Jan. 15, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Jan. 15, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
In the back of Kurt’s drug hazed mind, he realized that the green eyes he had just looked into did not belong to his boyfriend. His mind began to clear and he felt the arms wrapped around his body that also did not belong to Blaine. Kurt wretched himself out of Shane’s arms, disgusted with himself, and what they had done, tears began to fall from his bloodshot eyes as he ran to the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom.
He emptied his stomach’s contents into the toilet, and turned the shower on to scalding hot. He climbed into the shower, scrubbing his skin so hard that it turned red from the combination of the burning water and the roughness he used. He felt dirty, used and he knew he had betrayed Blaine. As he began to remember everything that had happened, he broke down into heart-wrenching sobs, sliding against the wall to the tiled floor of the shower. He wrapped his arms around his knees, the hot water falling over him as he cried. He needed comfort, and he wanted that comfort to come from Blaine, but Kurt couldn’t bear to face him now.
When the water ran cold an hour later, Kurt had cried himself out. He pulled himself off of the floor and shut the water off. His eyes were red and glassy, and they were rimmed with dark circles. He dressed quickly and quietly, a broken but quiet sob breaking from his lips every now and then. His shirt was ripped, so he just put on a hoodie he found in the closet. Kurt left the room, depression settling over him like a cloud. The party was still in full swing downstairs, and he tried his best to avoid Blaine at all costs.
Blaine was frantic, searching the house for Kurt, asking anyone if they had seen a tall, pale boy with sea blue eyes. No one had seen him, and he began to panic. Just when he had almost lost all hope of finding him, he saw a head of copper colored hair slip out the front door.
Kurt was crying again, he couldn’t shake the disgusting feeling that settled over him. He pulled his cellphone from his pocket and called the one person he knew that wouldn’t ask too many questions.
Kurt’s voice was broken and apparent that he had been crying, ”Finn… it’s Kurt. Yeah, I know it’s late, but will you please just come get me? I’m at Puck’s house. I’ll…. I’ll explain when you get here. “ He hung up the phone and sat on the curb, his arms folding around his knees again. The tears rolled down his face slowly.
He looked up at the sky, the moonlight turning his eyes a cerulean blue. Kurt could faintly hear the music pounding through the speakers from the house behind him, and a coherent part of his mind wondered why the neighbors never called the police. The dreadful haze of alcohol was still tainting his thoughts lightly, but it was just a light buzz. He knew in the morning he would regret everything that had happened so much more than he did now, if that was even remotely possible.
Kurt would’ve been content to just sit there in his self-hatred and contemplate what he would tell Blaine when a familiar voice called his name.
”Kurt! Where have you been? I was so worried about you…” Blaine said and he jogged over to Kurt. He sat beside him and draped his arm over his shoulder, then noticed he was crying, “Kurt? What’s wrong? Are you okay>”
Kurt cringed out of Blaine’s embrace, he didn’t deserve his comfort, he was a cheater. Kurt just shook his head, moving away from Blaine and standing up.
”Kurt, what happened? I couldn’t find you… I was so worried. Just tell me what’s wrong, please!” Blaine exclaimed, his voice littered with worry and concern.
Anger coursed through Kurt’s veins. He was pissed, angry at himself for not being more responsible, and at Shane. His eyes were livid and watery, “I cheated! Okay?! Your brother drugged my fucking drink, and made me think he was you, and he fucked me, Blaine!! There’s no nicer word for it because that’s all that it was! I feel so disgusted and dirty and I know that I betrayed you. I don’t deserve your comfort, I don’t deserve you. You can do so much better Blaine… I’m so sorry…. I-I can’t do this. “
A black Navigator pulled up to the curb and Kurt hurriedly climbed in and slammed the door. Blaine was left standing on the sidewalk, his mind spinning with everything Kurt had just revealed. But one thought resonated in his mind.
Blaine Anderson was going to beat the absolute shit out of his brother.
Blaine ran back inside the house, his eyes darkening with fury. His muscles were taut and tense, and wasn’t about to show Shane any mercy. He slammed the door open to the room that Shane was in, the noise resonating through the house, but everyone was too drunk to care. Shane sat up quickly, a devious smirk present on his face.
“I must say, Blaine, for a virgin, your boyfriend is a hot fuck.”
”You bastard! What the fuck did I ever do to you for you to make every day of my life a living hell!? You’ve gotten every damn thing you’ve wanted since we were little!! You’re mom and dad’s favorite, the star child!! Kurt is the absolute love of my life and you have to go and take him away from me! You’re not even gay, Shane!!! I am done letting you walk all over me!” Blaine let out all the anger he had kept bottled up for as long as he could remember.
Blaine grabbed Shane by the wifebeater he had put on and let his fist fly forward into his face with all the force that he could muster up, but he didn’t stop there. His anger fueled his hatred for his brother, and he kept hitting him with any ounce of strength he had left in his body, tears of hatred falling from his hazel eyes. No, he wouldn’t kill him, but he would make sure that Shane would never think of taking what was his again. When he was finished, Blaine was left with a few scratches and bruises, but Shane was left a bleeding and bruised mess on the floor. Blaine kicked him in the groin twice before leaving the room, not a single regret on his conscious.
Now he knew Kurt needed him. He wasn’t about to let Shane ruin this for him, not this time.
Every relationship has their tests…right?
I'm glad Kurt explained what had happened. Shane deserved every ounce of pain Blaine gave him.
Oh my god ;_;
Just read your last two chapters...I nearly hurled when I realized what Shane had done! OMG what a prick! Kurt has to let Blaine back in his life...please update soon.
I'm currently on holiday break at my dad's house, but I've been writing while I'm here on my iPod because I have no access to a computer. So, expect an update either Sunday night or sometime Monday. Thanks for reading!!