Sibling Rivalry
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Sibling Rivalry: Decisions

E - Words: 1,493 - Last Updated: Jan 15, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/11 - Created: Dec 08, 2011 - Updated: Jan 15, 2012
797 0 4 0 0

A few hours later, Blaine awoke in the hospital on a stiff bed. His forehead was bandaged, along with his other few minor cuts, bruises and scrapes. He glanced to his right, and the sight of the pale boy with once flawless skin and copper colored hair was enough to make his heart break. Kurt had an oxygen mask over his face; his right leg was casted in white, with IV’s in each arm. The trauma his body had been through from not only the car wreck, but the rape as well was even more apparent under the unforgiving fluorescent lights. His cheeks were sunken in, and his forehead was creased in worry even in an induced coma. Bruises littered Kurt’s slender body that was visible to Blaine, some yellowing and fading away that uncannily resembled hand and fingerprints, and others that were obviously new.

Blaine climbed out of his bed shakily and placed himself in the chair beside Kurt’s bed. He took his hand gingerly in his own and kissed it softy, with tears sliding down his face.

”I’m so sorry, Kurt… I feel like this is my fault. But… that truck, it was in the wrong lane, and I wouldn’t have been able to do anything either way… Dammit, Kurt just please wake up. I need to see your gorgeous blue eyes, to know that you’re okay….” Blaine said quietly to his boyfriend.

Blaine read Kurt’s chart that was lying on the table. According to the paperwork, Kurt had woken up and gone into shock from everything he had been into for the past week and a half. His body couldn’t handle the stress and the trauma it had been through and the doctors were forced to induce a coma, to give his body time to adjust and start the healing process.

At that time the doctor chose to enter the room and shut the door softly behind him, “Ah, Mr. Anderson. It’s good to see you are awake, and somewhat well. I’m Dr. Bennett, and I’ve been taking care of you and your friend since your accident. Would it be alright if I brought a police officer in here and we could both ask you some questions about the accident, and a few of your friend as well?”

”Y-yes…” Blaine stammered, “I just had a quick question… Do you know who was driving the truck that hit us?”

The doctor flipped through his clipboard for a few moments before answering, “Yes, I believe it’s someone by the name of Shane Anderson? He looks incredibly like you, you must be related.”

The audible snap of Blaine’s jaw snapping shut echoed in the hospital room. “I’m ready to answer your questions, sir,” Blaine said, always polite.

An officer then entered the room and stood next to the doctor, “This is officer Krupek, and he’ll be asking most of the questions,” Dr. Bennett said.

”Can you explain to me what happened, Blaine?” officer Krupek asked kindly.

”I was driving myself and my boyfriend home, he’s been really stressed out lately, and he had a little bit of a breakdown at school. He was asleep in the back seat of my car, and I glanced back at him in my mirror and the next thing I know there’s a truck barreling towards me in the wrong lane. I guess the driver lost control of the truck and he slammed into the driver’s side of my car. My car slid on the road and it got lodged between his truck and the guardrail. I remember looking in the backseat to see how badly Kurt was heard, and then I blacked out as I heard the sirens…” Blaine answered honestly and truthfully.

The officer nodded and wrote down Blaine’s statements, then Doctor Bennett spoke. “It seems that your friend here had been through some kind of traumatic event even before the accident. Do you know anything about this?”

”Yes… but I don’t believe that it would be appropriate for me to speak of a story that is not mine to tell, especially without their permission,” Blaine replied after a bit of hesitation.

”I understand,” the doctor replied, “I’ll come speak to you both once Kurt awakens. Thank you for your time and cooperation.”

Blaine nodded and turned his attention back to Kurt as the doctor and officer left the room. He spoke softly to him, speaking in hushed tones and encouraging him to wake up.

After a while, he stood and made his way over to his brother’s room, Shane was wide awake and seemingly okay.

”Oh, hey Blaine. How’s your hot piece of ass boyfriend?” Shane said callously.

”Shut the fuck up, Shane. I’m not in the mood to hear your shit today. You’re not fooling me with your little fa�ade. I know you did this on purpose. You’re so set on making sure that I don’t have an ounce of happiness in my life that you’re willing to injure yourself and someone else just to do that. What the hell is your problem?!” At this point, Blaine was practically screaming at his brother.

”You know what Blaine?!” Shane stood up, “You’re right, I don’t want you to be happy. All you’ve ever done in life was be the perfect child, and I had to make sure that Mom and Dad never saw you that way, and damn you made it hard. Sure, it started out at mere jealous, but after a while, I started doing it for fun. I always get what I want, from everyone, and poor little Blainers is forgotten.”

”So you have to hurt people, just to have your fun? That’s low, even for you Shane!” Blaine yelled at him. As Shane stepped closer to him, he smelt the familiar scent of alcohol tainting the air. “Shane, were you drinking?” Blaine asked.

”Maybe I was! What’s it to you?!” Shane retorted and collapsed back onto the bed. A wide smirk made its way onto Blaine’s face. Maybe this would be his chance to get his brother back, and make sure he was punished this time.

Blaine walked back to Kurt’s room, resuming his place in the chair beside his bed. He leaned his head on the bed, holding one of Kurt’s hands in both of his own. “Please wake up, Kurt,” Blaine whispered softly, “I’m begging you… I love you so much…”

A soft gasp of air whispered into Kurt’s lungs, his eyelids fluttered open, and he blinked a few times. Kurt looked down at Blaine, a soft smile forming on his pale lips. He lifted his hand from Blaine’s weakly and placed it on his boyfriend’s cheek. “I love you too, Blaine,” he whispered, his voice hoarse and quiet.

”Kurt!” Blaine exclaimed softly. “You’re awake… I’m so glad you woke up, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. Do you need anything?”

Kurt lifted the oxygen mask off of his face and threw it to the side, “Water would be nice…”

Blaine spent the next 20 minutes making sure Kurt was comfortable and tended to, helping him sit up, getting him water, and finding him something small to eat.

”Kurt…” Blaine whispered cautiously as he watched protectively over him, “it was Shane… who was driving the car. He was drunk, and he still is. If you tell the police about your rape, he’ll be put away for a long time, and you’ll finally be free of torment. You won’t have to live in fear anymore. I want you to be safe and not afraid to go to school. This is your one chance for him to get what he deserves….”

The heartbeat monitor that Kurt was attached to began beeping faster at the mention of Shane’s name. Kurt leaned his head back on the pillows and closed his eyes softly while taking a deep but shaky breath. “I-I don’t know Blaine. Explaining to the police what happened would be the worst part. I don’t want to have to relive my experience.”

Blaine nodded, “I understand. Just, please consider it.”

Kurt smiled softly as he laid his hand on Blaine’s cheek, “I will, Blaine. I promise.”

The majority of the day passed by uneventfully. Blaine had moved from his place in the chair beside Kurt’s bed and was now lying with Kurt on the hospital bed. Their foreheads were pressed together as they sat in a comfortable silence, both of them enjoying the reuniting as a couple. The week that they had spent apart was absolute torment for the both of them, though they would never admit it to someone other than each other.

Kurt’s mind was slowly processing what Blaine had told him about Shane. From his understandings, Shane would at least be in jail for a short while because his drunkenness had caused their wreck. If he turned him in for the rape, there was no way he would ever be allowed anywhere near Kurt again.

Kurt looked into Blaine’s eyes, hazel staring back at him with love and adoration, “I’ve made my decision.”

End Notes: The next chapter is when everything goes down. (:


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Hell yess!! Most definitely can't wait for the next chapter!! I'm happy they both made it through this. I think Shane deserves everything that comes his way, but I also feel that there is something that is triggering the way he acts. Like there is more to him doing these things to hurt Blaine intentionally. Idk, I just have this feeling.

I feel like my characters have their own personality in my head, like writer's schizophrenia or something, so, for right now, Shane is just really a sadistic bastard that likes seeing others in pain, namely those who he should have close relationships with. This fic wasn't originally supposed to be this long, but then I grew attached to my characters. xD Later on I might develop something else with Shane, maybe in this fic, or in a spinoff or something. I'd also like to thank you for sticking with my story, and continuing to give me your feedback on almost every chapter. So, thanks! :D

Read the last two chapters and as always completey enthralled! Amazing writing!