July 19, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 19, 2014, 7 p.m.
Kurt sleepily walked down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and yawning into his small fists. He heard his aunt in the kitchen, probably burning their breakfast, so he turned the corner and peeked in there. His fuzzy socks rubbed a slippery part of the wood floor and he slipped, shrieking as he fell onto his bottom. "Ouch!"
His aunt immediately turned around, eyeing him with concern. "Sweetie, are you okay?" She laughed when he shyly put his hand on his bottom, rubbing the soreness away. "You have to curl your toes to keep from falling. Watch." Coming out of the kitchen, his aunt slid across the hard floors and stopped by putting her hands on the wall and curling her toes.
Getting to his feet, Kurt rubbed his feet against the hard floor and slipped again, tumbling back onto his butt. "Oh! Ouch!" He pressed his hands to his red bottom, frowning at the floor. "I dont like this game."
His aunt reached down and helped him up, and Kurt waddled into the living room. He sat down on a pillow to soften the pressure on his butt. "For a ballerina youre very clumsy." Glancing back in the kitchen when one of the burners on the stove flamed, she groaned, "And Im still not a good cook." She went back into the kitchen to turn the stove off, then frowned at the burnt eggs in the pan. "Okay... for breakfast were either ordering takeout or..." she opened her pantry and examined the lack of food, "having marshmallows."
Kurts stomach gurgled, so he rubbed it and said, "Marshmallows. Im too hungry to wait for takeout."
She brought out the marshmallows and plopped beside of him, "Whyd you get the day off? Youve been working constantly over the past month and a half."
"The photographer canceled for my next photo shoot... and Im not in any of the scenes theyre rehearsing today." Kurt pulled a marshmallow from the bag and popped it in his mouth, chewing the sugary stickiness. "Mm... marshmallows are so good."
She smiled and took one from the bag, then wrapped him in her arms, "Good, I get you all to myself today. Unless you want to Skype Blaine... Why havent I heard about him much recently? You dont talk about him anymore."
Kurt shook his head, his lips curving with a sad smile, "I dont know whats wrong... he doesnt answer my calls anymore. I talked to my dad and he said Blaines been sick... very sick. I want to be there caring for him. It sounds like Finns been taking good care of him, though. My dad says theyre together a lot."
"Thats good." His aunt rubbed his arm and straightened his wrinkled sleeve. "Werent they good friends before you came along?"
"Mm hm." Kurt bobbed his head, "They were best friends. They stopped speaking for a little while, but theyre very close again. Its nice to see Blaine with his old friends. Theyre good for him, and he keeps them on their toes."
His aunt stroked his hair, humming in agreement, "Yeah..." Looking up when someone knocked on the door, she furrowed her brows and started to get up. "Ill be right back, sweetie." She walked out of the living room and Kurt heard the front door open, then the unmistakable sound of Uniques voice. "Kurt..." his aunt said after a moment, "the visitors all yours."
Kurt stood up and poked his nose around the corner, his eyes finding Unique. "Unique," he said with a smile, "its so good to see you."
Unique raised her brows at Kurts fuzzy pajamas, "Hey, Kurt. Can I come in?"
"Mm hm." Kurt turned around and returned to the couch, sitting down and folding his legs underneath him.
Unique slowly made her way into the living room, glancing at everything from the hideous shade of paint on the walls to the soft carpets. "Um... look, I need to talk to you."
Kurt smiled to reassure her, but before Unique could continue his aunt muttered, "Well, good thing he loves to talk."
Unique glanced at his aunt, while Kurt grinned at her. Returning her attention to Kurt, Unique sat down and said, "I heard you got invited to a party by Brody Weston."
Kurts eyes widened to the size of saucers and he looked around for his aunt, but she was back in the kitchen, scrubbing the burnt egg off the pan. "Dont say his name so loud." He whispered, "My aunt doesnt want me around him."
Rolling her eyes, Unique muttered, "Kurt, youre nineteen. Grow up. You cant have everyone else fix your problems for you." She leaned closer and continued, "We should go to this party."
"We should?" Kurt nervously twisted his fingers, "Oh, but, Unique... Brody said there will be drinking and dancing... I dont think Id like it-"
Unique made a sound of frustration, "Forget if you like it or not. All you have to do is have a few drinks and then you can enjoy yourself. Youre too uptight. Fine... we can go for an hour... whatever. Thatll give everyone a chance to see us together, time for me to flirt with some hot, older men... and you need to spend time with Brody Weston."
"Brody?" Kurt peeped, tugging at his pajamas, "Why? I thought you didnt like him."
Unique stared at him as if he was asking the most obvious questions, "I dont. I think hes an ass. But he could help you, Kurt. If you start hanging out with Brody, guys will think youre a slut... and all men like sluts. You have a bad image right now... everybody thinks youre a prude and theyre losing interest in you. But Brody can fix that."
"But, Unique-" Kurt quieted when Unique reached in her purse for a catalogue.
"Im buying you a new wardrobe." She set the catalogue in his hands, flipping open to the first page and pointing to a tiny, purple dress with slits all over it. "Youll wear that to the party. You cant be seen in any more of these baby doll pastels. Youre a model for Vogue... you need to dress like it. That means no more flowers... or ruffles... or bows."
"But I like the way I dress." Kurt squeaked, pulling his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them.
She put the catalogue away and sighed, "Kurt, Stanley is ready to fire you. I hate to say it... but he thinks that youre just too innocent. Hes right, you dress like a little girl. I know what Im doing with clothes, so if youre seen with me in public then people will think Im about to make a fabulous new line for you... nothing with flowers, ruffles, or bows."
Kurt blinked at her, "You mean youre not going to this party with me because you like me? Youre going because of your job?"
"I am going because of you." She assured him, "Im giving you a good reputation. I care about you enough to help you keep your career... I wont let you throw it away because a guy back in Ohio liked it when you wore things with puffy sleeves or frills."
Kurts cheeks turned bright red and his eyes filled with tears, "Unique, youre hurting my feelings."
Unique almost looked sympathetic for a moment, but she was too career forward to bother with real emotions. "Ill pick you up the day of the party at six. Ill bring your outfit."
"Unique, please..." Kurt tried, but Unique turned and walked away, leaving him alone. Scrunching himself up into a tiny ball, Kurt pulled at his pajamas and stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.
After Unique let herself out and shut the door, his aunt poked her nose out of the kitchen. "Sweetie, whats going on? What party was she talking about? You know I dont want you at any of those parties in the clubs. Youre too good for that, Kurt."
Kurt frowned and hugged his knees tighter, "I feel like Im not good enough." He whispered, burying his face in his thighs. He was so confused. Why did no one like him?
Blaine heard his bedroom door open and he groaned into his pillow, mumbling something that sounded like a threat for his visitor to get out. They didnt get out, and Blaine felt his bed move as someone sat on the end of it. They rubbed his leg, sliding their fingers up to his thigh and then back down. "Hes been like this." Blaine heard Finn say, and then Finn laid his hand on Blaines lower back. He stroked his fingers along his waist, making Blaine roll over onto his back to force him to stop. Finn lifted his hand, staring down at Blaines murderous expression. Resting his palm on Blaines stomach, Finn started rubbing his hard abs.
Blaine looked up at the person Finn was talking to, and he raised his brows at Santana. "What?" he snapped, flipping onto his side.
Santana scoffed at him, "The tempers always been there... it has nothing to do with Kurt cheating on him."
"I mean..." Finn gestured at Blaine, "this. Hes not eating anything. He just lays there."
Blaine rolled his eyes at the way they were talking about him, as if he wasnt even in the room. But he didnt say anything. Finn lay down beside Blaine and grabbed his wrist, "Can you help? I think you can get through to him. You guys are close."
Santana stared at Blaine, then she snapped her fingers, "Get your ass out of bed, Blaine. You look pathetic."
Finn furrowed his brows, "Thats not what I meant."
Rolling her eyes, Santana crossed her arms. "Hes just going to have to suck it up." She reached down and grabbed the back of his shirt, hauling him upright. "Okay... were not doing this anymore. Get your shit together. Take a shower, shave, eat something. You look like youve dropped twenty pounds."
Blaine snarled at her, "Just get the fuck out. I dont want to see either of you."
Santana half dragged him to the end of the bed, "You think Im shitting you? Finn called me and told me he thought you were going to kill yourself. Youre one of my only friends... and youre taking care of my baby. Im not going to lose you."
Grabbing onto the bed, Blaine growled, "Leave me alone!"
"Fuck you, Blaine!" She let him fall back onto the bed, and he scooted up to the pillows. "I get that it hurts! But you dont have to punish yourself." When Blaines severe expression didnt soften, she sighed and crossed her arms, "Fine... Ill let you rot in here. You can claw your hands away and bleed to death. Is that what you want... because youre getting there."
"Santana, stop." Finn snapped and put his hand on Blaines chest. "When I called you over here, I didnt want you to yell at him."
"Weve tried everything else." She bitterly said, "Kurt was nice to him. He practically coddled him... and then Ive yelled at him. But nothing gets through his hard head. Hes still the same old Blaine... angry and hateful. We might as well try letting him get his way. He wants left alone."
"Santana, Im worried about him!" Finn shouted, talking about him as if he wasnt there again. "He was getting better, and then I showed him that stupid magazine! Help me. Do something. Anything except yell at him."
Running her fingers through her hair, Santana made a frustrated sound and shrugged, "What do you want me to say, Finn? I had to get over it when Brittany cheated on me. I just drank a lot and it got rid of my problems. Sometimes its best to just... pretend it didnt happen."
"Youre telling him to become an alcoholic?" Finn sounded doubtful.
"It helps." She muttered, looking right at Blaine. "It doesnt have to hurt this badly. When Brittany fucked Karofsky... I never thought Id be happy again. Im still not happy... I dont think I ever will be... but drinking can take away the pain."
Blaine closed his eyes, "I dont want to feel pain. Im tired of it, San."
"Let me drive you up to a bar." She lowered onto his bed and raised her brows at him, "You can get wasted and you wont feel the pain anymore."
Blaine slowly raised his head, his dark eyes flicking over Santanas face, "Okay." was the only thing he said, then he laid his head on the pillow. He was willing to try anything to take the pain away.