Jan. 15, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Jan. 15, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
The next half hour flew by as a blur for Kurt and Blaine. Kurt avoided the few questions that Finn had tried to ask him, and then sprinted inside the Hudmel household to his bedroom, Burt and Carole already in bed and asleep. He stripped off the clothes he had worn, them reminding of what he had done, promising to burn them later without question. He put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, something he never would have been caught dead wearing before. Kurt Hummel collapsed on his bed in another round of heart wrenching sobs and the pain of a broken heart, while burying his face into the pillows.
He felt a hand on his back, softly caressing him in a comforting way, then a warm body lying beside his. Kurt shot up into a sitting position and scrambled to the other side of the bed away from the person, his bloodshot, blue eyes wide with fear. Those eyes met a pair of warm hazel ones from across the bed, the hazel eyes sad and comforting, yet worried.
”Blaine…” Kurt whispered, a sigh of relief escaping from his lungs. “Please… I can’t handle this right now. I-I need-“
”You need to be held, and comforted, Kurt. Come here…” Blaine whispered into the darkness, holding his arms outstretched for him.
Kurt stood up, backing away from him, “No, Blaine. You need to leave. .. This is too much for me right now. You should be mad at me, or something! Not running after me like you have!" Kurt said exasperatedly.
"You know I'm not that kind of person, Kurt. And it's not your fault either way! Shane drugged you and tricked you into-"
"I know Blaine!! Believe me, I know what happened!! I don't need you to remind me! And I regret every fucking second of it!! If I would've listened and stayed with you, if I hadn't have left my drink sitting there like a dumbass, we wouldn't even be here right now!!!" Kurt yelled. The built up anger he held for himself exploded, and deep inside of him he knew Blaine was trying to help him, but he was so overwhelmed, and so mad that he couldn't help it.
”Kurt… don’t do this, please. I know you’re angry, just… calm down, I want to help you…” Blaine said quietly, his voice sounding hurt.
”Blaine, I was basically raped a few hours ago and you’re asking me to calm down?! You don’t understand… you don’t understand at all. Why can’t you be mad at me? This would be so much easier if you were mad at me like you should be!” Kurt screamed.
”Oh, I don’t understand?!?! You think that I’m not mad?! You think that I’m not hurt?! Kurt, I am furious that the love of my life slept with my brother and let him take his virginity, something that we should have been able to do with each other! Have you even thought about how I feel about this? We agreed to wait until we were both ready, Kurt, and now the chance of that ever happening is gone!! But no, I came to comfort you because I knew that you would need it, I knew that you would want to be held and soothed but you won’t even let me help you. I know it’s not your fault, you were drugged and tricked into sleeping with Shane, someone you thought was me. I’m hurt, because it happened, and yes I’m mad, but this was not your fault, Kurt!” Blaine shouted back at him.
Kurt leaned against the wall and sunk to the floor, tears trailing silently down his cheeks, and he looked way from Blaine, “I think you should leave, Blaine. Every relationship has its tests, but I’m not sure ours’ can handle one like this.”
Blaine’s face was also wet and streaked with tears, “Please, Kurt, don’t do this. We can work through it together…”
Kurt looked up at Blaine through wet eyelashes, and shook his head slowly. “Blaine… I need time to get over this… I need some time alone, and I think you do too,” Kurt said quietly.
Blaine nodded silently, then walked over to Kurt and knelt down beside him. He pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, his lips lingering there for a few seconds, “I love you, Kurt.”
As Blaine shut the door at the top of Kurt’s stairs when he walked out, a broken sob bubbled out of Kurt’s lips, realizing he had possibly lost the best thing that ever happened to him.
My heart actually hurts.
Wow. Is all I have to say. Just wow.
There is definitely more to follow, and if I get motivated enough, there's another chapter coming tonight. Maybe.
I'm so wrong to actually love this...but this is tooooo shooooort XD ... but keep writing ^^
OMG that was heart wrenching... Revenge on Shane ...he needs to suffer. Blaine and Kurt need to extract that revenge together!
You may have just inspired a piece of a plot in this fix. Not completely sure, though. Thank you for reading! :D