July 20, 2013, 6:07 p.m.
July 20, 2013, 6:07 p.m.
Blaine parked his car in the school parking lot, as he turned off his car he could tell how nervous Kurt was "Kurt everything is going to be alright" Kurt turned to him "It's my fault i kinda over reacted, it's not there fault" "it's okay i get it" Blaine rubbed his hand on Kurt knee and gave him a sweet smile and that smile was returned "let's head in" Kurt nodded.
They proceeded into the school heading to there lockers , where Blaine was violently shoved into a open locker having the corner of it stab into his arm he fell to the ground he was hit by a bunch of foot ball players "Watch out fag!" "you better watch out next time homo or it will be worst the next time!" laughter was filled through the whole hallway, i guess the news of me being openly gay filled the school halls, but all i could hear was an angel speaking "Blaine? Blaine!! are you alright" the boy dropped his things quickly to tend to Blaine "im fine" "no you're not your bleeding does it hurt? and be honest" I closed my eye's trying to stop the tears but there was no way of stopping them soon there was tears flooding down his cheeks "oh Blaine" Kurt then grabbed Blaine and squeezed him and left a small kiss on his head.
The hallways were still packed no one really paying attention to the two gays of the school holding each other. I held onto Kurt with all my might "Come on lets go to the nurses office it's almost time for class." I nodded and we picked up our things and headed to the nurses office, after Blaine was all patched up Kurt was dropping Blaine off at Science class "So i guess i wont see you till lunch?" i asked Kurt with a sad tone "Oh so were hanging out at lunch are we?" "i was hoping but i-" "That would be great, by the way what do you have next?" "strength, why?" Kurt giggled "Just curious, meet you in the lunch room?" i nodded and Kurt smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek again and he was gone. They weren't even dating why was Kurt kissing him not that Blaine minded it, it was the best thing ever but it was confusing .
He sat down in his usual spot in science just day dreaming when there was a voice "Why don't you just date hummel yet?" it was Santanna "Why do you care? you hate Kurt why do you care so much" she laughed at this "I don't hate lady lips, that's just how things work im a bitch but hey i love the kid and i want to see him happy" Blaine was touched by this did Santanna really care for Kurt and if she did then maybe the rest of the new directions did to "So do you like him?" "What?" "Do you like Kurt?" "Umm" "Thought so, looks like he feels the same too" i gave her a confused look "i saw you two at the door that kiss" "It was on the cheek" "whatever! if you don't move fast he might not be interested anymore" i didn't respond i just looked off to the teacher. I walked out of class thinking about the things Santanna said maybe she was right and i needed to move fast before it was to late.. but did Kurt feel the same? it seem like he did, but he could just be being nice? okay but who kisses there friend on the cheek though? they were both gay and they were both obviously attracted to each other what was stopping this? And then Blaine had an idea glee club!!. Blaine walked into the boy's locker room to change his clothes high fiveing Finn and Mike and heading to his locker he slowly took off his shirt clenching at his cut he got this morning.
He was just lifting some simple weights when he looked off to the punching bag and remembered Kurt, crying hitting the bag with all his might. Of course he knew how to box his dad taught him, but it's been such a long time. He put down the weights and headed to bag he wrapped the tape around both his hands and he slid on both boxing gloves, nervously he got into position he threw a few punches hitting the bag with not alot of force but enough to make it move. Once class was over, he was all sweaty he removed his gloves and headed to the locker room, he didn't have time for a shower right now Kurt would be expecting him. He threw his outfit on and he put on a shit load of cologne to mask the sweat smell. Blaine left the locker room and headed directly to the lunch room , he saw the all the new directions sitting at there usual table well not all of them were there, he then saw rachel running up to him "come on Blaine were all waiting for you" i spotted Kurt entering the lunch room i just shook my head at her and made my way to Kurt "Hey cutie" Kurt blushed "Hey, Blaine lets go get some lunch" we made our way to the line and grabbed our lunch and we found a small deserted table in the corner against the wall we sat there "So how was your classes?"Blaine said "Boring" Kurt lifted his salad to his mouth "Why is that?" "Cause you weren't there" Okay Kurt is flirting with him oh my this is oh aaaaaaaa "I felt the same way" he smiled, we chatted about music for awhile and then we got on the topic of glee club "When am i going to hear you sing Kurt?" "I dunno, whenever Rachel decides to gives up a solo?" i giggled "Then that's like never then?" "Pretty much" we laughed and ate until it was time for next class , thankfully we had that together, next block was spent making small talk, giggling and smiling at every turn. School was ending and Glee club was nearing and Blaines master plan was going to unfold he was going to sing to Kurt and tell him all of his feeling laying it down all out on the table.
They headed to the choir room, and they sat in the back away from everyone else until Rachel came hopping in heading for them "hey blaine why weren't you sitting with us at lunch?" i looked to Kurt "i was sitting with Kurt" "Why?" just as he was about to answer santanna swoopt in "Don't you get it hobbit he's not interested, He's totally into lady lips here and there tots getting there mack on so back off get the hint" I was surprised Santanna was standing up for me and Kurt but i loved it at the same time "Oh shut it satan, me and Blaine are just friends" "You're right that's all its going to be , because between you and me lady hummel is way more attractive then you are you aren't really any competition" "Um thanks Santanna?" "You're are welcome Hummel" Rachel didn't speak another word she was shocked we all were. Just then Mr.shue walked in "Okay Cl-" i was sitting there nervously till someone i never would of guessed stood up and spoke"Mr.shue i would like to sing something?"