Nov. 22, 2011, 12:30 p.m.
Nov. 22, 2011, 12:30 p.m.
Will toddled along beside his fathers, chattering away about a bug he saw ten minutes ago.
“And it was red! And it was kinda long! And it had stripes! And it was huge!”
“That's great, buddy,” Blaine said absentmindedly as Will went on about the bug.
Kurt and Blaine both held a different hand of Will's as they stood in a crowded line on Broadway.
“When is Auntie Rachel's show going to start?” Will asked when he got bored of the bug.
“We haven't even got into the theater yet,” Kurt said.
“Well...I'm bored. I want some popcorn,” Will replied.
“There's no food allowed in the theater,”
“But I'm hungry!” Will whined, swinging between his dads.
Blaine pulled something out of his suede messenger bag and said, “Here, have some crackers.”
Blaine released his son's calloused hand as Will stuffed his mouth full of Goldfish crackers.
Will smiled at Kurt with his teeth full of orange mush.
Kurt rolled his eyes and said, “Keep your mouth closed, Ducky,”
Will giggled and went on chewing his crackers.
Kurt turned to Blaine and smiled, “I'm so happy for Rachel,”
“We all knew that she's be on Broadway one day,” Blaine replied.
“Yeah, but she actually wrote the score for this whole musical and she stars in it,”
“I hope the songs are better than 'My Headband.'” Blaine joked.
“But that's my favorite song!” A cheerful voice said behind them.
“Brittany! It's great to see you!” Kurt chimed.
Brittany stood with a permanent smile on her face, still as blonde as ever. Though her stomach stood out prominently.
“Oh, you didn't tell me!” Kurt said, pointing at Brittany's stomach.
“Tell you what...?” Brittany said airily. Kurt furrowed his brow a little.
“I'm just kidding! I'm not that dim,” Brittany burst out laughing.
“But, trust me, it took some convincing to get her to believe she was pregnant,” An also blonde man standing next to Brittany said.
“I'm sure, Brad,” Kurt said to the man, Brittany's husband.
“Kurp!” Kurt heard a childish voice yell. Then he felt something latch onto his leg. He looked down to see a messy-haired, sticky-fingered little girl smiling up at him.
Kurt picked the girl up and spun her around, “Sydney! Where's your mommy?”
Sydney looked around for a moment and then pointed an exhausted-looking Santana running towards them.
“Syd! Will you stop running off like that?” Santana said.
Sydney giggled. Kurt put her down, only to have her run away towards Will.
“How've you been? How's Kelsey?” Kurt asked.
Santana ran her fingers through her hair and replied, “I'm pretty good, er, pretty tired, too. Kelsey should be somewhere around here...ah! There she is,”
Santana pointed at a beach blonde woman with red tips walking towards them.
“Did you catch her?” Kelsey asked.
“Yeah, I found her in the arms of another man,” Santana said dramatically, winking at Kurt.
Will ran over towards them, hand in hand with Sydney, “Santa!” He called the pet name towards Santana.
“Hey, Ducky! I see Sydney found you,” Santana said whimsically.
“Yep! She's my bestest friend!” Will grinned.
Blaine had joined their little group. “I thought I was your bestest friend?” He asked Will.
Will thought for a moment and said, “Welp, I think you can have more than just one bestest friend.”
Blaine rubbed Will's curly-haired head and said, “You know, for a four year old, you're pretty smart,”
Will held up a finger and said, “Four and three quarters, Daddy,”
“Oh, sorry, buddy. Four and three quarters.” Blaine corrected himself.
“I'm almost four! In a monf!” Sydney chimed in, she wasn't very good at her “th” sound yet.
A voice came over the intercom and said, “The doors to the theater are now open,”
All of their little group got into a line on the right (they had gotten their tickets beforehand), and filed into the theater.
They eventually found their seats, which were all next to each other as Rachel had planned. Will and Sydney sat next to each other, having an in-depth debate over Disney movies. Kurt and Blaine sat hand in hand, as did Santana and Kelsey, and Brittany and Brad. Brittany and Santana were laughing over something from high school when Finn ran over to them, trailed by a little girl and boy in a matching dress and tux set.
“Come on, Sophie! Leo!” He whispered loudly as the lights dimmed slightly.
“Finally! We've been waiting for you! There are some seats by Will and Syd over here,” Kurt said.
“Oh! Thanks,” Finn placed Sophie and Leo next to each other then sat down himself.
“We've been backstage, wishing last minute luck to Rach,” Finn said.
“Mommy looks really pretty!” Sophie said enthusiastically.
“I saw a lady taking off her clothes! Eww!” Leo stuck out his tongue in disgust as everyone laughed.
“Shh! Shh! It's starting!” Sophie said, throwing her arms up dramatically.
She really is turning out to be a mini Rachel, Kurt thought.
The lights dimmed even more and the curtains rose, leaving the audience hushed for the performance.
20 years later...
“I'm going to propose to her, Dad.” Will said confidently, though Blaine could hear the nervousness in his voice.
An older Kurt wrapped his arms around his son, as enthusiastically as when he was a teenager.
Blaine joined the hug as Will groaned between them.
“I...can't...breathe...” Will rasped.
“Oh, oh, sorry, Ducky,” Kurt said, patting Will's shoulders.
“Dad, I'm 24. Do you really have to call me Ducky?” Will pleaded.
“You'll always be my Ducky, hon,” Kurt said, and Will rolled his eyes.
“When are you going to propose?” Blaine asked.
“And how!” Kurt asked, almost as nervous as Will. “Oh, have I told you about how your father proposed to me-”
“Yes, yes. He took you to a park at sunset, blah, blah, blah.”
Blaine frowned at him, “Hey, that was very romantic,”
“Its really not as romantic when you've heard it 300 times,” Will said sarcastically. He had obtained his sarcasm from Kurt.
Will looked at his palms and asked, after a moment, “Do you think she'll say yes?”
“Oh, honey, why wouldn't she? You are wonderful, and she'd be grateful to be with such a dapper young man as yourself.” Kurt said.
“She loves you, of course she'll say yes,” Blaine said solemnly.
Will sighed and said, “Maybe I'll serenade her with my angel voice,” He raised his eyebrows a few times.
“I still think you got that from moi. Nurture versus nature, you know.” Kurt said.
Will sat there for a moment, still staring at his palms. His confident façade was wearing down.
“I just want this to be perfect,”
Blaine gripped Will's shoulder and said, “If she's the right one for you, she'll say yes,”
Will smiled a bit and rubbed his face. “This is all so complicated,”
“Life is complicated,” Blaine and Kurt said together, laughing afterwards.
“I just want to have the perfect relationship, like you guys. You're perfect for each other.”
Kurt grinned and winked at Blaine, “We are, aren't we,”
Blaine returned his gaze to his son and said, “Well, I hope you and Andie are as perfect as you hope for,”
“Yeah,” Will stood up and slung his back pack around him. “Thanks, Dads,” Will lightly kissed Kurt and Blaine's cheeks and waved out the door. “Love you!” He yelled before closing the door behind him.
“He's a great kid,” Blaine sighed.
“I really hope he's right,” Kurt said.
“Me too,” Blaine leaned his head on Kurt's shoulder.
Kurt thought for a moment and said, “You two really are just alike,”
Blaine grinned and said, “I know,”