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Out: Im Still Here

E - Words: 1,806 - Last Updated: Jul 19, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 81/? - Created: Jul 19, 2014 - Updated: Jul 19, 2014
237 0 0 0 0

Laying his trembling fingertips on Brodys arms, Kurt swished his hips and his lacy dress twirled around his legs, licking his inner thighs. Brody pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around him, "Have you changed your mind?" He muttered from between his teeth so the choreographers didnt catch him losing focus.

Kurt spun at the right moment and Brody caught his legs, lifting him above his head. Leaning almost all the way back, Kurt spread his legs and slid back down Brodys chest. Once he whirled around to face Brody, Kurt whispered, "I dont understand."

"Good, Kurt. Use your hips a little more." The choreographer clapped for them. "Go down for the dip gently. Brody, lose your scowl. This is a very intimate scene."

Neither Kurt nor Brody felt very intimate. Clutching Kurt tighter, Brody dropped him toward the ground and spun him in a circle. "Dont act like you dont remember two weeks ago." Pulling Kurt back up, Brody made a lap around him, both of their palms up and pressed together. "I asked you to go to lunch with me. Its just lunch. And Brody Weston doesnt like rejection."

"Im sorry, Brody." Kurt kicked one leg up and wrapped it around Brodys arm. "But its more than that to me. My fiancé would be hurt if he knew."

"So, dont tell him." Brody spun Kurt so his back was pressed to his chest, and he kicked Kurts leg out from under him. Kurt fell against Brody. "You know, your fiancés really starting to sound like a control freak. What if it was a double date?"

"Date." Kurt whispered, turning back around and shimmying his hips. "Brody... this isnt so bad, seeing each other at rehearsals."

"It is for me." He muttered, "Ive never had a guy reject me. Youd be the first. You know, whats with this guy? Hes fine with letting you go to the city of love and dance with other men on stage, but you cant have coffee with me?"

"Of course he minds, Brody." Kurt softened his voice when the choreographer turned up the music as if to warn them to be quiet. "Hes my fiancé... and hes a jealous man over me. But these are my choices... he would never try to control me. Its just... I think its appropriate to dance with other men as long as we keep our distance and our hands from..." he blushed as he thought of the right word, "going lower... and its my choice to not be alone with you. Blaine would never be alone with another man... I know he wouldnt."

Brody smirked, "You never know that, sweet cheeks. Thats the problem with distant relationships. You could be keeping your clothes on around me, but is your control freak fiancé really that devoted-?"

"Dont talk about Blaine like that!" Kurt squeaked, resisting stamping Brodys foot.

"Kurt, Brody," the music shut off, "come on... lets take a five minute break. When we get back, no bickering."

"Brody Weston doesnt bicker." Brody snorted while Kurt scurried off to put his shoes back on. He followed Kurt over to his dance bag and leaned against the wall, "So, youre really not into me?"

Kurts toes curled as he tried to slip his flat on, "Brody, youre making me uncomfortable."

"That doesnt answer my question." Brody leaned down and grabbed Kurts chin, forcing him to look directly into his blue eyes. "I think youre avoiding it. What, youve only been with... one man. Right? Your fiancé. Sweet cheeks, youre nineteen. Dont tie yourself down just because you think you love him. And even if you do... you can give yourself just one night. Im sure your fiancé would approve of your happiness. And if you like, he wouldnt even have to know-"

Kurt was starting to tremble very hard, "What are you asking me, Brody? Youre frightening me."

Brody leaned closer, "Let me kiss you. If you dont like it, you can kick me in the balls. But Ill sleep with you if you do. Ill get you warmed up to men. You dont have to be shy with them anymore... or hide behind your fiancé. Youre miles and miles away from him. Hes probably with someone right now. Dont you deserve to be treated by a man-?"

"Brody, please stop." Kurt pushed him away. "I feel ill. I need... I need some time alone in my dressing room."

"That ill feeling?" Brody followed him down the hallway, stalking after his quick, little steps. "Is it a deep burn in your stomach? Do you feel chilled? I made you feel that. You dont even know what attraction is."

"No..." Kurt shook his head and frantically wiped his wet eyes, "Brody, I feel sick. Please stop following me." Reaching his room, Kurt started to shut himself inside but Brody quickly grabbed the door and forced himself in. "B-Brody, youre scaring me. Ill scream if you come any closer."

Brody prowled deeper into his room, "Brody Weston can make you scream. Admit that you want me. Theres nothing wrong with it." Lunging at Kurt, Brody collected his tiny body and pulled him close, and Kurt blinked as a flash went off.

Brody quickly let him go, "Hey! Get the fuck out of here!" He shouted at a man in the doorway. "We dont need paparazzi."

Shaking from his head to his toes, Kurt squeaked when Brody got near again, "Please leave. Brody... leave."

Brody sat back on his heels, "Youre being serious? I thought you were being a tease. You really dont want all of this?" Pulling up his shirt, Brody rubbed his abs.

Kurt mewled and pinned himself against a wall, "N-No... I dont tease. Please leave. I dont want to see you."

Brodys face fell and he dropped his shirt, "Well, thats a first. Will you come back to rehearsals? I swear, I wont rape you or anything. I actually thought you liked me."

Closing his eyes when Brody passed by, Kurt whispered, "I need time to think. You terrified me, Brody."

"Whoops." was the only thing Brody said, almost as if hed ripped an outfit or broken a nail. "Sorry. But... call me if you change your mind. Brody Westons still into you."

Kurts bottom lip trembled after the door clicked shut, and he felt wet tears roll down his cheeks. Sinking to the floor, Kurt sat on his bottom and buried his face in his knees. He whimpered and pulled his phone from his pocket, dialing in his aunts number. She picked up after a minute, "Hey, sweetie. How was your first day at rehearsals? I picked up some cheesecake to celebrate."

Kurt tried to keep his voice from quivering, "Thank you, Aunt Laurice. Can you come pick me up?"

"Whats the matter?" His aunt suddenly sounded concerned. "Sweetie, have you been crying?"

He closed his eyes. Blaine couldnt find out about this-and she would most likely tell his dad who would tell Blaine-or hed lose his mind and probably force himself to come to France, and Kurt didnt want to panic him or rush him. He just had to keep quiet about it and get through the rehearsals and never be alone with Brody again. "I stubbed my toe." Kurt sniffed, hating lying to her but knowing that it was his only choice. "Its very sore now."

His aunt chuckled a little, "Sure, sweetie. Want me to bring some ice? Ill be over in five minutes."

Kurt put his phone down and he wrapped his arms around his knees. He was so scared and cold, and hed never felt this lonely before. He wanted Blaine, but Blaine wouldnt walk through that door and pick him up and kiss his damp tears running over his lips.

Kurt started to cry harder.

Blaine sat down on the hard swing dangling from the swing set and pushed his feet back and forth. He draped Archer over his shoulder and sat Hunter on his lap, Everett on his knee. Boosting himself into a gentle swinging motion so the babies wouldnt get upset, Blaine laughed as Archer pawed at Pavarotti, who was chasing Blaines swaying feet. Stopping the swing, Blaine let Pavarotti hop onto his foot.

Sighing, Blaine tilted his head back and closed his eyes. He suddenly heard grass crunching and looked back up, spotting Finn. "You look frustrated." Finn commented, lowering onto one of the bars holding the swing up. "Still mad at the swing set?"

"No," Blaine started pushing them again when Hunter gurgled, his eyes on the ground as they moved back and forth. "I... I miss Kurt. He would have loved this swing set."

Finn hesitantly smiled, dragging his fingers through the grass. "Hell get to see it one day. But he did like to play. Remember when we played Mario Kart together and he kept driving backwards?"

A sad smile tugged Blaines lips, "Yes."

Finn stayed quiet for a moment, then he murmured, "Have you heard from him since he started back at Vogue?"

"Yeah." Blaine said again, "We dont have Skype dates every night... he gets busy or tired. But I text him every morning."

"How is he doing? Does he like it there?"

Blaine didnt know what to say to that. Kurt seemed very confused himself, and Kurt always either liked something or didnt like it. He was never torn like he was over this. He kept swinging himself, listening to Archers soft coos. Turning his head, Blaine kissed Archers hair, "I love you, sweetheart."

Archer looked at him with his big, blue eyes, and his dimples popped. He mumbled and patted Blaines face, happily grinning at him. Finn spoke up again, "What are you going to do when Cooper takes his baby back?"

Blaine glared over Archers head, clutching the baby to his chest. "I dont want to talk about that."

"You dont talk much at all," Finn drew in the grass again. "Is that just you trying to keep me out... or is that with everyone?"

Blaine had nothing to say to that so he went back to cuddling his babies. Closing his eyes, Blaine whispered, "I think I want to go inside. Hunters starting to yawn." Standing from the swing, Blaine carried his babies inside and walked up the stairs.

He pushed into his room and frowned at the lack of decoration or dressers filled with moisturizers and makeup. It still bothered Blaine. Laying the babies in their crib, Blaine watched them snuggle into each other and kissed both of their foreheads. "I love you, my little sweethearts." He walked over to his bed and sat down, opening his laptop.

It was about seven, so it had to have been very late where Kurt was. They always had Skype dates around this time, and Kurt had promised that he would have time today. He typed in an IM, Hi, beautiful.

He waited a little while, but Kurt didnt appear. Blaine felt absolutely crushed. "Im still here," he whispered, unsure if he was saying it more to Kurt or himself. "Im still here, Kurt... my love."


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