Hand in Hand
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Hand in Hand: Something Right

K - Words: 1,282 - Last Updated: Nov 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Oct 28, 2011 - Updated: Nov 22, 2011
951 0 0 0 0

“He did what?” Kurt asked, baffled, into his smart phone.

Blaine furrowed his brow and mouthed “What?” to Kurt. Kurt held up a pointer finger, which Blaine mocked. He took a sip of his soda and twirled his fork around his plate as he waited for Kurt to finish sputtering into the phone.

After a few minutes, Kurt finally said, “Okay, alright. We'll be there soon.” He set the phone down with a clang.

Kurt answered Blaine before he said a word. “We have to go pick up Will. He got in a fight.”

Blaine's eyes widened. “Will? Our Will? Are you sure they called the right parents?”

Kurt nodded. They had gone through eight grades, and preschool, with minimal problems. He knew it couldn't last. “Come on, we have to go get him.”

“No, no, wait. I'll go. You stay here and wait for the bill, I'll meet you back at the house.” Blaine kissed Kurt lightly and left for the car.

Ten minutes later, he was in front of a grand, red-bricked academy. He stood outside the entrance for a moment, bracing himself. He didn't usually have to discipline Will, but he wanted to show Kurt that he could do something right by himself. He took the first step inside.

The New York private school had an extravagant looking exterior, but the interior could have been like any other public school. Though, underneath it all was thousands of dollars worth of specialized equipment in each classroom that was probably not necessary. Blaine took a right into the office area.

“Hi, I'm Blaine Anderson. I'm supposed to have a meeting with the principal, I believe?” He inquired to the receptionist.

She looked through a stack of yellow slips and found one labeled “William Anderson.”

“Ah, yes. The vice principal, actually. Just take a left down that hall.” She motioned behind her.

Vice principal, okay. He can't have done anything that bad, he thought as he stared at the newspaper articles plastered on cork boards.

“Mr. Anderson,” A shrill woman's voice called. “In here.”

Inside the office, amongst the silver trophies and certificates, was two other parents, a boy with a rapidly swelling face, and a bloody-nosed Will. Blaine sat next to him and used a tissue on the desk to wipe away some of the blood. Will swatted his hands away and avoided eye contact. Blaine sat back in his seat uncomfortably.

“Thank you all for coming.” Said the vice principal. “I'm Dr. Zaxby. I just wanted to have a meeting with both the parents concerning the misunderstanding that occurred today. Mr. Anderson, is your, er, spouse coming?”

“No, we were interrupted during lunch, so he stayed at the restaurant.” Blaine said monotonously. He wasn't quite sure how to act at one of these meetings. Defensively? 'I have no idea what's going on, what are you talking about, my son would never! Slander, I say, slander!' How about not, Blaine decided. Just be...natural.

“Alright, I'll just get down to it. William-” Dr. Zaxby began.

“Its Will.” Will interrupted. Blaine shot him a look saying come on, let's just get out of this.

“So, Will, why did you hit Mr. Lawrence?” That took Blaine by surprise. Will initiated it?

“Because he was being a dick.”

Will!” Blaine barked. Will lifted his shoulders in mock apology. “Sorry, Doctor. Strike that.”

Will tried again. “What I mean to say is, he was being an intolerant oaf.”

The other boy presented a chilling stare at Will. “Explain.” Dr. Zaxby said, unamused.

“He called one of my friends a...a rude term, so I hit him. Simple.” Will's feet shifted beneath him.

“And that term was?”

“A...a fag.” Will murmured. Dr. Zaxby lifted her eyebrows.

“Is that true, Dean?” She addressed the other boy.

Dean shrugged. Will's forehead wrinkled. “You did!” Will retorted.

Blaine grabbed Will's jacket and pulled him back towards him.

“Boys, boys.” Dr. Zaxby asserted. “No matter, both of you will be getting academic suspension. Will, two days out of school suspension plus three days after school cleanup. Dean, one day of out of school suspension, one day of in school suspension, plus two days after school clean up.” She started scribbling on papers.

“What? He didn't even start the fight,” Dean's father interjected.

“Bullying is not tolerated here, Mr. Lawrence. Words like that are punishable, and your son did throw a punch.” The vice principal replied coolly.

“Not even a mark,” Will mumbled. Blaine held back a chortle.

Mr. Lawrence scoffed and crossed his arms.

“Alright, here's your slips.” She handed a few sheets of paper to each the families.

The Lawrences grabbed the papers and stormed out of the office.

“Now, Mr. Anderson,” Dr. Zaxby spoke to Will. “I don't want to see you in here again. I appreciate your values, but violence is not the answer.” She handed Blaine some papers. He could swear he saw a hint of a smirk before he exited.

Once they were out of the office, Will groaned. “So, what's my punishment.”

Blaine let out a deep breath. “Well...” It was hard for him to think of a punishment. He actually loved what Will did. It was like getting to live out his own teenage desires for rebellion.

“I guess, no texting? Yeah, and, um, no video games. For a week.” Blaine uttered.

Will feigned a stab in the heart, even falling over dramatically. “How will I go on!” He croaked.

Blaine grabbed him by the hand and lifted him back up. “I'm not good at this discipline thing. But...violence is bad. Don't do drugs. Crack is wack. Do you want me to go on? Always use protection-”

Dad, I got it.”

Blaine wrapped an arm around Will's curly-haired head. Oh god, he's going to be taller than me, Blaine thought.

Before they got in the car, Blaine leaned in and said quietly, “I'm glad we raised you right, Ducky.”

Blaine kissed him on the forehead, and Will smiled. Though, being a twelve year old boy, he wiped it off the second later. Blaine sent a text to Kurt before leaving the parking lot.

Kurt smiled when he read I'm glad we made something good.

Six years earlier...

“Papa! Where's my lunch!” Will called up the stairs.

Kurt hurried down the stairs, tucking in his shirt. “In the fridge,”

Will opened the fridge and frowned. “Its too high!”

Kurt grabbed the Iron Man lunch box from the boy's reach and handed it to him. “Sorry, Ducky, I forgot that you inherited your height from your father.”

“Hurtful! And he's only six. He still has time to grow out of it.” Blaine walked in from the living room and grabbed the lunch box out of Will's hands.

“Hey!” Will exclaimed.

“Just taking a look,” Blaine shifted around inside the lunch box. “Peanut butter and Nutella sandwich, craisins, apple juice, Goldfish; how drab.” Blaine handed it back to his son.

“You're the one that made it,” Will teased.

“I did, didn't I...then it is a work of art.” Will stuck out his tongue and Blaine.

“Now, now, boys. Most of the time I can't tell which is my husband and which is my son.” Kurt sighed.

He kissed them both on the forehead. “Have a good day at school, play nice with the other first graders!” Kurt said as they walked towards the door.

“Yes, papa,” Blaine and Will said at the same time before closing the door.

My boys; what a pain, Kurt thought to himself after they left. He finished putting together his outfit and left for work, humming to the tune of My Girl all day.


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