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Out: Somebody That I Used to Know

E - Words: 2,211 - Last Updated: Jul 19, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 81/? - Created: Jul 19, 2014 - Updated: Jul 19, 2014
277 0 0 0 0

"Blaine... my first photo shoot pictures were released today! I cant wait to email them to you. Call me back... I want to hear your voice."

"Im about to leave for Vogue but I wanted you to know that I love you. Text me today... I miss hearing from you."

"Blaine... Im worried. I havent heard from you in a week. Is something wrong?"

"Blaine, I feel like crying! Im scared... why wont you talk to me? Please... I miss you."

"Youre not picking up but I just wanted to tell you goodnight and to sleep well. I love you."


"Blaine... please talk to me. I dont understand why you wont answer my calls. I miss you so much... I love you." Ending the unanswered call, Kurt stuck his phone in his purse and hesitantly pushed through the Rogue Theatre doors. He was instantly greeted by a few men who grinned at his arrival and punched each other on their chests. Wrapping his arms around himself, Kurt tried to smile at them and walked past them. He opened the theatre doors and caught a glimpse of a rehearsal of the first scene with the Beasts servants.

Kurt quietly padded up to the front of the room, keeping his eyes on the fantastic dancers and singers. After they finished their first number, Kurt patted his fingertips together to show them that he liked it. "You know, you dont have to applaud them." Someone said from behind him, and Kurt whirled around to face Brody. His eyes widened to the size of saucers and he took a step back. Brody smiled at him and slipped into one of the front rows, patting the seat beside him. "Hey there. You must not hate me that much if you decided to come back."

Not wanting to make a scene and disrupt the rehearsal, Kurt sat down a seat away from Brody. "I liked their performance." He said, uncomfortably crossing his ankles. "Theyre very good, Brody."

"Whatever." Brody frowned and reached across the empty seat between them to touch Kurts shoulder. "Did you come back because of Brody Weston, sweet cheeks?"

Kurt didnt answer that, his lips pursing as he pulled his phone from his purse. He checked his calls and none of them were from Blaine. Brody suddenly shifted from his seat and scooted into the one next to Kurt, making Kurt move as far away from him as he could without falling onto the floor. "You look uptight. Whats bothering you? You can tell Brody Weston."

Kurt turned his head, "Please... dont sit so close to me. You hurt me the last time we saw each other."

Brody didnt give up, "Let me take you out to a party." Laying his arm on the back of Kurts chair, Brody leaned closer and murmured, "Youre so pretty... you dont deserve to feel this bad. Just a few drinks... some dancing-"

"Thank you, but Im not much of a partier." Kurt managed a smile at Brody.

"You just dont want to party with me." Frowning, Brody got even closer and whispered. "We dont have to be alone unless you want to. Bring your little girl friends. Ill bring some of my friends. It doesnt have to be a date."

Looking at Brody, Kurt blinked, "No, thank you." He got up and walked away from Brody, not really sure where to go but wanting to be somewhere else. He saw the stairs leading backstage and hesitantly stepped up them, watching the dancers just a few feet away from him.

He continued backstage and hid himself behind the curtain, almost getting run over by a man hurrying past. "We need Brody on left stage," he was saying into a megaphone.

Kurt slipped past him and found a quiet spot on a pile of boxes in the corner. Grabbing his phone, Kurt dialed Blaines number again. It wouldnt stop ringing, and then Blaines voicemail clicked on. "Blaine..." Kurt whispered, unsure of what he wanted to tell Blaine but needing to say something, "I miss you... more than anything. Please call me. I love you." He shut his phone off again and zipped it into his purse.

He closed his eyes for about two seconds, then felt someone yank his arm. "I found him!" A man said, jerking Kurt to his feet. "We need you on stage in five minutes. Its the scene where you meet the servants. Be good, beautiful! We wont pay you to be terrible."

Kurt slid from the mans grip, "Can I get a glass of water first?"

The man glared at him, then rolled his eyes. "Be quick about it."

Turning around, Kurt pushed out of the backstage doors and found himself in a quiet hallway. He wandered around for a few minutes, feeling lost, peeking into the empty rooms. Slipping into a dark dressing room, Kurt sat down in front of a vanity and held onto his phone tightly. He stared at it, urging Blaine to call him. Tears started to fall down his cheeks when he didnt get any call or message.

He curled himself up in the little chair and closed his eyes, holding the phone to his chest. "Im still here..." he squeaked, his voice soft and thick with tears. "Blaine, Im still here."

Blaine stared at a wall, his breathing deep and his chest heavy as he tried to control himself. His shoulders shook and he lifted his wet hands to his damp face, his tears burning his deep wounds. Blood trickled down his wrists and streaked his thick arms, tiny pools of it leaking under his nails. Throwing his head back, Blaine moaned and dug his fingers into his palms again. There was a sharp ache beneath his scraped skin, distracting him from the pounding of his heart.

He felt sick and weak. He didnt know what day it was. It all passed so slowly... or maybe it was quickly. He remembered people walking in and out on him, rubbing his shoulders and asking him to get up, to eat a sandwich, to drink some water. The only reason he ever lifted his head was to care for his babies and birds, the only ones who needed him.

Hed never felt this way before... this terrible punch in his stomach. He couldnt heal, and he knew he never would. He could just go on and care for his little ones and his birds... the only ones who needed him.

Covering his face with his hand, Blaine smelled rusty blood. He looked at his ripped up palm. At least his scars werent there anymore, each of them torn open and gushing blood. Blaine felt woozy, so he put his hand down.

He thought he heard a knock at his door, but he didnt bother looking. He didnt care. Theyd go away eventually, knowing there was nothing they could do for him. The door pushed open and he heard Finns voice, "Blaine... are you awake?"

Blaine didnt say a word.

"Whoa." Finn was obviously disturbed by something. "Your blankets are bloody. Do you want me to bring you new ones?"

Blaine heard him approaching his bed, and then his limp body was lifted. Finn dropped him on his back and stared at his glowering, blood smeared face. "Blaine... you look like a disaster." Shaking his head, Finn touched both of Blaines cheeks, "Youve lost a lot of weight. You have to eat something. I wont let you starve yourself."

His eyes darted to the plate Finn was carrying, a piece of warm pizza on it. Blaines stomach growled against his will, and he reached for the plate. Once he set it down beside himself, Blaine growled, "Go away."

Much to his annoyance, Finn sat down on the side of the bed and took Blaines hands in his. "What the fuck have you done to yourself?" He stared at Blaines cut up palms. "Are you scratching your skin?"

Blaine ripped his hands out of his grip, hiding them behind his back. "Its none of your concern-"

"It is because I love you!" Finn pulled his arms and lifted Blaines hands again. "Damn you, you asshole. Youre in here destroying yourself. You cant stay locked in here anymore. I wont let you do this. Let me help you." When Blaine jerked away, Finn quickly hit him to keep him still. "Blaine, let me help you-!"

"I dont need your help!" Blaine almost shouted, and he could hear one of the babies start crying because of his raised voice. "Fuck you!" Throwing his legs off the bed, Blaine shoved past Finn and went up to the crib. He wiped his hands on his pants and reached in to soothe Archer, who was squirming and whimpering.

"Blaine, youre an absolute mess." Finn followed him and wrapped his arms around him. "Please... let me help you. I know you want Kurt-"

Blaine whipped around and slapped Finn across his face, "Shut up!"

Finn touched the red mark on his cheek, but he swiftly grabbed Blaine when he started to walk away. "Blaine, look at you. You havent shaved or showered... youre angry... you havent left this room once... Its not healthy."

"Whats the point?" Blaine whispered, shaking his head. "Im a piece of shit, anyway. You dont know how badly this hurts... I feel like Im about to collapse. The clawing helps. Its a distraction. I dont want to think about him... in bed with that..." his jaw clenched and he rubbed a red spot onto his lips with his knuckles, almost breaking the skin.

Finn grabbed Blaines hand and lowered it, "You still love him?"

Blaine stared at Finn for a long time, not saying a word, not blinking. He finally licked his lips and winced as he wet the raw spot, "He is..." he swallowed, "my greatest love. I just want... I want him back. No matter how many of those..." he paused again and bit the word out, "man-whores hes with... hes still mine. As far as Im concerned, were still engaged. I should have known... that hed want to be with other men. I never deserved him... and i-if this is something Ill have to deal with... knowing hes with other men but is still staying with me... Ill deal with it. If thats how I can have him."

"Blaine... give yourself a little more respect." Finn sighed, wrapping his arms around Blaine. "I think youre pretty great." Grabbing Blaines hand again, Finn whispered, "Let me take care of your hands."

Blaine closed his eyes when Finns grip left him, and he stumbled over to his bed. Laying down flat, Blaine watched Pavarottis head pop up from between two of the pillows. He cheeped at Blaine, and Blaine reached out to stroke him. "You still need me." He asked more than stated, and Pavarotti burrowed back between the pillows. Blaine heard Everett chirp, then the two birds quieted again.

Finn returned to the room and Blaine numbly let him wipe his hands with warm water, cleaning the blood away. He was so gentle with his hands, despite the fact that Blaine had hands that could crush his. He rubbed between his fingers and stroked circles on his palm, and for whatever reason Blaine didnt pull away. He liked feeling Finns thin hand on his. His skin was a little more calloused than Kurts, and his hands were bigger, so Blaine couldnt pretend that he was holding Kurts hand, but Blaine liked being touched this way.

After a moment, Blaine felt the bed dip and a body brush up against his. His eyes opened and he stared at Finn as Finn wrapped himself around him, folding his leg over Blaines waist. "What are you doing?" he grumbled, but he still didnt yank away. He didnt know why.

"Shh..." Finn put their faces very close together and he flicked his eyes over Blaines hard expression, pausing on his lips. "Blaine... theres something I need to talk to you about. You know how you told me to find a guy who would make me happy?"

Blaine didnt say a word, his brows arching as Finns hand found his back and he started rubbing up and down. Finn moved a little closer until Blaine could feel his hot breath on his mouth, "Theres something I need to tell you."

Blaine stayed very still as Finn slid his hand lower and his fingertips touched the top of Blaines ass. Closing his eyes, Finn poked his tongue out, but was denied anything when Blaine heard another baby coo and jerked upright. He swung his legs off the bed and went to get his babies, and when he soothed them he turned back around.

Finn was still tangled in his sheets, staring up at Blaine with a slight flush on his cheeks. There was an obvious bulge in his crotch that startled Blaine. Blaine shook his head, thinking that he imagined all of that because he wanted to. Because he missed being touched that way by Kurt. He muttered, "What did you want to say?"

Finn stayed quiet for a few minutes, then he rubbed his nape and whispered, "Nothing."

Blaine was about to tell him to get out, but he shut himself up. He didnt say a word as he went back to his bed and sat down. He felt Finns hand immediately come to his back and start rubbing again. He realized that he really liked it.

Closing his eyes, Blaine fell back on the bed beside Finn.


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