Sibling Rivalry
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Sibling Rivalry: Realization

E - Words: 1,082 - Last Updated: Jan 15, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/11 - Created: Dec 08, 2011 - Updated: Jan 15, 2012
829 0 9 0 0

Author's Notes: So, I'm having a little trouble with finding time to write, because of musical practices, going to my dad's, my lacking of sleep, so I apologize for the possible long delays between updates. I would also like to thank my best friend, Shelby for her ongoing support and criticism of my writing. Without her, this story probably wouldn't have continued, so thanks, Voldy.(:

Kurt wasn’t in school all of that week. He couldn’t go to school and risk the chance of having to talk to Blaine, or worse, Shane. He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to look at Blaine again without feeling the nasty bite of guilt, remorse and heartbreak. Burt and Carole were worried about him, they had never seen him so depressed, and without Blaine around the house, they figured the couple had gone through a nasty breakup.

After a week of unanswered phone calls, multiple voicemails and no response to his texts, Blaine decided to go and talk to Finn. Kurt had told Finn what had happened, and Finn swore that he would do whatever he could to get Kurt away from Shane, permanently. Blaine was heartbroken without Kurt, the love of life. He prayed to anyone up above that was listening that Kurt would come to his senses and then together they could fix their broke relationship.

The following Monday, Kurt finally gained the courage, gathered up what was left of his confidence and dragged himself to McKinley High. He walked quietly to his locker, feeling as is if all eyes were on him, silently judging him, as if they knew what he had done. He kept his head down, avoiding eye contact and conversation. As he was getting his books for first period, someone walked up to him, standing behind the open locker door. He slammed the locker shut, and his eyes met a pair of green eyes, a few inches below his own.

”Hey babe, I just thought I’d let you know, that a repeat of last Friday night wouldn’t bother me at all. I’d also love it if I didn’t have to drug you this time,” Shane’s suave voice sounded through Kurt’s ears.

”N-no…no….” Kurt stammered, his breathing coming in rapid pants, eyes terrified. “No!! Get away from me!!” he shouted as he backed away, faster and faster until he finally turned around and sprinted down the hallway, his books lying forgotten in the middle of the corridor.

The reminder of that night sent Kurt into a downward spiral, and he kept running until he had made it outside and into the courtyard. He turned his head to look behind him to be sure that no one was following when he ran smack into the person he most wanted comfort from. Blaine rushed to help him up, his own books forgotten on the ground. Kurt collapsed into his arms, a sobbing, tearful mess.

”B-Blaine I’m s-so sorry!” Kurt stammered, his voice shaky and broken with sobs.

Blaine held his love tightly in his arms, holding him close and whispering soothing words to him. Kurt felt that if Blaine let go of him that he would fall apart, like Blaine was holding his heart, his being together.

”Hush….Its alright Kurt, shh….” Blaine comforted the beautiful boy in his arms, never letting his grip loosen, never letting go.

Blaine somehow managed to get Kurt out to his car, climbing into the backseat with him because he knew that Kurt would never let him go to drive home. This breakdown was the worst that Kurt had had by far, getting everything out that he had held back now that he had Blaine. He knew all along that he would never completely recover from the incident until he came to terms with it himself, and he now realized that without Blaine, the only man he ever wanted to be in a relationship, that wouldn’t be possible.

Kurt told Blaine everything that happened that night, not glazing over the details. He told him how Shane drugged him, how he had raped him, how when he realized what had happened, he felt so dirty and used. He still felt that way, but he was getting better, slowly but surely.

When Kurt had cried himself to sleep, Blaine extracted himself from his boyfriend’s arms and climbed into the driver’s seat. He quickly sent a text to Finn saying that he was taking Kurt home, and that the keys to Kurt’s Navigator were in the glove box of the car so he could drive himself home later.

Blaine started the car and pulled out of the parking lot carefully, trying to avoid any pot holes or bumps so as not to wake Kurt up. The entire ride home, Blaine kept looking in the mirror and checking on the sleeping Kurt in the back seat. He was still paying attention to the road, but as he glanced in the mirror and saw the pickup truck hurtling towards them at a speed that should never be on any road.

The truck slammed into the driver’s side of Blaine’s car, sending it flying into the guard rail, the truck sliding with it. Blaine’s car became lodged in between the truck and the guard rail, and the metal began to creak in protest at the force and built up weight of the two cars. That guardrail was the only thing between Blaine’s car and a drop off of about 200 feet.

Kurt lie unconscious in the backseat, his legs trapped beneath the buckled back door of the driver’s side. Kurt had hit his head on the opposite door and was knocked out. Kurt had cuts on the previously flawless skin of his face, a bruise beginning to show across his cheek bone, and a few other lacerations. Soft whimpers of pain escaped Kurt’s closed lips, and he shifted uncomfortably. Blaine leaned his head against his head rest, blood trickling down his forehead from hitting his head on the window, and glass shattering over him. His arms were littered with cuts of varying severity, and he knew he would be covered in bruises. He heard the sirens faintly in the distance, slowly slipping into the undeniable fog of unconsciousness.

Blaine faintly felt the paramedics pulling him from the car, and he jerked into consciousness and began thrashing away from them, “Kurt!!! No!!! I need to stay with him!! I can’t leave him!!! Get him out, he’s hurt!!!!” Blaine screamed.

”We’re getting him out as we speak, sir, just calm down,” the paramedic said in a monotone voice.

”Get him out now!!!” Blaine yelled, an oxygen mask being forced onto his face. He saw Kurt’s boyd being pulled from what was left of his car, his right leg twisted out at an unnatural angle.

The oxygen mixed with an anesthetic and he felt himself being forcibly pulled back into a state of unconsciousness, murmuring Kurt’s name as he drifted off.

End Notes: Reviews = love. (:


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A happy ending is getting closer, don't worry.(:

I love this fic. its brilliant. Its wonderful and i hate you forever for leaving it like that. Of course i love you more then i hate you because like i said this is brilliant~ SOoooooo i await (somewhat) patiently for an update.~

Thank you so very much! It means a lot to me that my readers / reviewers enjoy my writing, though I guess you wouldn't read or review it if you hated it... Like I said in the author's note, I'm having a hard time finding time to write, but as of right now I'm not doing anything on Friday, so I promise you I will at least start writing chapter 9.(:

I JUST finished chapter nine. Posting it momentarily...

are there any more chapters you're writing, i really love this story !!! thanks xxx