Of Pleasure and Pain
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Of Pleasure and Pain: Chapter 20

E - Words: 2,173 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Jul 18, 2012 - Updated: Sep 11, 2012
872 0 0 0 2

Chapter 20

A popular form of punishment is denial of clothing or public nudity, due to a submissive's modest nature. Physical punishment is used, and is allowed, as long as no permanent damage (see chapter 13 Section B for definitions of permanent damage) is caused.

A Beginning Dominant's Guide – Chapter 4: Punishment

"Are you sure Blaine's okay with this? He's been pretty crazy after last week…" Mercedes trailed off nervously.

"It's fine. I mean, sort of." Kurt shrugged.

"Kurt…" she stopped in her tracks, pulling Kurt round to face her. "Are you supposed to be here?"

"Umm… technically I haven't been told I can't be here…" Kurt mumbled. "Look, Mercedes, it isn't your problem. Please just leave me be." He huffed. Mercedes sighed heavily and shook her head.

"I'm not standing up for you if this all goes south, I warn you now." She mumbled. They scoured the mall for a few hours, cracking random jokes and just screwing around.


Kurt took a deep breath as he opened the door, quietly slipping through and tip toeing up the stairs.

"Kurt." He froze and held his breath. "Come here." He sighed and backed down the stairs before going over to kneel before Blaine. He kept his eyes down and clenched his fists tightly. "What are you doing Kurt? Why do you keep misbehaving?" Kurt stayed silent, his eyes never leaving the floor. Blaine sighed. "Three days without clothes. Go to your room." Kurt snapped his head up, his eyes wide.

"I have school, I can't be… n-naked!" he protested.

"I'm not discussing this. Go." Blaine ordered. Kurt made an angry 'ugh!' and ran up the stairs into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Life was hell.

He grabbed his cell and dialed Sam, wanting to vent.


"He's insane! He pretty much said I have to go to school nude! I mean, I get that I'm in trouble but I don't want everyone at school to see my… you know."

"Just stay calm and talk to him once he's relaxed. Maybe he just meant when you're at home." Sam offered. "And anyway, if you have to be naked I can shield you. And sneak a look at the same time…" he trailed off. Kurt laughed weakly and rolled his eyes.

"Ok, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully clothed."

"Bye babe." Sam laughed.


"Can I at least wear pants? Please?" Kurt begged. "I really don't want Karofsky to see my… area." He added, mumbling under his breath. Blaine turned and passed Kurt a pair of skin colored pants, putting a hand under his chin and tilting his head upward.

"I wasn't going to make you go totally nude. These," He tapped the pants in Kurt's hands, "come off as soon as you get home. Do you know why you're being punished?"

"I went out without permission." Kurt mumbled.

"Exactly. I don't like keeping you locked up Kurt, but it seems like I have to for your own safety." Blaine cupped Kurt's cheek as he spoke, leaning down to kiss the boy. Kurt sighed.

"I know." He mumbled again.

"Good." Blaine kissed Kurt firmly again before turning away. "Get ready, I'll drop you off."


Kurt hugged his bag to his chest and curled his shoulders in as he hurried to the choir room. He fell against the door as it closed and huffed.

"Trouble in paradise?"

Kurt jumped. "Noah?" he asked, straightening up instantly. "Sweet Gaga, you scared me!" he chastised.

"You seem kinda freaked out, what's wrong?" Puck asked, setting his guitar down and walking over to him. Kurt chuckled nervously.

"Apparently I've been misbehaving." He sighed. "I went to the mall with 'Cedes last night and Master went ape."

"Why? You, like, always go to the mall."

Kurt sighed and fell into one of the chairs. "I do, but he's keeping me locked up for my own protection."

"Considering what went down with Karofsky, I'd probably do the same." Puck conceded, sitting next to him. Kurt groaned and let his head rest on Puck's shoulder.

"I am going to get slushied so many times today; I may as well just not wash off between them." He complained. Puck laughed and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Don't worry man, we got ya." He assured. They sat in silence for a few moments, Puck's arm still firmly around Kurt.

"Noah… is what Santana and the others were saying the other day true?"

"What? What'd they say?" Puck asked, his body tensing.

"That you're gay." Kurt whispered. Puck's head fell back and he sighed. He twisted his wrist over to show Kurt the little s mark that was there.

"My ma never actually got me tested. She thought that no kid of hers would be gay so there was no reason to. I always thought this was just a birthmark. Wasn't until I saw Blaine's that I ever thought about it. Girls have it somewhere else or something so I never saw Santana's or Britt's, and you and Sam always seem to cover yours up." Puck trailed off. Kurt turned his wrist over to reveal the dark s against his skin. "I left before they could tell me… what do the letters mean?" Puck asked curiously.

"The s means submissive. A D means you're a Dominant." Kurt explained, trailing his fingers over Puck's mark.

The door opened suddenly and the two straightened up, Kurt crossing his arms over his chest instantly. Sam paused at the door and quirked a blond eyebrow.

"Something I should tell Blaine?" he asked lewdly. Kurt blushed and Puck laughed.

"Just talking." Kurt denied. Puck leaned back and stared at Sam for a moment. The blonde crossed his arms defensively.

"Why are you staring at me?" he demanded.

"Okay, okay, down boys." Kurt commented. "Sammy, calm down. Noah, stop eye raping Sam."

"Umm, isn't he straight?" Sam asked in confusion.

"Not anymore." Puck announced simply. Kurt grinned at him. Sam just looked confused.

"He wasn't tested until a few days ago." Kurt explained. Sam's face lit up with understanding and he skipped over to sit with them instantly. He grabbed Puck's wrist and turned it over.

"I've got to tell Bas, he is gonna flip." he said, laughing. He paused for a moment and looked closer at the mark. "Wait a second… Kurt, check this out."

Kurt leaned over and chewed his lip in confusion. When you held Sam and Puck's marks side by side, they looked identical. No two subs were supposed to have the same mark. They were like snowflakes in a way.

"Crazy." Kurt mumbled. "Wonder what it means."


Kurt sighed and rested his head on Blaine's knee. Fingers wound through his hair softly and he made a noise of content, nuzzling his cheek into Blaine's calf.

A loud knock interrupted their sweet moment, making Kurt jump.

"If it's a guy's night again I'm hiding in my room." He informed his Master. Blaine chuckled and stood up.

"No, it's actually someone else." He said cryptically.

Kurt leaned back and settled into the cushions of the couch again. Blaine and someone else's laughter shook him out of his little bubble, and he sat up again, opening his eyes.

"Oh my god." He mumbled. "You're Cooper Anderson!" he shouted in excitement. He froze for a moment before taking a glance down. "Aaaaand I'm naked." He hissed to himself. He grabbed a pillow off the couch and hid his lap, ducking his head in embarrassment.

"Nuh-uh!" Blaine snatched the pillow away and dropped it back on the couch. Kurt growled and hid his head between his knees. Blaine chuckled to himself as the boy kept up a constant stream of 'I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.' "Hey, he was coming over today anyway, not my fault you got in trouble." He sat behind Kurt again, and the younger moved away from him.

"Bro, what the hell did he do?" Cooper asked curiously, flopping down on the couch beside Blaine.

"I went. To the mall." Kurt hissed.

"Without permission" Blaine added.

"Still a hard ass, hey bud?" Cooper asked, hooking an arm around Blaine's neck and giving him a noogie.

"Oh shut up." Blaine grumbled.


A few hours later, Kurt stretched and yawned, leaning back into Blaine's legs.

"Your evil plot to make me uncomfortable has failed. I'm too tired to care that your hot brother is here." He mumbled.

"It wasn't an evil plot, and calling my brother hot is just… weird."

"Meh." Kurt shrugged. "Oh my god, I just remembered!" he yelped suddenly. "You remember Noah right? Single Ladies?" Blaine nodded. "His parents never tested him, and he got curious after seeing your mark and went to the doctor and found out he's a sub. But the freaky thing is, his and Sam's marks are identical."

"Huh." Blaine mumbled. "Can I ask you a kinda random question?"

"Sure." Kurt said hesitantly. Blaine smirked and rolled his eyes.

"What's your favorite pet name?"

"Well, that is random… and completely off topic… umm… probably pet or dear I suppose." Kurt shrugged. Blaine smiled brightly.


"Come sit up here Kurt, I want to show you something." Blaine ordered softly the next day. Kurt clambered up from the floor and sat next to him immediately. Blaine had a few papers in his hands, and a soft, gentle smile on his face. "As you know, it's been thirty one days since I claimed you. Do you know what that means?"

"You're going to tie me to your bed?" Kurt guessed slowly. Blaine chuckled.

"No. By the one month mark, we have to have a contract at least drafted. That's why my brother was here yesterday. He was helping me write it up."

"But I thought he was an actor." Kurt said, bemused.

"Sweetie, he's in one insurance commercial." Blaine chuckled again. "He went to law school, he just never really did anything with it. Anyway, I want you to look at this and tell me what you think. Total honesty, understood?"

"Yes Master." Kurt murmured as he took the pages carefully.

*The Contract of Collaring and Pairing for Blaine W. Anderson and Kurt E. Hummel

Party Roles

Dominant: Blaine Anderson. (henceforth known as Master) Upon signing this contract, he agrees to take on the role of Dominant of the submissive. This includes, but is not limited to, caring for the physical, psychological and emotional well being of the submissive. Further, upon signing, Master agrees to always respect his submissive, their mutual limits and the safewords.

Submissive: Kurt Hummel. (henceforth known as pet) Upon signing this contract, he agrees to take on the role of submissive to the Dominant. This includes, but is not limited to, caring for the physical, psychological and emotional well being of Master, according to Master's wishes. Further, pet must always remember to respect Master by observing their mutual limits and the safewords.

Safeword(s) Guidelines

Safewords: Green – continue. Yellow – pause or slow down. Red – stop.

Either party may use the safeword at any point if they feel uncomfortable or need a break. Upon using the word, the user must state their reasons and needs to the second party. The two may discuss the situation and decide to suspend play for some time or start back up, on a case by case basis.




*water sports






*sensory deprivation

Punishment Guidelines

Punishments will be earned for misconduct in a scene or during play, or pet denying a direct order from Master. Misconduct can be defined as failing to fulfill a command, not listening to a command or forgetting the roles during role-play. Before giving a punishment, Master must explicitly explain the reason for and nature of the punishment to pet. Punishments are to be decided upon on a case by case basis, by Master, but will never include any of the hard limits listed.

The safeword may be used during punishments as well, and will not earn further punishment. Once punishment is over, either due to the scene ending or the safeword being used, the transgression is forgiven and forgotten.

Alteration and Termination Policy

Alteration of the contract is available at any time. Both parties must be in agreement for any changes to be made, and a minimum twenty-four hours must be waited between the discussion and the official change. Alterations call for a resigning of the contract by both parties.

Termination of the contract is also available at any time. Again, both parties must discuss the reason for termination and wait the minimum twenty-four hours before it becomes official. However, both parties do not need to be in agreement to end the contract. One party's dissatisfaction devoid of resolution is reason for termination.

Dominant Signature: Master: _

Submissive Signature: Pet: _

"Kurt? Sweetie, are you alright?" Blaine asked, concerned. The boy had been silent for at least ten minutes, tears streaking down his face.

"I'm fine Master." He assured. "Better than fine." He took the pen from Blaine's hand and signed his name perfectly on the line. Blaine grinned down at him happily and hugged him to his chest. Kurt hugged him back for a moment before nudging the papers toward him. Blaine laughed and signed his name as well, Kurt grinned, happiness radiating from him.


"Master?" Kurt asked, shifting in Blaine's arms.


"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Kurt asked hesitantly. Blaine smiled.

"Of course you can sweetie."


"Blaine…" his eyes opened. Kurt sighed in his arms and turned over, still sound asleep. "Love you…" he murmured. Blaine smiled softly and pressed his lips to Kurt's forehead.

"Love you too Kurt." He murmured back.


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