March 10, 2013, 2:12 p.m.
March 10, 2013, 2:12 p.m.
Blaine's face was incredulous, "You aren't mad?"
Kurt closed the small distance between them and pulled Blaine against him, holding him close and comforting him as he continued to chuckle. "Mad? No. I would have paid to see that. I mean, it's horrible that you felt that desperate. I'm guessing because his dad's a doctor you thought he could get you painkillers?"
"Honey I'm so sorry you went through that, I'm sorry I'm laughing but I'm just picturing David's face. Bet you surprised the hell out of him. Did you manage to land the kiss at all? Cause not for nothing but you're a pretty good kisser, maybe you turned him around."
Blaine smiled, "No, he dodged it, probably for the best, Katherine would never have forgiven me. He was understanding though, said I needed help, which, yeah."
They sat quietly for a while, each having missed just 'being' together. Blaine held Kurt's hand, moving their hands together in various patterns, occasionally bringing Kurt's hand to his lips for a kiss. Eventually Kurt whispered to him, "I thought I'd lost you, that you might not forgive me for going to your dad."
Blaine kissed him, "I was angry, it's true, but it was the painkillers making me angry, the need for them. Now that I can see what I was doing I'm grateful, I know it can't have been easy for you to call him."
"He's been…different. I had coffee with him the other day after I stopped here. Ran into him in the parking lot and he invited me."
"Did he try to convince you not to visit me?" Blaine pulled at a loose string on his tee shirt.
"No. I think he's finally getting that we're good for one another, that we're in love. "
"We are aren't we?" Blaine turned to face Kurt, looking in his eyes for reassurance.
"Of course we are. You having doubts? Gonna leave me for David?"
Blaine snorted, "Only if I don't get a really good kiss."
"I'm out of practice, hope I can manage this." Kurt kissed Blaine's throat.
"Mmm, I might be persuaded to give you more than one shot at it."
They kissed, pulled apart, placed more tender kisses on each other's cheeks, foreheads, eyelids, just celebrating the fact that their difficult summer was finally coming to an end. No more physical pain (mostly), no more being torn apart by Blaine's family, and while he still had some work to do, no more drugs clouding Blaine's mind.
"Hey! You're boys." A girl who looked to be about 14 stood in the courtyard. It seemed like she might have been watching for a while before speaking, shaking the boys out of their love bubble.
Kurt blushed at being caught, Blaine smiled. "Carla, you aren't wearing shoes again. Does Dr. G know you're outside?"
"Does he know you're kissing A BOY?"
"Yes, he does. This is my boyfriend Kurt. Kurt this is Carla and she's not supposed to be outside without her shoes on."
"Nice to meet you Carla." Kurt scooted away from Blaine by a few inches.
"Boys are supposed to kiss girls." Carla had her hands on her hips, her lips pursed.
"Sometimes. Sometimes they kiss boys. People who love each other can kiss no matter what gender they are." Blaine's voice was gentle and instructive. "Tell you what, we'll walk you inside and if you put on your shoes and Dr. G says you can come outside with us Kurt will tell you a story. Would you like that?"
"Kurt has pretty eyes. Is that why you like to kiss him?"
"I can't answer your question until you answer my question."
"I forget."
"No you don't. "
"Yes, I'd like that. Will you both hold my hands?"
"We will. Thank you for answering my question." Blaine stood and winked at Kurt. Each took one of her outstretched hands and they began to walk inside.
"I answered your question."
"So you did. Yes, Kurt's pretty eyes are one of the reasons I like kissing him."
"What are the other reasons?"
"Private. Go find your shoes and I'll ask Dr. G if I can take you to the courtyard."
Carla skipped away her dark curls bouncing. Kurt looked to Blaine for an explanation.
"So Carla had some tough times and reverted back to childhood. Dr. G says she's somewhere around 9 years old. It takes a little getting used to but she's really sweet and if you knew what she'd been through you'd want to wrap her up in your arms and give her the world."
Kurt smiled, "Sounds like how I feel about you."
A nurse passed them and Blaine called out to her. "Patti, can I get permission to take Carla into the courtyard with Kurt and I? I made her get her shoes and told her I'd ask."
"Lemmee call Dr. Groundwater and I'll let you know. "
Blaine turned back to Kurt, "She a hider so she isn't supposed to be in the courtyard without someone to keep track of her. When I'm having good days Dr. G lets me take her, says it's good for me to feel useful."
"You promised I'd tell her a story. What am I supposed to tell her?"
"Tell her about walking through Central Park."
"There's no story there."
"Describe it. She likes descriptions; she doesn't need a beginning, middle and end."
Dr. G gave his approval and the threesome sat by the waterfall. As she settled in between them Carla looked at Blaine, "Before the story can I ask you questions?"
"You may ask, but I might say no to answers. Will you respect that?"
She pouted a little but agreed. "Is it true that boys can kiss boys?"
Blaine and Kurt answered together, "Yes."
"Can girls kiss girls?"
"And they like it?"
"Both of them?"
"Not everyone wants to kiss the same gender; some people want to kiss the opposite, like you're a girl so you might want to kiss boys."
"EW! I don't want to kiss ANYBODY!" She started to rock in place.
"Then you don't have to. Maybe someday you'll change your mind, maybe you won't. Either way it's okay."
"Did you ask permission to kiss Kurt the first time?"
The boys exchanged a smile, "No, not really."
She turned to Kurt, "Were you scared? Did you want to yell at him to stop?"
He reached behind her and took Blaine's hand, "I was a little scared, but it was excited scared, like I hope I do this right scared. I didn't want him to stop, no."
"Because you loved him and he has pretty eyes too?"
"Yes, because I love him, and he has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. And because he's sweet and kind and I knew that he would keep me safe and stop whenever I wanted him to."
Blaine touched her arm, "Kurt knows about being kissed when you don't want to be too, by someone who he didn't love and didn't care if he wanted to be kissed or not."
Her brow furrowed and she looked at her feet. "That's not fair. No one should have kissed you but Blaine. Did you hit them?"
Kurt was caught off guard but answered anyway "I pushed him away, but I was still scared."
"Are you still scared now?" she met Kurt's eye for the first time.
"Sometimes. Not of him, he's my friend now, but sometimes I wake up scared."
"He's NOT your friend. What do you do when you wake up scared?"
"I call Blaine."
no, I did not just read this all in one day, one sitting. no, it is not one of the most fantasic series i've read in a really long time. Fantastic, i love it, i love you. thank you.
carla...she's interesting. will we learn more about her background? because i get the feeling that somehow kurt is going to be an influence in her recovery. now i'm beginning to think about what kind of tramuas she's endured in the past. the questions about kissing makes me think that she was, in some way, sexually abused and that she reverted back to a point in her childhood before it happened. of course, maybe i'm thinking too much :)
You're good. I think I just like writing therapy. Carla showed up without my permission, she inserted herself into the story and I think she and the boys may get a bit of a spin off after the Summer of Klaine has concluded with this story.