Hand in Hand
Beginnings Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hand in Hand: Beginnings

K - Words: 1,850 - Last Updated: Nov 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Oct 28, 2011 - Updated: Nov 22, 2011
995 0 0 0 0

Will sat on the swing on the porch for the third day in a row. Reading Nicholas Sparks novels occasionally, even though Kurt recommended he not. Kurt and Blaine looked at him sadly through the window.

“He can't just stay there forever,” Kurt inferred.

“He could if you keep bringing him snacks every hour.” Blaine poked.

“Well, I don't know what to do!” Kurt said with a higher inflection.

Blaine sighed. “Me neither.”

Will shifted to a laying position on the swing. He put the book over his face so that his parents could see how red his eyes were. He knew they were watching, which just made him feel worse. He didn't want to be a sad circus attraction, he just didn't know what else to do. He didn't want to be in the house with them, because he knew that they would just coo at him about how he'll “find someone new that loves you as much as you love her.” I don't want anyone new. I just want Andie... Will thought to himself. He lifted the book from his eyes, which caused Kurt and Blaine to nonchalantly walk away from the window, blushing slightly. Will groaned and rubbed his eyes.

He hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep until he felt a pressure on his chest that stopped his breathing.

Sydney?” Will croaked when he lifted Nights in Rodanthe off of his face.

“Hey, Ducky.” Sydney made her most heartwarming gap-toothed grin.

Will pushed her off of him and sat up straighter. She sat on the other end of the swing. “What the hell-” he began, his eyes still adjusting to orange-lit evening.

“I came to cheer you up.” She chimed.

Will put his face in his hands. “Of course you did. I don't need you to, I'm fine.”

She grabbed the book from his lap and skimmed through the pages. “Nicholas Sparks, really? The tear-smudged pages beg to differ.”

He took the book back and put it on the ground. “Shut up.”

Sydney stood up and attempted to pull Will off the swing. “Come on, stop it. I don't need you,”

Sydney stopped and frowned; she always showed her emotion in her face. “Okay then. Stay here at your parents house and pity yourself because a girl broke up with you instead of going out and having a good time with your best friend. Fine.” When she started to walk away, Will groaned.

“Wait,” He called half-heartedly. Sydney stopped with her arms crossed and smiled.

He opened the front door of his parents house and yelled, “Bye, guys. Thanks for putting up with my pity party, love you.”

“Love you too!” Kurt and Blaine replied from the living room, which was conveniently where the porch swing window was located.

Sydney was already in the driver's seat of her yellow EckoSmart Car.

He squeezed into the passenger seat and buckled his seat belt. “God, why did you even buy this car?”

“Hey, its eco-friendly. Don't patronize my Daisy.”

He patted the dashboard. “Sorry, Daisy.”

“There's my Ducky.” She teased.

Will leaned his head against the cool window. “So, where are we going anyways.”

“The fair!” She cheered.

“The fair? Really?”

“Tonight we're forgetting about your adult life. We are teenagers once again,”

Will rolled his eyes. “Fine.”

Sydney pressed a few buttons on the touchscreen of her dash. Will's head rolled towards her when “California Girls” started playing.

“Oh my god, Syd.”

“You know you love it!” She shouted as she turned the volume up to full blast.

Oh god!” He wailed. “What is this, 2010?”

“You know your dads made you listen to this all the time,”

“Why do you think I hate it so much?” He was actually smiling now.

The song reached the chorus and Sydney screamed, “California girls, we're unforgettable! Daisy dukes, bikinis on top! Come on, Will!”

He shrugged and sang “California girls, we're undeniable. Fine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lock!”

They both chimed in, “West coast represent, now put your hands up! Ooooh oh ah oh ah oh ah oh!”

They were completely off pitch, screaming and dancing like primates, and they loved it.

“See, you missed this.” Sydney trilled. Will smirked and looked away. He hated that she was right.

A few minutes later, they were in the parking lot of a hay-filled circus of lights. Will got out of the car reluctantly.

“Is this really necessary?” He groaned.

“Yes. Now, we are going to go on the ferris wheel and eat cotton candy and lose all of our money on the bottle game and have fun goddammit.” A smile cracked through Sydney's serious facade.

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the ticket counter.

“This will get you 20 game plays, 10 attraction rides and a ride through the corn maze. You and your boyfriend have a nice time.” The girl at the counter winked and handed them their tickets.

“Oh, no, we're not-” Sydney dragged him to the ferris wheel before he could object.

Will climbed nervously into the swaying seat and Sydney sat next to him a second later. The wheel started turning and Will clutched the bar by his lap more tightly.

“Oh, calm down. Its not going to fall off its axis and go rolling away.” She teased.

He was about to stick his tongue out at her when the wheel stopped and the seat swung forward.

“Oh dear god, what was that!” He cried.

Sydney giggled. “Woah there Turbo, I told the operator to do this.”

Why would you do that?

Sydney pointed towards the sky.

“See that dot up there?”

A reddish speck shone lonely in the sky; the bright lights of the fair masked any other stars. He nodded.

“That's Mars. And that over there,” she pointed to the left. “that's where the big dipper would be.”

“How'd you know that?” Will questioned.

“I'm more than just a pretty face and an amazing dancer, Shakespeare.”

“Oh god, don't bring that nickname back.” The wheel started to turn again and Will grabbed for the metal bar. He let out a deep breath.

“I remember I made that up in the eighth grade when you performed in Romeo and Juliet.” Sydney noted.

“And you were real proud of it.”

“Still am.” Sydney quipped. She turned to her right and leaned over the side of the seat, looking over the fair.

“Syd, stop it.” Will said uncomfortably.

Sydney leaned further over the seat. She was smiling, but that faded as her hand slipped off of the metal safety bar and she slid forward more. Will's breath stopped in his throat and he pulled her back in the seat by her torso. Then there it was, that toothy grin that was always on her face.

Jesus, Syd,” He breathed.

“Scared ya.” He gave her a stony stare. “Ah, come on.” She poked.

The wheel stopped for the last time and Will lifted the bar from their laps and got off as quickly as he could.

“I'd hate to see you on Space Mountain,” Sydney teased.

For a couple hours after that, Sydney dragged him to as many games and food stands as they could handle. By the time they got to the corn maze, all they had to show for their wasted money was a stuffed monkey and a huge bag of cotton candy.

Will jumped on the carriage with their prizes and waited for Sydney to finish petting the horses to help lift her up as well.

“This may be the most comfortable hay I've ever sat on,” Will said after a few minutes into the maze.

“Do you sit on hay often?” Sydney joked.

“Yes, I'm actually a farmer on the side.”

“An architect-farmer, how unique.” Sydney laid down and put her head in Will's lap. “You can see the stars better now.” She pointed around the sky, mumbling names of constellations to herself.

Will angled his head towards the sky, but he didn't see anything magical about it. Just a bunch of dots.

“You're going to get sick looking at all of those.”

Sydney yawned, sat up, and leaned her head on Will.

He laughed. “How long have you been awake?”

“Sleep is for the weak.”

Will smirked and then sat there for a while, thinking.

Then it hit him.


“Hmm?” She muttered.

“I love you.” He said quietly.

“That's sweet. I love you, too, Ducky,” She replied groggily.

“No, Syd. I mean, I really love you.”

She turned her face towards him, a confused look upon her.

He leaned in and kissed her, chaste at first, but deeper as she leaned further towards him.

She unlocked from his lips and looked into his eyes for a moment, then dove back into the embrace.

The next morning...

And there he lay, in his best friends bed.

Covered in a crumpled layer of sheets, Will opened his eyes. He looked around the room to find no one. A pitter-patter of feet came towards the door so he feigned sleep. Something landed lightly on the bed, but he found that it was only an orange tabby cat. Rabbit, the cat, rubbed her head on Will's chest. He petted her quickly then landed silently on the wooden floor. He looked grabbed his boxers from beneath him and followed a trail of socks, jeans, creased white tee shirt, and canvas shoes. He slipped them on as quietly as possible and crept out of the room. He leaned out of the hallway, into the kitchen, and still saw no one. No one in the living room either. A clean getaway. He had almost reached the front door, when a voice chimed from the bathroom.

“The walk of shame, eh?”

He turned to see Sydney in a mint green robe and towel on her head. She leaned forward and shimmied the towel out of her hair.

Will stood speechless. What could he say? “I was just leaving so I didn't have to have an awkward 'morning after' talk?”

Sydney put her hands on her hips. “Really, Will? You were just going to leave, without saying anything?”

“I, er, I mean-”

“You can't just do that.” She shifted her hips.

Will sighed and sat on the couch. “I know. But what am I supposed to say? Was it just a one time thing? If not, what does that make us?”

Sydney sat next to him. “Well, I guess we'll just have stop being friends. This obviously ruined our relationship and there's no where else we can go from here...”

Will looked at her for confirmation that she was being sarcastic. She lifted her eyebrows.

She leaned forwards and put a hand on his face. “I guess we'll just go from here.” They both leaned into a kiss.

You know how in The Princess Bride they say that Buttercup and Wesley's kiss beats out all others? Will would like to say that this one was even better than that.


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