Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Chapter 25
It is wise for submissives to be respectful to other Dominants besides their own. You never know when a Dom will act out angrily or, should you be disrespectful to them, tell your own Dominant.
"I look like an idiot." Puck complained, tugging at his tie uncomfortably. Kurt pulled his hands away and fixed it for him.
"No you don't. Just relax." Sebastian chided, helping Sam with his blazer. All three of them glared at him. "What?"
"Stop telling us to relax." Sam grumbled, throwing a few things into his bag and huffing. "It just makes us more stressed."
"That is true Sebastian." Blaine commented. "But honestly, everyone's going to love you guys and even if they don't, they won't bug you. The only thing you should be nervous about is the Warbler audition but knowing you guys, you'll nail it." He soothed. Kurt smiled at him vaguely and slipped his Cheerios wristband on under his sleeve. Blaine gave him a funny look but didn't say anything.
"Well, let's get this over with." Puck grumbled, cracking his knuckles, a nervous habit of his. They filed out of their dorm room into the crowded halls of Dalton. Every other person looked back or stared at the newest additions to their school, not missing the fact that Kurt was huddled into Blaine's side or that Puck grabbed Sam's hand and squeezed comfortingly.
That morning passed painstakingly slow, the five being separated more than they were hoping for through the classes. Kurt found himself alone in his class just before the lunch break. He pulled his coat up higher, feeling the hair stand up on his neck as he felt someone's eyes on him. As the bell rang, he put his things back into his messenger back neatly, almost reaching the door before a hand rested on his shoulder. He turned, startled.
"Hello there." The newcomer smiled. He was a handsome man, there was no denying that. He had soft blonde hair, and black rimmed glasses that made his icy blue eyes pop. He raised his arms to rest his hands on the wall beside Kurt's head, his sleeve pulling up slightly to showcase the ornate D on his inner wrist.
Kurt lowered his eyes respectfully and murmured "Hello Sir."
"You're new here." It wasn't a question.
"Y-yes, this is my first day." Kurt confirmed nervously, his heartbeat picking up as the man leaned closer. He pressed himself into the wall, hoping to disappear.
"Kurt!" his eyes flew open and he smiled as they landed on Blaine.
"Master." He sighed gratefully, working his way out from under the unnamed boy and ducking behind Blaine. A strong arm wrapped around him protectively as Blaine stared at the other. Kurt shivered.
"Jace." Blaine acknowledged coldly.
"Blaine." There was a pause as his eyes ran over Kurt appreciatively. "That's a lovely bitch you have there." He commented crudely. Kurt glared angrily at him, but Blaine stayed calm.
"Truly something to be proud of." He agreed coolly. Jace sneered at him before turning to Kurt.
"Let me know if you want to be fucked by a real Dominant." He said, practically undressing the boy with his eyes before walking away.
Blaine stayed still until Jace had left, before turning to Kurt urgently.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" he demanded, scanning him over for injuries.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. He just scared me." Kurt assured. Blaine hugged him tightly and kissed the top of his head.
Blaine kept Kurt tucked under his arm protectively as they walked to the cafeteria, meeting up with the others in the line. Blaine explained tensely what had happened with Jace, while Kurt assured Puck and Sam that he was okay. They paid for their food and wondered to a table. Sam leaned into Sebastian comfortably, while Puck purposely slid a few feet away from them. Kurt's first instinct was to kneel by Blaine, but he hesitated.
"What's wrong?" Blaine asked curiously.
"I… um, I don't know where to sit." He mumbled. Blaine smiled lovingly and pulled Kurt down onto his lap.
"As much as I would love you at my feet," he whispered, "it would probably make people stare."
Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine's neck. "I don't really care if people look, but if it makes you uncomfortable I'll stay here." He offered subserviently.
Blaine smiled and chuckled. "At this point, I want to fuck you, right here just so people know your mine." He growled in Kurt's ear, making the younger whine and arc his neck back, practically begging for attention. Blaine smirked and attacked the pale flesh, sucking little love bites, pulling the neck of his jacket down to show of the collar resting proudly on his décolletage.
"Please Master." Kurt whimpered, grinding back into Blaine's lap. Blaine gently bit down on Kurt's soft shoulder to hold his own groans back.
The two were unceremoniously interrupted by a grape hitting Blaine on the nose. The two both jolted up to see five people looking at them amusedly.
"Get a room!" Nick insisted. Everyone else just sort of awkwardly laughed.
"I have one; I just choose not to use it." Blaine informed them. He let Kurt wriggle his way off his lap, the lighter brunette folded his arms on the table and rested his chin on them.
"I need coffee" he whined.
"You're addicted to caffeine, you know that, right?" Puck asked. Kurt flipped him off.
"I'll get you coffee." Blaine laughed, ruffling the countertenors hair. Kurt protested weakly, batting his hand away as Blaine stood and went over to the cafeteria counter.
"So, what's with the mohawk guy?" Nick asked Sebastian quietly, eyeing Puck somewhat nervously.
"Ever heard of sub pairs?" Nick nodded. "These two." Sebastian waved a hand between Puck and Sam. "Noah's still -"
"For fucks sake, it's PUCK!" the aforementioned boy finally shouted. "Stop calling me Noah! Only my ma and Sam are allowed to call me that."
Sam scrambled out of his seat almost instinctively and tugged Puck away from the group, wrapping his arms around his waist comfortingly. Blaine passed by them, pausing momentarily but thinking better than to interrupt the quietly talking teens. He slid into the seat beside Kurt and set a steaming cup in front of him. Kurt practically moaned as he drank the scalding drink.
"Thank you Master." He mumbled gratefully. Blaine chuckled.
"So what's up with the three musketeers?" he asked curiously, nodding toward the blonde that was rubbing Puck's shoulder's trying to calm him.
"Sebastian called him Noah and he flipped. He's just stressed; he doesn't seem to understand what's going on." Kurt explained quickly. He hushed up instantly when the boys returned, Puck still looking upset but holding onto Sam's hand firmly while the other sat a foot or so from Sebastian, the blonde smiling apologetically.
The rest of the day went reasonably easy, Blaine purposely walking his sub from class to class to avoid another Jace situation. They met up with Puck, Sam, and Sebastian outside their last class and went down to the choir room. Sebastian and Blaine walked in easily, everyone greeting them warmly. Puck walked in and threw himself onto one of the couches, not talking to anyone, whereas Sam and Kurt crowded around the door nervously.
"Oh just get your pale asses in here." Puck grumbled, resting his feet on the coffee table. Wes, Thad, and David glared at him from the council table.
"How did he even afford the tuition here?" Wes hissed.
"I didn't!" Puck announced proudly. "What's-his-face over there did!" he waved toward Sebastian who rubbed his temple stressfully. "And it's not very nice to gossip." He added. Sam stomped into the room just to smack him upside the head.
"Be nice!" he hissed. "These are Bas's friends."
"Oh that's so cute. You actually think I care." Puck practically cooed.
Sebastian looked to Blaine for help but the other just shrugged and went to drag Kurt into the room.
"You're so obtuse it's almost jocular." Kurt commented as he sat next to Puck. The mohawked boy look confused. Kurt just snickered.
"Attention!" Wes shouted, banging a gavel. Puck rolled his eyes. "This meeting of the Warblers is called to session. Blaine? You had something to say?" he offered.
"Actually I have three something's." Blaine chuckled, gesturing towards the three boys sitting side by side on the couch. "Gentlemen, meet our newest recruits. This is my submissive Kurt, and Sebastian's Sam, and Puck."
"Puck? As in the fairy from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'?" Wes asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Puck as in punch your face in." Puck growled.
"Noah!" Sebastian chastised. Puck's fists clenched angrily and he glared. "You are going to be in so much shit." Sam mumbled.
"Anyway…" David said slowly, trying to defuse the situation. "Did they want to audition?"
Blaine nodded and waved them forward. Puck grumbled but snatched the guitar in the corner of the room, hooking the strap over his shoulder. Kurt chewed his lip nervously and smiled at Blaine hopefully. Blaine grinned back supportively. Puck began to strum and Sam took Kurt's hand.
"Found a piece of candy on the floor and I couldn't resist but taste it. Mama wanted to smack me and that's when I made up my mind and I ate it." Sam began, staring at the ground. "And I have to admit it tasted better than the ones in the kitchen cupboard."
"Late at night I stare out my bedroom window wondering what it's like to run away. Daddy told me he would hit me if I did it so I made up my mind and I ran away. And I have to admit it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be." Kurt sang softly, smiling hesitantly at Blaine.
"What doesn't kill you makes you sick, and if you're sick you learned a lesson, and with every lesson you get wiser. So I figured out it pays to cross the line… and eat a little dirt sometimes." They sang together, smiling.
"I found a book about mystical things but momma said it's against our religion." Puck sings, looking at Sam and nothing else. "So late at night I'd read it anyway, and that was the last time I asked for permission. And I have to admit that I don't regret telling her lies, cuz it opened my eyes."
"I won't let my years go to waste, living in a cage. This prodigal child will always stray." Sam continued, squeezing Kurt's shoulder.
"I got over the stomach ache, wiped the mud off my face, 'cause this world belongs to the brave! … What doesn't kill you makes you sick, and when you're sick you learned a lesson. And with every lesson you'll get wiser… wiser. So I figured that it pays to cross the line… and eat a little dirt sometimes!"
He repeated the line as Puck and Sam sang 'cause this world belongs to the brave' behind him.
"Found a piece of candy on the floor…" Puck finished softly.
"Well. That was certainly interesting." Wes hummed. "All those in favor?" everyone in the room raised their hands. Kurt laughed nervously. "Well it's unanimous! Puck, Kurt, Sam, welcome to the Warblers." He smiled. Kurt shrieked and bounced on the balls of his feet for a few moments before freezing and looking down, blushing. Blaine chuckled and wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist, kissing him on the top of the head gently.
Wes handed him a pin with a little bird on it and he grinned.
Maybe this school wouldn't be so bad.