Hand in Hand
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Hand in Hand: Complications

K - Words: 1,231 - Last Updated: Nov 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Oct 28, 2011 - Updated: Nov 22, 2011
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“I want a baby,” Kurt said abruptly.

Blaine dropped his fork on his plate with a clank. Blaine's mouth stayed open, but he couldn't think of what to say.

“I'm sorry, that was sudden,” Kurt began, looking away from Blaine. “I shouldn't have said anything, I mean we're fine the way we are-”

“No! I mean, no, Kurt. I want a baby, too,” Blaine took Kurt's hands gently from across the table, moving his dinner plate out of the way.

“Really?” Kurt looked at Blaine seriously.

“Yeah, I have for a while. I always thought we'd be pretty good parents,” Blaine smiled.

“Wow,” Kurt said after a moment. “I'd never really thought about how you'd react,”

Blaine laughed. “You always over think things,”

“Well, if there was anything to over think, I'd think it would be this!”

“Stop thinking,” Blaine kissed Kurt before he could talk any more.

Two months later...

“She's perfect,” Kurt said quietly to Blaine.

“She is, isn't she?” Blaine smiled.

They had been interviewing possible surrogates for the past month and a half, but none of them were as good as this girl. Her name is Alex, and they immediately liked her because of her warm smile and comforting voice.

“So, how old are you?” Blaine had asked at first.

“21,” Alex replied.

“Young, then,” Blaine said, trying not to sound judging. “Why do you want to be a surrogate?”

“Well,” Alex sighed. “I don't think I have much else going for me,”

“That can't be true,” Kurt reassured.

“I think so, my family thinks so. Everyone expected so much of me, and I could never live up to it,”

“What? Why?” Kurt asked curiously.

“All of my family are athletes, and I'm not. I'm uncoordinated and clumsy,” Alex laughed.

“I'm artistic, though. I won a fine arts scholarship, then I went to college for two years.”

“See, you have that going for you,” Kurt said.

“Well, I didn't finish college. When I was nineteen, my family told me that I was adopted. I was furious, obviously. I'd even asked them when I was younger, but they ignored me. They had always treated me differently, and now I know why. I haven't talked to my mother or father much since.” Alex breathed deeply.

“So, back to college, I was a sophomore and I had no job. I expected that I could live off of my family's wealth, but I cut myself off. With no money and no job, I couldn't afford college anymore. So I left after sophomore year. Sorry, I didn't mean to go on about my pitiful life story,”

Kurt reached for Alex's palms, “Don't be sorry, I'm glad to hear anyone's life story.” They both smiled.

“I'll be right back,” Alex got up from the table and walked towards the ladies' room.

And that brings them back to the present.

“She is, isn't she?”

“She's the best one we've interviewed,” Kurt said.

“She doesn't smoke or drink, she's nice, and she's real. Do you think she's the one?” Blaine asked excitedly.

“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” Kurt smiled. He kissed Blaine lightly beside him.

“I want to help her, too. She should finish college, I can tell she is going to be amazing,” Kurt stated.

“We're going to pay enough, I think that that will help. And I think that she will be great, too.” Blaine agreed.

Kurt nodded as Alex returned to the table in a hurry.

“Hey-” Kurt began.

Alex cut him off. “Can you take me to the hospital?” She asked in a mock-calm voice.

“What? Of course! What's wrong?” Blaine asked, leaving a twenty dollar bill on the table and rushing Alex out the door with Kurt.

Alex breathed in sharply. “Stabbing pain, abdomen, hurry,” She said in short breaths.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” Kurt mumbled while fumbling with the keys.

“I'll stay in the back with you,” Blaine said to Alex while helping her into the back seat of their small car.

“Thanks,” Alex whimpered.

“Do you...what do you think is wrong?” Blaine asked.

“I...I don't know,” Alex said vaguely.

“Alex, are you sure?” Blaine said quietly.

“Well...maybe, a miscarriage?” Alex whispered.

24 years later...

There was a bang downstairs, and Kurt's eyes flew open. The light sleeper he was, he woke up at everything, which was a curse and a blessing. He looked at the clock, which read “12:16”. He propped himself up on his elbows and listened for another bang, which he heard seconds later.

He nudged Blaine beside him, “Blaine,”

Blaine moaned groggily, “Wha?”

“I heard a noise downstairs,” Kurt whispered, still shaking Blaine for him to get up.

Blaine rolled over and groaned.

“C'mon,” Kurt grabbed Blaine's wrist and dragged him out of the bed.

Blaine shook out of Kurt's grip and put on a pair of old flannel pants in a pile at the end of the bed.

The banging resonated through the house once again, followed by a lingering scratch of nails on the front door.

Kurt and Blaine crept down the stairs, wearily.

“God, this is creepy,” Kurt whispered.

The banging sounded once again, followed by a soft sob.

Blaine opened the door and peered out.

Their son, Will, was slumped against the door in a complete tuxedo set.

Blaine threw the door open and grabbed Will under the arms.

Kurt scurried over and helped him onto the couch, stroking his unruly hair out of his face.

“Will, will, talk to me,” He said softly.

Will rubbed his hands over his face and let out another soft sob.

“What happened?” Blaine was going to add a “Ducky” to the end, but he hardly felt like this was the time.

“She-Andie, she...she left me,” Will sobbed louder.

“She what? That...that-”

Blaine cut Kurt off. “I-I'm so sorry, hon,” He stroked Will's damp hair and and softly “shh-ed” him.

Neither of them had any idea of what to say. This had never happened to them, and they had no idea how to calm him.

“Uh,” Kurt began unsurely. “What...what can we do?”

Will bit his lip to cease his hysterics.

“I...nothing. I don't even know why I came here. It's the first place I thought of,” Will sat up on the couch and put his face in his hands.

“I probably woke you guys up, I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come-”

“You have every right to be here,” Kurt smiled, squeezing Will's hands. “I'm glad you came.”

Kurt hugged Will tightly, then patted his shoulders. “Now, you go upstairs to your old room. I don't want you driving around like this.”

Will nodded and gave a half-hearted smile. Blaine hugged him one last time and wiped a tear from Will's chin.

Kurt and Blaine went back to their bed and simply stared at each other sympathetically for a few minutes, hand in hand, before drifting off to sleep.


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