Nov. 15, 2012, 3:12 a.m.
Nov. 15, 2012, 3:12 a.m.
Kurt Hummel is a good person. He pays his taxes on time, he flosses his teeth every morning and he has never had a run in with the law, never smoked, never drank and has never done drugs. If you searched good person in google you are bound to see a gentle smile, big ocean blue eyes and perfectly colfed aburn hair. Kurt Hummel is a good person.
Blaine Anderson is an influence, whether he is a good or bad influence well that part is up to you to decide. He smokes at least half a pack of cigarettes a day, he has a criminal record and he lives each day as his last. So what happens when a good person and a bad influence get to know each other? They do say that opposites attract right.
Kurt and Blaine have known each other all their lives, their mums met the day each boy was born and have been best friends since, inseperble. Kurt and Blaine on the other hand not so much. When tradegy stuck on the boy's ninth birthday Kurt was suddenly an orphan with no place to turn but right across the street where the Andersons lived. Contray to what the Andersons said Kurt knew he was a burden they resented. Two school bags instead of one, 48 coloured pencils instead of 24, two school fees, two, two, two. Now even though Kurt felt like he didn't belong with the Andersons he loved living with them. He enjoyed he late night chats with Mrs Anderson about fashion and broadway and he ocasionally helped Mr Anderson in the garage, a permant reminder of what his parents left behind. Kurt loved this family but he yearned for his own. The only thing that Kurt wished this life did not have came in the form of a curly head trouble maker, Blaine.
Even from an early age Blaine Anderson was deemed as "no good". By strict instructions from the Andersons Blaine and Kurt were always in the same class for 'moral support' as the parents liked to call it. It wasn't that Blaine didn' like Kurt, its just that he didn't really understand the boy with the perfect hair and the fancy clothes. so instead of accepting Kurt for who he was Blaine simply chose to tease Kurt daily just because he didn't understand. Even though the boys lived together for a long time neither of them really knew each other and couldn't care less to at least make an effect. They were simply bully and victim who had to live with each other. Of course they put on a charade for the parents they didn't need to know that their birth son was bullying their apdotped son. So the boys acted like brothers behind closed doors but as soon as the parents were at a distance it was Blaine's mission to make Kurts life a living hell. And he did until the day when the boys turned 16, it was also the day that Mrs Anderson found a broken Kurt slumped between his bed and dresser covered in vomit and blood with a note falling gracefully from his hand, the tourted skin still dripping with blood drops.
Dear Mrs Anderson,I addressed this letter to you because I knew that you would be the one to find me. I'm so sorry you had to see me like this, I'm so sorry. But i couldn't do it anymore. I just couldn't. There were so many things wrong with my world Mrs Anderson, my parents are dead, I'm lonely and I get bullied everyday. I know that you must think that this is the cowards way out and you are probably right. My parents died by accident, a stupid drunk driver running a light. They didn't want to die, they wanted to live and be happy and enjoy the world. But i can't do those things Mrs Anderson not when they can't not anymore. So I am being selfish and a quitter. But I want you to know that I love you and Matthew so so much you both have picked me up when I was down, you gave me a loving home for christ sake! I just want you to know how grateful I am. But please don't blame yourself for my death. If anyone is to blame, its Blaine. He will probably tell you a completly different story and you will belive him because he is your true son but Mrs Anderson please belive me when I say that even hough your hands are probably red from my blood right now because I am 100% sure you are trying to bring me back from the dead your hands shouldn't be the ones with my blood on them it should be Blaine's. I love you. K
Mrs Anderson's screams filled the house as Matthew Anderson and Blaine ran up the stairs into Kurts room. Mr Anderson choked on the bile that rose to his throat as he pulled out his phone and dialed for the ambulance. Mrs Anderson was furious. She abandoned her spot from Kurts side and strode over to her son. "what the hell did you do Blaine?! My Kurt is dead and apparently its all you fucking fault!" Mrs Anderson spat her words so furiously it tastedlike vemon on her tongue. Her tears filled her vision as she turned on the spot to take Kurt's side.
The ambulance arrived in 5minutes and 10minutes later they were at the local hospitial. Mr and Mrs Anderson never left Kurt's side as he was wheeled in the intenstive care unit in a gurney still unconsious. There was nothing they could do they had to put there trust and hope into the doctors abilities to bring their son back from the dead.
Blaine did not dare to even suggest going to the hospital rather he walked to the park around the corner and sat on a swing and just thought and thought and thought. Kurt is dead and its all his fault. He is fucking scum. How could he be so cruel andheartless for all those years. Kurt didnt deserve to die, at this moment Blaine felt like he should. He didnt mean to cause Kurt all this pain but he knew what he was doing he just didnt care. But seeing kurt so lifeless and beaten it felt as though Blaine's soul was seeping though the cracks of the bedroom floor straight into hell.
One hour. One hour since Kurt wrote that note. One hour since Kurts descion was made. One hour since Mrs Andersons gut renching screams filled the house. One hour since the ambulance arrived. One hour since they arrived at the hospitail. One hour since Blaine arrived at thatpark. One hour that dragged like a snail in the desert.
As soon as Mrs Anderson heard the click click click of the heels on the cold titled floors, she was out of her chair and begging the doctor to deliver her good news about her boy. The pretty doctor with the pretty blond hair with the pretty voice held her breath before she whispered the words; hes alive. It was obvious that this was her first suicidal patient. Mrs Anderson sank to the floor and hugged her knees as her sobs racked her body. Between her loud gasps of air she could hear her husband and the doctor talking. Lost lots of blood. Almost dead. Reached just in time. Stable. Fragile.
She had to see him. Mrs Anderson stood up from the floor and straighted her long black slacks. After a quick talk with the doctor she was making her way to the door which Kurt was behind. The doctor told her that they almost lost him, too much blood lost. Kurt was fragile yet stable. He was going to be okay. He will be okay. He has to be.
Even though Mrs Anderson perpared herself before opening that door the boy in front of her in the hospital bed was not her Kurt. This broken boy with his hollow cheeks, white lips, banaged arms and purple bruises on his face was not her Kurt. This was a broken boy. She made her way over to Kurt and took a seat into the arm chair next to the bed. Kurt was staring at the ceiling and did not notice her presence until one word was whispered quietly from Mrs Anderson cherry pink lips. Kurt.
Kurt slowly let his head fall on the side of the pilliow so he was now staring at Mrs Anderson instead of the celing. Kurt's chapped white lips parted 'I want to die'
Blaine had no idea how long he had been sitting on that swing. He doesn't even care. He parents hated him and the closest thing he had to a sibling is dead. Because of him. "Your hands shouldn't be the ones with my blood on them, they should be Blaine's." That sentence from Kurts suicude note hit Blaine right in the stomach. Just thinking about it made Blaine absoulty sick. He dry reached but nothing came up. He was empty.
Kurt honey you don't mean that. Mrs Anderson was caught off guard with Kurts confession. She knew he must have wanted to die to actually attempt it but she could not accept those words coming from Kurts mouth. Not her kurt. But looking at this sad boy in bed, she realized that he was not her Kurt. Her Kurt was gone forever.
Mrs Anderson woke to the sound of yelling. Where is he?! Where?! Find him! NOW! Her eyelids felt heavy as she opened them to the dim light from the artifical lamp next to Kurts bed. Kurt. She rushed over to the bed. No Kurt. Shit. She raced to the repception desk to find a mass of nurses frantically opening doors to the surrounding rooms and yelling at each other. Now Mrs Anderson wasn't one to believe in superstions but in this moment she felt in her gut that something terribke had happened. She was right. Kurt had gone. He escaped.
Mrs Anderson looked like half zombie as Matthew met her at the front door of their house. And now he understood why. Kurt had disappeared from the hospital. After Mr Anderson put his distressed wife to bed, he walked past Blaine's room to use the bathroom. A moments hesitation before Matthew opened Blaines door and made his way to his bed. It was perfectly made, with no Blaine. And that was the last time Mr and Mrs Anderson heard of both of their sons.
This was really good and I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope you choose to keep writing this story because it really is awesome and I guarantee that I will read all the chapters you choose to post.
Awe thank you so much! That means a lot. Next chapter should be coming soon! Thank you for reviewing xx