Hand in Hand
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Hand in Hand: Stars

K - Words: 1,308 - Last Updated: Nov 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Oct 28, 2011 - Updated: Nov 22, 2011
938 0 0 0 0

“I can't do this,” Kurt said quietly.

Blaine's eyes shone wetly. “Kurt, don't start that again,”

Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes. “I can't, not while you're still around him.”

Blaine rested a hand on Kurt, never unlocking their gaze. “I don't have to hang out with them. I'll do anything, I swear.” Blaine's voice cracked at the end.

The sunny day and friendly park atmosphere mocked Kurt. Even the swings that they sat on were too cheery. Its not a nice day, it is not a friendly time, Kurt thought bitterly. He stared down at Blaine's hand on his thigh.

That's not a good relationship. I don't want to limit you, I want you to have all the friends you want. I love the warblers, just not him. You know how he feels about you,”

Blaine rubbed his face in his palms. “Yeah, I know. You shouldn't feel intimidated by him-” Blaine realized his mistake the moment he said it.

Intimidated? He tried to kiss you, Blaine. Every time he looks at you, he looks like he wants to ravish you right then and there. I don't like dealing with that.” Kurt shifted in the swing.

“I didn't let him, I pushed him away! I told him I didn't like him that way, and he understood. And really, he's a nice guy. Underneath the pushy jerk facade. Like Santana, you just have to get to know him. And you should know that I love you, only you. I'd never do anything to hurt you. You must know that...?” Blaine petitioned.

Kurt was quiet.

Blaine bounced off the swing and leaned down by Kurt's lap. He took Kurt's limp hands in his own.

“Kurt,” His voice strained. “I'll always love you, no matter what. Even if one day I lose my mind and let you slip out of my grasp, I'll always love you because you will have been my first love. I could go on about everything I adore about you, but the only reason that I can think of is that at the end of the day, you're the only person I want to be with. Not Sebastian. You, Kurt Hummel.”

Kurt shut his eyes and a tear rolled down his cheek. Blaine wiped it away, “Stop that, I don't want you to cry over me unless you're happy.”

Kurt bit his bottom lip and grasped Blaine's hands tighter. He looked down at their hands for a moment, then jumped off the swing and wrapped his arms around Blaine, who fell backwards from the weight.

“I'm sorry.” Kurt sobbed in hushed tones. “I love you, and of course I know you love me. I don't ever want to ruin this.”

Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt's neck lightly. “Do I have to make a speech about my love for you every time you're mad at me?”

Kurt turned his head so that he could look at Blaine, an awkward position, and smiled a little.

“No witty banter?” Blaine's eyebrows lifted.

Kurt let out a shaky breath with a grin and burrowed his head back into Blaine's neck.

They laid there, sprawled under the swing set lying on top of each other, and stared at the clouds until the sky turned orange and the first star shone. Even then, Blaine didn't dare move because of Kurt's steady sleep on his chest. He reached an arm behind his head and counted stars until his tired breaths synced with Kurt's.

6 years later...

“Oh my god, I'm an uncle now!” Kurt said as excitedly as he could without waking the sleeping baby in his arms.

“A niece and a nephew,” Rachel smiled at the little girl lying on her chest. “Sophia Marie Hudson-Berry, this is your uncle Kurtsie.”

Kurt rolled his eyes at his affectionate nickname. “And he is?” He gestured his chin towards the baby he was holding.

“Leonardo Nathaniel Hudson-Berry,” Rachel smiled.

“You really are setting these twins up for the theatre aren't you?” Kurt quipped.

Rachel smiled, taking that as a compliment, and cooed at the baby in her arm.

A pair of arms grabbed Kurt's waist from behind. Kurt jumped and turned around.

Blaine,” he fussed. Blaine grinned and kissed Kurt promptly on the lips. He looked down at the baby wrapped in a blue blanket.

“Oh, hi, little thing!” He waved.

“That's Leo. This is Sophie,” Rachel spoke up.

“May I?” He gestured at the bundle in Kurt's arms. Rachel nodded, and Kurt handed the baby to Blaine carefully.

“Remember to hold the head, yeah,” Kurt murmured. Blaine stuck out his tongue and made crude faces at Leo, but even then, Blaine was adorable.

Finn jogged into the hospital room, breathing heavily. His hands were full of snacks and toys.

“Okay, so the vending machines didn't have raspberry muffins, so I got blueberry and chocolate. Is that okay? And they only had cold tea, so I found a microwave in the Nurse's Lounge- don't ask how I got in there -and then I went to get you some flowers and they didn't have orchids. I got you some roses instead, even though you say they're cheesy, and I got our munchkins an elephant toy and a kangaroo toy. Do they like elephants or kangaroos? I don't know, but I pray that they're not as picky as you- not that you're high maintenance! I just mean...oh, hi, Kurt, Blaine.” Kurt gave Finn a side-hug and Finn fist bumped Blaine. Their relationship still wasn't brother-friendly.

Rachel snickered when Finn dumped two bags of muffins, some toys, and a bouquet of red roses on her lap. He set the tea on the table next to her.

“Thanks, honey,” Rachel pulled him in for a kiss.

“So would you say that you're the Ginny in this relationship, Finn?” Blaine jested.

“Huh?” Finn puzzled.

“Oh, nothing.” Kurt chuckled.

“Okay, so now that Finn is here,” Rachel popped a mini muffin in her mouth. “I'd like to propose something to the both of you.” She sputtered. Finn's eating habits had rubbed off on her.

“Hm?” Kurt said, covering his mouth to hold back laughs.

Rachel chewed the rest of her muffin. “We want you two to be Sophie and Leo's godparents, that is, only if you'd like.”

Kurt's eyebrows lifted. “Oh, wow, Rach,” He exchanged a look with Blaine.

“You guys can talk about it and get back to us later, if you want,”

“Yeah,” Kurt agreed.

“Wanna go on a walk?” Blaine signaled to the hall. Kurt nodded and took Blaine's outstretched hand.

They were quiet for a minute while walking down the immaculate halls of the hospital.

“Rachel really did try to find the perfect hospital,” Blaine speculated.

“Well, she decided against the water birth when she realized she couldn't have drugs,” Kurt jeered.

Blaine laughed awkwardly. “So...”

“So,” Kurt responded, “do you think its a big step?”

Blaine shrugged. “We've been together for 7 years,”

“Mhm...I mean, I really want to be a godfather. And I want you to be one with me.” Kurt swung their arms between them.

“Me too, especially if they're Rachel's babies.”

“I don't know anyone better.” Kurt chimed.

“So, its settled? We're gonna be fathers?” Blaine asked happily.

“Of the god-type, yes.” Kurt leaned his head on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head, ignoring the hair spray taste.

“Alright then.” Blaine grinned.

Years later he thanked Rachel, because that was the moment that he started planning his proposal to Kurt.


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