Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Chapter 8
Everyone sat around just talking and eating until Puck stood up, raising a bottle of alcohol as he spoke.
"I have an idea." He announced. "Let's play never have I!"
Blaine rolled his eyes and tightened his arms when Kurt tried to squirm away, intent on escaping.
"No way am I playing that moronic game!" he insisted.
"Come on, it'll be fun." Blaine encouraged, pulling him down to sit in the circle the others had formed. Kurt huffed.
"Never have I used a cheesy pick up line" Puck started, sipping on his beer. Several others, including Blaine, downed some as well. Nick laughed and demanded to know what Blaine had said.
Blaine's head tilted to the side for a second before saying, "I've been known for some bad ones but I think the worst was, 'I know it's not Christmas, but Santa's lap is always open.'"
Kurt coughed a laugh and clutched at his stomach. "D-di-did you r-really d-do that?"
"Yes, yes I did. And sadly you aren't epic enough to counter it." He chuckled. Kurt quirked an eyebrow and gave Blaine a look before biting his lips adorably.
"Let's make like a fabric softener and snuggle." He retorted. Blaine grinned.
"Oh you wanna go at this huh?" he asked, rolling his eyes again. Kurt gave him a challenging look. "If beauty were sunlight, you'd shine from a million miles away."
"Sorry, I think you have something in your eye. Oh, nope, it's just a sparkle."
"I'm like chocolate pudding, I look like crap but I'm as sweet as can be."
Kurt blanched a little at that one. "Are you lost? Because heaven's a long way from here."
"What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk?" Kurt shrugged. "My zipper."
Kurt blushed and the teens around them laughed. "I don't work at a post office but I'll gladly inspect your package."
Blaine waggled his eyebrows and grinned. "Really now? Maybe we should go elsewhere…"
"Does this mean you surrender?"
"Hell no." Blaine sounded offended.
"Oh would you two stop already?" Nick finally interrupted.
"Stop what?" Blaine asked innocently.
"The whole cutesy couple thing!"
"Nah, this is too much fun. And I've got such good ones." Kurt pouted.
"Mine are better." Blaine smirked.
"Oh please. By the way, if I flip a coin, what are my chances of getting head?"
"I'm not sure but how about you sit on my face and I'll try to eat my way to your heart."
Kurt gaped but quickly regained his composure. "Remember my name; you'll be screaming it later." He smirked.
Blaine pursed his lips and leaned in close to Kurt, murmuring in his ear. "You know, you really shouldn't tease. You might just get what you're asking for."
Kurt trembled as a strange, strangled whimper slid out. Blaine smirked in satisfaction and leaned back, ignoring the little looks he was getting. Quinn sighed and rubbed her eyes for a second before leaning back on her hands. "Never have I given a blowjob." She announced.
All the girls but Brittany, Santana, Quinn, and Mercedes drank.
"You get knocked up but you don't give head?" Santana asked, a hint of admiration in her voice.
"I was drunk," she shrugged. "And Puck didn't ask."
"Last time I got head from a drunk chick she bit me!" Puck protested. Everyone laughed.
Nick, Sam, and Jeff all drank as well. Kurt glanced around nervously, wringing his hands for a moment before taking the tiniest of sips, praying no one would notice.
"Kurt?" the word in itself was a command. Kurt's eyes flicked up to Blaine's. He was startled by the sheer possessiveness there, his eyes smoldering as they bored into his. "Care to elaborate?" he prompted when Kurt stayed silent.
Blushing brightly, the countertenor mumbled "nothing wrong with practicing." At the look he was being given, he sat up a little straighter. "What? I have an issue with being inexperienced!"
Blaine's eyes softened and he hooked an arm around Kurt's neck, pulling him close and pressing a kiss under his ear. "Well I think it's adorable." He cooed softly. "Would you at least tell me who?"
Kurt snickered a little bit and smirked. "I am not talking about this in front of my friends." He insisted, shifting to lay his head and shoulders on Blaine's lap. Blaine gave him a look and rolled his eyes.
"Well now that that's over…" Santana mumbled, smirking. "Never have I kissed a girl." A chorus of 'lame' rang through the room.
All the boys except Blaine, Sam, Sebastian, Jeff, and Nick drank, as did Santana and Brittany. Yet again, Blaine shot Kurt a look.
"Kissed Britt on a dare." He explained briefly.
"Never have I had surgery." Brittany continued. She, a few others, and Kurt drank.
"When did you have surgery?" Blaine asked protectively.
"When I was, like, nine, nothing important." he waved off. Blaine gave him a look but dropped it for the moment.
"Never have I gone skinny dipping!" Finn announced dramatically, raising his glass. Everyone but Kurt drank to that one.
"Never have and never will." He insisted. Blaine quirked an eyebrow. "You will at some point, trust me." he assured. Kurt laughed and turned his head away.
"Never have I… hmm. Never have I been caught dancing in my underwear… in public." Mercedes said, smirking evilly at Kurt, who blushed furiously and threw back another sip of his drink. "Don't even ask" he snapped, holding a hand up at Blaine.
"Never have I gotten off while talking on a sex hotline." Sam said, laughing. Puck was the only one who drank.
From there the conversation somehow turned into an in depth discussion about breast sizes. Kurt couldn't help but roll his eyes as he leaned back into Blaine.
"You'd think sex was all about boobs."
"I'm much more of an ass man." Blaine retorted, winking down at him. Kurt blushed.
"I bet you are," Wes added, laughing. "Since sex isn't all about boobs, why don't you share what you like with the rest of the class?"
All eyes turned to Blaine and he rolled his eyes, shaking his head a little. "Well… the first thing I notice about a guy is his eyes." He glanced down at Kurt and his fingers combed their way through his hair.
"Eyes? Seriously dude? Come on, we all know you've got some dirty little kink." Nick insisted.
Blaine rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the grin that spread across his face. "You're really gonna make me say this aren't you?" everyone nodded. "Ugh, fine. If you must know I have a fondness for spanking." He said bluntly. Kurt made a little meep noise and covered his rear. Everyone laughed.
"What about you Kurt?" Sam suddenly asked, grinning evilly. "What's your little secret?"
"Oh hell no, I'm not talking about that." Kurt insisted.
"Oh hell yes you are! I had to, so do you!" Blaine laughed.
"I don't have a kink, just normal sex!" Kurt blurted. Almost everyone rolled their eyes at that.
"Come on Kurt, everyone has a kink." Jeff insisted, nudging him in the head.
"Not me." Kurt said bluntly. "And even if I did, I'd die of embarrassment before telling you."
"Come on, at least give us something." Sam said, bouncing a little. Kurt didn't miss how Sebastian's eyes never left Sam. "I know, how about we list some and you just say yes or no." he suggested. Kurt grunted in annoyance but waved them on anyway, rolling a little to press his face into Blaine's abs.
"Hmm… how about whips?" Nick tried. Kurt shook his head.
"Blood?" Jeff asked. No, again.
Soon everyone was shouting ideas at him, except Blaine who simply sat back and enjoyed it.
"Face sitting?"
A blushing "yes."
"Foot fetish?"
"N- …maybe."
"Eww. No."
There was a little pause before Sebastian quirked his head to the side. "Bondage?"
Kurt bit his lip and shrugged a little. "Depends on the situation." He said vaguely.
"Wearing ladies underwear?" Santana asked randomly. Kurt choked on his breath for a second before muttering a 'no'.
"Don't even lie dude, I've seen your closet!" a slightly tipsy Finn accused.
Kurt gaped for a second before stumbling over his words. "I- the- that was an outfit for Rocky Horror, that doesn't count!" he protested.
"Ok, ok, let's stop torturing Kurt, that's Blaine's job." Mercedes finally interrupted. Everyone protested but quieted down anyway. "Oh, baby we should give you your presents now!" she said suddenly, bouncing a little and clapping her hands.
Kurt yelped a little when Blaine nudged at his shoulders, but sat up anyway. Nearly everyone in the circle dispersed, digging through bags and disappearing into the kitchen. Kurt shrugged and went to grab some more strawberries, indulging in a few two-bite brownies as well.