To Love Your Enemy
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To Love Your Enemy : Gucci

E - Words: 6,816 - Last Updated: Jan 11, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jan 11, 2014 - Updated: Jan 11, 2014
135 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I just want to say that I do not condone the behaviour Blaine displayed in this fanfic if it were to happen in the real world. In fact, I barely condone it in my own fanfic, but given that I have developed the entire plot for this, the behaviour Blaine showed was essential to the plot (as much as it makes me mad at myself)

The weeks passed and the end of the month fast approached. The night before the Gucci Summer Collection show was when it sunk in for Kurt. All that stood in the way from meeting the mysterious Blaine Anderson was tonight. He was nervous; there was no way of denying it to himself, even if he spent the entire evening convincing his roommates that he was fine.

What didnt help is that he wasnt going to get an early night. That much was apparent when he heard the familiar squeak of Santanas bed being wheeled out of Finchels area. He groaned to himself as he turned over in his bed, facing towards his opaque maroon curtain. Right on cue, the curtain was pulled back with great force and Santana aggressively pushing her bed to the foot of Kurts. She strutted over to the curtain and yanked it back over, as they both tried to ignore the moans coming from two curtains over.

Santana threw herself onto Kurts bed and wrapped her arm around his waist. At first, Kurt raised an eyebrow at her before burying his face into her shoulder and let out a stressful sigh. Santana quietly spoke, "I know that youre not looking forward to tomorrow."

"I just-" Kurt murmured, "What if something goes wrong?"

Santana began to speak until she was cut off by a moan and a series of bed spring squeaks. They could tell that Finn and Rachel were trying to be quiet but there was only so far that one could be quiet in that situation. She waited for the noise to die down before speaking again, "It wont. Ill be there, Hummel. I will go all Lima Heights on that asshole if he deliberately goes out of his way to ruin this for you. Its your first time at Gucci, so dont think about him and make the most of it."

Kurt nodded into the pillow. He knew that Santana was right. There he was, worrying about his rivals actions when he knew deep down that with her there, he wouldnt dare put a toe out of line. Kurt got lost in his thoughts, laying in silence save for the noises at the other end of the apartment. It wasnt until it all died down that either of them spoke again. Santana said quietly, "What happened to your inner diva? Modelling has made you soft, Hummel. 5, 6, 7 years ago, you were battling against Berry for solos all the time. In fact, even just 6 months ago, you were strutting down the Vogue catwalk as if you owned it. Where has that spark gone?"

Kurt mumbled, "I dont know. I guess its just nerves. Its not every day you meet your rival after all."

"Hummel, look at me," Kurt raised an eyebrow in response to that demand seeing as he hadnt turned his head since Santana joined him, "If he does anything bad, it will only damage his reputation, not yours. If he wants to be a dick about it then so be it, but it wont reflect badly on you."

"But, what if hes more attractive in person?" Kurt asked sheepishly.

That was the moment it clicked in Santanas head. She couldnt believe she hadnt made the link before, what with Kurt constantly defending Blaine and the many times she had caught him "checking up" on the competition. Santanas eyes widened, "Oh my god. You like him. Youre intimidated by him because you like him. Thats why you cant bitch about him with me, because you cant bring yourself to do it."

Kurt could feel his cheeks heating up, "I dont like him, Santana. I just have a little crush.

"Its the same thing."

"No, its not. A crush is about the idea or fantasy of a relationship with them. Liking someone requires you to know the person and everything they have to offer," Kurt argued, but he knew it was no use, because once Santana knew or believed something, it was never lived down. Kurt would admit that she had toned it down quite a bit, except when it came to his love life apparently. He sighed as he continued, "On Twitter and Tumblr and fanfiction websites, I see people wanting us to be together and photo edits of us two, or manips as they seem to call them, and I dont know. In a way, it could make sense."

Santana sat up, causing Kurt to sit up too so he could look her in the eyes as they continued the conversation. He could tell it was going to turn into something deep and meaningful just by the way Santanas eyes had glazed over a little bit, like they always did before a serious conversation. A few years ago, Kurt wouldnt have known that, but she was one of his best friends now, and as much as Santana didnt like to be open, she could be read like a book by the people close to her.

She sighed quietly, "When did you realise you have a crush on him? Was it before or after you first found all this shipping?" Kurt raised an eyebrow at that before she clarified, "Thats the technical term for members of a fanbase wanting two people together, whether they actually are or not."

Kurt shook his head. He didnt even understand how a model could have a fanbase as it was and yet, here he was. It was fame in an unconventional way and he hated being in the limelight at times.

"Well," he replied, "It was before I went online to see all of it, even before I knew there were forums dedicated to us, never mind all the other crap."

"But you found that out just a week after his first magazine shoot?"

Kurt bit his lip and looked down, becoming embarrassed and coy. He was sure that his face was beginning to resemble that of a red traffic light, emitting its own light source in the darkness of their apartment. His voice was quiet to not attract Rachels attention, because he was sure that she might be listening in now, "I know, I know. But despite him resenting me ever since, theres always been that mild attraction to him. I know wed never be together. I hate his attitude after all and Im sure his personality matches. I mean, if the shoe fits. You have nothing to worry about, but those photo edits make us look good together so I can fantasise about him being a good guy. But it wont happen, Santana. Never."

Santana let an honest smile spread across her face, "I just want you to be happy, Hummel. Anyway, sometimes a little attraction to the competition never hurt anybody. Just dont let him distract you, or get on your nerves either for that matter," she pulled Kurt into a hug, "I will support you with whatever decision you make with any relationship. You know that. Just dont let Rachel in on this, okay?"

Kurt laughed as he lay back down again, Santana mirroring his movement, "Love you, Santana."

"I know," she gave Kurt the opportunity to roll his eyes before continuing, "I love you too. Youre going to kill it tomorrow because your diva side is going to make a return. I can sense it."

Kurt chuckled lightly as a yawn threatened to break out, "I really hope youre right."

They lay in silence for a few minutes before Santanas breathing changed. Kurt knew she was asleep. This was a common occurrence following Finchel sex; Santana would stay here for the night as she couldnt deal with the afterglow and extra cuteness that they appeared to exuded in the sleeping afterglow. Sometimes, much like tonight, Santana would forget to move back into her own bed and, as much as Kurt loved Santana, he still didnt want to be sharing a bed with a woman. At least Santana never moved in her sleep and would remain tucked up in the ball she was currently positioned in for the entire night. It made it a little easier for Kurt as he turned over, slipped under his comforter and pretended that she wasnt there at all.

It was a few hours before Kurt felt his eyelids start to droop, and even then he knew he wouldnt fall asleep anytime soon, if at all tonight. His mind was reeling in thoughts of Blaine Anderson and how such a mysterious-looking man (Teen Vogue was right in saying hes subtly sexy) could have such a cold heart. All the badasses he had come across in his lifetime had turned out to have a soft side: Santana, Puck & his brother, Sue Sylvester, even Lauren Zizes to some extent. Yet since day one, Blaine hadnt shown even the slightest element of letting his guard down.

As Kurt thought about it, he began to think that there are people like Blaine Anderson in this world. There are always going to be people who are too arrogant to realise that they arent the centre of the world. That was Kurts last thought as tiredness outweighed his worry and he drifted off to sleep.

Blaine strutted down the corridor, sunglasses on, leather jacket slung over shoulder, coffee in his hand, with Nick and Jeff in tow. He had insisted that if anyone was to do his makeup for this event, it would be Jeff. Gucci didnt complain seeing as Jeff was a freelance makeup artist, hired for certain events by any fashion businesses or sometimes even for television and film. Nick, meanwhile, was there for the same reason that Santana was there for Kurt, as his assistant for the day.

The grey corridor was lined with white doors and fluorescent lighting, with fashion designers and event coordinators rushing around in the flurry of excitement that was a seasonal collection showcase. Blaines eyes darted to each door in search of the sticker with his name.

Chandler Kiehl: timid, cowardly, overly geeky, new to the fashion world; Blaine knew he wouldnt last much longer.

Eli Collins: his muscles bulged under whatever he wore and he couldnt follow instructions; Blaine shuddered at the memory of his one-night stand, but knew that Eli would avoid him at all costs. His muscles may have been large, but Eli knew that Blaine had enough sass and attitude to sink a battleship.

Elliot Gilbert: Too over-the-top, especially since he released an album; maybe he should stick to singing instead.

Kurt Hummel: Blaine paused at the door and almost decided to go in, finally able to face his main rival. He decided against it for now and opted to go get dressed into the best outfit in the collection so he could gloat to his nemesis.

He turned to look at the door behind him, seeing his name and entering without knocking, knowing that Raul would be waiting for him. Except Raul wasnt waiting for him.

Instead, Blaine was met with a short blonde woman, flicking through Time magazine. That with a combination of her thick-rimmed glasses, Blaine was almost certain she wasnt going to take any crap.

Blaine stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of her, Jeff and Nick bumping into him as he stood in the centre of the doorway. Blaine ignored their mumbles of irritation and instead focused on what this meant. The only words Blaine could find was, "Youre not Raul."

The woman looked up from the magazine before tossing it aside onto the sofa, "No, Im not. Im Stella," she stood and raised a hand for Blaine to shake, who reluctantly accepted, "I can assure you that Raul will come to see you when he gets the chance. Hes just dealing with the signature design right now, but will be joining us shortly."

"Hes dealing with the signature design? But this is Gucci? I always have the signature design. Who even- Oh! I see," Blaine spluttered as he came to terms with what was happening.

Before he even had the chance to think, Blaine had spun around, pushed his coffee into Nicks hand, and was now banging on Kurt Hummels door, "Hummel, open up! I know youre behind this!"

Blaine wasnt surprised when the door was swung open to be faced with Santana Lopez. Of course Santana Lopez would be there; what else was he meant to expect? Santana was giving him her best bitch smirk, a smirk that Blaine didnt feel had any effect on him at all. She said flatly, "Hello there, Anderson. What a pleasant surprise. I mean, who wouldnt want the presence of an asshole in their dressing room?"

"Thats rich coming from you," Blaine replied, "Wheres Hummel? He needs to switch outfits with me."

Santana blocked the doorway as Blaine tried to get in, "Oh, no no no. You see, Kurt has rightfully earned his spot in modelling and doesnt need to act more obnoxious than the Biebs to even get a little recognition in his career. So how about you and your minions return across the hall to your Im the victim here party and maybe learn how to act like a decent human being before I go all Lima Heights. Understand?"

"Oh please, you havent been back to Lima in 3 years. As if you even remember how Lima Heights is."

Santana took a step forward, her teeth gritted, "Now you listen to me, Ander-"

"Santana," a high male voice resounded from further into the room, "be nice. Hes just upset is all. You cant blame him."

Santana pursed her lips before pointing a manicured finger into Blaines chest, "Count your lucky stars that Kurt has a heart of gold. Youd have been scarred for life by now if it were up to me."

"Santana, will you tie my shoe laces please? Raul says if I bend down, Ill crease the suit and hes tweaking my hair right now."

Santana called back, "Coming. You," she turned back to Blaine briefly, "you had better watch it."

And then the door was slammed in his face. For a while, he just stared at the door, anger flooding into his mind. It was only when Nick took his arm and steered him back into his dressing room that he had chosen to move, and even then it was only because he knew he only had so much time before he would be out on the runway.

Blaine knew what he had to do. He wasnt giving up that easily.

Kurt stood looking in the mirror at his outfit for the day. When Raul had described it as the "signature design", he had expected an outlandish outfit with elaborate patterns and excessive accessories. Instead, he was dressed in an ochre shirt and cobalt blue suit, with a slightly lighter blue tie and black dress shoes. He tilted his head as he examined the outfit, unsure whether or not making his hair seem windswept was a good decision on Rauls part. But he wasnt going to question it. He could tell Raul knew what he was on about and knew he was in more than capable hands.

He chewed his lip nervously as his mind suddenly began to race. 4 and a half years ago, Kurt hadnt even thought that he would be here. His life had turned around majorly, taking an odd yet enjoyable twist that he knew would one day come to end. He had heard about the risks of becoming a model and had yet to come across any, becoming very well off by way of wages with every photoshoot he had. He had beaten the odds of ever having the rumour mill misconstrue something in his life, only ever having the media cover one certain rivalry, which was very much true. He would admit that he had a lucky streak since the disappointment of a NYADA rejection.

Only all that was about to come crashing down.

He overheard the way Blaine had spoken when he had found out that Kurt was wearing the signature design, and he did not sound happy in the slightest. Santana had sorted it for now, but he knew on the runway Santana wouldnt be able to help. It didnt want to think about what would happen if Blaine was to be in the line-up directly before him or god forbid directly afterwards. He may become victim to dagger eyes or an evil smirk, anything that could catch him off guard and screw up his psyche.

There was a knock on the door. Kurt curiously called, "Who is it?"

Upon instinct, he knew it wasnt Santana because she would just storm in and had left the room to go take her seat out by the runway anyway. Raul had gone to talk to the venue owner about adjusting the lighting in the runway room. Blaine would have just stormed in and began to yell abuse at him.

The door opened tentatively and Jeff poked his head into the room, "Hey, Kurt."

Kurt smiled as he adjusted his slightly askew tie, "Oh hi. How have you been, Jeff?"

"Not too bad," Jeff stepped into the room, "I just wanted to wish you luck out there today. I get that Blaine may have sounded intimidating and I dont want that to affect you."

Kurt chuckled lightly, "Thank you for the concern, but I think Im going to be okay."

Kurt could almost see the tension from Jeffs shoulders being lifted in the reflection of the mirror. He then saw Jeff nodding in approval, "If its any consolation, you look amazing."

"Why thank you," Kurt responded, "I owe it all to Gucci, especially Raul. They certainly have an eye for fashion," he paused for a moment before adding, "something that we have in common. Will you tell Blaine good luck from me and I hope there are no hard feelings?"

Jeff replied, "I will, but I cant guarantee that there are no hard feelings. Hes basically the one fuelling the feud after all."

There was another knock on the door, a petite woman dressed completely in black with a Bluetooth earpiece hooked firmly on her ear was now in the doorway, "Were ready for you, Mr Hummel."

Kurt sighed and straightened himself out, tilting his head from side to side in hope to relieve some of the tension that had formed in his neck since he had entered the building. It was just nerves, thats all it was. Thats what he kept telling himself anyway.

When he turned around, he saw that Jeff had already left, probably to take his seat by the runway. He was hoping for Jeff to give him one last calming comment before leaving but it clearly wasnt meant to be. He walked towards the door and followed the woman out into the hallway to see all the other models waiting outside their doors with other event coordinators. The only model missing was Blaine. Kurt lightly huffed at Blaines diva-esque attitude.

Eventually, the door on the opposite side of the hallway opened, Blaine and his coordinator stepping out to stand next to them. Kurt gave Blaine a slight nod, but he was completely ignored. It didnt surprise him.

What surprised him was the sudden quick pace his pulse had adopted the second he saw Blaine Anderson in person for the first time. The theory that Blaine wasnt as attractive in person came crashing down on him like a spontaneous hailstorm. His heart both constricted and fluttered at the same time. Blaines eyes, despite the irritated expression, glowed like honey reflecting sunlight. His jaw line was well-defined, although tensed because of Kurts presence. The way the black polo shirt and ochre pants clung to his body made Kurt almost visibly squirm. And Blaines lips; Kurt shook his head to pull himself out of those thoughts before it was too late.

He reminded himself of the foul personality underneath and waited until Blaine was being led down the corridor by his coordinator, following close behind with his own. Blaine would be going just before him so Kurt had to focus on not being tripped up or shoved in passing. So long as he kept professional whilst dodging whatever would be headed his way, everything would run smoothly.

That was something he was sure of.

Blaine had chosen to ignore Hummel instead of deciding to start anything in the corridor. Once he had seen how they were ordered, he knew that he could get his own back for everything out on the runway. He stood in line in the darkness or the wings waiting for his time to come. The deep bass of the music resounded around the entire venue, the standard beat for any collection show these days.

It wasnt long before his time came. He quickly cast a smirk over his shoulder to Hummel before taking the step up into the bright spotlights of the runway. It always took a second to readjust to the sudden change in light, so he always tried to focus on finding someone he knew in the audience to gather his bearings. Just as his eyes fully adjusted, Elliot brushed passed him and off into the darkness of the other wing, leaving all the attention on Blaine.

He took a deep breath to calm his temper. He wasnt nervous. He never was. There was no reason to even be nervous when hes been in the same profession day in day out for the past four years of his life.

He began his usual strut down the runway, one hand on his hip, the other swinging at his side as he walked. Yet the anger didnt wash away. This should be Hummel here and now with him waiting in the wings in the blue and ochre clothing. He should have known better than to let his emotions get the better of him as he reached the end of the catwalk. The lack of professionalism that acting on his emotions out in the open entailed could put a permanent mark on his career.

He stood for a moment, surveying the audience gathered for the occasion. Acclaimed designers and retired models all sat in amongst magazine reporters and those related to the industry. He attempted to wear a sultry expression but he could sense that his anger was cutting through, even if it was only to people who had worked with him previously.

He transferred his weight onto the other side, switching sides with his hand-on-hip stance for turning and slowly walking back towards the wings. Thats when he saw him.

Hummel began his walk out to the end of the runway, strutting with an elegance Blaine despised with a great passion. As he passed Blaine, he did a breezy twirl, hitting their shoulders together and causing Blaine to be thrown off balance. Blaine almost fell over but managed to steady himself, but the anger boiled over and he couldnt stop himself from being unprofessional at this point.

He turned around and walked after Hummel, grinding his teeth out of hatred for the man walking in front of him. His steps broke out into a jog as he pounced on Hummel, both of them toppling to the floor. As Hummel rolled over, shock on his face and fear in his eyes, Blaine grabbed him by the shirt collar, "Is that how youre going to play this, Hummel? Trying to make me seem not up to scratch anymore?"

Hummel squeaked as Blaine tightened his grip, "I swear, Blaine, I didnt mean to-"


Before Blaine knew what he had done, he found his hand raised above his head and a bright pink splotch forming on Hummels cheek. He threw his hand down to reconnect with Hummels face, this time clenching into a fist, a clean hit on Hummels cheekbone. Blaine was mildly relieved that it wasnt hard enough to break the bone. He didnt need a lawsuit after all.

He almost stopped for the second punch once he saw the way in which tears were collecting on Hummels lower eyelashes, mascara smeared under his eyes.

It was something Blaine had always hated, the mascara they had to wear when under the lights. Guyliner he approved of, mainly because he actually looked super hot with it on. Mascara just clumps. Blaine hated the clumps.

Hummel was squirming underneath him, desperate to move away before Blaine could throw another punch. He was trying everything: kneeing Blaine in the back; pushing at his stomach; wriggling his hips. Blaine knew he had Hummel, and he knew that this advantage could help to scare Hummel out of the modelling business once and for all.

Before his hand could follow through again, someone had grabbed hold of him and pulled him off of Hummel. He was now being shoved down the runway, silence filling the room save for his and two other peoples footsteps.

Once they got into the dressing rooms corridor, they didnt stop. They kept walking to the exit. They didnt stop to allow Blaine to get changed and as soon as they were out the door, Blaines car was already waiting for him. Blaine, Nick and Jeff all climbed into the car, thankfully into the privacy of tinted windows so that he couldnt be seen.

The weirdest part of the entire situation wasnt the tension between everyone he now had to face or the media coverage that would be received. It was the regret of making Hummel feel fearful that was getting to him. He could see it now that his blind rage was over and he felt the guilty lump in his throat. He wasnt sure if he understood or simply didnt want to understand, but all he knew was that Hummels facial expression was imprinted in his mind now. The way his eyes shone with tears, almost pleading him not to lash out. The way his mouth hung open, almost suggesting that he hadnt realised what he had done, that it was an accident and he wanted to apologise for it. The way his skin became even paler, his usually rosy cheeks resembling that of crisp white snow. All of it was making Blaines head stitch the feeling of guilt and regret in his mind, and it wasnt even for his career; it was for Hummels wellbeing.

Blaine dropped his head into his hands for the rest of the car ride back to his Manhattan apartment in Chelsea, desperate for his feelings to go away and return to his usual hatred for Hummel. He wanted to not feel like a human should in this situation. He wanted to feel cold and heartless and pleased with himself for finally getting his own back after endless reasons to give Hummel what was coming to him. And yet, he couldnt stop himself from feeling the exact opposite.

The car ride was silent, and the walk up to their apartment was no different. Blaine knew hed screwed up big time. He knew that Nick and Jeff wouldnt let it be swept under the rug. As soon as they were behind closed doors, Blaine knew he was going to be given hell and he wasnt feeling guilty enough to take their tirade. He prepared himself to put on a front, pretending he was the badass of the feud before going to sulk in his bedroom because he was probably going to lose everything he currently has. Thats what the emotions were really all about. Hummel was a metaphor for his career. Thats what it was.

Blaine walked through the door that Jeff was holding open for him, Nick following behind. He didnt look back when he heard the door slam behind him, and decided to continue straight to his bedroom, wanting to get out of these clothes for the time being. It was only when Nick grabbed him by the back of the collar and shoved him into a nearby armchair that he knew he wasnt going to get away from this until a long conversation about his (out-of-control) behaviour.

For a while, they just stared at him. More silence. Just what Blaine needed. How productive of Nick and Jeff. Not.

Eventually, he grew tired of the quiet and huffed out, "Just get it over with, guys. Its not like Im going to give a damn whatever you say."

Nick threw his hands into his hair and gripped tightly, "Thats exactly the problem, Blaine. You will just sit there and pretend you listen to us and not take anything onboard. You wont say anything to us during the conversation and then youll shut yourself out from everyone for a few days pretending to be the victim."

"I dont think you understand the seriousness of the situation," Jeff said as he paced over to Nick to comfortingly snake his arm around his midriff, "Blaine, your career may be about to go down the toilet and youre just sitting there pretending that there isnt a problem. Your modelling days could be over, and good luck getting any job that requires you to be under the public eye any time soon. That includes sales and customer relations. That includes about 95% of jobs in New York."

Nick gritted his teeth as Blaine rolled his eyes, "Blaine Devon Anderson, dont you roll your eyes at us. You know fully well that this bad boy attitude is only going to lengthen the conversation."

"Why did you do it?" Jeff sighed.

Blaine clenched his hands at the memory, "He shoved me. Didnt you see it? He shoved me, and Im the bad guy here, apparently."

Jeff sighed again before moving away from his boyfriend and sitting on the arm of Blaines armchair, "I did see it. But I also saw Kurts face when he did it. He instantly regretted it. I think he just misjudged where you were. He always does that twirl mid-strut. Its his signature move. I think that you overreacted big time, especially considering you dont know the full story."

Blaine frowned, "He meant to do it. You know he meant to. He acts all innocent but hes a part of this feud too. He knew I would lose it. He knew I would react."

"Blaine," Nick said weakly as he took a seat on the other arm of the chair, "what is this really about?"

He blinked in confusion, "Excuse me?"

"What is this really about?"

"I have no idea what you mean."

Jeff cut in impatiently, "It means, like me, Nick has been reading you like a book this whole time and we know theres an ulterior motive behind it, even if you yourself dont know it yet."

"Are you actually kidding me?" Blaine replied through gritted teeth, "Are you really doing this?"

Nick responded, "We know you, Blaine. We went to the same high school, for fuck sake. When you dont open up to us completely, we know you arent. So cut the crap."

"I dont know what you want me to say," Blaine closed his eyes and began to rub the bridge of his nose in frustration.

Jeff straightened out Blaines collar, causing him to open his eyes wide and stare at Jeff, "How about you just tell us whats gotten into you? Youve never been this annoyed about the entire feud up until today. We just want to know youre okay, Blaine."

"You know what," Blaine shot up out of the chair and turned to his friends, his mind reeling in fiery anger, "You want to know whats going on? Well, fine. No one can be that perfect. Not a single person on this planet can be as perfect as Hummel and yet there he is, being all inspirational and smart and cheery and elegant and freaking beautiful all the time. Whats going on is that I have to go around knowing that hes perfect in every single way, and I have to know this even though I dont personally know him. I have to accept that Hummel is possibly the single most beautiful man that I have ever seen and I kind of just hoped I could hit it out of him and... Why are you guys staring at me like that?"

Jeff responded sheepishly, "Think about what you just said," Blaine wrinkled his brow in confusion, "you basically just admitted to having a crush on Kurt."

Blaines eyes widened, "No, I didnt. I most certainly did not. I definitely didn-"

He gripped onto a nearby bookcase before sliding down to the floor. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders but now he was panicking. He wasnt feeling this. He couldnt be feeling this. He wasnt allowed to feel this way. Hummel was his rival and yet there he was, admitting not only to Jeff and Nick, but to himself as well that he thought Kurt was beautiful and perfect. Blaine whispered to himself, "You have got to be kidding me. Stop this, Anderson. Stop right now."

He buried his head in between his knees and could feel the presence of Nick and Jeff looming on either side of him. For a long time, he didnt move. He stayed in between his knees alone with his thoughts.

If what happened at the show earlier today hadnt ruined his career, then this certainly would. He had a crush on Kurt Hummel, and there was no going back now.

Kurt lay on his bed, face down in his pillow. He wanted today to have never have happened at all. The throbbing bruise on his cheek would soon disappear but the searing angst of this day would be a memory forever, and he wasnt sure if he could bounce back from it.

He didnt cry. He refused to shed a single tear. If he had just been more careful with how he twirled, he wouldnt have accidentally nudged Blaine to begin with. He knew it was partially his fault. Santana had told him repeatedly in the car that "Anderson is a dickhead", but the fact of the matter was that after seeing Blaine in person, he could tell that deep down he was far from it. Kurt could almost see a shield in Blaines eyes as he hovered over him in his outrage. His body language may have appeared as moody and obnoxious ever since they first laid eyes on each other in the hallway, but Kurt knew that there was the real Blaine Anderson somewhere inside that just needed to break out.

Kurt heard the curtain draw back and immediately sighed, his voice muffled, "Santana, you know Im not in the mood. Just leave me here to close myself off from the world for a few more hours."

"I would do," Finn chuckled, "if my name was Santana and I wasnt concerned about you."

Kurt didnt move from his position at all. He lay completely still in hope that Finn would eventually leave him alone. He was mistaken. Instead, he felt the bed dip slightly on his left side and then a lot of awkward shifting. He could tell Finn wanted to try and comfort him but just didnt know where to begin. A surprising statement eventually slipped from Finns mouth, "I know you like Anderson."

Kurt turned his head in alarm, "Im going to kill Santana."

"Santana didnt have to tell me, Kurt. Its been obvious to me for a while now," Finn replied, "Ive learnt many things from becoming a teacher, including how to read people. It comes with the job in some respects, I guess," he turned his body slightly to face Kurt a little more, "its easy to spot once you know the signs. Look, Kurt, I cant tell you what to do. If I could, youd be carrying me everywhere on a chariot-"

Kurt burst out laughing with a smile forming on his face as a result, "You cant be serious, Finn?"

Finn let his lips tilt into his trademark half-smile, "No, I just wanted to see my bro smile. Anyway, I cant tell you what to do, but I can suggest that you should to talk to Anderson about what went down, and more importantly, why it even happened. You should also discuss a resolution to the problem, and also attempt to end whatever this feud is. It isnt healthy for either of your careers anymore, especially considering its become physical now. And if you think it will help you to get everything out in the open, you should tell him about your attraction, no matter how arrogant he seems to be," he paused for a few seconds before realising that Kurt wasnt going to reply, "Just think about it, okay?"

Without another word, Finn got up from the bed and began to walk out the partition. Kurt called after him, still lying on the bed, "Hey Finn?"


"Thank you," Kurt responded.

"Always here for you, bro," Finn murmured as he rounded the corner into the living room partition to where Rachel was probably watching a musical and Santana was probably sulking in one of their recliners because "Anderson is a dickhead" according to her.

It took a few minutes for Kurt to make a decision on how to approach the situation. He lay there as his mind flooded with memories of the day:


Is that how youre going to play this, Hummel?

Anderson is a dickhead.

You should talk to Anderson about what went down, and more importantly, why it even happened.

Attempt to end this feud.

Just think about it, yeah?


The comments rushed through his mind on a constant loop, slowly driving him insane. Eventually though, he had managed to come to a decision about how to approach the situation. He rolled over and whipped his phone out of his tracksuit trousers pocket, knowing that he was going to have to face Blaine, and the sooner it happened the better it would be.

To: Jeff Sterling

Hey Jeff, I need Blaines number - Kurt


From: Jeff Sterling

Are you sure thats wise? What even for? - Jeff


To: Jeff Sterling

Pranks... Telemarketing... Fraud... Science... - Kurt


To: Jeff Sterling

No, but seriously, its clear that we need to talk about what happened today, and Im going to give him a time and a place. But I have no contact details for him, so your help would be appreciate, Sterling - Kurt


From: Jeff Sterling

Here, Blaines number. Just dont give him the option of saying no. You have to demand that he meets you. Hell be stubborn otherwise - Jeff


To: Jeff Sterling

Thanks, and noted - Kurt 



To: Blaine Anderson

Meet me at the Starbucks on Broadway and West 51st Street at midday tomorrow.


From: Blaine Anderson

Who is this? - Blaine


To: Blaine Anderson

Youll know when you see me. Just remember, its a public place were meeting at.


From: Blaine Anderson

If this is Hummel, I swear down that Jeff is a goner - Blaine


To: Blaine Anderson

Yes, because killing a friend is going to be oh so productive. Plus, if I am indeed Hummel, I now have evidence to hold against you in court.


From: Blaine Anderson

Whatever. Midday, Broadway and West 51st. Got it - Blaine


To: Blaine Anderson

See you then.

To: Jeff Sterling

Its all set. Make sure he leaves in time to be in the Times Square area by midday - Kurt


From: Jeff Sterling

Thats a little out of your way, isnt it? - Jeff


To: Jeff Sterling

Yes but it will also be busy so the likelihood of having our conversation overheard or even being spotted is reasonably slim - Kurt


From: Jeff Sterling

Fair play, Hummel. Well discuss how it went tomorrow night - Jeff


To: Jeff Sterling

I expected nothing less - Kurt


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