Of Pleasure and Pain
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Of Pleasure and Pain: Chapter 7

E - Words: 2,268 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Jul 18, 2012 - Updated: Sep 11, 2012
989 0 1 1 2

Chapter 7

A Dominant is not made simply to take from the submissive. He/She is charged with the job of watching over and taking care of the submissive because he/she is something precious. Every relationship requires give and take.

They took their time driving home, but Kurt was confused when they got there. Hadn't they left the lights on? He asked Blaine, who simply shrugged.

They entered the dark hallway and kicked off their shoes. Kurt was hanging his jacket up when the lights flicked on.


The countertenor screamed and jumped, spinning toward the living room and trying to force his breathing to slow. When he finally registered what he was seeing, he screamed again and launched himself at his friends.

"Mercedes, Sam, Britt, what are you all doing here?" he asked, glancing around the room as they hugged him tightly. Everyone in New Directions, his parents, and even a few Warblers were in the room, all grinning at Kurt.

"Blaine set it all up." Mercedes explained, sending the Warbler a fond look. "He's actually not that bad." She chuckled. Kurt turned slowly and looked at Blaine.

"You did this?" he asked, an unreadable look in his eye. Blaine smiled lovingly and nodded. Tears welled up in Kurt's eyes and he pulled away from his friends, leaning up on his toes and throwing his arms around Blaine's neck. "Thank you Master." He whispered. Blaine's arms wound around his waist and he pressed a kiss to Kurt's neck. "You're very welcome dear one." He murmured back.

Grinning and turning back to his friends, Kurt scanned over the living room. There was a huge banner that read 'happy 18th birthday Kurt' hanging over what looked to be a temporary stage. There was even a bunch of instruments and a microphone on it.

"Don't complain, don't complain, don't complain" he chanted to himself as he took Blaine hand and pulled him over to his parents. Blaine just laughed and advised that he 'get used to it'.

"Carol, dad, this is Blaine. Master, this is my dad, Burt, and my stepmom Carol." He smiled sheepishly.

"What, no intro for me?" Finn protested, grinning ear to ear.

"Oh yeah, that's my step brother the Franken-teen." Kurt joked. Rachel stepped out from behind Finn and smiled. Kurt's grin dropped instantly. "And Rachel." He added neutrally. Blaine glanced down at him before looking Rachel over. He shook his head infinitesimally and turned back to Kurt's parents.

"Blaine Anderson, it's nice to finally meet you." He said kindly, holding out his hand. Carol just shook it, whereas Burt tried to break the bones in his hand.

"And again the poor Franken-teen is overlooked." Finn pouted jokingly. Blaine chuckled and extended his hand to the lanky teen. Finn bumped his fist into his hand. Kurt just rolled his eyes.

"We aren't staying long," Carol informed, smiling at the happiness that seemed to radiate from her stepson. "We just wanted to see you and make sure you're doing alright."

"I'm doing great." Kurt assured her, smiling up at Blaine almost reverently. "Master takes good care of me." Blaine grinned back and tightened the arm he had around Kurt's waist.

"We should probably get going," Burt interrupted, clearing his throat uncomfortably. "We'll see you later. Don't be afraid to drop by every now and then alright kid?" he added softly. Kurt smiled and nodded, pulling away from Blaine to hug his father. Burt patted him on the back softly.

Once they were gone, Puck was shouting. "Sweet! Time for booze!" he announced. Kurt groaned but grudgingly accepted the red plastic cup he was given.

"He is just crazy." He mumbled to Blaine.

"Crazy people make the world go round." Puck insisted.

"And sane people keep it from spinning out of control." Kurt retorted smartly.

"Oooh, nice one." Puck congratulated before wandering away.

"There's food in the other room, go get something to eat ok?" Blaine instructed Kurt quietly. He nodded a little and drifted off to the dining room. He couldn't help but smirk at the mass amounts of junk food that weighed down the polished table.

In the middle, hiding under a bag of chips, he managed to find some strawberries. God only knew where Blaine got these things from, but they were addictive. He smiled to himself and turned to go back, only to run right into Rachel. The girl tried to smile, but Kurt just huffed and walked away.

Blaine was sitting on the couch talking animatedly with Nick when he returned. Without even thinking, Kurt dropped to his knees in front of Blaine, nuzzling his cheek into Blaine's calf fondly. A few seconds later, though, he froze up and glanced around nervously. No one seemed to be looking at him funny, hell, most hadn't really noticed. The only people looking at him were Brittany, who was curled into Santana, Sam, who was lounging on a chair, and Jeff, who surprisingly was on Nick's lap. They all smiled encouragingly, and Sam gave him a goofy little thumbs-up. He glanced up and Blaine smiled down at him, his fingers stroking through his hair soothingly. Kurt's eyes drifted closed and he leaned against Blaine's legs, content to stay there forever.

But, like everything in his life, it wasn't meant to be.

"Seriously Kurt?" Rachel scoffed as she passed, perching on the couch a few feet away, looking much like a deranged bird.

"What?" he asked, confused and annoyed at the same time.

"I get that you probably get all freaky when you're alone but could you at least try and not act weird around normal people?" Kurt's eyes widened angrily and his hands balled into fists. Around him Jeff and Brittany both slid onto their knees as well, as if in support.

Kurt ground his teeth together as he spoke, his voice low and deadly. "I will act however the fuck I want in my own home. If you don't like it, you can leave. I'm not going to change just because an egotistical, self absorbed, air headed, untalented bitch tells me to!" his voice had risen to a shout by the end of his rant. He hurled himself out of the room and up the stairs, slamming the door to his room and leaning against it as the tears poured down his face.

He locked the door and fell into his desk chair. His eyes were drawn to the mirror he had propped up there. Flushed cheeks, bloodshot eyes, and shaking shoulders. He had freaked out in front of all those people. In front of Master. He was bad. A bad boy.

Kurt knew he would probably be punished. He'd disrespected Master with his outburst. That just made the tears fall faster. He grabbed a tissue from the box on the corner of his desk, wiping his eyes as he began to sing to himself quietly.

"If anyone asks, I'll tell them we just grew apart. And when people all stare I'll pretend that I don't hear them talk."

"What the hell is your problem Berry?" Santana snapped, looming over the girl intimidating. Blaine, Nick, Jeff, and Sam surrounded her.

"You're dads are gay, how can you be so judgmental?" Sam asked.

"My dad's keep their… activities to themselves. They don't flaunt their abnormality in front of everyone." Rachel said in a bored tone.

"Whenever I see you, I'll swallow my pride, and bite my tongue. Pretend I'm ok with it all. Act like there's nothing wrong."

"Are you fucking kidding me? There's nothing wrong with being a submissive!" Nick snarled, his hand grabbing Jeff's protectively.

"They're weak. If Kurt thinks he's getting anywhere in this world he should understand that."

"Is it over yet? Can I open my eyes? Is this as hard as it gets? Is this what it feels like to really cry?"

"How could you even say that? Kurt is ten times stronger than you are." Brittany insisted, coming to stand behind Santana. "It's not easy to hand the control over to someone else Rachel." She added.

"Do you know how long it took for Kurt to trust me enough to even hold his hand?" Blaine asked, shooting daggers at her.

"If anyone asks, I'll tell them we just grew apart." Kurt sang, rising off of his chair and going to the other side of the room, sitting by his bed and leaning against it. He pulled his photo album out from under his pillow and fingered through the pages slowly. "Mmm what do I care if they believe me or not?"

"That wasn't cool Rachel. After everything he's gone through, I can't believe you would do that."

"Finn! You're supposed to be on my side!"

"Not for this. He's my brother Rach."

"Whenever I feel your memory is breaking my heart. I'll pretend I'm ok with it all. Act like there's nothing wrong."

"Look, obviously you're all very upset at me, and I understand why. You can't accept the fact that most of you are atypical and will never fit in in everyday society, whereas stars like me will fit in perfectly." Rachel summarized knowingly. Blaine wanted to rip her hair out.

"I think you should leave now." He said instead, moving so she could get out. She sniffed and flounced out the door. "I'm going to go check on Kurt." Blaine said immediately after she left.

"I'm talking in circles. I'm lying, they know it. Why won't this just all go away?" the door opened and closed softly, and a few seconds later a warm arm wrapped around his shoulders. He leaned into Blaine's chest and let his tears fall. "Is it over yet? Can I open my eyes? … Is this as hard as it gets? Is this what it feels like to really cry?" his hand fisted in Blaine's shirt and he sobbed, not caring that he was covering the man in tears and mucus.

"P-please d-don't be-be mad at me Master!" he begged, choking on his breath as he tried to get the words out. "I'm so sorry, I'll be g-good, I promise!"

"Shh, baby boy, you're ok." Blaine soothed softly, his fingers carding through Kurt's hair in an attempt to pacify him. "You aren't in trouble sweetie, its ok."

"I acted insane in front of all those people." Kurt mumbled, his breathing evening out the slightest and his tears slowing.

"No, you didn't." Blaine chastised gently. He pulled Kurt up by the chin to look at him. "You didn't." he insisted. "If anyone ever talks to you like that, I want you to stand up for yourself. You were very brave." Blaine leaned down and kissed Kurt gently. The countertenor took a shaky breath and curled into Blaine weakly.

A light knock interrupted the two a few minutes later. Blaine straightened up a bit and Kurt whimpered, holding onto him tightly. Blaine smiled down at his reassuringly as he called out, "yeah?"

"Can we come in?" Brittany's soft voice inquired, sounding a little scared. Blaine glanced down at Kurt, who nodded, before inviting them in. Jeff, Sam, Brittany, Mercedes, and, surprisingly, Santana all enter warily, scanning over the room to find them.

All five of them fell to their knees around Kurt, wrapping their arms around him comfortingly. He let them pile onto him, never letting go of Blaine's hand.

"That Berry chick was way out of line."

"You know that's not true."

"She's just a bitch, Dolphin."

"You are so brave Kurt."

"I gotta say, I'm happy you finally grew some balls and knocked her down a notch."

Kurt gave a watery chuckle and smiled at his friends. "Thanks guys." he said earnestly.

"Everyone's still downstairs if you wanna come back down," Sam trailed off uncertainly. Kurt took a shaky breath and nodded.

"Kay." Was all he said. He was pulled up by his hands, and his legs gave out for half a second when he stood. Just enough time for him to bang his nose on Blaine's chest.

"Oww…" he moaned, falling back to sit on the bed and rubbing his face. Blaine bit back a chuckle and pulled Kurt into his arms, carrying him bridal style down the stairs. The submissive squirmed and protested the whole way, but ended up leaning into him anyway.

"Look who we found!" Blaine cheered playfully, placing Kurt on the couch gently and sitting next to him. Kurt made an upset noise in the back of his throat and pressed closer to Blaine, his shoulders, head, and upper chest ending up on his Master's lap. Blaine chuckled and rubbed Kurt's stomach.

"He seems happy." A vaguely familiar voice commented. Kurt's neck snapped around to see a boy standing just in the entryway, smirk firm on his face.

"Hey Seb," Blaine greeted the newcomer. "What took you so long?"

"Bet you anything he was drooling over that picture again." Nick snickered. Sebastian leaned over Blaine and smacked Nick upside the head.

Nick tackled him and they wrestled for a few moments before Santana stood and whistled sharply.

"Oi, listen up before I go all Lima Heights on yo' asses!" she hollered. Everyone grew silence and eyed her with varying expressions. She straightened up and smiled at Kurt as she spoke. "Ok, so we kinda owe my boy here a song and after all the crap that went down, I got the best one to do."

"Your boy?" Blaine cried, somewhat outraged. Kurt laughed loudly, but froze up and quieted at the dark look in Blaine's eye.

"Oh relax Blainers, I don't bend that way and you know it."

Blaine eyed her carefully but let it go as a few of the girls went over to the stage, sitting on the edge and beginning to sing. Kurt smiled and leaned back into Blaine's chest. The girls smiled as the chorus started up. Everyone in the room began to sing along.

Shake it off, shake it out

Shake it off, shake it out

Ooh oh whoa

When they finished their song, Kurt clambered off of Blaine's lap and hugged them thankfully.


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i love how blaine got posseseive when santana called kurt her boy.