May 7, 2012, 7:40 p.m.
May 7, 2012, 7:40 p.m.
Kurt stood in front of Blaine’s door and waited for someone to answer. The door opened and Kurt saw Blaine’s dad.
“Hi Mr. Anderson!” Kurt smiled at him.
“Hello there Kurt! Are you looking for Blaine?” Blaine’s dad smiled back.
“Yeah! Could you please get him for me?”
“Of course! I’ll go get him now.”
“Thanks!” Kurt shouted after him. He waited for a few seconds before the door swung open again and Blaine tackle-hugged him.
“Kuuuurrrtttyy!!!” He laughed as he held on tight to Kurt.
“Blainers! I missed you!” Kurt hugged him equally as tight.
“Wanna go play??” Blaine jumped around.
“Wait Wait Wait! I have to ask you something!” Kurt was holding Blaine’s hands and they were jumping together “ Wanna come to my birthday party?? It’s next weekend!”
“Yes!!” Blaine squealed, “ imma get you the best present ever!” Kurt laughed.
“So, wanna go play house with my dolls?” Kurt looked at him hopefully.
“Let’s go!” Blaine said as he grabbed Kurt’s hand and ran to Kurt’s house. As soon as they had gotten inside, they ran straight upstairs and began to play. They played dolls and dressed up until Blaine had to go home. When he got inside his house, he ran around his house looking for his parents. As he ran past his parent’s room, he heard crying.
“Mommy?” He poked his head in through the door. She looked up at him, her face stained with tears and mascara.
“Yeah, Blaine?” She sniffed, “What do you need sweetie?”
He walked into her room, “A-are you okay?”
“Oh yes honey, I’m fine. Just…crying over dumb things.” She wiped her eyes.
“Oh,” Blaine looked down, “Where’s Papa?”
He won’t be coming home tonight.”
“Why not?” He looked at her with sadness quickly filling his eyes.
“He…” His mother paused trying to find a viable excuse, “he had to work late! He’ll be home tomorrow sweetie.” She smiled at him.
“Oh…okay. I’m gonna go to sleep. I love you, mommy! Goodnight!” He said as he quickly kissed her on the cheek then ran off toward the bathroom to brush his teeth. After that, he got changed into pajamas and went to lie down. He laid there awake, seeing if his father would come home tonight. After about half an hour, his eyes began to close. He was so tired because of playing at Kurt’s all day. Just as he was about to drift off into sleep, he heard the door slam open. He sat up, Papa was home! He was about to get out of bed and run to him, but then he heard him yelling.
When Papa yells, it means you’re in big trouble. Blaine settled himself under the covers again. Maybe momma did something wrong. Blaine’s grasp on his blankets tightened as he heard clanging and then one loud BANG! He pulled the covers over his head. He was terrified. He curled into a ball when his door opened. He breathed out in relief when he saw it was his mom. Her eye looked funny, it was turning purple.
“Get your blankets and your little stuffed kitty. We need to take you somewhere else.” She panted out.
“W-what happen?” He asked as he began to gather his stuff. What was going on?
“Papa is mad right now… You’re going to be going over to Kurt’s while he calms down.” She grabbed his hand and quickly led him out of their house and over to Kurt’s. Blaine was so scared, he had no clue what was going on! After his mom said goodbye and dropped him off, he went straight to Kurt’s room and crawled in bed with him.
“Mmm tryna sweep….” Kurt mumbled as Blaine hugged him.
“K-Kurty…please wake up.” Blaine whispered. He didn’t want Kurt to know he was crying. Kurt turned over and Blaine buried his head in his blanked.
“B-blainers? Are you okay?” Kurt looked at him with worry-filled eyes.
“No…I think my mommy is in trouble by my papa. Her face was all purple like yours when she came to get me.” He bit his lip. Was his mommy okay?
“Really?” Kurt was astonished, “ But your papa seems so nice! Wait, Blaine? Are you crying?”
Blaine looked up at Kurt, tears shining in his eyes, “Y-Yes!” his voice cracked and he held onto Kurt tightly as he cried into his chest. Kurt held him and gently stroked his hair.
“Shhh..shhh Blaine. It will be okay. I promise,” Kurt lifted Blaine’s head so he could wipe away some of the tears. He leaned in and pressed a small kiss to Blaine’s cheek, “Just go to sleep, Blainers. We’re gonna have fun tomorrow!” Kurt smiled, trying to brighten the mood.
Blaine sniffed, “Okay, Kurty…Goodnight.” He snuggled into Kurt and fell asleep almost instantly with Kurt soon following.
The next week went by surprisingly quick. Blaine had ended up staying at Kurt’s house and having Burt go get some of his clothes. His parents were still fighting. Burt had taken Blaine aside one day and told him about what was going on with his parents
It was a seemingly normal day at the Hummel’s house. Blaine was outside with Kurt, playing tea party. Kurt was just pouring the imaginary tea into his cup when Burt came outside.
“Blaine?” Burt called to Blaine and Blaine looked up at him, “can you come over here for a second?”
Blaine nodded and got up. He ran over to him, “Am I in trouble?”
Burt shook his head, “No, you aren’t. Blaine…your parents are..well they aren’t getting along very well right now. Your mom told me you would need a place to stay for a little, so I volunteered. I’m gonna go pick up some of your clothes. Do you want to come with to get anything?” Blaine shook his head. He had his blanky and his kitty. He was perfectly content, “Alright..” Burt walked off in the direction of Blaine’s house. Blaine went back over to Kurt and sat there, lifelessly. Mommy and Papa are fighting? But…why? That was the main question he had in his head, why.
“Blainers? You okay?” Kurt looked worriedly at him.
“Yeah, I’m fine Kurty.” He tried his best to smile.
“Oh, okay… Here is your cookie.” Kurt smiled widely at him. Blaine took a bite out of it.
“This is delicious, Kurty!! Can I have more??” He forgot about what had just happened with Burt, and he began to act like nothing had happened at all.
“Of course you can” Kurt laughed. They continued to play tea party for a little before they rubbed their eyes, yawned and went inside to watch a movie and take their naps. Burt smiled when he went to check on them and saw Blaine cuddling with Kurt on the couch. He turned off the TV and covered them in a blanket.
*end flashback*
Blaine furrowed his brow as he thought about it. Why was his mommy in trouble? He was snapped out of his thoughts when Kurt gently shook him.
“Blainers? You okay? You’re all spacey!” Kurt’s wide, blue eyes made Blaine smile.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking bout stuff.” Blaine shrugged.
“Oh. Okay!” Kurt smiled and went back to coloring his picture. Blaine turned back to his and began to work hard on it, desperately trying to stay in the lines. This was going to be part of Kurt’s present. He was carefully formulating the other part. He continued to color the picture of Tweety Bird, not caring what colors he used. When he was finished, he took it and ran off to find Burt. He was running down the hall when he ran right into Burt and fell over.
“Whoa bud! Watch out! Don’t wanna hurt you.” Burt chuckled and helped Blaine off the floor.
“Burt? I-I need your help with Kurt’s present.” Blaine handed the picture to Burt, “ I know he is called Tweety, but I call him Pavarotti.” Blaine blushed a little.
Burt took the picture and looked at it. It looked like Blaine had tried really hard to stay in the lines, but a lot of the color was scribbled all over the page. Burt smiled at it and looked at him, “Do you want me to hide it from Kurt?” Burt laughed when Blaine violently nodded.
“Could I have a regular piece of paper? I wanna draw Kurt a picture.” Blaine blushed a little more. Burt smiled again at the boy and got him a piece of plain paper.
“Here you go, kiddo.”
“Thanks Burt!” Blaine said as he set off back to Kurt’s room. He ran inside of his room and Kurt jumped.
“Hey, Blainers. Where did you go?” Kurt furrowed his brow.
“Oh, nowhere.” Blaine smiled at Kurt. Kurt shrugged and went back to his picture. Blaine sat down and picked up the black crayon and set to work on his picture, making sure Kurt didn’t see.
Today was it, the day of the party. Kurt was fixing his big, black bowtie and his little blue tux as he told Blaine that he should wear the little black one Kurt had picked out for him. Blaine kept refusing, but eventually agreed when Kurt had used his big blue eyes on him. He put the suit on and had Kurt help him with his bow tie. Kurt smiled and kissed him on his cheek before he skipped off to go meet the few people he had invited.
Blaine was smiling widely as all of Kurt’s friends fawned over him. Kurt was a giggling mess when Blaine tried to get away from all the girls, but then they had followed him around. One small girl with long brown hair, Rachel, was particularly interested in him. The other two girls, Mercedes and Tina, were sitting at the table with Kurt’s small cake waiting for Rachel to come over. Kurt ended up pulling Rachel away from Blaine and making her sit on the opposite side of the table while Blaine got the special seat next to the birthday boy. They all had fun as they laughed, ran around, ate cake, and just did all the things little kids should do!
When Rachel, Mercedes, and Tine left, Kurt and Blaine headed up to his room so Blaine could give Kurt his special gift.
Blaine walked Kurt to the middle of his room and pointed to the floor, “Sit here, I’ll be right back!” and with that he ran off to find Burt, leaving Kurt sitting there confused. He came back shortly after he left holding two pieces of paper.
“What’s that, Blaine?” Kurt looked at the pictures in his hand.
“Th-they’re picture I made…for you.” He blushed and stuck the hand with the pictures out to Kurt. Kurt picked them up and looked at the one of Tweety first.
“Ahw! Tweety!” Kurt smiled at the picture.
“A-actually I changed his name…I named him Pavarotti.” Blaine blushed as Kurt got up and gave him a big hug.
“I love it!” Kurt squealed and looked at the next picture. His eyes went wide. It was a hand-drawn picture of two people. One had chestnut hair while the other had dark brown hair. They were holding hands. Kurt looked at Blaine’s bright red face, “B-Blaine? Is this us?” Blaine nodded sheepishly. Kurt’s heart swelled, he had never felt this way about someone. He leaned over and pecked Blaine on the cheek. Blaine giggled and Kurt smiled. They both got dressed into their PJ’s and hopped into Kurt’s bed. Kurt laid his head on Blaine’s chest and listened to the soft beating of his heart. His eyes drooped closed and he let himself fall into peaceful sleep.
In the next few months, Blaine had ended up moving back home. His parents were getting a divorce and explaining to him that they just didn’t get along anymore. Blaine had of course burst into tears and gone to Kurt’s. When he had returned to his house later, he went straight to his room and didn’t come out for the rest of the night. He was happy he didn’t have school because he didn’t want to do anything.
Burt and Elizabeth ended up planning Blaine’s 6th birthday party because of Blaine’s parents’ divorce. Blaine didn’t want that many people, just Kurt. When the party was starting, Blaine and Kurt were sitting at Kurt’s small table. Kurt was sitting on the other side of the table, wildly blushing.
“Kurt? Are you okay? Your face is all red.” Blaine was worried. Is Kurt mad at him? He hadn’t talked to him all day and Blaine didn’t know why.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” Kurt looked down at his hands. After Blaine had opened the gifts he got, a blue yoyo from Burt, a green car from Elizabeth, and some money from his parents, Kurt had approached him with his hands behind his back.
“Hey Kurt! Are you mad at me?” Blaine big hazel eyes locked with Kurt’s. Kurt blushed even harder.
“No..I have a gift for you.” Kurt looked away, face burning, as he held out the gift for Blaine. Blaine took it and carefully studied it. It was pink and blue with small letter beads that said ‘I love you Blainers” on them. Blaine looked up at Kurt and then wrapped him in a tight hug.
“Thank you, Kurty. I love you too.” Blaine smiled wider when Kurt tightened his hold on Blaine. Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hand and ran into Kurt’s house, up the stairs, and to Kurt’s room. They were both laughing as Blaine picked Kurt up and put him on the bed. Blaine hopped on the bed next to Kurt and snuggled into him. Blaine put his head up and gave Kurt a lingering kiss on his cheek. This had been his best birthday ever.