Sept. 15, 2012, 6:24 a.m.
Sept. 15, 2012, 6:24 a.m.
Chapter 20: Fine
It was so quiet that Blaine could hear the� soft rain from outside.
“Go to your room. Well discuss this later.” His mom said distantly , staring at nothing in particular .
Blaine nodded mutely . He tried to hold in the tears as long as he could ; but he had truly never felt more alone..
Blaine was trying . He really was . After his mom had told him that it was dinner time , he slowly made his way downstairs; dreading what was to come next.
When he walked into the silent room, he spotted his father sitting to the left of him and his mother on the right.
Blaine was way too scared and anxious to talk , so he hoped his mother would help him out and save him from the dread of screwing everything up more.
“So son , how was school?” It was simple. He could answer that .
“ Fine .” Short and simple. Now enters the tense silence. He blames himself for it all ,of course. Nothing happens until he hears his father slam his pasta covered fork on his plate.
“Dammit Blaine . Why ? Why would you go and knock yourself up like that . Did you just forget that you had a life ahead of you or did you just want some more attention? I expected you to screw something up soon , but this is just too much. Cooper would never do this.” His father� said as if Blaine had offended him personally.
Well, he had .
“I- I apologize dad . I didn’t know this could happen.” Blaine said lifelessly , getting up from his place in the kitchen to go back to his room ; not feeling any less worthless than he did before.
Blaine didn’t know what to do with himself anymore. Sitting and absentmindedly staring at the celling wasn’t working. The mere fact that he heard his parents arguing didn’t help. If he was being completely honest, he still was a bit frazzled by his father’s outburst . It’s not that he didn’t expect it . He did (, It was his father after all) . Doesn’t mean that he wanted it to happen. His phone buzzed in his left pocket, knocking him out of his inner conversation. He picked up the shiny device and turned it on.
It was from Kurt.
‘You’re quiet. Is everything ok?’
He smiled at the text. He ignored the door slamming and the yelling going on from down stairs so that he could concentrate on not getting sad.
‘Things could be worse.’
He decided on the easier reply.
He and Kurt continued texting until Kurt said goodnight. It had also gotten quieter around the house, he assumed his parents had gone to bed. He looked at his watch and saw that it was 9:01; time for bed then. After finding the most comfortable bed ware he could reach, he sat under the warm blankets and cried . He just sat there and cried. His parents were never there for him ; the only person in his family who nearly gave a damn about his was his brother . But since he’s never around , who does he have left ?
Ugh I hate Blaine's parents. Poor blaine at least Kurt is there for him.
Write more soon! I loved it, despite Blaine's father being a complete jackass. Write more soon! <3