July 20, 2013, 6:07 p.m.
July 20, 2013, 6:07 p.m.
As the weeks went by their relationship strengthen, learning more and more about each other each day. They hung out between classes, at lunch, glee club and sometimes after school.
It was a Friday morning , I woke up not so early then i usually wake up. I slowly did my morning routine when i suddenly got a text from Kurt saying "Sorry no morning coffee today, im dropping my dads lunch off for him" it was disappointing because we always have our coffee date, So he sent out a quick reply and went on with his morning.
Blaine shortly after got to school and saw Kurt at his locker alone "Hey Beautiful" I said giving his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek "Hi" Kurt muttered "Is everything okay?"
Kurt shrugged "Baby whats wrong" He said while rubbing Kurts back Kurt finally turned his head to look directly at him "Me and my dad had a fight" "Oh was it bad?"
"Sort of, we were fighting about our date tonight" Blaine tensed "I told you he hates me" Kurt shook his head "No he doesn't hate you, we started this tradition with my mom when she was alive, we would have these special friday dinners but when my mom died they weren't really important to me anymore i just hurts thinking about her not being there you know?, I love my dad but it gets tiring" "We can just rescedual our da-" "No, i told my dad im going he us pissed,he keeps texting me saying im not going" "I don't want you to get in trouble Kurt" Kurt went back into his locker "He'll get over it" I frowned Kurt noticed "What's wrong baby?" "Its just what if he forbids you from seeing me and he forces us to break up?" I pouted looking down to the ground "Baby look at me, nothing will ever take you away from me not even my dad okay?" I nodded "Come here" Kurt pulled me into a hug and held me tight kissing the top of my head, Kurt then pulled away "I love you" "Love you too" they both captured there lips into a kiss they kissed for a few seconds before they hurt mummers from other people.
They both turned to see everyone looking at them in disgust he was about to say something when Kurt spoke "you guys got a problem?" "We don't want to see you fags kissing" someone yelled out "I will kiss my damn boyfriend whenever i want , you got a problem then look away because the both of us don't give a flying fuck about what you all think" I was shocked, everyone else was shocked no one said anything "Unless you all want to stay for the show i think it would be best to fuck off" without a word they slowly walked away glaring at us. "That was- I love you"
"I love you too baby" "But damn that was hot!, You get really sexy when you angry love" Kurt giggled and blushed "Tell me about it later, Lets get to class i'll walk you to strength"
As they rest of the day drew on it was finally time for glee club, they walked hand and hand to the choir room "Hey boys" Mercedes yelled out across the room "Hey Cedes" Kurt said and i smiled "Hey Rachel" Kurt said, she just looked up at Kurt and glared at our intertwined hands "Something wrong berry?" "You stole my man" Kurt laughed "Your man? Have you gone competly mental? Get this threw your head Blaines gay?" she said nothing she just glared, Kurt then leaned into her and said "That means he likes cock, and by that i mean my cock" Rachels eyes went wide so did mine after a few seconds Kurt and Mercedes burst into laughter "wanky" Santanna spoke, Kurt pulled him to there back corner in the room "is your dad still texing you?" "No he stopped awhile ago i guess he got over it" I nodded and mr shue entered the room "Alright guys le-" "Will?" "Ms Pilsbury what brings you here?" "I need to talk to Kurt" "Kurt?" Kurt then got yp and made his way to the small women "Bring your bag"She said, He came back grabbed his bag and gave him a confused look. Ms Pilsbury whispered something to Kurt and Kurt begun to shake he looked like he was going to cry. She then told Mr shue what was going on he nodded ans she took ahold of Kurt and they were gone. Mr shuester was now a front of the class
"Alright guys Le-" "What happened to Kurt?" I yelled out "That is none of your b-" he rose from his chair glaring at the teacher "Don't you dare say its none of my businesses because it is! He is my boyfriend! What the fuck just happened!" "Dude calm down" Puck said "No i wont calm down until i know what the fuck happened"
"Blaine sit down and i'll tell everybody. Blaine sat back down and crossed his arms "okay Kurts dad had a heart attack" everyone was silent "What i need to go" i grabbed my bag and headed to the door but i was blocked by Mr Shuester "move"
"No Blaine, Ms Pilsbury wants Kurt to have some alone time with his dad you can go vist him after glee club." "No, MOVE" "Blaine" he heard and then there was a hand on his shoulder, it was Finn "Kurts Kinda my family, and Burts like a father to me and it would be really cool for my mom and him to get married some day but, im not even aloud to go see him either because i know Kurt need his time with him" "But Kurt" I shrugged tears running down my face "I know dude you want to be there for him but he just needs a little time, just as mr shue said you can see him after glee, Now come sit down" i nodded and made my way back to my spot not paying attention waiting for the time to pass quickly.
Rachel made her way over and sat down in Kurts spot she was talking but i was barely listing "if that was one of my dads and if we were dating then i would have taken you, you deserve to know.. Bla blah blah Kurts such a bad boyfriend.. Blah blah blah, We should date, Kurts not even that good looking" "STOP!" Stop saying bad things about my boyfriend and are you on drugs because Kurts the hottest person in this world your nothing compared to him, and no i will not date you, You know why? Because i love cock!" Everyone was staring and Rachel was close to crying but all i could hear is mercedes laughing and the sound of a cell phone ringing, i noticed it was my phone and i quickly answered it once i saw Kurts Picture flash on my screen "Kurt?" There was a sob "Blaine"