May 7, 2012, 7:40 p.m.
May 7, 2012, 7:40 p.m.
“Really, Blaine, it’s for the best.” His mother stood there in a tan dress and black stockings, impatiently tapping her 1100 dollar Jimmy Choo heels against the cement on the front porch of the Hummel’s house with her arms crossed.
“We’ll see you later, bud.” His father stood and straightened out his Armani Collezioni suit and fixed his tie. They both walked over to their separate BMW’s and drove off toward the courthouse. Blaine let a few tears fall. He wanted them to get along and to stop fighting.
“C’mon kiddo, let’s get inside.” Burt’s eyes were filled with sadness for the small, curly haired boy. Kurt took Blaine’s hand and smiled at him, trying to cheer him up even a little, but failing when Blaine hung his head again and turned to go inside. Burt had put on Lady and the Tramp for them to keep them in the living room as him and Elizabeth made dinner and talked about what was going on with Blaine and how they could try to help the situation.
“Poor kid, he’s so young. Only 6! Isn’t this a little much?” Burt said as he threw the uncooked noodles into the boiling water.
“I know-set the timer for five minutes-but he doesn’t really know what’s going on. Should we try to explain a little of it to him?” Elizabeth swiftly moved around the kitchen, prepping the salad and making sure the sauce didn’t go above the proper temperature.
“I’m not sure, I mean, he’s so little! Poor kid! I hope he doesn’t need therapy in his teen years! You know all that stuff about childhood trauma can lead to all that horrible stuff-“
“Burt! Honey shh! He’ll be fine. I’m sure of it.” She smiled at her husband. He returned her smile and they easily fell back into a comfortable conversation. Meanwhile, in the living room, Kurt and Blaine were sitting on the couch curled up together in a blanket. Blaine had completely forgotten about his parents and was completely encompassed in the movie. Right when the movie ended, Burt had come into the living room.
“Dinner’s ready boys.” He smiled warmly at them.
“Okay, Dad! We’re coming!” Kurt jumped up and grabbed Blaine’s hand and led him to the table. They took their usual places and were quite excited as Elizabeth put their small plates of food in front of them. They all talked about random things, easily slipping from one subject to another. By the time Kurt and Blaine were done with dinner, they were stretching out and yawning. They rubbed their eyes simultaneously, making Burt and Elizabeth laugh quietly.
“Alright, boys. Time for bed.” Elizabeth smiled as Burt wrapped his arm around her. Both boys sleepily nodded and headed upstairs. They got into their pajamas and climbed into Kurt’s bed. They soon were asleep.
“Look at them,” Elizabeth whispered to her husband, “aren’t they adorable?
“Yeah, I’m happy they moved here. I thought they were going to be rich assholes you know?” Burt laughed quietly.
“Burt!” Elizabeth playfully slapped his arm and they laughed a little. With one last goodnight to the sleeping boys, Burt and Elizabeth went to go ready themselves for bed.
Kurt was woken up by Blaine’s screams of terror and pain. He jolted upright and looked around for the source quickly spotting little Blaine curled in a ball squeezing his little stuffed cat tightly and crying into it.
“Blaine! Blaine wake up!” Kurt shook Blaine, desperately trying to wake him. After a few tried, Blaine’s eyes shot open and he sat up quickly.
“Oh, Kurt!” He hugged Kurt tightly and began to sob violently into his shoulder.
“Shh…it’s okay Blainers,” Kurt rubbed his back soothingly, “what happened?”
“I had a nightmare…” Blaine sniffed and rubbed his nose, “And you were in it. We were running away from something a-and,” Blaine’s voice rose in pitch, “it got you and took you away!!” He cried harder into Kurt.
Kurt rubbed Blaine’s back a little more, “But it didn’t get me. See? I’m right here.” Kurt smiled.
“I was so scared Kurty. I never ever want to lose you!” Blaine hugged Kurt tighter.
“You never will, I promise.” Kurt kissed Blaine’s wild curls. Kurt had ended up rocking Blaine and himself back to sleep after Blaine had fully calmed from the nightmare. They slept for the rest of the night.
School. Second grade to be exact. Normally Kurt would be clinging on to his mom and dad’s legs, begging them to let him stay home just one more day! But no, he was actually excited. Not because of new friends, but because Blaine was also starting second grade.
“Are people nice here, Kurt?” Blaine looked up at Kurt with huge, round eyes.
Kurt laughed, “Of course, Blaine!” Just then, little Rachel came running up to them. She gave Kurt a huge hug before looking shyly at Blaine.
“Hi guys!” She smiled widely at the two small boys.
“Hey Rach!” Kurt smiled back equally as wide while Blaine just waved at her. Next came Mercedes and Tina.
“Kurt! Blaine!” Mercedes wrapped her arms around both of the boys, squeezing all the air out of them.
*cough* “Her Cedes!” *cough* Kurt coughed again. She let go and apologized. Tina came up and gave Kurt a quick hug.
“So, let’s go play!” Kurt grinned and grabbed Blaine’s hand, “C’mon! The playground is the best! Oooo! Let’s go on the swings! They’re my favorite!”
Blaine and Kurt ended up being on the swings whenever they could; it was their favorite thing to do! Before they knew it, their first say of second grade had ended.
“Hey kiddos! How was your first day?” Burt asked both boy as they came bouncing out of the classroom.
“It was really great, Dad! We had so much fun! We played on the swings!” Kurt was smiling widely at his father.
“Yeah! I love the swings!” Blaine was still excited that he had completed the first day of school unharmed and not bothered.
“I’m glad you guys had fun! Hmmm..how does ice cream sound?” Elizabeth chuckled as both of the boys froze and excitement slowly took over their features. They both squealed in delight and took off toward the car to go get a frozen, sugary treat.