Nov. 15, 2012, 3:12 a.m.
Nov. 15, 2012, 3:12 a.m.
He walks through life
Saying he is fine
He smiles when he needs to smile
He laughs when someone tells a joke
He is surrounded by people
But when the sun sets and the moon rises
His demons come out to play
They take a hold of his mind
And make him feel alone Worthless,hopeless, lost
And in the end the demons won
They succeed
They made this boy understand what he really is
Today was not Kurt's day. He slept through his alarm, missed the subway and was late for his first day of his internship. Fantastic. By the time Kurt arrived at vogue.com headquarters his head was spinning, his face was flushed and his breathing was more of a pant. His boss was a total bitch who didn't accept any type of excuse. Rumor had it that Victoria once fired a worker for taking to much time off during her pregnancy. By the time Kurt left Victoria's office, he was red with both anger and embaressment, and he could feel it; the dissapointment, the rejection, the humilation creep up through his body just waiting to explode. When things like this happened and Kurt felt this desperate ache inside of himself there was only one thing he could do to manage his pain.
He quickly grabbed his messenger bag from his chair and entered the male bathroom down the hall. He made sure all the stalls were empty before entering the last one on the right hand side. Tears pricked Kurt's eyes as he rumaged through his bag's contents to retrieve the fresh razor blade from it's packaging. His mind swirled with images of his past; dead parents, lost parents, failure, filled with words that he knew described him; gay, stupid, worthless, lost.
The words became buzzing which filled his mind until all he could hear was buzzing, buzzing, buzzing. He couldn't take it any more. The buzzing and the words and the insults were over taking his mind. Kurt slumped to the ground, his back to the toilet door and lifted his shirt up to expose the pale colour of his skin which looked a sickly colour from the artifical lights above. His stomach was his serect that nobody would know about, his safe spot. Kurt could not take the buzzing anymore as tears started to cascade down his face. He positioned the blade just above his belly button and made a hozitional slice to his skin.
As soon as the blade touched his flesh the buzzing stop. Everything went still. It was unnerveing to Kurt but was welcomed. His silent tears tracked down his face and he made another cut, and another, then another. Kurt was spent, he had enough. Reaching into his bag once more, Kurt disposed of the blade and retrieved a bandage which his place over his cuts to stop blood seeping through his shirt. Kurt lasted the day at vouge.com barley mostly by reminding himself of the fresh cuts on his belly. If something were to make him anxious he would discreetly touch the tortured skin over his shirt just to remind him of the pain.
When the day ended, Kurt could not have been happier to leave the damn place. He loved fashion of course and loved being surrounded by amazing clothes, but what he could not handle was the people, the stares and the judgements. There was only one person Kurt could truely be himself around and that was his boyfriend Asher. When Kurt enetered his apartment, Asher was waiting for him at the diner table which was decorated with candles, rose pedals, roast chicken and red wine. Kurt closed the door and practically ran into his boyfriend's arms letting out a sigh of relief at the contact. "Long day honey?" Asher whispered as his fingers ran through Kurt's hair.
"The longest" Kurt sighed. "I'm just glad to be home with my amazing boyfreind" Asher smiled and grabbed Kurt's hand leading the way to the amazing diner.
"Baby, you didn't have to do this" Kurt almost whined as Asher pulled the seat out for him
"I wanted to Kurt, I love you" Asher replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"I love you too"
Later that night, to Asher's insistence, he and Kurt walked the two blocks to the nearest night club. Asher headed for the dance floor right away without a second glance to Kurt. If it were up to him, Kurt would just stay at home and cuddle on the couch with his boyfriend but Asher always gets his way. Always.
An hour passes and Kurt is still sitting at the bar watching his boyfriend dance with random strangers when suddenly a uproar sounded coming from Asher's direction. Kurt sped over in the direction where he last saw his boyfriend only to find him on the ground pummeling into a another guy. The man on the floor wasn't even fighting back, he was just laying there taking Asher's blows as the came and nobody from the surrounding crowd bothered to stop the brawl, instead just chanting fight, fight, fight. Kurt ran to the centre of the crowd and retched Asher off of the helpless man.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" Kurt screamed.
"He isn't even fighting back Ash!"
Asher did not even make eye contact with Kurt before running into the crowd and out of the building. The crowd dissloved and people returned to their drinking and dancing without a second thought to the man laying on the floor in a heap. Kurt knelt down to the man's level and used his hand to brush the black ringlet's away from the man's face. It took Kurt a few moments to take in the man's appearance. Black hair, golden eyes, triangle eyebrows.
He couldn't believe the sight before him as he whispered a name he never thought would ever again touch his lips. 'Blaine.'
This was really good. I can't wait to see what happens when Blaine wakes up and sees Kurt. It is definitely going to be a shock considering he thinks he is dead. I am really enjoying this story and I am looking forward to seeing if Blaine and Kurt can find a way to coexist with each other and maybe help each other through the problems that they have faced for the past five years or so.
Thank you so much lovely! Hopefully the new chapter won't dissapoint! Thanks again x