Hand in Hand
Frosting Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hand in Hand: Frosting

K - Words: 1,405 - Last Updated: Nov 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Oct 28, 2011 - Updated: Nov 22, 2011
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Stop it! Please, just stop!” Kurt screamed, clutching Blaine's jacket to his face.

Dave Karofsky had Blaine pinned to a row of lockers, towering over Blaine to make himself seem even bigger.

Dave turned around at Kurt's last terrified shout, and locked eyes with Kurt. He saw the desperation and fear in Kurt's reddened eyes. Dave loosened his grip on Blaine, then dropped him altogether.

Blaine scurried over to Kurt and held him shamelessly, trying to look bold.

Dave looked back at Kurt, still shaking. A crowd had formed around them. He slumped on the lockers where he had just pinned Blaine and put his face in his palms.

What am I doing,” Dave mumbled. “W-what am I doing?”

He banged his fist on the lockers, making the crowd jump slightly.

Dave's eyes watered as he stared at the floor, remembering the things he had tried to keep deep down inside of himself.

“I can't do this anymore,” He mumbled again.

Dave got up and shifted his way through the crowd, touching no one.

Kurt and Blaine stood in shock, unmoving as the rest of the hallway was.

A bell rang, clearing out most of the hallway. Kurt and Blaine remained, Kurt's damp face buried into Blaine's neck.

The next day, Kurt picked up the newspaper outside of his house as Blaine picked him up for school.

He got into the car and opened the newspaper absentmindedly, but the headline alerted him.

Kurt poked Blaine's shoulder and pointed at the headline.

It read: “Local teenager hospitalized after alleged suicide attempt,

There was a picture of Dave Karofsky next to it.

“Oh my god, Blaine,” Kurt said quietly. “He...he...” Kurt was unable to find the right words to describe his thoughts.

Blaine leaned over the armrest and kissed Kurt's forehead. “I know, baby,”

Kurt put away the newspaper and held Blaine's hand until they had to part ways.

Twelve years later...

“Will, I told you not to look in the freezer!” Kurt snapped at his son.

Will pouted, just as Blaine did when he didn't get his way. Kurt patted Will on the butt playfully, making him run back outside to his friends.

Kurt tsked and tapped his foot, trying to remember what he was doing before the interruption.

Blaine danced into the room, humming. He picked up Kurt and spun him around, finally putting him back down with a kiss. Even for Kurt's height advantage, Blaine was always stronger.

Kurt grinned and went back to his planning. “Hon, help me with the decorations,” He said to Blaine.

Blaine picked some blue and green streamers and pretended to put them on like a scarf.

“Really, now,” Kurt said impatiently. “and it isn't even your color, Blaine,”

Blaine mocked being offended and began hanging the streamers up around their living room.

“Has Will tried to sneak a peek at the cake yet?” Blaine asked, with a roll of duct tape in his mouth.

Multiple times,” Kurt rolled his eyes. “maybe if you didn't tell him how 'totally awesome' the cake is, I wouldn't have to kick him out every five minutes,”

“Well, sorry, I just wanted to brag about what a fabulous team we made. What with my Michelin-star worthy baking skills and your undeniable decorating skills,” Blaine sweet-talked.

“We are pretty great parents,” Kurt said. “we can guilt him with this incredible party later in life.” Kurt winked.

Kurt scanned around the room, making sure everything was in order. There was a table with snacks on it; chips, mini sandwiches, fruit, sugar-free candy, carrot sticks. Kurt was sure that the vegetables would be left alone by the kids.

There was a table already stacked high with gifts. Streamers hung randomly from the ceiling and everything was decked out in green and blue, which Will decided were his two favorite colors.

Santana snuck through the back door.

“Is it ready? They are getting more impatient by the minute.” She said exhaustedly. Santana really only looked tired since she had Sydney.

“Um, yeah. Open the flood gates,” Kurt said dramatically.

“Come on inside!” Santana yelled outside. A hoard of kids ran inside.

How do we know this many kids? Kurt thought.

The kids immediately ran for the snacks. Will and Sophie, Rachel's daughter, were really the only kids eating the carrots or fruit.

Kelsey, Santana's wife, walked in. Following her were Finn and Rachel, Tina and Mike, Wes and Alex, his wife, Puck and Lauren, and Quinn and Marc, her husband.

Kurt and Blaine smiled and chatted politely to everyone.

Will sat back on the floor with the Legos, ignoring the other kids at his party.

Sydney ran over to Will, though tripped and fell on his Lego castle. The parents in the room tensed for screams.

Will raised a fist to hit Sydney, but saw her sad face looking up at him and rolled her off softly instead. Sydney giggled and got back up unsteadily, hugging Will. Will rolled his eyes at the silly two year old. Sydney scurried off to go play with Bonnie, Puck and Lauren's daughter.

Blaine kneeled over by Will when no one was looking.

“Hey, buddy,” Blaine began. “That was really good, you know, not hitting Sydney,”

Will continued to rebuild his Lego castle and replied, “Well, you can't hit girls, and she looked all sad,”

Blaine smiled. “That was nice,” Will nodded, not really paying attention.

Blaine walked back over to Kurt, who had apparently been watching the whole time.

“We have a great son,” Blaine said.

“Yeah, I know,” Kurt replied. “He must get that from you,” He winked.

Jakub, Quinn's son, ran over to Kurt and pulled on his pant leg.

“Mister Kurt! When's cake?” Jacob asked with all the truthfulness of a three year old.

Quinn hurried over to her son and said to Kurt, “Sorry, he doesn't understand manners yet,”

Kurt smiled. “Oh, it's okay. That's actually a pretty good idea.” He projected his voice louder. “Who wants cake?”

The kids cheered with delight and huddled around Kurt.

“Okay, okay, back up. I don't want to drop the cake on any of your heads,” The kids laughed.

Kurt got the ice cream cake out of the freezer and placed it on the plastic-covered dining room table.

Will ran to the beginning of the pack of children, and exclaimed, “Woah!”

The cake was, of course, shaped like a Lego castle. It was also adorned with a big “3” candle.

“Thank you, thank you, Daddy!” Will said, hugging Kurt, then Blaine.

Will reached a small hand towards the cake, but Blaine cut him off.

“Nuh-uh! We'll cut the cake, how about that?”

Will giggled and nodded.

Will, Blaine, and Kurt all grabbed for the cake knife and settled on just cutting it together. Blaine and Kurt smiled at each other, remembering the last time they cut cake like this.

“Happy birthday, Ducky,” Kurt whispered to Will.

6 years earlier...

Blaine and Kurt both forced pieces of cake into each other's mouths, laughing at the same time.

A crowd behind them cheered, laughing along with them. Kurt wiped frosting off of Blaine's face with his finger, restraining himself not to just lick it off. When they had finally swallowed the cake, Blaine faced the crowd.

“Thank you, all of you, for coming to our wedding,” he began, “This really means the world to us, just for our friends and family to celebrate this with us. But I don't want to make this too long, so I'll finish by saying: let them eat cake!”

The crowd laughed and lined up around the cake.

Kurt and Blaine sat down at the head table with a slice of cake.

“You know, I kind of like you,” Blaine said to Kurt.

“Really? I don't like you much at all,” Kurt said sarcastically.

Blaine mocked being offended and shoved another piece of cake into Kurt's mouth.

“Oh, so that's how it is?” Kurt asked fiercely. He kissed Blaine, getting more frosting on him.

Blaine licked his lips and leaned close to Kurt. “Delicious foreplay,” he whispered, making Kurt blush.


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