March 2, 2012, 9:34 p.m.
March 2, 2012, 9:34 p.m.
“Oh haha very funny.” Blaine sneered. Kurt laughed and Blaine pulled him down onto the bed. He smiled and pressed a chaste kiss on Kurt’s lips. Kurt decided that it wasn’t enough, so he took it up a notch. He rolled over on top of Blaine and swiped his tongue against his lip. Blaine moaned and let their tongues dance together.
They kissed like this for a while, Kurt on top of Blaine, tongues dancing together like a dance they had rehearsed a thousand times before. Blaine was soon aware of the growing problem in Kurt’s pants and his own. He shifted slightly and their cocks brushed through the fabric.
They simultaneously moaned and rutted against each other more.
“K-kurt…I-I’m so close…” Blaine brokenly moaned into Kurt’s mouth. He bucked his hips hard into Kurt’s and Kurt mewled. Their passionate kissed turned into pure lust. It was all teeth and tongue and no sweetness was left. They rubbed their erections a few more times together and Kurt howled as he came.
His cry sent Blaine tumbling over the edge, mumbling incoherent things mixed with Kurt’s name. He came long and hard and swore he saw stars. He lay there for a minute and when he opened his eyes, Kurt was gone.
Kurt teleported quickly back to his small cottage. The slid open the rice paper door and threw himself on the floor. His grandmother came out of her room over to him and kneeled down.
“Kurt, whatever could be wrong?” She asked him, her voice smooth for a change.
“Oh, Gran! I think I’ve fallen for Blaine!” Kurt started to brokenly sob. His grandmother rubbed his back soothingly.
“Blaine…that one child you are always going off to see?” He grandmother’s voice was back to the old croak.
“Y-yes. That’s the one.” Kurt wiped his eyes.
“Kurt…there is something I need to tell you.” His grandma kissed his forehead.
“What is it, Gran?” Kurt cocked his head to the side.
“Come, I shall tell you in my room.” She got up and walked back into her room. Kurt followed and slowly shut the door.
“What is it you need to share with me, Gran?” Kurt sat down across from her, crisscross-applesauce.
“There is a way to become human. To drop all duties as a correspondence,” Kurt’s eyes brightened at the new information being laid upon him, “ But you need to find a replacement.”
“How do I get a replacement, Gran?” He asked her.
“You must make someone fall in love with you, enough that they will want to come here with you.” His grandma told him. His face went pale and he froze. What if Blaine was in love with him?? He couldn’t break his heart!
“G-gran…I-I’m in love with Blaine.” He looked at her, his mouth gaping.
“Well, you may have to go behind his back…or tell him straight to his face.” His gran shrugged her shoulders. He needed to decide what he was going to do.
Blaine walked into his room from the kitchen. He hadn’t seen Kurt since earlier when they had their….encounter. He was starting to get worried at what Kurt had thought. Was it too fast? Too much? I really didn’t mean it…it just kinda…happened. Blaine thought to himself. He didn’t want to scare away Kurt, or hurt him. It was an accident. He wasn’t planning on it!
He plopped down on his bed and took a big bite out of his sandwich. He didn’t know what to do. His phone started to ring. He looked at it and saw who is was. Incoming Call From: Wes. Blaine sighed and picked up the phone.
“Hey, Wes.”
"Hey, bro. Everything alright? You sent me a weird text saying you did something wrong..?"
Wait…he did? He checked his messages and sure enough, he did.
“Oh, yeah. I’m fine now! Ahahah..”
"Oh, okay. Just making sure, B."
“Yeah yeah…I’m fine. I promise…” Blaine trailed off.
"Sure sure, B. Well, I gotta go! Jennette is getting all weird on me! Later bro!"
And with that, he hung up. Blaine didn’t even know Wes was still with her! He quickly finished his sandwich and dosed off.
*Initiate Dream*
Kurt gently kissed him. They both seemed to be naked, erections constantly brushing. Both of them moaning each other’s name. Teeth, tongue, brushing, rutting, licking, touching. All these things seemed to be happening. It was too much for Blaine! So much stimulation….
*End Dream*
Blaine sat up and was quickly aware of how painfully hard he was. He groaned and got up to go to his bathroom. He leaned over the toilet and started to lazily pump at the painful erection in his hand. He thought of Kurt. How perfect he was. His smooth, pale skin. The milky quality of it. He started to pump faster now.
He kept thinking of Kurt. Everything Kurt. He soon came hard once again. He almost collapsed and panted. He cleaned himself up and went back to laying in his bed. Could this thing really work with Kurt? Just as he thought that, Kurt appeared and said something.
“Blaine? I need to talk to you about something…..”