaine slid into the seat next to Kurt.

"My brother does that same, uh, ear-whispery thing. It's super creepy." Kurt mentioned.

"Oh, sorry. I'm not intentionally super creepy." Blaine cautioned.

"It's...okay, when you do it." Kurt muttered.

"Alright. So who's your brother?"

"Half-brother. I can't believe we're even related." Kurt opened his mouth to speak, but Mr. Patel, the teacher, cut him off by starting a rant on how "music is an art" and "it can't be taught, only learned." Blaine almost fell asleep three times.

Finally the bell rang, and it was lunch hour. "See you in the lounge," Blaine hinted to Kurt.

And he ran off to find the rest of the Warblers.


You think I'm pretty, without any makeup on.

You think I'm funny, when I tell the punch line wrong.

I know you get me, so I let my walls come down.

Blaine knew it was odd. A male a capella group singing a Katy Perry song about love and sex, but no one could deny that they sounded amazing.

Blaine noticed Kurt standing in the corner, muttering along to the words.

You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on.

I can't sleep, let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back.

Blaine winked at Kurt, who giggled and covered his face.

Imma get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight.

Kurt was leaning against the wall, looking condescending. Yes, the lyrics were cheesy.

Be your teenage dream tonight.

The lounge erupted into claps and cheers. The Warblers bowed out gracefully, then started high-fiving each other and everyone else.

Blaine hopped over to Kurt. "So?"

"Teenage dream? Really?" Kurt pursed his lips.

Blaine mocked being hit in the heart. "Katy Perry is divine."

"Still, it was great." Kurt affirmed.

Blaine leaned next to Kurt on the wall. "Remember, auditions are Wednesday."

"You just won't let that go?" Kurt conceded.

"I'll definitely have to sneak in the bathroom to hear you sing in the shower." Blaine jeered.

"Wow, that's not creepy." Kurt smirked. His smile faded when he saw Sebastian sidle up next to Blaine.

"See you've met my darling Blainey, Kurt?" Sebastian asked.

"You know him?" Blaine interjected.

"Yeah, uh, this is my half-brother, Sebastian." Kurt groaned.

Blaine's eyes widened. "How in the hell can you two be related?" He burst.

"My mom was married before she met my dad, and she had Sebastian in her previous marriage. Her ex-husband got custody in the divorce. He's two years older, but only one grade ahead."

"And I'm more talented." Sebastian stated.

Kurt cut his eyes. "You're an ass."

"I'm going to have to agree with Kurt on this one." Blaine nodded.

"Oo, catty." Sebastian said. He turned to Blaine and winked. "My offer still stands."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kurt crossed his arms.

"Nothing." Blaine muttered.

Sebastian grinned. "We're total fuck-buddies."

"We made out once, Sebastian. Once, and I was drunk. Get over yourself!" Blaine just wanted to shriek at this man.

Kurt looked taken aback, but amused. Not many people yelled at his brother like that.

"Sure." Sebastian said, and he sauntered away. Sure was the most condescending word in his dictionary.

"Sorry. Sorry for you, I mean. I've only known him for a year, but having to grow up with that guy? Ugh." Blaine spat.

"We only really saw each other on holidays, but that was enough. I knew him before he was such a dick, you know, before he turned ten." Kurt shrugged.

Blaine checked his watch. "I've got to go unpack some of my stuff, but want to get drinks later?"

"Sure." Kurt agreed and waved bye.


Kurt and Blaine arrived at a coffee shop a few minutes outside the school grounds. "Well, I know coffee isn't the smartest idea at eight p.m., but this is the best."

Kurt breathed in his coffee before sipping it.�"Wow, this is so much better than Lima's. All we have there is the Lima Bean, ironic, and it's practically run by hipster thirty year olds."

Blaine followed Kurt's lead by breathing in the smell, savouring the coffee. "Funny how a hot beverage made from beans of a tree can be so fantastic."

Kurt nodded in agreement. He stirred around his coffee for a moment. "So, is everyone at Dalton gay?"

Blaine laughed. "Not everyone. I mean, I am. Sebastian claims he's undecided. You are...?"

"I am, yeah. I figure it's pretty obvious." Kurt reassured.

"I try not to judge." Blaine said. His eyes flickered towards a couple outside. They were practically dry humping against the building across from the coffee shop. Kurt turned to see what Blaine was looking at.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Some people have no decency."

"Oh my god." Blaine croaked.

"Huh?" Kurt queried between sips of coffee.

"The girl outside, that's my sister. Making out. With a girl."


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