Nov. 22, 2011, 12:30 p.m.
Nov. 22, 2011, 12:30 p.m.
Kurt and Blaine stood in awe as they stared at the beautiful baby boy in front of them.
“Look, hon,” Blaine began, “he's ours.” Kurt smiled with tears in his eyes.
“He...he's beautiful. He has your eyes,” Kurt replied without looking away from the infant.
“I can already see the mini mop about to grow on his head,” Blaine grinned.
Kurt stroked a finger on the baby's palm, their baby, and the little boy squeezed the finger.
Kurt stifled a cry, barely, and wrapped his arms carefully around the young woman holding the child.
“I-I'm j-just so grateful,” Kurt cried into the girl's neck. He regained his composure and said quietly,
“Thank you, this means more than you'll ever know.”
The girl's eyes began to water and she replied, “No, just being able to do this for you means more to me than you think.”
Blaine rubbed his eyes and leaned his head on Kurt's shoulder, “Well, thank you again, Alex,”
Alex smiled and kissed the infant on the forehead before handing him to his new fathers.
Kurt held the baby carefully with his hand under the boy's head, as the nurses and baby books had told him to do. A nurse walked in and smiled.
“What's his name?” She asked quietly.
Kurt and Blaine looked at each other solemnly and said, “Will. William Oliver Anderson,”
The nurse nodded and started writing something on her clipboard,
Kurt looked down at his child and said, “Welcome to the world, Will,”
Two years earlier...
“Blaine, where are we going?” Kurt had been asking the same question incessantly for the past twenty minutes.
“I'm not telling you! What don't you understand about a surprise?” Blaine said.
Blaine's palms were losing their grip on the wheel from how sweaty they were. He wiped them on his dark jeans and regained control of the wheel. Blaine really wished that he could have worn something fancier, but that would tip Kurt off. Kurt fiddled with the radio knobs absentmindedly, occasionally looking at road signs and guessing where they were going.
“Are we going to the airport?” Kurt asked.
“Maybe,” Blaine answered with the same answer he had said for all of Kurt's previous questions.
“Are we going to a party?”
Kurt rolled his eyes, “Are you kidnapping me and taking me to a cabin in the woods to murder me?”
Blaine flashed a daring smile and growled, “Maybe,”
Kurt huffed and began typing away on his iPhone 7.0.
“They won't tell you,” Blaine said smugly.
Kurt paused his typing and glared at Blaine. This way is better, Blaine thought. Blaine liked it when Kurt was a little mad.
“Oh! Blaine look a bunny!” Kurt pointed into the middle of the road.
Blaine gasped and swerved to the side of the road, missing the bunny by inches.
“You almost gave me a heart attack!” Blaine said exasperatedly.
Kurt frowned and leaned his head against the window.
Blaine squinted ahead and said, “We're almost there,”
Kurt sat up and grinned, leaning forward more on his seat.
They drove up a hill surrounded by trees, and Kurt gasped when they reached the top.
“Oh, Blaine! It's where we went on our first date!” Kurt exclaimed.
Blaine smiled and said, “I'm glad you remember,”
“How could I forget!”
And Kurt was right, how could anyone forget this magnificent place? A single picnic table stood in a grassy park full of life. There were many gardens surrounding the area, grown by the families that lived around here. On their first date, Kurt and Blaine laid in the grass and stared at the clouds, occasionally eating one of the tea sandwiches that Kurt had made. They both picked the fruits and flowers of the garden, and Kurt decorated Blaine's unruly hair with daisies. They both agreed that they could spend the rest of their lives here.
Blaine quickly ran around his car to open the passenger side door.
“What a gentleman,” Kurt said, and Blaine bowed like a prince.
Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and ran towards the lone picnic table.
“Why such a hurry?” Kurt asked while being dragged.
“The sunset!” Blaine said curtly.
When they were at a better view of the picnic table, Kurt squealed.
“Blaine! Its wonderful!”
The picnic table was adorned with roses, daisies, azaleas, lilacs, and others Kurt didn't know the name of. There was a candle in the middle of the table and two plate settings.
Blaine pretended to pull out a chair for Kurt, who curtsied and sat down.
Blaine walked around the table and pulled out a cooler from under the table.
“You really planned this out well, didn't you?” Kurt asked cheerfully.
“With a little help,” Blaine said as he unwrapped plastic wrap off plates and put them onto their place mats.
Blaine put on his best waiter impersonation and said, “Tonight's special is Chicken Florentine, chicken in a creamy spinach alfredo sauce with mushrooms and fettuccine noodles. Bon appetit!”
Kurt smiled and said, “Why, thank you monsieur. Its my favorite,”
“Oh, what a coincidence!” Blaine said mock-confoundedly.
“Champagne, my dear?” He asked as he pulled out a bottle and glasses from the cooler.
“Yes, please,” Kurt found this all quite amusing.
Blaine pulled off the cork with great strength and champagne bubbles shot into the air, Kurt clapped daintily. Blaine's hands trembled as he poured champagne into their glasses.
After about ten minutes, Kurt exclaimed, “What a beautiful sunset to go with a fantastic dinner,”
Blaine smiled and put his hands in Kurt's, “And with a wonderful person,”
Kurt kissed Blaine from across the table, “I love you, Blaine,”
Blaine grinned nervously and replied, “I love you, too.” This is it, this is your moment, Blaine thought to himself.
“Kurt, I've loved you for a really long time. I knew you were different from the moment I saw you, good different. Then we started to get to know each other, and you became my best friend. I wanted more than that, though. And then we kissed, and I knew that I wanted to be able to kiss you whenever I wanted to. And I fell in love. We survived high school together; the bullies, the drama, the hardship. I just wanted to protect you from everything, even though I know you can protect yourself quite well,” Blaine chuckled nervously and breathed deeply.
He continued, “We even went to the same college in New York, along with Rachel, and we never grew apart like others predicted. I-I've actually wanted to do this for a while.”
Kurt squeezed Blaine's hands tighter and began, “Blaine, w-what-”
But Blaine cut in. He looked deep into Kurt's brown doe eyes and said,
“Kurt, I love you. Will you marry me?”
Kurt sat in shock for a moment, never taking his eyes away from Blaine.
He opened his mouth to speak a few times before actually saying anything,
“B-Blaine,” Oh god, what have I done? Why would he want to marry me? I don't even have a job or money or a good ca-Kurt interrupted Blaine's thoughts, “Of course! Oh god, yes! Yes! A billion times yes!”
“Really?!” Blaine exclaimed.
“Of course! Are you trying to talk me out of it?” Kurt laughed.
Blaine smiled brighter than he had in his entire life. He grabbed Kurt by the waist and spun him around. Kurt threw his arms around Blaine's shoulders and kissed him as the last sliver of the sun disappeared.
The only thing that stopped their embrace was Blaine pausing to rummage through his jacket pockets to find a small, black velvet box.
“I almost forgot,” Blaine said, fumbling to get the box open. Inside, was a white gold engagement band. Kurt gasped. “Oh, Blaine! You didn't have to do that, it must have cost a fortune!”
Blaine shrugged and said quietly, “Look at the inside,”
Kurt took the ring out of it's box and squinted in the darkness. It read, Oh, there you are,
Kurt gasped again and threw his arms around Blaine.
Kurt slipped the ring onto his hand and gazed back and forth from the ring to Blaine.
“I love you,” Kurt whispered.
“More than you'll ever know,” Blaine put his hands around Kurt's face and they melted into each other's arms.