Of Pleasure and Pain
Chapter 29 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Of Pleasure and Pain: Chapter 29

E - Words: 1,101 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Jul 18, 2012 - Updated: Sep 11, 2012
788 0 0 0 2

Chapter 29

Kurt stared at the ceiling blankly.

Sixty two days.

Eight weeks.

Two months.

He took a shaky breath and rolled over, snatching his diary off his side table and began writing furiously.

Hours later, Blaine knocked on his door gently to find Kurt passed out, looking troubled even in sleep, and a book hanging on his fingers. He reached out and carefully pried the journal from Kurt's hand and scanned over what he'd written.


I'm scared out of mind even if I won't admit it to Blaine. It's been two months on the dot and I'm… terrified. I thought I'd be ready by now but I just don't know if I'm ready for sex.

What if it hurts? What if I bleed? I think he'll be gentle but what if he isn't? What if all this was just some cover-up so he could lock me in a basement and torture me?

Ok I'm being insane. I love Blaine, he loves me, he's not going to hurt me. At least not intentionally.

I'm going to bed now, all this thinking makes my brain hurt.

Blaine sighed and put the journal back, striding out of Kurt's room quietly.


Kurt awoke with the sun hitting him face on, rolling over with a few grumbles before sitting up. Without truly thinking about it, he tottered out of his room and into Blaine's, snuggling under the sheets there.

"Well hello there." Blaine chuckled. "What are you up to?"

"Sun in my room. Wanna sleep." He grumbled halfheartedly, snuggling into Blaine's chest. Blaine laughed and kissed under his jaw where he knew Kurt's weak spot was. "Mmm… Master…" Kurt mumbled, angling his neck out to give him better access. His fingers ghosted over Blaine's half-mast cock teasingly as he slowly lengthened and hardened. When Blaine was grunting and practically humping his hand, Kurt stretched up and whispered "tag" in his ear, before throwing the covers off and running butt naked out of the room.

Blaine sat there for a moment, stunned, before chasing his blue eyed boy. Kurt screamed as he flew down the stairs, seeing Blaine coming after him. Without a second thought he threw open the front door, making a break for freedom…

And slamming right into a man and woman, the man's hand raised like he was about to knock. He fell back onto his rear and froze for all of two seconds before slamming the door shut in their faces and leaning against it. Blaine was doubled over laughing.

"Go get dressed" he managed to choke out between laughs. Kurt eyed him and the door nervously before jogging back up to his room.

Blaine opened the door to find the pair looking at each other curiously.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad." He greeted, hugging them.

The three were sitting on the couch, talking and laughing, when Kurt came creeping back downstairs, peering around the corner. Blaine smiled as soon as he noticed him and waved him over. Kurt eyed the pair next to Blaine nervously as he crawled onto Blaine's lap.

"Kurt, this is my mom, Ellen, and my dad, James. Mom, Dad, this is Kurt." He introduced, grinning. Kurt waved shyly.

"Hi." He said softly. "I can definitely see where Master gets his looks…" he added in a mumble, eyes raking over James. Blaine pinched his hip sharply.

"So this is the boy you keep talking about!" his mother squealed. "You know, he just never stops talking about you. It's always Kurt this and Kurt that, it's actually quite adorable." She informed Kurt.

"Mom!" Blaine protested. Kurt laughed loudly before coughing and covering his mouth, stifling the giggles.

"What? You wanted the classic 'meet the parents' bit. This is what meeting the parents is." Blaine's father chuckled. "It's very nice to finally meet you Kurt." He added, shaking hands with the still snickering boy. "I trust my boy has been treating you right?"

"It's nice to meet you too sir." Kurt smiled genuinely. "And he's been great. To be perfectly honest he's kind of a push over." He mumbled the last bit to himself but James still heard. The two cracked up laughing while Blaine looked offended.

"I am not a push over!" he insisted. Kurt turned the puppy dog eyes on him.

"Can you pretty please get me some breakfast?" he simpered. Blaine groaned but stood anyway, ranting to himself as he went to the kitchen.

"Fell in love with the devil himself!" he exclaimed as he left the room. Kurt snickered.

"Good, he's gone." He turned to Ellen. "Please tell me you have baby pictures." He practically begged.

"No baby pictures mom!" Blaine called from the kitchen. Ellen just laughed and held a finger to her lips before passing Kurt a few old pictures. He hid them as Blaine came back in the room, winking in an almost conspiratorial way at Ellen. Blaine passed him some toast with nutella on it and the brunette laughed.

"I swear, you can't cook at all." Kurt laughed. Blaine just shrugged.

"That's why I have you." He said. Kurt smacked him.

"I'm here for much more than your hollow leg." he teased. "Mrs. Anderson that is a lovely shirt." He changed the topic, talking fashion with Ellen for a good half hour.

"Blaine, you fucker, we're here!" someone suddenly shouted, the door opening and closing as Sebastian, Sam, and Puck entered the room. Sebastian grinned when he saw Blaine's parents. "Hey Mr. and Mrs. A." he greeted easily, throwing himself into the loveseat. Puck, surprisingly, slid next to him and Sam flopped across their laps. That is until he saw Blaine's father. He, like Kurt, was practically drooling.

"I think that's our cue to leave." Mr. Anderson chuckled, standing. Blaine and Kurt stood as well, Blaine hugging his parents and Kurt holding out his hand. They laughed and pulled him into a hug anyway, James kissing the top of his head. Shivers ran down his spine. He was practically panting as they left.

As soon as the door closed, Blaine rounded on him. "Would you not drool over my dad?"

"What? He's a DILF, you can't blame me!" Kurt jumped on the defense instantly. "It's not my fault I'm attracted to him."

"Attracted." Blaine groaned.

"Yes! I'm attracted to him, have you seen your father? He's gorgeous! But you're a hundred times sexier so there's no real problem here." He finished, huffing and turning to his friends. "Noah, what's that on your wrist?" he asked, desperate for a subject change.

Puck smiled shyly, a tinge of pride in his eyes as he twisted his wrist around to show off the silver cuff. "My collar." He answered. "Well, sort of. I don't want one on my neck like Sam so I got this instead." He explained. Sam and Kurt smiled and Sebastian kissed his cheek.


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